Chapter 166 New Harvest
Lu Jingxing smiled, went to wash his hands again, and then came over and carried Lu Chen and Lu Xi into the room.

The two little guys were blown by the air conditioner, and their faces were flushed.

After taking off his clothes and stuffing them under the quilt, Lu Chen still talked in his sleep: "...Heihu, come on!"

Heihu thought Lu Chen was calling it, so he rushed in.

"I'm not calling you." Lu Jingxing took it out amusedly and let it go to sleep, "Go to bed early, I think I'll get up early tomorrow."

Ji Ling was also very sleepy, packed up her things and prepared to go back to her room: "Good night, Jing Xing."

"Well, good night." Lu Jingxing waved his hands, yawned and went back to his room.

When I lay down, I suddenly came back to my senses: Huh?Did she call him Jing Xing again just now?
"This little girl." Lu Jingxing couldn't help laughing and closed his eyes.

Early the next morning, he was awakened by Lu Chen Lu Xi's screams.

I got my phone and looked, my good guy, it's only 06:30.

"What are you doing here?" Lu Jingxing hurriedly put on his clothes and went out to stop them, telling them to shut up, "Everyone is on winter vacation, why are you arguing?"

If they don't sleep, others still do.

Lu Chen and Lu Xi quickly covered their mouths, but they couldn't help jumping happily.

"Brother! Look! There's a lot of snow!"

"Build a snowman! Have a snowball fight! I want to go down and play now~"

The two little guys are not dressed properly, they are not buttoned up, and they are just jumping here.

Lu Jingxing hurriedly straightened their clothes and turned on the air conditioner: "No."


"Because it's only 06:30 now." Lu Jingxing refused without hesitation, and said decisively, "I still have to sleep for half an hour. After half an hour, you guys will call me again. I can consider taking you to play in the snow today. But if you're still arguing, you won't be able to play in the snow today."

The two quickly promised that they would never quarrel again.

He went to bed too late last night, Lu Jingxing was indeed still sleepy, so he didn't tell them any more, he turned his head and went back to sleep.

When he was woken up by the alarm clock, he realized that it was already 07:30.


He was a little strange, and went out after washing.

Sure enough, Ji Ling was leading them to play in the snow on the balcony.

"Is your hand cold? If it's cold, go in and cover it, you know?"

Hearing the movement, Ji Ling turned around.

Seeing that it was Lu Jingxing, she smiled and said, "We all ate dumplings this morning, yours are in the pot, go and eat them!"

"Okay, don't play for too long, it's cold."

"Yeah!" Ji Ling smiled, and said that it's actually not too cold: "It's only cold when the snow melts. Today it's neither windy nor rainy. It feels warmer than yesterday."

When the general saw Lu Jingxing, he immediately stood up.

"Sleep with you, don't worry about me." Lu Jingxing waved his hand, went to the kitchen and brought dumplings out to eat.

After eating, I checked the general by the way. The wounds that had been bandaged were no longer oozing blood, and some places where the sticks were wounded seemed to be less painful to the general.

But I still can't touch my legs, and when I touch them, I hum.

It's really fate, Lu Jingxing sighed: "I'll go to the shop later, I'll bandage you well, your leg will be cured, don't worry."

The general obediently rubbed his head against his palm, looking at him with wet eyes, with a look of complete trust.

Really, so cute...

Such a loyal dog, how could anyone have the heart to hurt it.

Lu Jingxing looked at the general, not wanting to waste time, and called Ji Ling and the others to come in and get ready to go: "I have to go to the store earlier today, Yang Pei, please call and ask if he will come to the store today."

"He has already called. He said he wanted to take a lazy day off today, but when he heard that there was a general, he was very curious and said that he would go earlier." Ji Ling took a towel and wiped Lu Chen and Lu Xi's hands. He also wiped it: "He said that he would go and prepare all the tools and materials first, and he could go directly to the machine as soon as the general went."

In this weather, the machine needs to be preheated when it is turned on.

"Not necessarily. There is heating in the store, so the situation will be much better." Lu Jingxing had already turned off the air conditioner while speaking, and was dressed neatly.

All of a sudden, there were two dogs accompanying them, and Lu Chen and Lu Xi were very excited.

The situation on the road was better than Lu Jingxing expected. Someone had come out early to shovel the snow, there were still cars on the road, and the snow layer on the sidewalk was not too thick, so people could walk normally.

"Just be careful, step on the ground, you know, don't slip."

Both Lu Chen and Lu Xi held onto their hands tightly, for fear of falling.

Because there was no extra dog leash at home, the general brought the black tiger's leash. After all, the general was new here, and Lu Jingxing felt that he could not fully control it.

And the black tiger was more obedient, let it follow closely, and it really kept walking close to them.

Whenever someone came across, it immediately walked to the side to make room.

Although the general didn't understand, he obediently followed suit.

Seeing them leading two such big dogs, some people were quite scared.

But as soon as the dog got out of the way, they thought it was fun again.

"You, two dogs?"

"It's amazing."

"You're so smart, not bad."

Lu Jingxing just smiled, indeed, these two dogs are pretty good.

The general was still limping on his hind legs, but he walked fairly steadily on three legs.

Walking carefully all the way, I didn't arrive at the store until after eight o'clock.

Yang Pei had already arrived at the store, and when she saw them coming, she greeted them excitedly: "I'm done cleaning! Oh, this is the general, right?"

Needless to say, this general feels like a tiger has fallen into peace.

Miserable, without the aura of a general at all.

The other dogs in the shop were all very excited to see the new dog.

"Wow wow wow!"


Seeing so many dogs in the cage, the general was quite timid.

The tail was clamped tightly, and he didn't dare to move. If it wasn't for Lu Jingxing holding it, he might not even dare to enter the door.

"What are you afraid of?" Lu Jingxing touched it to calm him down, "They won't be able to get out, so calm down."

Heihu rushed forward and roared back loudly: "Wow, woof, woof!" Don't bark!

The dogs who were accustomed to being scolded by it did not dare to make a sound, and obediently got down.

Then Heihu turned around and ran back, circling them twice as if asking for credit.

"It's beautifully done." Lu Jingxing patted it, and pulled the general in for a comprehensive inspection.

Sure enough, there were many contusions on his body, large and small wounds almost all over his body.

The most serious thing was the hind leg, which was directly broken.

"Look here, I didn't see it last night..."

Fortunately, it is winter and the temperature is low.

Otherwise, just the festering of the wound would be enough for the general to suffer.

Yang Pei nodded, frowned and said, "It's also because of the temperature that it didn't lose too much blood."

"Yes, when it was brought home, the air conditioner was turned on, and when the temperature rose, its wound oozes blood again." Lu Jingxing felt a little pity when he thought about it, "It's lucky that it was able to carry it."

It's pretty darn good.

They are giving medicine and bandaging again.

After working for a long time, the general lost his temper after being tormented by them.

Just finished, the police came to the door.

Lu Jingxing was stunned for a moment before going up to him.

In such weather outside, they all came over: "Is that child... something happened?"

The two policemen who came looked at each other and shook their heads: "No, we want to see that black dog."

"Oh, General?" Lu Jingxing talked about its wounds, and took them over to look at it again: "...the wounds are quite serious, and they have just been bandaged."

These wounds are all recorded.

Lu Jingxing carefully recorded where there were injuries, deep and shallow ones, knife wounds or club wounds.

"Well, the record is quite good." The policeman couldn't help but nodded when he saw such a detailed content.

Lu Jingxing smiled and said nothing.

After the police finished reading it, they said they would take the general back.

"Of course." Lu Jingxing was very happy to cooperate with the investigation.

However, he still couldn't help asking: "The general is very loyal. If you find its former owner, can you contact me, that is... I feel that the former owner treated it badly. I want to negotiate with him. Buy the general..."

This, the two policemen glanced at each other, and vaguely explained it away.

When they were leaving, the policeman at the back said something more: "This dog may not be loyal. Have you ever thought that it may have stolen someone else's child?"

stole the child?

Lu Jingxing looked at the general, and said directly, "Did you steal that child yesterday?"

"Wow! Woo, woof!" Nope!I don't!
The general who followed obediently before suddenly resisted and struggled back desperately.

"What's going on, this dog is really dishonest!"

Lu Jingxing hurried forward to comfort the general, patted his head, and looked at them sincerely: "The general will not steal the child, he is really a loyal dog, he has been guarding the child last night, if it is not there, then The child is already dead..."

The general stayed close to Lu Jingxing, and he refused to leave with the police.

Originally, I didn't want to tell him too much, but in this situation, I had to ask Lu Jingxing to go with him.

After getting into the police car, the policeman said: "We checked the surveillance cameras, and the child was brought here by the general. We checked several surveillance cameras, but there was no other person."

Mainly, the clues were broken after the investigation.

The first place where the general appeared was near a hospital, and there were several intersections. The dog was too small in the camera, so there was nothing to check.

It's not good to waste too much police force, they just want to take the general for a walk to see if there is anything new.

After all, the old horse knows the way, and the dog knows the way too.

Lu Jingxing nodded, patted the general's head, and secretly said, "Just look at where the generals come from, right? It should be fine. General, do you know the way?"

"Woof woof!" I know it!I'll take you!
Both police officers were amazed, and the general really responded!
It's honest, but not stupid.

In fact, on the contrary, it's smart.

It knows that if it robs its owner of food, it will be beaten, and if it bites someone, it will be beaten to death.

Correspondingly, if these human beings believe that it has robbed the child, they will definitely beat it to death.

This black pot, it can't bear it!
It can't bear this grievance!
(End of this chapter)

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