Chapter 134 The most important question

Lu Jingxing watched, feeling speechless.

"It's so sad to see." He sighed, shook his head and left.

The rest of Lu Chen and Lu Xi looked at each other happily.

"Woof, woof!" Heihu was pleased, and rubbed against them.

Needless to say, in this scene, if Lu Jingxing didn't have to worry about their homework writing such a virtue, he would feel that this scene was very warm from the bottom of his heart.

It's a pity he has to take care of it.

When he turned his head to check again, he naturally found some problems.

It's already ten o'clock now, Lu Jingxing took a deep breath and waved his hands: "Forget it, that's all for today, you guys go to sleep quickly."

It's okay, let's talk about it later.

Lu Chen Lu Xi was trembling, and knew that he had offended him, so she didn't dare to refute, and went in honestly.

Early the next morning, Lu Jingxing added the tutor's WeChat account.

After some difficult communication, Lu Jingxing clarified his needs.

[Tutoring homework is best in the form of a small desk, so that they can master the knowledge and then do their homework well. 】

[The time can be later, it is best to include dinner. 】

The teacher was very happy and said that they could enroll in their evening nursery classes and just pick them up at seven o'clock.

You can play directly when you go home, and the homework is all done.

The teacher here also said: [Every week we will supplement for the weak, and there are also handwriting classes here...]

Lu Jingxing resolutely: [OK, report, report one]

Especially the handwriting class, which is what Lu Chen and Lu Xi need most!

As soon as school was over that day, the teacher went to take Lu Chen and Lu Xi to the trusteeship.

It was useless for them to cry.

In this way, Lu Jingxing will save trouble.

He no longer has to rush to find time to go to school to pick them up and send them back. He can also just finish his work and get off work to pick them up with a black tiger clip tone.

You don't need to stare at calligraphy practice, it just adds to their homework: because the calligraphy practice class also has homework...

Fortunately, after returning, I only need to write homework for this calligraphy class.

Lu Chen and Lu Xi were angry and unwilling: "Obviously we have finished our homework in trusteeship!"

"Regret it." Lu Jingxing glanced at them, flipping through the slightly neater homework, he was quite happy: "It's late, those who paid the money, at least finish this semester first."

"Ah!" The two little guys were desperate.

Of course, Lu Jingxing didn't have time to take care of them during the day.

All day long, he was changing the medicines and medicines for the dogs.

"These two score switches." After Yang Pei inspected the injury, he also had a headache: "The two of them are together and will lick each other's wounds."

In this way, there is a risk of infection.

Lu Jingxing hummed, and frowned and looked at the backyard: "But there's no room for cages here."

The key point is that these dogs are all large dogs.

The cages where they are kept should not be too small, but there are so many of them now, if they are placed again, their space for movement will be squeezed, which is not in line with Lu Jingxing's original intention.

"How about building a cage?" Yang Pei pondered.

"That won't work." Lu Jingxing shook his head resolutely, "They all like to jump, if they get out of place and fall down, it will cause even more trouble."

Whether it's the dog falling down, or the dog in the cage, it's a big problem.

Especially for these dogs, there are owners who come to pick them up at any time...

For example, the next day, an owner contacted by the police came to pick up his German Shepherd.

When he came, he brought some fruit and a lot of dog food.

As soon as I came in, I just said thank you, thank you so much...

"I've heard from the police that the situation was really dire..."

When he received the call, he couldn't believe his ears.

These days, he has been looking for his dog everywhere.

But a dog as big as the German Shepherd, even if they saw it, they would not dare to approach it.

Therefore, at most, I have an impression, but I don't know its specific whereabouts.

"I have spent a lot of energy, and if I can't find it again, I am really going to despair..."

Seeing him, the German Shepherd in the backyard went crazy, threw himself on the glass, and wagged his tail vigorously: "Wow, woof!"

The scene of the reunion was filmed.

Lu Jingxing edited the video, and after it was released, many people were moved.

—Dog dealers really deserve to die.


——Demu is so handsome, and his legs are bandaged, so caring...

With the help of this video, Lu Jingxing also released photos of other dogs.

Once they come, find an owner for them, and it is best to take them back quickly, otherwise it will take up too much space to keep them here.

Secondly, at that time, it was also doing publicity for their store by the way.

After all, the New Year is coming soon, and Yang Pei will be going home to celebrate the New Year, and the store will be even busier.

He didn't buy cats or dogs in the store, because he was afraid that there were too many to take care of.

As a result, there were so many dogs coming in at once, Lu Jingxing felt very proud.

Speaking of this, Lu Jingxing looked at Ji Ling, "How are you going to spend the New Year this year?"

New Year's Eve?

Ji Ling lowered her eyes and pondered for a moment, then said with some hesitation, "I didn't think about it."

"How did you live last year, the year before last?" Lu Jingxing frowned.

The year before last...

Ji Ling thought for a while, then slowly said: "I called my parents the year before last, but they were not available, so I cooked a few dishes myself..."

She communicated with Zhao Xiaodie and the others. The other one was going home for the New Year, but Zhao Xiaodie would not go back. After she asked her if she was sure she would come back for dinner, she cooked a few more dishes, and it was quite lively.

Of course, when Zhao Xiaodie came back later, she ate the food, but she refused to have an AA with her.

It's New Year's Eve, if she can't win the quarrel, that's fine.

Last year, Zhao Xiaodie and the others had boyfriends, and said they didn't want to go home for the New Year.

But this time Ji Ling is not stupid, he refuses to cook.

The two sides were stubborn, so they deliberately occupied the kitchen to prevent Ji Ling from cooking.

She just made a bowl of instant noodles, and it was a new year.

The point is, she lives on the balcony.

A table full of good food, they didn't ask her to take a bite.

Later, I probably realized that I was embarrassed, and I asked her to taste it together after eating for more than ten minutes.

Ji Ling lowered her head, her expression was calm: "I didn't go."

She is poor, but her back is straight.

Lu Jingxing only needed to think about it for a while to realize how badly she had lived in the past year.

But she is still cheerful, even if she has become like this, she didn't say to turn against Zhao Xiaodie and the others directly.

Have no idea.

"This year's Chinese New Year, I'm going to cook a few dishes myself." Ji Ling calmed down, holding her face and thinking about it: "I saved some money this year, last year I thought their stewed beer duck was delicious, this year I also want to Stew one... and fish..."

They said at the time that there is more than enough every year, but she eats instant noodles and feels that this age is too much.

Lu Jingxing felt very sad when he heard it, and took a deep breath: "This year's Chinese New Year, you can spend it with us."

"...Ah?" Ji Ling was stunned, and looked up from his fantasy in a daze.

"I'm serious." Lu Jingxing looked at her seriously, and said slowly, "This year coincides with the addition of a baby, we will go to Aunt Lan's house to celebrate the New Year together, and then you will be there too, the more people we have, the more lively it will be."

At that moment, Ji Ling couldn't tell what was in his heart.

She only felt the heat surge in her chest, making her whole body warm, as if she was in hot soup.

It seems that in an instant, I heard the sound of flowers blooming, and the cold winter turned into warm spring in an instant.

Her eyes gradually became hazy, and she clearly heard her own voice: "Okay, Jing Xing."

Seeing that she agreed, Lu Jingxing smiled happily, and patted her on the shoulder: "Okay, let's go together then."

In the backyard, Yang Pei was calling Lu Jingxing over, saying that there was a dog in a different situation.

Lu Jingxing agreed, and after talking to Ji Ling, he turned around and hurried away.

When he got to the backyard, he remembered: Huh?What did Ji Ling call him just now?Isn't it Brother Lu?

Forget it, I guess a slip of the tongue.

Ji Ling went to stand still on the spot, following him with burning eyes.

Such a good person, if he can't belong to her in the end...

Just thinking about the consequences made her feel her heart twist into a ball.

Very uncomfortable.

Therefore, Ji Ling studied more seriously.

She is going to be the first in the exam!Let everyone know that her falling in love will not affect her studies!

But she was so cowardly, she didn't dare to speak.

Is there any good way to make Lu Jingxing open his mouth...

So, Ji Ling went to the library a few times and borrowed some books.

"Women Chasing Men's Interlayer Gauze", "36 Strategies of Love", "Anecdotes About My Boyfriend and Me"...

Neither met her needs.

"It's so difficult." Ji Ling lay on the table, looked at the math problems of the college entrance examination, and then looked at "Love Minutes": "It would be great if falling in love is as easy as the math problems."

Lu Jingxing saw that she was studying very hard these few days, so he didn't want to disturb her.

Not only did Lu Chen and Lu Xi become more serious and do their homework more quietly, but also asked them to hand over their homework to him for inspection every day, so that Ji Ling's time would not be wasted.

This trick was a surprise success.

Lu Chen Lu Xi suddenly wailed: "No..."

The protest was ineffective, Lu Jingxing said mercilessly: "This is not acceptable, rewrite it. That is not acceptable, change it."

Not to mention, the effect is quite good, at least their handwriting is getting better and better.

During this period, the owners of the dogs came to the door one after another.

Most of them were found by the police, and some were found by themselves after seeing Lu Jingxing's video.

Of course, it also attracted more people who lost their pets.

They would send photos and ask if Lu Jingxing had seen them before.

Some even sent videos, asking if Lu Jingxing had his dog/cat in the store.

This information is available on a daily basis.

As the number of times increased, Lu Jingxing thought to himself: If it doesn't work, let's create a group!

Just think of it as a group for everyone to communicate with.

Unexpectedly, they actually made them pair up and found a few dogs.

Of course, this is all for later, and now the most important issue is before us.

Lu Jingxing looked at Hei Hu, hesitant: Do you want to teach Hei Hu that skill?

What I was worried about before doesn't exist anymore.

And Heihu did not live up to his expectations, now he is getting more and more solid, smart and experienced, and can help him manage these dogs.

Sometimes, when he yelled a few words, it was not as quick as Heihu howled.

The execution ability of the dogs is more obeyed by the black tiger.

"After all, you have experience, but it's different."

(End of this chapter)

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