Chapter 130 Black Tiger, Black Tiger, Vigorous!

There are also photos outside the elevator. Looking at the corridor, there should be two elevators and four households.

Sure enough, Lu Mingcheng nodded, a little embarrassed: "It is indeed two floors and four households... The whole building has 30 floors, and we live on the 24th floor..."

Hearing this, Lu Jingxing and the others frowned.

"I know, logically speaking, a dog like Heihu should be kept in a bigger place..." Lu Mingcheng sighed.

At the time of the application, it was also because of the idea of ​​taking care of his brother's family that they were allowed to raise Heihu.

At that time, his parents planned to take Heihu to live in their hometown in the future. They had a large courtyard and met the conditions.

"But later on, my father was not in good health, and my mother was hospitalized again..."

No choice but to live in the city.

It was indeed because there were too many things at home, and the caretaker was negligent, that's why Heihu ran out...

Lu Jingxing frowned and murmured, "I'm sorry, your parents..."

"My parents have recovered, but my mother needs to be checked every month..." Lu Mingcheng sighed, and touched Heihu's head: "It is true that Heihu has been wronged, but I... oh, I don't care And lack of strength..."

He also wanted to create better conditions for Heihu, but the situation in his family was like this...

The compound in my hometown is suitable for raising dogs, but I can't let two old people live in the country, not to mention that his mother has to check every month, and it's unrealistic to go back and forth.

In the city, Hei Hu was really wronged.

"I still have children at home..." Lu Mingcheng frowned, quite helplessly: "Before, we raised the black tiger on the balcony, and it was really rough. Our idea is that when we find the black tiger, we will put the Clear out the children's room..."

That is, the child has to sleep with them.

The more Lu Jingxing listened, the more he frowned: "With all due respect...Actually, Mr. Lu, in your situation, it is not suitable to raise a large dog...not just talking about black tigers, other dogs are also not suitable..."

Large dogs inherently require a huge amount of exercise.

What's more, a dog like Heihu was formerly a military dog.

As for the top executives, the biggest exercise is probably that they take it for a walk around after get off work.

With Heihu's size, he might have to sit alone in the elevator, otherwise he might scare others.

There is still a child in their family. In order to raise Heihu, vacating the child's room is actually not conducive to the relationship between the child and Heihu.

Once a competitive relationship is formed, it is easy to deteriorate.

"Yes, it is indeed like this..." Lu Mingcheng nodded: "The neighbor's child saw it and was quite scared..."

In fact, his son was also afraid at first, but he got better after he found out that Heihu was really docile.

But when I heard that the room was going to be vacated, the child actually had a quarrel for a few days, and only accepted it in tears under the persuasion of his family.

If it wasn't for his brother, it would be difficult for his family to accept Heihu...

"That's right, I'm just thinking about it, Heihu's not easy." Lu Mingcheng looked at Heihu, his eyes were red: "It's the same as my brother's brother, it's also my brother, retired After that, it should be taken care of by us..."

Difficulties can be overcome, take your time.

Lu Jingxing nodded, and pondered for a moment with downcast eyes: "Actually, Mr. Lu, I have an idea, I don't know if I should say it..."

According to Lu Mingcheng and his conditions, Heihu is really not suitable.

"I can understand your feelings, but..."

Living in their house, whether it is a human or a black tiger, will feel very wronged.

Thinking of Heihu being locked in the room, unable to run away, a dog is alone, usually they go to work, and it is at home by itself, and when they are off work, it has to be careful not to scare people when it goes out for a walk...

"I just thought, maybe, we can keep the black tiger in our shop." Lu Jingxing took Lu Mingcheng to look around. Their backyard is very big: "Look, here are all the black tigers that can move around, and it can also move around with us." Little Zhuanfeng plays, usually, we will take it out for a run, and we will bring it home every day..."

Lu Mingcheng felt really powerful just by turning around: "This place is so big and spacious."

Such a big ping, actually blocked it all, for cats and dogs to play with?
I even made a dog toy, really...

"This piece of grass is for the black tigers to go to the toilet...the pool here is for them to bathe."

After Lu Mingcheng saw it, he couldn't help sighing: "No wonder you raised the black tiger so fat and strong..."

This condition, his family can't meet it at all, and even flattering can't keep up.

And, most importantly, Lu Jingxing and the others really liked Hei Hu, and Hei Hu also had feelings for them.

For example, now, while they were walking, Hei Hu followed Lu Jingxing's feet all the time.

He walks it, he stops it and stands, if he stands longer, it will squat down.

"Yes, that's how it is..." Lu Mingcheng looked down, his eyes were red: "That's how Heihu followed my brother at that time..."

He bent down and looked at Heihu: "Heihu, are you willing to go back with me?"

Black Tiger looked at him calmly.

It doesn't understand, but Lu Mingcheng feels that it understands everything: "If it does, it will miss my brother in the future..."

"We can make an appointment. When you go back to worship him, we will send Heihu there." Lu Jingxing patted Lu Mingcheng's shoulder to express his comfort.

"Oh, no, no, can I come and pick you up then?"

It's too embarrassing for them to send it so far away.

As long as they were willing to let Heihu go back to see his brother, Lu Mingcheng felt that it might be better for Heihu to stay here than go back with him.

"It's all right. Usually, if you miss Black Tiger, you can watch it at any time. We can also share videos. I still have an account, and I usually post some videos..."

The more he talked, the more Lu Mingcheng thought it was okay.

But after thinking about it seriously, he decided to ask Lu Jingxing to go through the formalities with him: "The identity of the black tiger is different... We must have formal handover procedures before you can continue raising it..."

Otherwise, once discovered, the black tiger may be taken back.

At that time, it is useless for anyone to think about it.

"Of course." Lu Jingxing couldn't wish more.

Hei Hu couldn't understand what they were saying, but he squatted obediently next to Lu Jingxing.

But Lu Chen and Lu Xi understood, and their eyes lit up with excitement.

Heihu doesn't have to go?It can stay with them forever! ?

Wow, that's great!
For this matter, Lu Mingcheng even told his parents about the situation.

In fact, the two old people miss Heihu very much, but for its own good, they both agree to keep it in Chongaiyoujia.

It needs a wider world, and high-level buildings are not suitable for it.

After confirming that a consensus had been reached, Lu Jingxing spared two days to go back with Lu Mingcheng.

It took a little effort to do these procedures.

Fortunately, because Lu Mingcheng's elder brother is here, no one makes things difficult for them.

I just confirmed with Lu Mingcheng again and again that the relationship between them is not a transaction, but adoption and care.

"Confirm, really." Lu Mingcheng showed the leaders before and after photos of Heihu, and praised Lu Jingxing and the others for taking good care of Heihu.

They also checked Heihu's condition, and it was true that Heihu was in very good condition.

He was much more lively than before, and when walking beside Lu Jingxing, his expression was very relaxed.

After all the formalities were completed, Lu Jingxing's heart that had been hanging high in the air finally came to fruition.

"That's great, Heihu, come, come back with me!"

For the past two days, Heihu stayed with them in the upper floors.

Visible to the naked eye, it began to become a little restless.

When Lu Mingcheng brought it out, when he saw Lu Jingxing, his tail flew up.

Although it hurt a bit from the slap on the leg, Lu Jingxing enjoyed it very much.

"Then, Brother Lu, I'll take Heihu back first! If you need anything later, please feel free to contact me."

"Okay." Lu Mingcheng and his family watched Heihu get into the car.

Heihu also seemed to understand that this was parting, jumped behind the back seat, and watched them quietly from the window.

It is in their home, which is equivalent to their mourning for Lu Mingcheng's brother.

Before Heihu disappeared, they couldn't accept his brother's departure. They always felt that if the dog was still there, he would come back one day.

As a result, they couldn't get out all the time, and the depression was intertwined. The old man couldn't bear it and fell down.

Now, their life is gradually on the right track.

Although Hei Hu left with Lu Jingxing, they knew that Hei Hu lived well and lived within their reach.

It was as if his brother followed Heihu and lived well elsewhere.

Lu Jingxing came back with Heihu, and Lu Chen and Lu Xi were waiting at the door of the shop far away.

Good guy, like a hero, he waved the little red flower excitedly: "Heihu, Heihu, alive and well!"

"..." Lu Jingxing was completely speechless.

Who taught this?
Ji Ling greeted them with a smile, and as soon as he opened the car door, the black tiger rushed down like crazy, pounced on Lu Chen and Lu Xi, caught them and licked them desperately.

"Haha, haha, don't, don't lick, Heihu..."

Both hugged Heihu, reluctant to let go, and didn't want to be washed, so they threw their heads back desperately.

Heihu was also very excited, and rushed into the store after licking them.

Running back and forth, circling happily in the backyard, kicking the railing specially, Xiao Zhuanfeng was so angry that he jumped up and scolded again.

"I'm really relieved this time." Lu Jingxing took his ID and got out of the car, feeling quite emotional: "In the future, Heihu can be raised in our shop with peace of mind."

There is no need to be frightened, thinking that it will be asked to go back at any time.

He can finally teach it skills with confidence.

Lu Jingxing patted Heihu's big head, thinking secretly.

However, Yang Pei came up and told Lu Jingxing another thing first: "Song Weiyuan came to the store this morning. He left without you. He asked me to tell you to call him when you came back..."

Lu Jingxing was a little surprised, Song Weiyuan, hasn't he already found Zhuifeng, what else can he do?

(End of this chapter)

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