The Road to Rebirth Finance

Chapter 467 Return of the King !

Chapter 467 Return of the King (Happy Chinese Valentine's Day)!
Throughout the whole year, today's big positive line is not only the largest single-day increase in the index year; at the same time, it is also the most relieved!

The two cities have been falling for a whole year. The Shanghai Composite Index fell from the highest level of 3587 points throughout the year to a low of 2449 points, a drop of more than 1100 points.

The stock market crash in 2015 and 2016 admittedly caused heavy losses to many people, but compared to this year’s market, it can only be said to pale into insignificance.

Several stock market crashes did not last very long, and due to the lock-in of chips, large funds did not escape in time, and the rebounds were also very violent.

A short-term violent stock market crash is not scary. The most terrifying thing is actually the trend like this year. From the end of January to the present, the year-round market has been negative for nearly nine months. The long bear market has drained the enthusiasm of countless investors.

It's hard to say, if it weren't for the extreme market in October, it is still unknown when the market will stop falling.

The unknown is the greatest fear.

Today's management's strong voice and the momentum of the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets are the best way to eliminate fear.

At 09:30 in the evening, the Christians who had been watching for an evening finally saw the net value of the fund of Jun Real Price Investment today.

2.5637 (+6.79%).

"Damn it! Are you sure the number is correct? Or am I delusional?"

"This is a public offering fund? Are you sure you updated it correctly? It increased by more than 6 points in one day. Is it so outrageous?"

"It's not impossible. After looking at it, it is possible if the position has not changed. Among the first few major positions, Sino-Singapore Communications, which has risen the least, also has more than 5 points, and the first heavy position, Ningwang, has more than 8 points."

"MD, I only have more than 2 points today, and I can't run a fund, what an idiot."

"Don't be sad, brother, you will definitely beat him when you fall."

"Tell everyone a very scary thing. I bought it on the day when the subscription was released at 125700, that is, before the opening of the market on the 17th. So far, I have a 14.36% profit.

If you buy after the market closes on the 17th, you will have a 15.49% yield, and if you buy it on the last day of September, you will also have a 5.33% yield. "

"Damn, I saw this sentence upstairs and just checked the statistics. It's really like this. Brother T is so terrifying. You can still make money in such a market!"

"Now, is anyone still scolding Brother T? Is anyone still questioning what Brother T said?"

"If this is really the bottom, it's not too late to buy 125700 now. At least it should be no problem if it exceeds the previous high."

"I'm crying. Damn it. I had my flesh cut off last week. I'm crying to death."

"The worst thing is probably that I cut off my meat last week and then used it to add to my stock position, but the stock fell again..."

"It goes without saying, from now on, I am a big fan of Brother T. I will definitely be able to hold this chicken firmly!"

A big yang line changed investors' views on the market. After the big yang line, Gu Junhao's image among investors and funds also changed.

No matter how hard you scolded before, you will be as high as you are today; however, there are also rational investors who believe that a one-day rebound proves nothing, and whether the market will eventually go well still needs to be observed.

But it is undeniable that following the introduction of various measures today, the rebound of the market has been able to prove that this is a "policy bottom" like the rebound after the rescue policy was introduced in 15 and 16 after the stock market crash.

With the policy bottom, the next step is to look at the direction of the market and when the market bottom will be formed.

Of course, it is also possible that the bottom of the policy is the bottom of the market.

On Saturday, October 2018, 10, the highest level held a special meeting on preventing and defusing financial risks for the second time this year.

The theme of the meeting is a supplement to the series of measures announced yesterday, including stabilizing the market, improving the basic market system, encouraging long-term capital to enter the market, promoting the reform of state-owned enterprises and the development of private enterprises, and expanding the opening-up policy.

It also emphasized that it should be implemented quickly and solidly, and relevant departments are required to speed up the pace of work. After the policy is mature, it should be launched immediately, and it must be implemented after it is launched.

The content of the meeting is simple and straightforward, and the draft issued is also understandable to the public, and the urgency can be felt from the tone.

The second financial conference within the year, a series of measures, today in 2018, the management is still very concerned about the ups and downs of the stock market.

A-shares are known as the policy market, and major policies are more effective than any good. All investors know this. Coupled with the sharp rise on Friday, this weekend is simply too happy for investors.

At this time, no one will think about whether the benefits will be exhausted next week, and no one will think about whether there will be a cleaning process before the policy is implemented.

The despair of the whole year has finally been broken in these two days, even if it is an ostrich, I am willing.

Monday, May 10.

The Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets lived up to expectations. The three major indexes all gapped and opened higher. The Shanghai Composite Index rose by 4.09%. The stock index closed at 2654.88 points.

The GEM Index surged 5.2%, and the stock index closed at 1314.94 points. Following the previous trading day's turnover of 500 billion yuan, it rose again to 728 billion yuan today.

Mindray shares continued to close at the daily limit today, Ningwang rose 7.23%, the stock price closed at 79.10 yuan, China-Singapore Communications rose 7.36%, the stock price closed at 17.79 yuan.

Dongfang Fortune jumped above the 60th line of the daily line, and its trading volume increased to 38.1 billion yuan throughout the day. Dongfang Fortune also closed at the daily limit within the day, and its stock price closed at 12.97 yuan.

Tong Huashun, which hit the limit price in the previous trading day, also passed the daily 60-day line with a heavy volume, and the stock price closed at 36.40 yuan.

Based on the low point on November 11, GEM stocks such as King Ning, Dongfang Fortune, and Tong Huashun have rebounded by more than 11%.The rebound of the GEM came so violently, which was beyond the expectations of the market.

However, after another daily limit and rise occurred today, I suddenly looked back and found that these individual stocks that rebounded by more than 30% almost all hit their lowest point in the near future and this year on the day of the sharp drop on October 10.

The rebound, in fact, has already started on these stocks with excellent performance.

After the market closed, Gu Junhao couldn't hide his inner smile as he watched the huge price rises and countless daily limits on the screen, especially Sunshine Shares, which closed at 5.85 yuan today, an increase of 6.95%.

Who would have thought that a few years later, this photovoltaic giant whose stock price is less than 6 yuan even after two days of rebound would rise to a high of 180 yuan in the next few years?


On the same day, Gu Junhao did not hesitate at all, and increased his position and invested in the market. The stock price at that time was around 38 yuan.

Impressive things cannot be erased in memory, just like some people in life.

Going back to this era, until 2018, if we say which stock is Gu Junhao most proud of in this round of bottom-hunting.

That must be none other than Sunshine shares. Compared with the previous life, Gu Junhao was able to make a profit of more than 30 times the profit this time, and it was also a heavy position.

In his previous life, Gu Junhao had almost sold out all his Sunshine shares when the price was around 120 yuan, and the total profit was more than triple.

After the increase, there was a bottom-hunting rebound of about 70 yuan, which made about 4 times the profit; to be honest, the price of Sunshine shares rose to around 180 yuan, which was completely unexpected at the time.

The stock price of Sunshine started to establish a trend from around 10 yuan, started to start around 38 yuan, and rose to 120 yuan, which has more than 10 times.

Gu Junhao has a big heart if he can get around 120 yuan. Perhaps even the funds in the group did not expect that Sunshine shares would eventually rise to around 180 yuan, right?

However, these problems do not exist now. For a stock that has been tracked for several years, Gu Junhao will definitely do everything possible to get the most out of this round of gains.

Following the 6.79% surge on the previous trading day, Jun, whose holdings are in the fields of medicine + technology + new energy, and who prefers GEM, invested at a real price. The net worth announced today once again blinded investors.

It took only two trading days for Junshitou to refresh the fund's historical peak position created in January, and bring the annual rate of return back to positive.


Don't underestimate the 3.79% rate of return. It is this 3.79% rate of return that makes Junshitou the first public offering fund with a positive rate of return in 2018.

The soaring rate of return in the past two trading days has also increased the overall size of Junshi Investment to 240 billion yuan. Gu Junhao once again created his own miracle!

There is nothing wrong with looking at the low point. The Shanghai Composite Index fell to 2400 points, and the ChiNext Index fell to around 1200 points. Most investors have actually been able to conclude that this is the bottom position.

However, it is impossible for many people to choose the right plate at the bottom position, maximize the income as much as possible, and be able to overcome the pressure and buy the bottom with heavy positions.

What's more, it is Junshi Capital's volume of funds.

Then, while Gu Junhao judged the bottom line; these difficulties were also overcome by him one by one!

Calm and bold; just like when the small capital went to technology and Tong Huashun; Gu Junhao is still the same Gu Junhao, just like back then.

The net value of the fund was announced on time at nine o'clock in the evening, and the comment section of the fund that Jun Shijian invested in was completely boiling.

Except for the investors who subscribed before the closing of today’s subscription, regardless of any time point of subscription, regardless of whether the position is covered or not, all investors have realized profits so far.

Jimin, who persisted at the high point in January, burst into tears. Brother T finally lived up to expectations!
If one yang line cannot change beliefs, then after the second big yang line appears, coupled with the implementation of a series of policies, it is not clear that this is the bottom, then it may not be suitable for A shares.

When it comes to stocks, no matter whether you are bullish or short, there are times when you are wrong. This is understandable, and there is nothing wrong with being short before.

But when the situation is reversed, if you still insist on this point of view, it would be a little slow to respond.

It is not terrible to make mistakes, what is terrible is to drift away on the wrong path.

With the big rebound in two trading days, while the stock market has become a hot topic again, Gu Junhao, the first fund manager to sing long in a row on the way down, also frequently appeared in media reports after the end of today's trading.

Since his career, Gu Junhao has always had excellent investment returns. Although the returns of his funds in 2017 are still very good, they are indeed not very impressive in the rising market throughout the year.

Whether it is a private equity fund or a public equity fund, many products with super high returns emerged in 2017.

In 2018, the annual retracement of Junshi Investment even exceeded 20%, almost maintaining the same trend as the Shanghai Composite Index.

Just when investors and many practitioners thought that Gu Junhao was about to disappear from everyone.

Gu Junhao, who appeared in the public eye from the launch of Zhongxin Newsletter to September's continuous singing, only took two trading days to make his public offering fund the first public offering fund with positive returns this year.

In two trading days, the fund manager of Junshi Value Mixed Growth, the actual controller of Junshi Capital, used a super high return of 14.37%.

This young fund manager officially announced his return as the king with super high returns!
 That's one chapter tonight, I wish you all a happy Chinese Valentine's Day!

(End of this chapter)

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