The Road to Rebirth Finance

Chapter 428 One trick, eat it all over the world!

Chapter 428 One trick, eat all over the world!

After get off work, the announcement that Junshi No. [-]'s fundraising ended early also officially appeared on the fund's official website, attracting some investors who didn't catch up with the train to swear.

At the same time, Gu Junhao also asked the staff to officially announce the final fundraising results in the form of a banner on the official website: 253 billion, an average of 36.14 billion yuan per day.

This kind of digital presentation is learned from Moubao and Moudong; in fact, this is also a highlight of advertising marketing.

Compared with the colorful marketing soft articles, this kind of specific data presentation is more real and shocking, and investors are more convinced of the specific figures.

In fact, this kind of marketing model has appeared very early. For example, a well-known milk tea sells [-] million cups a year, and the advertising phrase can circle the world when connected, which has produced very good advertising effects.

The news that Junshi Capital ended the fundraising activity early, unexpectedly, and not too unexpectedly, began to ferment over the weekend.

The broader market has fallen for a week, and the GEM has also broken its position. The funds raised by Qunshi No. [-] have officially been put in place, and they can officially start building positions next week.

The right time, the right location, and the harmony of people; it seems that everything is heading towards Junshi No. [-], but is it really just a coincidence?

Since Gu Junhao first appeared in Taogu Bar in the fall of 2014, magic has always been with him, and now the market once again coincidentally fell during Junshi No. [-] fundraising.

Not many people think this is just a coincidence.

Gu Junhao seems to have the ability to see and understand the trend of the market. The Shanghai Composite Index, which is once again facing the test of the daily 60-day line, seems to be waiting for Gu Junhao to enter the market with his incremental capital of 280 billion yuan.

Since January 1th is a weekend, Junshi Price Investment, a public offering fund, also officially announced its holdings in the fourth quarter of 15 on the same day when Junshi No. 2016 ended its fundraising.

Among the holdings in the fourth quarter, the most eye-catching thing about Junshi Investment is that in the third quarter, all Vanke positions have been cleared, and the overall position of the fund has dropped to the minimum holding standard of public funds.

As a star public offering fund with the largest increase in the whole year of 2016, it is undoubtedly a bad signal for the market to reduce its position to the minimum standard.

The liquidation of Vanke and the scattered allocation of some Hong Kong stocks and bonds also made the market interpret that Yu Gu Junhao is not optimistic about the A-share market this year.

Some media began to hype Junshi Capital’s disapproval of A-shares over the weekend; it’s hard to say that it’s not because of Gu Junhao’s early termination of Junshi No. [-] fundraising on the media’s harassment.

When the relationship is good, it can be reported as: "Gu Junhao has a far-sighted view and reduced his positions in advance to deal with the global stock market downturn."

For this reason, Gu Junhao also had to come forward to refute the rumors, saying that this is just the normal position rotation of the fund. At present, Junshi Price Investment has gradually begun to add back to the position, and has no intention of being short on A shares.

Gu Junhao’s public refutation of rumors has won the approval of Junshi Investment’s investors; nothing else, it is only because Junshi’s investment retreated last week, but it still maintains a very small range.

It's no different from the previous changes; Christians don't care what the media says, they only look at net worth, and net worth is within a controllable range, making money is what Christians care about most.

As for the number of positions held by the fund, they don't care about it at all, and they don't understand and are not interested in learning about it.

Interestingly, with the one-week decline and the end of Junshi No. [-]’s fundraising, most investors believed that Gu Junhao would enter the market to hunt for bottoms, and asked for the release of the daily subscription limit of Junshi Price Investment.

As for Gu Junhao's suspected bearish remarks on A-shares published by some media, in the eyes of some investors and industry insiders, it is just a joke.

Raised 253 billion yuan of funds just to be short of A shares?The possibility of buying bottoms is even greater!
Monday, January 2017, 1; there are still eleven working days before New Year's Eve.

The Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets opened lower in the early trading. After the official start of trading, there were no hot spots on the market, and the trend was chaotic. Only the coal and steel sectors supported the market, but with little effect.

The Shanghai Composite Index opened lower and moved lower, closing at 3066.42 points at noon, down 1.49% within the day, and the ChiNext Index closed at 1866.56 points, down 1.76%.

The recently questioned normalization of IPO was supported by a certain agency last weekend. A certain agency issued an article saying that the normalization of IPO can promote the real economy. As for the long-term trend of stock prices after listing, it ultimately depends on the quality and development potential of listed companies and dividend levels.

An article by a certain agency was interpreted by investors as "I just post it, and you can judge whether it is good or bad."

After last week’s high-level new stocks fell sharply, today’s new stocks were affected by this, and they collectively fell again. In 2016, there were not many popular sectors. With the continuous increase of new stocks, they began to suffer in early 2017.

Generally speaking, the protection of the two sectors of steel and coal not only has no effect, but will accelerate the downward trend of the stock index, as evidenced by the biggest declines in the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets in recent trading days in early trading.

In the afternoon, steel and coal belt support had no effect, and the Chinese prefix, banking and insurance sectors joined the ranks of support.

The Shanghai Composite Index began to stabilize gradually, pulling up nearly 1% against the market and gradually returning to around 3100 points. However, the ChiNext did not perform well.

Deep in crisis,, whose stock price has fallen to 35.80 yuan before the suspension of trading, is a heavyweight on the GEM, and its stock price has risen by 8% and cannot support the index.

The fake boss should be preparing to go abroad now, right?In my impression, I should go abroad this year, but I don't know the exact time.But the joke of "going back to China next week" should appear soon.

Shareholders who are still buying Leshi at this time are no longer worthy of any sympathy. Even if there is no return to China next week, Leshi is hopeless.

The GEM index, which was unilaterally declining, did not show any improvement in the afternoon. After 13:30, the decline of the GEM expanded, and it once fell more than 6% in the intraday session, falling below 1800 points.

On the decline list, a number of high-ranking stocks on the GEM fell sharply. once fell from a rise of more than 8% to a fall of less than 5%, with an amplitude of more than 14%.

Large and large orders began to flee and stop losses indiscriminately. At 14 o'clock, the transaction volume of had exceeded 20 billion.

Affected by the panic caused by the intraday plunge of the GEM, the Shanghai Composite Index, which has gradually stabilized, began to dive rapidly at 14:30.

The Shanghai Composite Index once fell by more than 2%, and the stock index fell to 3044.29 points at the lowest opening, a new low since the adjustment in December.

"Hurry up and buy it, what are you waiting for, the panic market came out." Gu Junhao shouted to the traders in the No. [-] trading room.

Today is the warehouse building day of the first day of Junshi No. [-] after the fundraising. Gu Junhao's Yuezu took command on Wang Ruoyu's behalf today.

Junshi No. [-]'s warehouse is still mainly based on liquor, and it assists some new energy sectors and the lithium battery industry chain.

In addition to increasing the original positions in the liquor sector, several other positions have also been added.

Of course, Hong Kong stocks and bonds are still essential, and Gu Junhao's allocation principles for the 280 billion yuan of incremental funds are still similar to those of the other two major sectors.

The only difference is that Junshi No. [-] does not buy any rice stocks. In addition to the convenience of operation, there are also safety considerations.

The self-owned funds of the self-operated market and the 6 million US dollars of Jiufeng Trust are enough now. The one on the other side of the Pacific Ocean has been acting unusually since the beginning of his position.

However, although the past few years have been crazy, it is still normal. The really crazy time is the years when he left office. Fortunately, he only served one term.

Just when the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets fell rapidly, the heavyweight stocks headed by the banking sector once again exploded collectively, and the three major financial companies started with the Chinese prefix.

The heavyweight stocks exploded collectively again. It seems that the national team once again went out to protect the market. The heavyweight stocks refused to fall, causing the Shanghai Composite Index to rise rapidly.

At 15:3103.43, the Shanghai Composite Index closed at 0.3 points, down 60% within the day. A T-shaped golden needle with nearly [-] points was very dazzling.

The GEM was not so lucky. The GEM index, which fell 3.64%, closed at 1830.85 points, and the GEM index hit a new low since the 2015 stock market crash. closed at 35.40 yuan, the stock price fell 1.12%, and the turnover was 35.71 billion yuan.

On the disk, sub-new stocks, computer applications, and high-speed transfer sectors were among the top losers, and small and medium-sized entrepreneurial stocks once again fell by the limit on a large scale.

It has to be said that it is a kind of irony that the three major financial sectors have all received red under the environment of today's sharp drop.

On the one hand, it is the sharp drop of small and medium-sized enterprises, and on the other hand, it is the strong support of Zhong Xiu Muscle. From Gu Junhao's point of view, the distortion of the index should not be exaggerated from today.

Today, the normalization of IPOs publicly supported by a certain company and the resumption of can be said to be one of the original culprits for the sharp drop of the ChiNext.

But it’s okay,’s resumption of trading is always a thunderstorm. Only after this thunderstorm is eliminated, the ChiNext can get rid of its influence.

After that, the GEM will enter the era of Ning Wang in 2018.

The sharp drop did not have much impact on Junshi stocks. Since the second quarter of 2016, Junshi basically has few small and medium-sized entrepreneurial stocks.

Not to mention, the Junshi department also played a certain role in protecting the market today. After all, Junshi No. [-] has a large amount of incremental funds that entered the market today.

The GEM once again set a new low since the stock market crash, and it became a topic of discussion after the market. An article called the smart collapse of the GEM was widely circulated after the market closed today.

The article pointed out that there are many reasons for the decline of the GEM, but most of them have no investment guiding significance. Between 2013 and 2015, the GEM index went out of a super bull market with an increase of more than 6 times.

Its main hype mode is: buyer (lock-up)-seller (intermediary)-company (play), the buyer represented by public funds, buys a large number of stocks on the GEM in small markets.

To achieve the purpose of partial lock-up, and the listed company will release the benefits in this process, and carry out various transformations, concepts, and business expansion countries.

As a researcher on the sell side, he recommends stocks based on various illusory expectations, which essentially becomes a pure intermediary in the true sense rather than value mining.

Now, with the arrival of the bear market, that wisdom has collapsed, the company has not been able to deliver on expectations, and buyers have had to continue to reduce their positions in response to redemptions.

Gu Junhao saw this article the next morning, and couldn't help laughing: "The analysis is very good, don't analyze it again next time."

It's not that what he said was wrong, and he wanted to contradict it, but what he said was quite right. is one of the representatives. Doesn't Lan Lan also have this black history.

And changing the scene of this model is always beneficial. In the next round of the model, Gu Junhao is also one of the beneficiaries.

This is the case with domestic institutions, the so-called one trick, eat all over the world!

 Two chapters are here, there is no more tonight, I don’t know what’s going on with the typhoon, I hope it rains a bit more, so I don’t have to go to work~~
(End of this chapter)

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