The Road to Rebirth Finance

Chapter 415 Adapt to the rules, adapt to the market.

Chapter 415 Adapt to the rules, adapt to the market.

The two days of the weekend belonged to Vanke and Brother Belt. The news from the media was very unfavorable to the management of Vanke.

The pressure brought by the small composition was transferred from the belt to the management of Vanke this time.

Ever since, the management of Vanke had to urgently refute the rumors in the form of the company's announcement. The rumors that the belt bought Vanke's shares did not come from their side.

But at the moment, the media and people who eat melons obviously don't believe this statement, and the belt also firmly denied that he didn't buy Vanke before.

How did get such a detailed shareholding ratio? It wouldn't be revealed to them by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, right?
On Monday, August 8, Vanke continued to rise by 8%, and its stock price reached as high as 4.39 yuan. It had 22.95 positive lines in 15 trading days, and the daily line level was out of the trend of eight consecutive positives.

The high intraday price of 22.95 yuan also freed all the locked-up stocks since the resumption of trading on July 7. The closing price of 4 yuan was not much lower than the price of 21.87 yuan on July 7.

For two consecutive trading days, Vanke has risen and retreated. In addition to holding too many stocks, we can also see the cleverness of the belt traders.

In the intraday, you only need to achieve the correct emotional guidance, and the rest can be promoted by the market itself, which is far more cost-effective than forcing it up by yourself.

In addition, there is another aspect, that is, the shareholding of Belt has not exceeded 5% so far, and the market is worried that Belt will just shoot and run away.

There is no need to issue a notice for the reduction of less than 5%. In theory, as long as the belt wants to, and there is enough funds to accept orders in the market, he can completely liquidate his holdings, which is no different from retail investors.

As for the position below 5%, it is actually not necessary to issue an announcement, which is one of the reasons why people do not believe in the announcement of Vanke’s management to refute the rumors.

Using the belt's social status, fame, and the influence of his own company as a listed company, he forced him to show his cards in advance.

For two consecutive trading days, Vanke's stock price rose by more than 10%, and the trading volume in the two days also reached 160 billion yuan. In these two days, there was no announcement that the belt would increase its holdings again.

It was too late to wait for the announcement of the placard. On August 8, some investors in Vanke began to choose to sell their shares in Vanke in order to prevent being locked up again.

This is the first time that Wanke has had a disagreement since the belt intervened.

On Wednesday, Vanke opened high and went low, and finally closed at 21.97 yuan. The stock price rose by 0.46%. However, because it was lower than the opening price of 22.11 yuan, the K line closed at a false negative line of a doji.

Vanke's disagreement began here; on Wednesday, Vanke fell 3.5%, and on Thursday, Vanke fell another 2.31%, and the stock price returned to 20.71 yuan.

Compared with the theoretical high of 22.95 yuan, Vanke's share price has retreated by more than 10% in three trading days.

In the past four days, the trend of the Shanghai Composite Index has also been quite good. This Monday, the Shanghai Composite Index officially broke through 3000 points. After adjustments in the next three days, although it has experienced two consecutive declines, as of today’s close, the Shanghai Composite Index is still firmly at 3000 points. Bit, at 3002.64 points.

Since the last time it fell below 4 points on April 20 today, after three and a half months of repeated running-in at the bottom, the index has finally reached this point, which is not easy.

The trend of Wanke's three consecutive negatives and the news vacuum period since the clarification announcement made the market question whether the belt really wanted to raise the brand of Wanke.

On the contrary, in the recent period, the belt has been attacking around some other stocks. Among them, real estate companies are the main ones. Card.

With the continuous raising of placards, the concept of "belt system" has also emerged in the A-share market. Related to the belt system are other insurance funds and the placard concept stocks generated by the raising of placards by some funds.

The concept of raising placards is also the hottest hype hotspot besides sub-new and real estate sectors since the beginning of this month, attracting countless hot money and retail investors.

Langfang Development in the belt department is a well-deserved leader in market popularity. From August 8st to 1th, the growth rate of Langfang Development has reached 9%.

As a matter of course, Langfang Development, which has too many daily limit cards, also likes to suspend trading for self-examination after the market closes on the 9th. Regarding this point, the regulators treat them equally, and did not treat them specially because of their special background.

Recently, with the entry of belts, insurance funds have once again been active at the forefront of placards, and Anbang has also recently raised placards for many companies.

Including Baoneng, they have bought stocks of other companies that are relatively cheap, although they have been disgraced in the competition for Vanke's equity this year, and there was even a risk of liquidation at one point.

However, after the liquidation risk was lifted, Baoneng made new moves under the cover of other insurance funds. The listed company Nanbo A has been purchased by Baoneng for more than 25% of the shares.

A very interesting phenomenon, the hype about the concept of raising placards, as the well-deserved leader Vanke, is not very attractive to retail investors.

Perhaps it was the sharp drop some time ago that caused retail investors to cast a certain shadow on them. Instead, they were more willing to chase some junk stocks created by hot money to force the concept of rubbish.

But in short, a stock with an authentic concept and good performance like Vanke has not received much popularity in the current market.

This is also a common problem with blue-chip stocks at present. Even the liquor sector with the blessing of Gu Junhao's concept, the market trend last month was very good, and his fans didn't have much idea of ​​buying and holding.

Yes, that’s right, just like the belt system, as the net value of Junshi funds continues to rise, a number of Junshi concept stocks have also appeared in the current A-share market.

Some hot money summed up some of the individual stocks that Gu Junhao had bought, especially some sub-new stocks this year, such as the emperor who also appeared in his holdings in the last quarter.

After the sharp drop at the end of last month, it was pulled up again this month, and it is still the Shanghai Gang that is operating this stock.

The Shanghai Gang, which has been harvested twice, has also summed up its experience. Taking advantage of Gu Junhao's reputation, he hired some sailors and began to speculate on this stock in order to make a profit and get out of the market.

The hot money that can survive in the market for a long time can be said to be the most tenacious group of people. No matter how many times they are harvested, they can quickly adapt to the rhythm of the market and find new ways to make profits.

This is the reason why their group of people can endure for a long time. After a period of time, the management's suspension routine has been well adapted to them.

Part of the top hot money has been able to take advantage of this regulatory rule and start harvesting leeks within the scope of the rule.

In human nature, they are good at using rules, which is brought to the extreme by them.

From 2013 to the first half of 2015, the big bull market of small and medium-sized entrepreneurial growth stocks has created a new generation of retail investors' enthusiasm for these concept stocks.

Even though the stock market crash has passed for more than a year, the bear market has actually formed, and this concept of retail investors has not changed.

Although stock investment pays attention to systematic operation ideas, if the change in concept does not follow the changes in the market, losses are inevitable.

At 8 o'clock in the morning on August 12, Vanke, which had not made an announcement for several days, suddenly released an announcement 9 minutes before the start of the call auction.

As a reminder on changes in shareholder equity, seven investment companies located in Guangfu increased their holdings of 7 million A shares of the company through the centralized bidding trading system of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange from July 25 to August 8, accounting for 8% of the total shares.

The five investment companies are persons acting in concert. After the equity change is completed, and these five companies are persons acting in concert, this change also means raising a placard!

As the opening of the market was approaching, retail investors were busy looking for stock targets suitable for short-term trading in the market. The announcement made by Wanke A, which had three consecutive negatives, did not attract much attention.

However, Gu Junhao naturally would not miss this announcement. These seven investment companies are all subsidiaries of the belt!
"Haha, it's not that I didn't raise my sign, but I took advantage of the rules to delay the release of the news for a few days. It's interesting. This time, Vanke's management is so cooperative. It seems that they may have released the news that was leaked last time."

"This is to lower the price, so that the price of increased holdings will be cheaper?" Liu Tingting asked Gu Junhao.

"Well, there is a possibility. For large funds, let alone a dollar cheaper, even a dime cheaper is not a small cost."

Now that the first placard has been formed, the purpose of the belt is obviously not only here, 5% of the shares are not enough for his taste.

It is definitely more beneficial for the belt to keep the price down a bit.

But this kind of routine can only be used once. After the first time the card is raised, the belt has also entered the state of showing the card.

After the call auction ended, Vanke opened slightly higher at 20.80 yuan. Before 10:20 a.m., the trend of Vanke did not change much, with a fluctuation of less than 1.5%.

After entering 10:20, Vanke's trading market began to increase slightly, and after 10:30, the volume began to increase.

"Come on, I'm starting to let go when I have funds, but I don't know if it's me or someone else." Gu Junhao stared at the trading table and said with a smile.

Retail investors may not care much about the announcement made by Vango in the early trading, but it does not mean that some institutions of Yougame have not paid attention to this.

The small-scale fluctuation of one hour in the early trading is also a tacit choice for big funds to choose to accumulate power.

While clearing some ignorant floating chips, everyone bought the chips they wanted according to their own abilities.

For example, in the morning, when Vanke turned green and the stock price fell to near the lowest point yesterday, traders were once again asked to transfer the millions of funds purchased yesterday into Vanke's positions again.

It can be said that this is a good opportunity to buy low, that is, limited by the position limit, you can't buy too much.

Similarly, in the No. [-] trading room, Wang Ruoyu, who is very familiar with Vanke, also organized traders to buy low in the early trading, looking for opportunities to do T.

 one more chapter

(End of this chapter)

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