Chapter 372
After returning home, Gu Junhao did not watch the market as he said last night. Not only that, Gu Junhao did not go to the company during the next two trading days.

Before the resumption of trading at 125700, the degree of job satisfaction temporarily dropped to a low point, and Gu Junhao was also able to take a break for a rare period of time, and everything will only be discussed next week when the trading resumes.

In the past two days, Zhang Yiru saw that Gu Junhao hadn't gone to work, so he also asked for leave to stay at home. Including the weekend, four days were enough to catch up with a long vacation.

It is said that marriage is the grave of love, but Gu Junhao doesn't think so. After getting married, the two still maintain their pre-marital habits and enthusiasm.

After returning home and having dinner, the two will take a walk in the neighborhood hand in hand, stroll slowly to a nearby shopping mall, buy a drink, and wander aimlessly.

Or walk hand in hand to nearby vegetable stores and fruit stores to see what vegetables are available or to buy some fruits for home.

After returning home from a walk, except for normal work, Gu Junhao didn't play with his mobile phone very much. The two would watch TV and chat together.

Although life is full of dull tastes, in Gu Junhao's view, this kind of life is the most comfortable. No one stipulates that if you are rich, you must have feasting and feasting.

Due to his living environment and family education, Gu Junhao in his previous life didn't have much indulgence after being financially free. This is even more so in this life. Some people who should experience it have already had medical examinations in their previous lives.

Of course, this kind of mediocrity requires a certain foundation. He has been a human being for two lifetimes and has been engaged in the most cold-blooded financial market. Gu Junhao has really seen the society.

If you want to live the life you want, even if it is mediocre, you need to be good enough yourself. The love that is lucky and successful will be wiped out by the reality of vegetables, rice, oil and salt sooner or later.

Gu Junhao even imagined that if his predecessor met Zhang Yiru in the shopping mall like himself, and the two fell in love in the end, would they be able to truly come together in the end?

There is a chance of this, and it is not small. At the beginning, Zhang Yiru stopped him because he knew his predecessor, but whether the two of them will live up to their wishes in the end, even after they get together, can only be judged by the benevolent and the wise.

The ability of the predecessor is not bad, but it is far from excellent, and Zhang Yiru would not be so smooth at work without the help of her own external force. The beauty of life must also be consumed.

After the black swan incident in 2019, the marriage rate has been lower year by year. The reason is actually the same, and the pressure of life is too high. Many people fear marriage. What they fear is not marriage itself, but whether they have the ability to manage a good marriage.

Regardless of men and women, if a person does not have a sense of happiness at all, how can he have enough love to care for his lover and family.

Life is more bitter.

During the four-day temporary holiday, Gu Junhao did not pay attention to the trend of the stock market at all. Except for February 2th, the market trend of this week was very good.

In the four trading days in March, the Shanghai Composite Index had four consecutive positives, and the index also returned to above 2800 points. On Friday, March 3, it closed at 4 points, which was nearly 2874.15 points higher than the rebound on February 2. point.

However, this Friday, the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets began to diverge, and it was no longer a general rise. The GEM index fell by 4.98% on Friday. The corresponding GEM constituent stocks fell by the limit of 27, and only two stocks rose.

In fact, the market did not diverge until this Friday, which is already very rare. It has been March 2016. Both institutions and ordinary investors have generally accepted the expectation that A shares will enter a bear market cycle.

Under the bear market cycle, the incremental funds in the market are naturally not as much as in the bull market, and the national team has no longer participated in the rescue of the market, and the pattern of general market growth will not be maintained forever.

In the future, with the reduction of incremental funds, A-shares will enter a stage of partial market trends, and the general rise pattern will be abandoned since then.

When it comes to the national team, we have to mention the circuit breaker. During the circuit breaker period, the national team, which had gradually withdrawn from the public eye, was forced to enter the field again to maintain stability, but the effect was not good.

After seeing this, the national team gradually withdrew from the bright side of the transaction, and then fell silent, while the stock market also gradually went down, and finally bottomed out at 2638 points at the end of February.

It was also the sharp drop brought about by the circuit breaker that changed the village chief. The previous village chief sadly retired, and the new village chief also officially took office at the beginning of this month, the famous 641.

Everything has pros and cons, and so does the new village chief candidate. Needless to say, future generations will have their own judgments. However, Gu Junhao believes that after 641 took office, it has achieved certain results in combating hot money and implementing the rules.

The Zhuanggu stocks that were prevalent before he took office, as well as the crazy leek-cutting model of the Wencheng Gang, began to slowly decrease as his tenure continued, and the market began to gradually become regulated.

In the follow-up A-share transactions, the supervision became more and more strict, and more and more people were investigated and dealt with for manipulating securities.

Most people think that A-shares are a casino. There is nothing wrong with this. On the contrary, it can make ordinary people more in awe of the market, and they will not rush into the market without knowing anything.

But in fact, there is still an essential difference between A-shares and casinos. Casinos do not have any logic at all, but every round of bull and bear markets in A-shares can be logically self-consistent.

As far as the future institutional grouping is concerned, if there is no 641 crazy attack on hot money, the market sentiment will drop to a freezing point, and hot money will start to play the routine of lurking or withdrawing from the transaction. There will be no such market environment.

There is no more money to be made, and everyone can only sit down and play real transactions honestly. Institutional investors with professional knowledge will naturally find the low value of the market. You buy and I buy, thus forming a group trend .

In fact, this is exactly the case. From the time he took office to the subsequent village head, the stock market can hear news from time to time that the real controller of the listed company, Gao Aeronautics and Space Administration, was arrested for insider trading.

In the bull market stage of 2015, some big Vs on the Internet and scammers such as stock critics were also well punished. A certain big V surnamed Xu even went in and stepped on a sewing machine. Coincidentally, he was also surnamed Xu.

The market environment is becoming more and more fair, which is a good thing for ordinary investors; as long as you calm down and learn patiently, the stock market is relatively promising, at least much better than starting a business.

As for Nvidia in rice stocks, the stock price encountered resistance between 32 and 33 dollars, and began to enter the adjustment stage, and the trend returned to the trend of small rise and small fall.

Speaking of which, the trend of Nvidia is really wonderful. After each round of adjustment, the low point has risen. When the bottom was first bought, it was between 19 and 20 dollars. This time it was between 24 and 25 dollars. The last time It is around 16 US dollars.

A-shares seldom have such a stock trend. Most individual stocks come and go wherever they go. Capital markets with different natures are different.

Lao Mi's economy is extremely dependent on the stock market, so the protection of the stock market is unprecedented, unlike us, it is just a prop.

Four days, whether it is long or short, passed by in a hurry, March 3, Monday.

This morning, Gu Junhao came to the company early in the morning. Instead of rushing to deal with company affairs, he went straight to the original trading room. Today is his first day as a public fund manager.

From a private equity fund manager to a public equity fund manager, the outside world has different opinions on Gu Junhao. Some people recognize Gu Junhao’s behavior and admire his courage. Public equity funds operate in a completely sunny manner, and only ordinary investors are accepted. There are strict requirements for holding positions, and its operational difficulty is much higher than that of private equity funds.

There are also some people who think that Gu Junhao is simply putting a layer of shackles on himself, which is very irrational. Private equity institutions can freely buy and sell stocks, and the money they earn is basically their own. Public equity is not the case. It's to make yourself uncomfortable.

But Gu Junhao's ambition is obviously more than that. Although engaging in public offerings will cause a certain loss in terms of personal assets, Gu Junhao, who is now worth billions, doesn't feel much heartache. When the money reaches a certain level, it is just a number.

I don't even think about becoming the richest man of a certain person. Financial freedom is not difficult for a reborn person, but whether he can make a career is the ambition in the mind of a reborn person. Compared with personal wealth, Gu Junhao wants to Create your own investment circle.

If there must be a reference, Gu Junhao hopes that he can reach the level of a diversified investment empire like Yifangda, covering all major financial categories, and achieve his own career.

Regardless of personal career ambitions, in fact, the bigger and bigger the personal account is, it is no longer necessary for me; on the contrary, it will bring some troubles.

In the bull market stage, including personal accounts and fund accounts, every transaction that Gu Junhao makes a lot of money will be subject to strict supervision and review. Fortunately, Gu Junhao has been clean and has not found any problems.

Although there will be unavoidable regulations on large funds in the future, it will be easier to talk about public offerings, otherwise the money will be earned by you alone or by some rich people you agree with, so what is going on.

This is also one of the reasons why the local regulatory authorities brought him in at the beginning of the market rescue. He is a clean investor, and the regulators believe that he will care for and trust the market.

In terms of the amount of funds, the rescue of the market is not something that Gu Junhao can participate in with the amount of funds at the beginning. Now, Gu Junhao is not considered a large amount of funds. The amount of around [-] billion is really not special for my big A Most of them are just the trading volume of a certain stock in one day.

(End of this chapter)

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