Chapter 209 Earning Indexes but Not Making Money (6K)

Tuesday, July 9.

The morning call auction ended, the Shanghai Composite Index opened at 2239.68 points, and the ChiNext Index opened at 1465.03 points; after yesterday, the three major indexes all gapped up again today.

The three major indexes have gapped and opened higher for two consecutive days; this behavior seems to show that the off-market funds are impatient. Is the singing of a certain club so powerful on weekends?

It is said that A shares are a policy market, and such behavior seems to verify this.

In the trading room, the four of you looked at me, and I looked at you; even Gu Junhao was a little surprised, as if there was no such gap in two consecutive trading days?
Of course, it is also possible that I have misremembered, after all, it has been many years, but I did not see such a trend a few years before my rebirth.

"This market is somewhat abnormal." After a while, Xu Jianqing complained, who would have thought that last week's continuous sharp drop would be exchanged for two gaps and highs this week.

Such behavior of the index is reflected in individual stocks, but it is not very obvious; among the holdings, except Wanan Technology, which jumped up to 12.83 yuan and opened at 1.10 yuan, up [-]%.

Xibu Securities and Yin Zhijie only opened a penny higher, Dongfang Fortune even opened lower, and Tong Huashun didn't open much higher.

He also looked at the opening trends of some other popular stocks in the market, and saw mixed ups and downs; Gu Junhao then said to the three of them: "It seems that today is going to diverge, and there is a high probability that it will not go up like yesterday."

"Boss, is Wan'an Technology a fake?" Xu Jianqing asked Gu Junhao. He said yesterday that Wan'an Technology's position reduction was left to him, but he didn't expect to open up today.

"It should be fake. It was brought up by the market, and the total volume is only about 100." Gu Junhao nodded, and then said: "If you increase the volume later today, you can sell some first, and forget it if you don't increase the volume."

At 9:30, the trading officially started. Compared with yesterday’s consistency, today’s opening of the three major indexes has significantly increased the volatility.

After the opening of Wanan Technology, a 127-lot sell order was directly thrown into the green market, at a price of 12.63 yuan. The trading volume was still sluggish. A sell order of 10,000+ yuan was enough for Wanan Technology to complete the filling.

It can also be seen from this point that the high opening in early trading is just the behavior of ordinary retail investors chasing high.

After the opening of the market, with the oscillating behavior of the index, the holdings of Junshi No. [-] Fund were extremely average. Except for Xibu Securities, which rose slightly, the other three stocks only fluctuated around the flat price.

As for Tong Huashun, which opened higher in the morning, its individual holdings, like Wanan Technology, began to drop at the opening; there is no way, several stocks are not above the hot spots today.

It is impossible for off-market funds to attack in all directions forever. After a certain period of time, the differentiation of individual stocks is inevitable.

The task Gu Junhao gave himself today was to keep an eye on the time-sharing trend of Wanan Technology. Although he judged that the high bid of Wanan Technology was the behavior of retail investors, it was not impossible to take advantage of it.

There are many retail investors in the A-share market, and there are a lot of people who are allocated to each stock. When the enthusiasm of retail investors is mobilized, even if the main funds still do not act, the trading volume can also increase.

There is essentially no difference between selling to retail investors and selling to main funds for Gu Junhao; the ultimate goal is to complete his own lightening plan.

Wanan Technology's stock price fluctuated up and down, and reversed back and forth before turning red and green from time to time, and the number of buy and sell orders of more than [-] lots on the trading market gradually increased.

At 9:52, Wanan Technology was able to sell more than 600 lots in a short period of time. 600 lots were not many, but for Wanan Technology, it was considered a small volume.

"It looks like we can sell a little today." Gu Junhao said with a smile.

Wanan Technology, which had a short period of heavy volume, turned green again. After a few minutes of shocks, at ten o'clock in the morning, Wanan Technology became popular again, and the stock price also started a gradual upward trend.

After half an hour of trading, most individual stocks and indexes gradually stabilized, and the Shanghai Composite Index also began to enter the process of slowly rising. Brokers who had adjusted for many days began to exert their strength.

Xibe Securities was also affected by the sector, rising by more than 1%; however, this is the only stock among the four supported positions that has risen by more than 1%.

"It's already ten o'clock, it seems that today is not our home game, haha." Gu Junhao sighed.

In addition to heavyweight stocks, the concept sectors that rose today are all sectors such as sports, military industry, and Jinmen Free Trade Zone.

Gu Junhao has not participated in any of these; military industry Gu Junhao personally does not like it, some other sectors are not large enough, related concept stocks are too mixed, and there are a lot of poor performance.

Gu Junhao is not willing to do this kind of small concept stocks with rubbish performance, even if they are short-term.

Stock investment should still choose to follow the mainstream market, and choose individual stocks with better performance or leading companies among some popular sectors with large funds.

At present, the holdings of Junshi No. [-] are all guaranteed performance.

Needless to say, Dongfang Fortune and Xibu Securities, Wanan Technology is currently at the breaking point of its performance.

As for Yin Zhijie, although he expected a loss in the first half of the year, his expectations were too strong, and the loss in the first half of the year was more like an act of confusing the market.

Specific to the real data, Yin Zhijie may usher in a stage of performance explosion in the second half of the year.

This is the case with growth stocks. As long as you pick the right timing, the returns may exceed your expectations.

For example, in 2013, Zhongqingbao and Xiangsu Technology were ahead of the trend.

There are still many such stocks in the future. However, once such stocks have passed the growth period, it is meaningless to buy them again.

Potential stocks mean that you buy before you have the greatest potential, and it is almost impossible to earn high returns after the potential period.

At 10:30, the three major indexes that fluctuated upwards were close to their highs and began to pull back; Wanan Technology, which was still unable to break through the opening price, also began to adjust downwards along with the indexes.

"It seems that there are some differences in funds this morning." Wang Ruoyu, who had been silent all morning, suddenly said.

"It's normal. Although everyone is also bullish, the position of bullishness is different."

The trading in the morning did not belong to Junshi No. [-], the performance of the four individual stocks was flat, and Gu Junhao did not issue any instructions.

In the afternoon, the trading continued; in the morning, the broad market stepped out of the sideways mode, and suddenly began to exert strength. The index quickly rushed to get rid of the high point in the morning, and set a new high for the year in one fell swoop, reporting at 2248.90 points.

"Hey, the Shanghai Stock Exchange is starting to exert its strength."

For Gu Junshi today, although so far it is a day to make no money from the index, but seeing the Shanghai Composite Index set a new high for the year, Gu Junhao is also a little emotional.

Eight months have passed in 2014. In these eight months, the index has sometimes dropped below 2000 points, and it also hit a new high today. It is unknown how many people made money and how many people lost money.

Although the Shanghai Composite Index continued to hit new highs this year, compared with last year, the market's profit-making effect is not so good, all because of the sharp correction of the ChiNext Index.

Compared with the unilateral rise of the GEM index last year, this year's GEM index hit a high of 2 on February 25, and it has not broken through the previous high in half a year.

Although the current GEM index has rebounded above 1400 points, it is believed that most people are still in a state of loss in this market with several deep corrections.

Today's GEM index is obviously weaker than the Shanghai Composite Index, and it even turned green slightly before noon; however, as it rose in the afternoon, the GEM index also slowly returned to above the intraday moving average.

The continuous rise of the index has brought a profit-making effect; although the rise and fall of individual stocks are mixed, most of them are in the red market.

For several consecutive trading days, Wanan Technology issued more than 400 buy orders for the first time, and these 400 lots also brought Wanan Technology back to the opening price again.

Finally, the K line is no longer a doji green K. At this time, the transaction volume of Wanan Technology has also exceeded the transaction volume of the whole day yesterday, which is close to 3000 million yuan.

"Xiao Xu, pay attention, keep an eye on it; I'm going to sell some Wan'an Technology." Gu Junhao also decided to reduce some of Wan'an Technology's positions in advance.

"Okay, I'll watch." Yin Zhijie's performance was average today, and from the afternoon onwards, Xu Jianqing's attention gradually came to Wan'an Technology.

Glancing at Xu Jianqing, seeing that he was staring at the board seriously, Gu Junhao couldn't help but think: "This is what a fund manager looks like. After issuing an order, the trader starts trading, haha."

At this time, Xu Jianqing was staring intently at the Wan'an Technology trading order. The boss didn't say how much he sold, and he couldn't have too much impact on the stock price or disrupt the trend.

At 14:49, Wanan Technology still quoted a price of 12.83 yuan, and there were various buy orders on the board from time to time. Seeing this, Xu Jianqing decided to test it first.

"Try to place 12.80 lots at the price of 500 yuan, and see if you can stand it." Immediately, Xu Jianqing put up the order.

Two minutes later, 2 lots of sell orders were successfully traded, and the share price of Wanan Technology did not change much, and it was reported at a price of 500 yuan.

"Boss, the buying is okay. There should be a lot of sales in the afternoon." Xu Jianqing happily shouted at Gu Junhao.

"You placed the 500 lots just now?" Gu Junhao asked. Although he didn't need to trade by himself, Gu Junhao, like Xu Jianqing, had been staring at Wan'an Technology's trading market.

"Yes, I tried to place an order to see how many orders were being accepted, but I didn't expect the deal to be completed within 2 minutes." Xu Jianqing replied.

"That's right, I'm a bit of a trader now, I didn't place orders blindly, keep it up."

The two market indexes have entered the stage of carnival, and it is natural that Wanan Technology has increased buying orders. Not only Wanan Technology, but other stocks that have not risen much today have also received buying orders.

The short-term funds urgently need a vent, and they dare not chase after the increase is too large. They can only look for opportunities among low-level stocks and try to make a profit.

Xu Jianqing continued to watch the market, and Wanan Technology, which returned to the opening price, slowly fell back and adjusted, the range was very small, and finally stopped above the daily average price.

At 14:15, a buy order for 983 lots appeared on Wanan Technology's market, and the stock price quickly rose from the average price to 12.86 yuan.

"Enlarging orders in late trading, the main funds are making trouble again." Gu Junhao said with a smile, 983 lots, there is a high probability that the main funds are doing it.

Although there was a big order, Wanan Technology’s stock price remained unchanged, fluctuating between a few cents, and at 14:28, 636 lots of buy orders came out again, and Wanan Technology’s stock price only closed at 12.88 yuan.

Seeing this, Xu Jianqing no longer hesitated, and started to sell 100 lots and 200 lots, leaving himself only 30 minutes.

Under Xu Jianqing's continuous selling, the time came to 14:45, only 15 minutes before the close, and Wanan Technology's highest price was 12.90 yuan.

A 442-lot sell order came out, driving the stock price to 12.87 yuan. This was Xu Jianqing's order. In addition to being guided by two large orders at the end of the day, Wanan Technology.

The rest of the orders were relatively small, and Xu Jianqing didn't put up a sell order of more than 500 in order to sell them. This is the largest transaction so far.

At the close at 15 o'clock, Wanan Technology closed at 12.86 yuan, with a daily turnover of 4616 million yuan, twice as much as yesterday; and within an hour of late trading, Wanan Technology's turnover exceeded 1500 million yuan.

At the close of today, the two cities fluctuated higher, and the Shanghai Composite Index rose by 1.37%, out of a bald and positive trend, and finally closed at 2266.05 points, which is also the highest point of the year so far.

The growth rate of the GEM index in the afternoon was not bad, reaching as much as 1% at one point, and finally closed at 1465.03 points, an increase of 0.84%.

Today, the Shanghai Composite Index has increased its volume to as much as 1700 billion yuan, while the GEM turnover has reached 390 billion yuan.A perfect trend of rising volume and price.

The performance of Junshi No. 1.87 was mediocre today. The biggest gainer was Xibu Securities, which rose 11.96% to 1.34 yuan. In fact, it was Wanan Technology, which rose [-]%.

Yinzhijie and Dongfang Fortune, which rose sharply yesterday, rose 0.25% and 0.60% respectively, perfectly underperforming the two city indexes.

"How much did you sell?" Gu Junhao asked Xu Jianqing after the market closed.

"1600 lots, it's not bad." Wan'an Technology sold nearly one-third of the sky in the last hour. Except for the initial 500-lot test order, Xu Jianqing successively sold 1100 lots in the next half hour.

These others also include the final call auction transaction, with an average transaction price of 12.84 yuan and a return of 205.45 million yuan of funds.

"Not bad, very good." This kind of concentration exploded for a period of time, and it was quite easy to sell. However, more than 200 million were sold, and the turnover exceeded 10%, but I don't know if it was discovered.

But don't worry about him, even if he is discovered by the main funds, it will not attract much attention. After all, there are only more than 200 million yuan.

If the main funds of a stock are staring at the more than 200 million yuan that has been sold out in a short period of time, it is destined to not go far.
September 9, Wednesday; the Shanghai Composite Index reported 3 points, and the ChiNext Index reported 2268.40 points; the three major indexes all jumped up for the third time in three weeks.

As far as retail investors are concerned, the upward gap-covering on the first day will cause a certain degree of panic, and the second trading day is a tentative start to buy.

Especially in the afternoon of yesterday, and today, the reaction of investors was even more enthusiastic yesterday.

Calls that the bull market is coming can be seen everywhere. Gu Junhao checked the major social software, and the topics about the stock market can be seen everywhere.

Traveling so far, Gu Junhao has never seen investors so enthusiastic even in the bull market of the Growth Enterprise Market last year.

"Sure enough, it's the motherboard that drives the emotions."

The influence of the main board is not comparable to that of the GEM, and it is even more exciting that the two major official media have all come to an end.

This sentiment is transmitted to every investor, and what follows is the continuous inflow of off-market funds and the continuous rise of stock indexes.

However, the three people in the trading room except Gu Junhao seemed a little disappointed.

For Junshi No. [-] yesterday, it was just an index.

At the opening of the market today, the performance of the four positions was the same as yesterday, and only Wanan Technology opened higher by 0.04 yuan.

Xibu Securities opened flat, Dongfang Fortune and Yin Zhijie opened lower.

Gu Junhao looked at everyone's expressions and laughed to himself. He was really a novice, and his performance was so-so the next day, so he couldn't help it.

In the big market, funds often attack heavyweight stocks. For ordinary investors who hold small and medium-sized ventures, it is normal to earn index but not make money.

It's the second day, though, and it's still something to watch out for.

It is generally understandable for Yinzhijie and Wanan Technology small-cap stocks to rise, and Xibu Securities has index blessings from brokerages.And Dongfang Fortune is a constituent stock of the GEM, and it can be regarded as one of the weights. If you can't beat the index, you should pay attention.

In addition, Tong Huashun actually received a false negative line yesterday, and the increase was only 0.08%, all of these were enough to attract Gu Junhao's attention.

"Okay, don't droop your face, just pay attention."

Today is still the world of the main board. The Shanghai Composite Index, which gapped up for three consecutive days, did not choose to pull back today.

The performance of the GEM is the same as that of the main board. After the opening of the market, it will go all out. Today, Gu Junhao will focus on Dongfang Fortune. To a certain extent, Dongfang Fortune’s performance today also represents the attitude of some public funds.

Whether Dongfang Wealth, which is crowded with public funds, chooses to follow the index to rise, or adjust within a narrow range like yesterday, shows certain problems.

As for Wanan Technology, just leave it to Xu Jianqing to watch, anyway, he is eager to meet the main players in the field.

Dongfang Fortune, which opened at a low price, ushered in four thousands of sell orders at the opening, and the stock price quickly fell to 13.28 yuan, which was 0.1 yuan away from the [-]-day line.

At 9:37, Dongfang Fortune ended the 7-minute green trading time, and the stock price rose again; at this time, the Shanghai Composite Index had broken through 2270 points, and the ChiNext Index had also risen to 1460 points.

"It seems that the funds in the venue are relatively cautious." Gu Junhao said with emotion, and then said to Wang Ruoyu: "If you have the opportunity, you can do T."

In the first two trading days of this week, except for Wanan Technology’s small position reduction yesterday, the remaining three stocks chose to remain in a state of zero transactions.

As the index continued to rise, other stocks did not dare to say more. Even if Dongfang Fortune chose to wait and see, it would be driven by the market just like Wanan Technology yesterday.

In fact, I dare not say a few that have little relationship with the index, but the probability of Dongfang's wealth rising today is still extremely high.

Wang Ruoyu received Gu Junhao's order, she didn't chatter like Xu Jianqing, but just nodded, adjusted her body posture, and officially entered the stage of watching the market.

At 9:40, Dong Fang's wealth shrank and increased, and the stock price rose from 13.48 yuan to 13.64 yuan. Seeing this, Gu Junhao didn't need to pay attention to him anymore.

It was basically consistent with my own judgment. As for Wang Ruoyu, I didn't need to tell him at any time like Xu Jianqing did, so as not to go astray.

Compared with Dongfang Fortune, Tonghuashun's trend is weaker. Tonghuashun, which opened higher yesterday, is still in the process of overcoming, and the stock price also rose to 25.46 yuan at the highest price.

But Tonghuashun, which opened higher today, had its opening price at its highest position, and its stock price fluctuated all the way down after the opening.Near ten o'clock, Tong Huashun even dropped to 24.87 yuan, a drop of 0.74%.

During the two days when the index rose sharply, Tong Huashun completely lost the dominance of bull stocks in the past, and yesterday's fluctuation was only more than three points.

"This is the choice of big money."

From Tong Huashun, Dongfang Fortune, and Yin Zhijie, Gu Junhao saw the prudent attitude of big money, but the current trend of these three stocks is still healthy, and their capacity has not shrunk too much.

Therefore, it is relatively safe for the time being. At least it should not be a big problem today. After all, the index continues to rise, and the decline cannot be too large.

Compared with yesterday, the differentiation between the two cities is more serious today. As funds continue to flow into heavyweight stocks, the number of small and medium-sized ventures that have fallen has also increased significantly.

Wanan Technology, which had a small increase in volume yesterday, did not go the same way as yesterday. Although it also opened higher, Wanan Technology opened lower. At 10:[-], there was still no upward trend.

Xibu Securities and Yin Zhijie's trends were also in a sideways state, and Xu Jianqing returned to the days when he didn't need to trade. After a happy day, he lost his trading opportunities again.

Xu Jianqing seemed a little depressed. As for Liu Tingting, Xibu Securities, which had an amplitude of less than 0.2 yuan, had a higher trading volume and a higher position than when it first opened the position.

It seems that there is no difference from before.

If a trader like Xu Jianqing trades stocks with this kind of trend, he may go crazy at any time; but Liu Tingting's mentality is just right for him.

Liu Tingting, who has no performance pressure, and her careful and patient personality, Xibu Securities is a perfect match for her.

When the opportunity comes, do a band operation and earn some performance. It is quite comfortable to lie down and get paid without the opportunity.

In the morning, the indexes of the two cities were like a rainbow, but in the afternoon, the indexes continued to rise without any change; at the end of the day, the Shanghai Composite Index continued to increase in volume to 1876 billion yuan, and the Growth Enterprise Market Index also increased in volume to 438.2 billion yuan.

At the same time as the two cities increased their volume, the Shanghai Composite Index rose 1% to close at 2288.63 points, heading towards 2300 points.

The ChiNext Index also came to 1477.67 points, up 0.86%, which is less than 1500 points away from the integer mark of 23 points.

Junshi No. 7.68 underperformed the index for the second consecutive trading day. Dongfang Fortune had the highest increase in fund holdings today. While increasing its volume to 0.89 million yuan, it only rose by [-]%, barely outperforming the GEM index.

The performance of the remaining three stocks was even worse. Yinzhijie rose 0.05%, Xibu Securities fell 0.08%, and Wanan Technology reported a drop of 0.86%.

"Dongfang's wealth has stagnated, so we still need to pay attention." After the after-hours meeting, Gu Junhao said to the three of them.

(End of this chapter)

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