Chapter 129 Time Proves Everything

"I see, the boss taught us another lesson." Wang Ruoyu said thoughtfully.

"So when you buy stocks, you must look at the trading volume and turnover rate. This is why I praised Tingting. Today, the trading volume of Xibe Securities is only a small test position. This mode of operation is worthy of recognition. of."

"Boss doesn't need to comfort me all the time, I'm not depressed anymore." Liu Tingting was a little embarrassed to be praised, after all, among the three of them, she was really at a loss today.

"This is also one of the reasons why I asked Xiao Xu to pay attention to the position. Yin Zhijie's turnover today was less than 6000 million, and you bought more than 300 million, which is already more than 5% of the total turnover. It is still easy to attract attention."

"Okay, I understand, I will pay more attention later, and I won't be so impatient."

Xu Jianqing's personality is really good, whether it's Gu Junhao, Wang Ruoyu, or Liu Tingting; as long as he can point out his mistakes with something meaningful, he can accept them humbly and correct them.

This is undoubtedly the greatest strength of his character. For stocks, making mistakes is not terrible. The most fearful thing is that he cannot accept his mistakes and refuses to correct his mistakes. This is fatal.

In fact, the same is true of being a human being. As for Xu Jianqing's other flaws, in Gu Junhao's opinion, they are not considered flaws. Everyone has a time when they are young, and as they get older, they have more and more experience in the workplace. will change.

"Okay, here we are. Get out of the car and go in first. I'll stop the car for a while." These three people also met Zhang Yiru.

However, the three of them did not go in, but waited for Gu Junhao at the door.

"Didn't you let us go in first?" Gu Junhao said to the three of them after he parked the car and came back.

"Isn't it waiting for the boss to come together, but I thought the boss invited us to some big hotel, it turned out to be a seafood restaurant."

The seafood restaurant Xu Jianqing mentioned was the one that Gu Junhao and Zhang Yiru used to come to. It was called Three Little Kitchens. It was said to be small, but the area was not too small. It had two floors. It is suitable for two people, and the order is also cooked to order.

"What's the matter with the small restaurant, isn't the taste of the food? I didn't take you to KFC, it's not bad; don't worry, there are not only seafood here, but also a variety of dishes, there must be something you like to eat. "

Xu Jianqing is from Zhongshi, and he is not used to seafood; the other two, Wang Ruoyu, are from Jiashi, Zhejiang Province, and Liu Tingting is a local, so they don't have any concerns about this.

"Ah, that's good." Xu Jianqing became happy when he heard that it wasn't just seafood.

"But definitely not particularly spicy, haha."

"I don't have extravagant hopes for this. In fact, not all of us in Chongqing can eat spicy food."

"That's fine, go in. You guys go to the ordering area to order a few dishes later. I'll go find my girlfriend first."

"Can you let go of it? Then I'll be a little big and fierce."

"Order, if you can't finish eating, pack it and take it back for you as a supper."

"Thank you, boss! Boss is generous!"

While Gu Junhao and others were having dinner, the operating room of a financial institution in a certain city was brightly lit, and the fund manager was staring at the screen. Looking around, it was the Dragon and Tiger list of Hailanxin.

"Who is the institution that bought the four seats?" The fund manager frowned and said to himself, the institution that sold the seats was his operation.

Selling does not mean clearing the position. I originally thought that I would wait until the hot money fell after a round of hype and then enter the market to take orders. There are too many hot money in the market, and the daily turnover is very exaggerated, so a fall is inevitable.

However, this newly entered institution today is obviously not its own cooperative funds. There is no hint in the language of the handicap, and it is not known where the falling funds are scrambling for chips, which is a bit of a headache.

Although the amount of funds of 600 million is not enough to worry about, the bad thing is that I don't know the details of this institution, and I don't know how much money they have in their hands. Often the feeling of unknown is always the most uncomfortable.

Sitting in his seat and contemplating for a while, the fund manager seemed to have thought of something, and then left the operating room.

"It's too late, take a taxi back earlier, you two had better give Tingting a treat." After eating, Gu Junhao didn't know that his purchase had attracted the attention of relevant people.

"Will it be reimbursed? Or, boss, you can lend me the car for a while." Xu Jianqing said with a playful smile.

"Get lost!" Gu Junhao scolded with a smile.

"Come on, goodbye, boss lady." Xu Jianqing didn't care, and Zhang Yiru was a little shy when she said what the boss lady said.

"We're leaving too. Thank you boss for your hospitality. This restaurant tastes really good." Wang Ruoyu glanced at Xu Jianqing and said.

"It's good if you like it. I will invite you again when I have a chance. Come back. We are leaving too."

Ignoring the three of them, Gu Junhao and Zhang Yiru walked home holding hands. The three chefs were not far from where they lived.

"You three subordinates are very interesting, especially that Xu Jianqing, who doesn't seem to be afraid of you at all." The evening wind gently blew Zhang Yiru's hair, and Ruyu had a faint smile on her face.

Gu Junhao looked at the beautiful woman beside him, and the fatigue of the day seemed to be swept away; "They are all young people, it is normal to be lively."

Zhang Yiru stared sideways at Xiao Gu's words, and stared at him for a while before saying, "Don't forget, you are younger than them, and you are also a young man."

"Me, I'm actually a middle-aged man in his 30s, believe it or not?"

"I do not believe."

"Hmm, it's fine if you don't believe me, maybe my experience is different from theirs, so I seem to be more mature."

"It's all in the past, aren't we living a good life now?" Zhang Yiru comforted Gu Junhao thinking that he was talking about his childhood experiences.

"Well, it's all over. How is your work recently? How does it feel to be a regular?"

Without continuing the topic, Gu Junhao asked about Zhang Yiru's job. Zhang Yiru had already become a full-time employee in advance. Generally speaking, the job they become a full-time employee after the internship period is over starts as a teller.

However, due to the existence of Gu Junhao, Zhang Yiru skipped this step in advance and became an account manager. With the resources available, it is relatively easier for an account manager to make money and he has more freedom in time.

"Thanks to you, I became a full-time member in advance, and my salary has been much better." Zhang Yiru said happily; their bank.

"Then how can you thank me?" Gu Junhao blinked and said.

"Fuck you, it's not serious when you talk about it. I figured it out. You're a young man just by talking about it." Seeing that Gu Junhao became serious again, Zhang Yiru lost his temper immediately.

"I didn't say anything. I just wanted to say that you have become a full-time employee and your salary has been increased. How can you thank me?" Seeing that Zhang Yiru was being tricked again, Gu Junhao laughed out loud.

"Thank you. I paid for tonight's dinner. I paid seven or eight hundred for it. Hurry up and go back."
"Morning, Director Shen." On the second day, a refreshed Gu Junhao arrived at Junshi Capital on time; he met Shen Boyu at the gate of the company and greeted him.

"Morning, Mr. Gu; by the way, Mr. Gu, what happened to Xu Jianqing? What method did you use to tame him?" Shen Boyu asked curiously after greeting him.

"What do you mean? What happened to Xu Jianqing?"

"Since the official opening of the company, he has always stepped on the spot to come to work, and today he arrived before eight o'clock."

"Is there such a thing? I don't care much about him. Maybe it's because this kid is short of money."

"Really? You can't be short of money. Our company pays you well."

"Then who knows." Gu Junhao shrugged and said.

When he came to his office, when the stock market was not particularly volatile, Gu Junhao usually dealt with the company's daily affairs first, and then came to the operating room to have a brief meeting with the three of them; then he would pay attention in the operating room Stock market dynamics, leaving the office if not necessary.

In the past two months since the establishment of the company, Gu Junhao has also adapted to the current rhythm of life; the official operation of the fund has also given Gu Junhao another identity as a fund manager.

Gu Junhao's current name sounds quite intimidating. He is the general manager of Junshi Capital, the executive director, the No. [-] fund manager of Junshi Growth Mix, and the person in charge of information reporting.

However, Gu Junhao's previous financial experience was blank. Some interested fans of Taogu Bar also inquired about the information of Junshi's funds from the official website of the Fund Industry Association, and they were full of doubts about whether Gu Junhao could run the fund well.

These people's doubts are not unreasonable. The resumes of other fund managers are all row after row of employment experience in many financial institutions or related companies, which looks very impressive.

Gu Junhao, on the other hand, has no employment experience other than his previous work experience in the R&D department of an unknown private company; it is such a person who was able to set up a private equity company after less than a year of full-time stock trading and exposure to stocks.

It's not that Gu Junhao hasn't seen these questions before. Although it is unlikely that he will speak in Taogu Bar after the menstrual period, Gu Junhao will read some posts in it from time to time in his spare time. After all, this is the place where his dream started.

"Let time prove everything." Since seeing these doubts, although Gu Junhao has not responded positively, he has already changed his signature on social media accounts on major online platforms to this.

At nine o'clock, Gu Junhao came to the operating room after dealing with some things. He didn't mention Shen Boyu's doubts in the morning. Gu Junhao held a simple morning meeting for the three of them, and then let the three of them go on as usual.

The performance of the three of them was already very good yesterday, and there is no need for me to disturb them too much; I have to say that the combination of these three is quite suitable in terms of personality.

Xu Jianqing is bold, Wang Ruoyu is calm, and Liu Tingting is careful; in time, maybe they can stand alone.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, let's go to work." After the meeting, Gu Junhao also sent the three of them away.

 There are more voters than before, so I won’t list their names one by one. Thank you very much for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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