Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 801 Frostbite

Chapter 801 783. Frostbite

The first Wild Hunt whose skull mask was cut off by Lann was a human.

The commander of the team in front of him was an elf.

It's just that unlike that human, the elf in front of him, who had been stabbed through the neck by Lan En with a knife, didn't have the same crazy and confused look in his eyes as the previous human, as if he had taken drugs or suffered a psychic spell.

The elf's eyes were clear.

Even though he had been stabbed through the neck by the Lake Lady's Sword, his eyes were still clear and calm looking at the demon hunter in front of him who was about to kill him.

It's as if the impending death is not worth caring about, but it is more important to see one's enemy clearly before death.

And under such painful injuries, he actually wanted to open his mouth and say something viciously.

Unfortunately, the knife Lan En stabbed through his neck had damaged the vocal cords and trachea in his neck.

So he could only make a "roar, roar, roar" sound with blood boiling in his throat, but he couldn't say a single word clearly.

One of his hands wandered up and pointed at Lan En. But before it reached a high enough position, he lost strength due to injuries and had to fall to the ground again.

As soon as he came back, several people in the small hotel except Berengar screamed and trembled, and did not dare to look at the door.

Berengar asked as he raised Lan En's left hand, and then his eyes widened immediately.

And this was just because Lan En held the head of the Wild Hunt team leader's staff with his left hand for less than half a second when he lost the [Quen's Seal].

He wears the armor of the Grandmaster Bear School on his left hand, and the palm of his hand is made of cooked gliding lizard leather.

As the last wild hunt disappeared, Lan immediately retreated to the hotel.

The old demon hunter approached Lan En with concern as soon as he came back.

And he saw something wrong with his left hand at first glance.

Although he couldn't hear what the leader of the Wild Hunt team wanted to say, Lan En could guess that it was nothing more than harsh words.

Although the mysterious cold air that came with the arrival of the Wild Hunt did not touch the inn, those Wild Hunt hounds that could emit cold air were all instantly killed by Lann not long after they exited the portal.

In line with the characteristics of the dissipation of ghosts, a temperatureless flame ignited on the body, and finally disappeared without a trace.

Lan En also looked at the palm of his left hand and frowned.

But now the leather gloves, which were cooked and should have extraordinary toughness, were frozen as if they were completely frozen.

But this kind of terrifying cold still makes it difficult for ordinary humans to bear it, even if the cold air doesn't even get close to the outer wall of the inn.

He looked completely frightened by the rumors of the Wild Hunt.

"The plague is upon us"

The witcher frowned and twisted the hilt of the knife in the palm of his right hand.

The performance of this leather is as renowned as its price.

And these people were trembling not only because of fear, but also because of the actual low temperature.

"How are you?"

As a result, the sharp knife edge that had penetrated the neck was torn into a hole, and the elf in front of him instantly became the same as his subordinates.

The leather on the palm of the hand is so hard that it can no longer be held freely.

"The cooked dragon leather is like this, and your hands are probably even worse."

Although Berengar's combat prowess was limited, he had passed a series of demon hunter training.

For all kinds of strange injuries caused by various monsters, the demon hunter has a way of dealing with it that is not efficient, but at least it will not make mistakes or worsen.

The frozen gloves were already destroyed. After Berengar confirmed that the main body of Lan En's palm was not frostbitten, he simply used the weighted ball of his dagger to smash the layer of hardened leather, revealing Lan En's hand. palm.

The frostbite on the palms had caused the flesh to contact the leather of the gloves. When the leather was smashed, the skin of Lan En's palms also cracked.

Fortunately, during the battle, Lan En was able to treat his injuries calmly and calmly from beginning to end. But after the battle, just shout when you need to.

"Ouch~" a voice came out. Lan En bit his lip.

"This thing is really exciting."

"No way, you're doing pretty well. The frostbite hasn't penetrated deeper into your muscles."

Berengar put his eyes close to Lan En's palm, and used his dagger to peel off all the broken leather and frostbitten flesh on it.

"The whole palm of my hand is broken. How about we turn back first? Let's go to Aretusa to get you treated?"

"That's not necessary." Lan En frowned. After the initial sharp pain, this pain was nothing now.

He opened and closed his bloody palm slightly to make sure that the muscles and bones deeper in his palm were not frostbitten. Then he took out the magic potion from the alchemical leather bag on his waist.

"My healing ability combined with the magic potion is enough."

"[Strengthened Swallow]. Okay."

Watching Lan En bite open the cork and drink a bottle of magic potion, then his palms began to emit visible heat, and the damaged skin began to squirm.

The corners of Berengar's mouth twitched.

The enhanced level of [Swallow] is very effective, but this is the first time he has seen this kind of effect in his life.

It’s not that the magic potion works, it’s that your body is abnormal, right?

The old demon hunter once again confirmed that the bear cub in front of him was not the same type of demon hunter as him.

Seeing that there were no other injuries except the palm of his hand, Berengar felt relieved and began to communicate with Lan En about the situation.

"I just heard the ancient words."

Berengar walked past the boss who was so frightened that he hid under the counter like an ostrich, took a bottle of rye vodka from him, poured a glass for himself and Lan En, and said.

"But I'm not very good at learning this stuff. I can only vaguely distinguish it. 'Ancient Blood' or something?"

"Is that really the Wild Hunt?"

Lan En raised his head and drank his cup, diluting the taste of the potion in his mouth.

"It should be the Wild Hunt. They are chasing the ancient blood, that is, the woman just now. And I heard them say 'it's around here, at this time'. Do you know what I mean?"

"At this time?" Berengar, who can be called a veteran, keenly captured the key point. He murmured and repeated, and then slowly opened his mouth.

"You mean that woman...!"

Although he hasn't done a mission for a long time, he has seen a lot of strange things in his short time as a demon hunter, so he has an open mind. The acceptance level is also much stronger than that of ordinary people.

Lan En also smiled: "Yes, compared with meeting her, seeing a ghost is nothing new."

The mysterious cold air outside seems not only to have terrifying permeability, but also the lingering lingering left by this cold air seems to be difficult to dissipate.

It's early summer outside now, and it's blowing windy and raining heavily.

It stands to reason that the air flow is very violent, and the temperature should follow the air flow and maintain a balanced state within a large range.

But the cold white mist outside the hotel was like a sticky glue that had lingered for a long time in Willen's stormy weather.

Then the frozen land gradually turned back to muddy appearance due to the rain.

We couldn't stay in the hotel. After the cold air dissipated, some people stumbled out of the small hotel.

Their eyes were dull at first, but when they were stimulated by the rain and the air-conditioning, they suddenly shivered and their eyes regained consciousness.

Then he left in a hurry.

After them, the two demon hunters put on rainproof cloaks and went directly on the road.

(End of this chapter)

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