Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 654 656 Crush them

Chapter 654 656. Crush them
  Under the leadership of a Space Marine, the auxiliary mortal army can no longer be simply regarded as an ordinary army.

Because the breakthrough ability and formation ability of this unit are completely different from other units!

Lan En's eyes moved rapidly in his sockets, trying to collect more battlefield information every second.

This information will be automatically organized by Mentos and then provided to Lan as a decision-making aid.

This makes his battlefield efficiency extremely high.

It seems like a brainless and rapid impact like a strong wind, but in fact every position adjustment is the final judgment after several rounds of decision-making deliberations by the biological brain.

"Hold on! Hold on to the defense! We can't let these black dogs escape!"

Everyone in the northern coalition's front line responsible for blocking the mountain roads was breathing heavily.

They were the front-line troops that bore the heaviest impact of Nilfgaard's defeat.

Although Foltest temporarily added three times the number of troops to these troops before the encirclement and suppression, it meant that they could fight in shifts and maintain the front line.

But the Nilfgaardians' desire to live is fierce and their numbers are overwhelming.

Even with three times the number of combatants, the high-intensity battlefield confrontation has already pushed all of them to the limit.

The battle line is in danger, and even the commander of this unit has been on the front line for two shifts carrying a large shield.

But there is still no hope of ending this siege.

Nilfgaard's soldiers were in darkness.

At this time, the commander of the front troops actually complained in his heart, why didn't the Nilfgaardians last longer in the battle?
  No matter how much they are polished and their numbers are reduced, it will not give a group of broken soldiers a numerical advantage on the battlefield.

His arms were gradually getting sore and weak, and even the big shield itself was on the verge of cracking, and the edge of the iron hoop had long been chopped into disarray.

Maybe I can't hold it anymore.

The commander thought in his groggy mind.

But in the next moment. "Phew!"

A gust of wind that was so violent that it suddenly woke up the entire front line that was sleepy because it was on the verge of reaching its limit!

The sound of the wind made it seem like they were not standing on a road in the mountains, but more like they were squeezing into the crevices at the top of the Amer Mountains.

The high-altitude wind roared past the rock crevices, as if it could drag people up to the sky.

The soldiers on the front stared blankly at the scene in front of them.

It turns out that it’s not an ‘image’, but that it has blown people up to the sky!

A group of Nilfgaardians in front of the large shield of the front line troops were really blown into the sky by the violent and concentrated gale!

The dense air blade changes the refractive index of the air along the entire route, causing the light to be misaligned as if it were encountering water.

Parts of the armor, the long sword and mace in the hand, and other scattered things were carried up to the sky along with the human body.

Under the abnormal refraction of light, it is like an illusory mirage.

The whole scene seemed messy, violent, and psychedelic.

[Turbid Current·Dragon Flash]!
  The northern soldiers behind the shield front were very little affected because the shield acted as a rectification layer for the air flow. But even so, they felt that the rapid surging air outside the shield made their eardrums feel strange.

And just when the soldiers were wondering which archmage had fought until now and still had the energy to release such a powerful airflow magic.

A tall and majestic figure rushed into the crowd of Nilfgaardians before the Nilfgaardians were blown away!
  There was a loud "bang", and a heavily armored Nilfgaardian knight riding a horse, weighing hundreds of kilograms with his horse, was knocked straight away by the figure's shoulder collision!

Immediately afterwards, the figure seemed to have suddenly locked onto something, and the huge and terrifying sword in its hand threw out a perfect arc and struck down on the head!

The target is a lightly armored man hiding among the heavily armored knights.

He looked frightened at this moment, but he was mumbling words. Finally, just before the big sword was about to chop or smash him to death, a blue magic shield spread out from his body.

Forming a ball to protect him.

The man's face was filled with surprise because of the successful shield cast by this super-fast spell.

But then, the black sword hit the ball shield.

Although the "bang" sound made people's eardrums hurt, it didn't break at all.

But then, as the man's expression suddenly changed from surprise to horror, subtle cutting sounds of "pricking, pulling, pulling" continued to be heard from the magic shield.

Then, the continuous fine air blades wore through the upper limit of the magic shield's resistance!
  Using the contact point of the great sword as the breakthrough point, the continuous air blade brought up by [Great Cut] rushed into the man's body within the spherical shield.

Suddenly, the spherical inner wall of the shield that was originally used to protect himself was covered with the man's own blood.

As the caster disappeared, the spherical shield collapsed, and the flesh and blood hit the ground again from the inner wall.

After all this was done, the tall figure seemed to have adjusted his movement speed back to that of an ordinary person.

Lifted the big sword.

There was a neat sound of hoofbeats, and sixty knights rushed into the Nilfgaardian crowd through the breach.

With a skillful attitude, they divided and strangled enemies who were far more numerous than them.

The soldiers of the Northern Alliance who were responsible for maintaining the front suddenly felt that the pressure was suddenly relieved!
  "Don't sit around and take the opportunity to rest, soldier. We still have to fight."

Just as the commander was looking at this friendly force he had never seen before in bewilderment, a half-grown boy on horseback, with blood still dripping from the gun tip, rode up to him, looked down at him and said.

"You, who are you? Which country's imperial guard? I have never seen a team as efficient as you."

"And that person!. Is he a 'person'?"

The boy shook the gun barrel, and a bloody gun flag slid down from the gun barrel and unfolded.

It was a lion flag with a blue background.

"You should use your honorific, soldier. That is the knight of Cintra."

After saying that, Lincoln led the team to follow Lan En's pace again.

The front commander opened his mouth and couldn't close it.

Are all your Cintra knights like this?
  It's really lucky that Nilfgaard wasn't destroyed by you.

But no matter what, at least they are indeed a lot less stressed.

"Shift three to shift six! Take a break while the pressure is low! Eat! Pee! Hurry!"

The battlefield is never a clean place.

After Lan En quickly dealt with the nearly overwhelmed containment front, he turned around and charged towards the Umbrella Mountain where the battle was fierce.


Lan En's eyes looked at the flickering magic light on the hill. It was exactly the scene of the magic battle between the warlocks from both sides.

The southern warlocks are not only the force used against the northern warlocks at this time, they are also the pillars of support for the Nilfgaardian soldiers.

They have warlocks, and so do we, who can fight!
  Regardless of whether this idea is reasonable or not, it at least supports the Nilfgaardians' will to resist.

And what Lan En has to do is to crush this will!
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  (End of this chapter)

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