Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 538 Chapter 539 Invitation to Hunt

Chapter 538 539. Invitation to hunt

Phoebe asked Cassandra to change into Athenian clothes, but she was not prepared at all.
So Lan En raised his hand and asked Cassandra to follow him and go inside first.

Within a few steps, she saw Lan En knocking on a closed door in the mansion.

"Dong Dong~"

Lan En stood in front of the door, and there were many sounds coming from the door in front of him.

The voices of men and women were mixed together, messy and noisy.

Kassandra immediately raised her brows, crossed her arms, and stood back with an expression on her face.

The people who were busy inside the door didn't seem to want to pay attention to what was going on outside, until Lan En pinched his brows and coughed deliberately a few times.

Then the busy guy inside suddenly stopped moving, and the messy sounds disappeared.

The wooden door in front of him opened as if he couldn't wait.

Alcibiades simply wrapped a short skirt around his waist and hurriedly opened the door, looking at Lan En in surprise.

"Oh! Honey!"

Cassandra swore that this was the first time she heard a man's voice be so tactful.

"Do you finally want to join us in the fun?"

Cassandra and Lan tilted their heads almost simultaneously and looked at the scene in the room behind Alcibiades.

The room behind him was illuminated by several oil lamps, sweet smoke rose, steam filled the bathtub embedded in the ground, and people's bodies radiated heat.They were mixed together so hazy that it was hard to see clearly.

And next, under the somewhat numb eyes of the two people, a bleating goat pushed away Alcibiades and fled out.

Alcibiades, on the other hand, didn't even look at the escaped goat. He just stared at Lan and Cassandra beside him.

"Oh, you brought such a beauty here? So majestic, well, and dangerously aggressive! This is awesome!"

Cassandra had subconsciously raised her hands in front of her, making a gesture of resistance.

She had hunted a deer's tongue and a pair of bear girdles in Forges for an old woman who wanted to help her husband regain his former glory, but now she felt that this scene was even more difficult than the time she accidentally entered the bear's den.

"As always, I decline your invitation again."

As if Lan En didn't want to see the scene in the back room, he pulled the door that Alcibiades was holding closer.

"I want to ask you where you keep women's clothes. Apart from Aspasia, you are the only one in this house who is best suited to answer."

Alcibiades paused and waved his hands indifferently, before turning around and going back to the house.

Lan En followed up with another sentence: "I don't want the ones in this room, give me new ones."

Although Alcibiades muttered dissatisfiedly, he finally gave Lan En his position, and was even considerate enough to plan which outfit Cassandra would look better on.

The wooden door closed, and almost everyone inside, including Alcibiades, sighed with regret.

"Don't worry, he's not a bad guy."

Lan En introduced Cassandra while leading her to change clothes.

"Although from my observation, even among Athenians, Alcibiades is one of those who play too much, but he does not force or deceive others, so many times, it is difficult for me to find a reason to beat him. "

"His identity and reputation cannot be ignored in Athens. As long as you feel that you will not be fascinated by his thoughtfulness and face, you can always ask him for help when you are in trouble."

Kassandra followed Lan En upstairs. She said firmly while looking at Lan En's back.

"Then I'm sure that he can't charm me." Lan En found a brand new lady's dress in Alcibiades' room without any difficulty.

Cassandra was changing clothes inside the door, while Lan was talking to her outside.

"You mean, you found your brother who you thought was dead, but it turns out that he is now a 'demigod' in the Cult of Kosmos?"

Leaning against the wall, Lan felt like he was listening to an ancient Greek tragedy.

The plot of bloodshed seems to have followed the mythology of ancient Greece and become an iconic symbol spread in their cultural DNA.

"Alexios. My brother. He is the most furious and powerful warrior I have ever faced. I can hardly imagine anything that can stop him."

Cassandra made the sound of changing clothes in the room, and her tone was full of disbelief.

It seemed that he didn't realize it now, but the baby he once held in his hands had turned into such a powerful warrior when they met again.

"But it sounds to me"

Lan En said with a strange expression.

"The members of the cult who chatted with you while you were pretending, they seemed to only regard your brother as a useful knife. And in order to prevent the knife from getting out of control, they were ready to find you and your mother and control them as this The handle of a knife.”

"It wasn't just 'knives', they treated Alexios worse than that."

Cassandra opened the door and walked out, having already changed into an Athenian robe.But the anger on her face was something that even the elegance of the robe could not suppress.

"I can tell that those bastards from the cult claim to be the controllers of my brother's mind!"

"They treat him like a child! It's just that this child is not used by them to support their old age, but as a violent weapon used by them to control the Greek world!"

"That's really bad."

Lan En's brows also wrinkled as Cassandra described it.

"Just in time, now I have caught a clue about a member of the cult, do you want to follow up together?"

Cassandra gritted her teeth and nodded: "Of course! I will kill every member of the Cult of Kosmos! No one will be spared! Let them all be interrogated by the Three Judges in the underworld!"

"That would be the best." Lan En pulled Cassandra towards the banquet venue and said as he walked.

"I was recently tracking Ares believers outside the city. Ah, those intricate caves are really confusing to talk about."

"However, rewards always come with hard work. I determined that this group of Ares believers was led by a member of the cult. I also locked the location of the cave where he is, but I have to remind you first."

As he spoke, Lann lowered his head and looked seriously into Kassandra's eyes, giving a warning.

"If you join my hunt, you might see some."

"Some what?"

".Something incomprehensible. I am convinced that the member of the cult is not quite a 'human' anymore."

Cassandra immediately looked at Lan En with a 'Are you kidding me?' look.

But after she saw the seriousness in those amber cat eyes, even her momentary hesitation disappeared.

"Then I'll go even more!"

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(End of this chapter)

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