Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 344 Chapter 343

Chapter 344 343. The injury is not serious

The light excited by the gunpowder flashed, and a mercury bullet shot towards the upper wall of the alley.

A beast roar of pain followed.

Just as Henryk predicted, the lycanthropy patient who was shot did not do much damage, but the impact of the bullet was enough to knock him off the wall.

But the only thing that was inconsistent with the old hunter's expectation was that there was not one lycanthropic patient who fell down, but three!

The wind above his head was too loud. Although Lan En didn't pay attention to it, he immediately judged that if it was just a monster that fell, there shouldn't be such a big noise.

Gascoigne and Lan accelerated together, and in an instant, the dense formation of three people immediately dispersed.

Then there were a few light trampling sounds, and three beasts with four limbs on the ground and their eyes turned blood red rushed towards the three of them!

The situation went beyond expectations, but Lane and Gascoigne remained calm.

Because the number of monsters today is still within the processing range of their temporary three-person team.

Based on the traces on the carriage just now, it is estimated that the strength of a lycanthropic patient of this level is at least about three tons, which can directly smash the front end of a thick wooden carriage.

With this kind of power, even Lan En couldn't confront them head-on.

But whether it is a hunter or a demon hunter, facing monsters that are stronger than oneself and then killing them is the norm in the profession.

Lan En was not able to gain an advantage in strength from the beginning.

Two giant wolf-like monsters, their unusually thick hair was floating in the air, and their blood-red eyes seemed to be dripping with blood.

Opening his mouth wide, his sharp teeth and claws rushed towards Gascoigne.

The priest, who has become half a local, has already experienced many hunting nights.

This time is not the most dangerous, and he will not die this time.


The sound of the trumpet gun was very different from the sound of the hunter's pistol. The bullets spewed out of the barrel and hit a beast in front of the mask.

The force of the impact made it stop for a moment involuntarily, and the other end passed over regardless.

And when it was about to start charging again, a shrill chill came from the side of its body.

【One word cut】!
Step forward and cut down!
The thick leather soles of the boots made a sharp friction sound with the masonry ground, and the force of the fierce step directly caused the hard ground to be stomped open with spiderweb-like cracks!

And the chop that was blessed by this force was slashed from the side of the beast.

The lycanthropic patient lying on all fours became more suitable for this move.

A large amount of messy bristles were chopped into pieces and flew away, and this knife cut directly into the lumbar spine of the lycanthropic patient from behind!

The strength of the opponent is as high as three tons, but as long as they don't stand in front of the power output, the power is no different from non-existence.


The slash at the waist disrupted the movement of the body, and the beastly patient who was aggressive at first could only stagger, being pushed sideways by the force of the blade.

But the knife is not over yet.
By using the reaction force after cutting a hard object, the blade is lifted up, and then the center of gravity of the body accumulates strength in each bone, flows smoothly, and then cuts down with more fierce momentum!
This is Lan En's preliminary exploration of combining the hard blow and one-word cut of the Xiong School with the thought of "Wuxin Flow".

But now it seems that the effect is indeed good.

There was a crisp sound of "click", and the precise blade struck into the gap that had just been made on the lumbar vertebrae. The huge and smooth force caused the lumbar vertebrae of the lycanthropic patient to be suddenly severed!

Having lost the hardest supporting bone, Alondette separated the still-adhesive flesh and blood like cutting tofu.

The first slash from the side knocked the lycanthropic patient staggering, and the second slash cut him in the waist!

The lycanthropy patient who lost his entire lower body is still crazy, the pain is meaningless, only the desire for blood, for tearing flesh and blood, for dripping blood is important.

Lycanthropy is such a thing.

But relying solely on the movement of the two front paws is not fast enough or flexible enough.

As a result, Lan En was able to step on its back smoothly, holding the handle of the knife upside down with his left hand, and holding the weight ball at the end with his right hand, aiming at the next barrel.

The sharp and beautifully curved blade protruded from the large hole in the occipital bone of the back of the head, and protruded from the deformed mouth of the lycanthropy patient.

By the way, Lan En twisted the handle of the knife half a circle.

The crazy twisting under his feet stopped.Lane was going to help Gascoigne. When fighting monsters whose power was obviously greater than his own, the importance of experience and skills became even more prominent.

Although Gascoigne looks stronger and younger than Henrik, the accumulation of experience and skills is far behind.

And that's why Lan En was the first to prepare to support him.

But when Lan En got off the back of the dead lycanthrope patient and looked at the priest, he anxiously yelled: "Henryk!" while struggling with the monster.

Lan En didn't think much about it at this moment, and immediately picked up the lower body of the lycanthropy patient who had been cut off by himself, swung it up and smashed it in Henrik's direction!
There was a "bang" sound of physical impact.

The monster that was rushing towards Henrik was knocked sideways by the sudden impact.

Lan En, who took the opportunity to turn around, only now saw what was happening to this experienced old hunter.

His eyes were rounded by the three-cornered hat and mask, revealing disbelief and deep panic.

"This is impossible."

He murmured looking at the lycanthropy's eyeballs, which looked like two blood gems, and he couldn't even see the claws that were close at hand.

This is completely out of the standard of an old hunter.

Even if the dagger-like claws were deflected by Lan En, the sharp front end still cut open the khaki fur coat and the flesh under the coat.

A spray of blood burst out from Henrik's collarbone, and soon, the flow of blood became huge.It flowed down from the breach, pattering and covering the fur coat.

Lan En's cat eyes shrank for a while.

No matter what caused Henrik to lose his mind, he must end the battle as soon as possible.

Without stopping, Lan En thrust out his shoulder and charged forward!
The heavy footsteps sounded like a dull and rapid drumbeat in the alley.

Before the lycanthropic patient, who had just been knocked crooked by similar debris, had time to adjust its posture, the hard leather shoulder pads of the Bear School armor directly pressed against its waist.

"Boom!", Lan En bumped into the wall from the side against the monster!

Cracks were created in the solid building, and the fly ash floating in the gaps was blasted out.

For veterinary patients whose basic strength can reach three to four tons, this is not a serious injury.It had already retracted its two ferocious claws, and was about to hug the demon hunter who bumped into his side.

But Lan En kept moving. Mentos had already roughly analyzed the action pattern of this monster, plus Lan En's own "hearing power" on the blade.

He basically knows what the mindless monster will do next.

After the shoulder collision, the demon hunter immediately dodged with a short body, and the sword of the lake girl, which had been set up, dragged and cut on the monster's thigh as he dodged.

After dodging the grapple, Lan En's blade not only cut through the lycanthropic bristles, skin, and tendons, but also cut a large gap in the lycanthropic patient's thigh bone!
Regardless of whether the will is crazy or not, such leg bones cannot have support.

Immediately, the entire leg of the lycanthropic patient collapsed.

And its grappling action just now was in vain, and its upper body no longer had any limbs to use for defense.


After Lan En dodged, he twisted his waist and stabbed back!Arondette's blade penetrated the thick neck covered with black hair from the side.

Still not enough, pulling the blade down. With a sound of 'crash', the lycanthropy patient's neck was opened with a huge gap that could fit the entire palm.

The foul-smelling sickly blood spilled from the throat, flowing into a pool on the ground like pitch and grease.

With the cry of a beast not far away, Gascoigne also solved his opponent and rushed to Henryk's side.

Lan En felt that the old hunter was hopeless.

That claw dug directly into his aorta from the collarbone, and he was bleeding enough for a basin.

And just when Lan En was about to close Henrik's eyes and express his condolences to Gascoigne, the priest who had just rushed to Henrik's side suddenly let out a sigh of relief.

"Huh~ Fortunately, the injury is not serious!"

Lan En: "Hmm?!!!"

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(End of this chapter)

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