Chapter 238
Seeing that the three of them were going to look for Lao Zhao, Wu Hao reminded: "There are pine trees on the slope, and there are a lot of tree hairs there. Be careful of Mada Mountain, and call sticks to contact at all times."

Mada Mountain: The people who drove the mountain got lost, or lost their way, and couldn't get out.

"Understood." The three nodded and scattered to look for the red pine tree, because the old mountain hunters would leave old signs on the red pine.

Wu Hao also searched from Weizi's side, looking in the direction where the scar-faced tiger left, and always felt that this tiger was the one that passed by the mountain behind his house.

Because tigers seldom approach human settlements, the last time this tiger behaved was to recognize people as guns, and it would run away without hesitation when it saw people.

Withdrawing his gaze, he turned half a circle around Wei Zidi and joined the three of them.

Guan Zilong said with a smile on his face: "I didn't see the old sign, but I saw an ingot just now. We are going to get rich."

Guan Ziyun answered immediately: "I didn't see Lao Zhao either, but I saw Qian Chuanzi, we must get rich."

Yuanbao: The name of the hedgehog by the mountain hunters.

Qian Chuanzi: The name of the snake by the mountain hunters.

Straw sandals: The name of the centipede by the mountain people.

Dilong: the name of the earthworms by the people who drove the mountains.

Seeing snakes and hedgehogs means getting rich, and getting rich means digging up ginseng.

Wu Hao said with a smile: "It's a good thing without old signs!"

It proves that no one has been here, but there may not be a big one, there may only be a new four-stage leaf club.

When discussing ginseng, we should not discuss the individual, but the seedlings.

As the old saying goes: ginseng is a spiritual thing, and it cannot be obtained by those who are destined and blessed.

As for the number of leaves, it refers to how many leaves the ginseng spreads, not how many leaves there are.

Ginseng is shaped like a human being, consisting of reed head (head), door taro (upper limbs), main root (trunk), lateral roots (lower limbs), and fibrous roots (foot).

The taproot is the thickest part of ginseng, which is the upper body in a human analogy.

The reed head is the human head, and the upper limbs grow on the head or neck instead of the upper body.

For newly grown ginseng, a stem will grow from the reed head, and there will be three small leaves at the top of the stem, commonly known as: three flowers.

The stem that grows out in the second year will grow branches like a sapling, with three large palm-shaped leaves and two small leaves on it, commonly known as: slap.

In the third year, two branches are born, commonly known as: Erjiazi.

Four-year-old with three branches and three palmate compound leaves, commonly known as: Dengtaizi.

There are four palmate compound leaves in five years, commonly known as: Sipinye.

Six-year-old ginseng is called: five-pin leaf.

Ginseng is a spiritual thing, a very interesting thing.

The land is fertile, and it may grow six-pink leaves in the seventh year, or it may grow six-pink leaves in the fifth year.

There are basically no seven-pin leaves, and if they grow too much, they may be deformed.

So is this sixth-grade leaf worth it?
It is worthless, it is a six-year-old product, and it may only weigh a few grams.

As long as the land is fertile, it can produce six grades of leaves continuously. This is not a big product, it is the "King of Ginseng".

This kind of sixth-grade leaf ginseng is rare to see.

Even the [-]-year-old "Shen Wang" seedlings in the exhibition hall in the capital city of J province were not six-grade leaves when they were carried.

If the fifth-grade leaves are released continuously, it is a big deal.

The land is not fertile, and ginseng may be in the form of three flowers for two consecutive years or even several years, or in the form of slapped to fourth-rank leaves. It is difficult to achieve fifth-rank leaves. At this time, it may have been ginseng for more than ten years.

But it lacks nutrition, and it may not be as valuable as the seven-year-old six-pin-leaf ginseng.

The sixth-rank leaf is definitely the best, because it absorbs the most nutrients from the land, otherwise the sixth-rank leaf will not grow, and its medicinal value is also the highest.

But its year cannot be judged by the leaves, not all three flowers are small ginseng.

If the water is full, it will overflow, if the moon is full, it will be deficient, if the soil is not fertile, the sixth-rank leaves may turn into fourth-rank leaves or lower.

This behavior of ginseng is called Liupin reincarnation, and it can continue to grow.

If anyone lifts it, there is no way to tell what grade it is.

It is useless to look at a few grades, and ginseng that can guarantee six-grade leaves for decades is very rare. The ginseng mainly depends on weight, age, and appearance.

Wu Meng didn't notice the old sign either, so he scratched his head and asked, "Second brother, are you sure you didn't catch the grass? Why didn't I see the red hammer?"

Going to the grass: also known as "freeing the mountain", which means that you don't know how to look at the mountain, so you can take a trip for nothing.

"You shouldn't be able to drive the grass. The area of ​​this land is not small. The grass is one foot high, and many of the tree hairs are waist high. Now the leaves are dense, and a gust of wind can block the red hammer."

Wu Hao was sure that there was a tinge of red in the Weizi field, but he couldn't finish his words. He walked to the side of the Weizi field and squatted down, using his hands to pull the leaves on the ground.

It is said that the phoenix does not fall in a land without treasures, and ginseng does not grow in an ordinary land.

The ground is full of perennial dead branches and leaves. This season is beginning to rot, producing a lot of humus. The soil structure is relatively loose, so it can meet the needs of ginseng growth.

Ginseng is a shade-loving plant. It likes scattered light and weak sunlight. It is most afraid of direct sunlight, and the forest must be ventilated.

It is not enough to have light and wind, there must be the heaviest point, even in the dry season, there must be enough water to supply ginseng.

There is no water here, but there is no shortage of rainwater in Daxing'an Mountains, which meets the conditions for ginseng growth.

Wu Hao threw down the dirt in his hands, walked back and said, "First peel off the wolf's skin, carry the deer to bacon, and after the meal spread the sticks, row the sticks, and press the mountain."

Pugun: After the mountaineers go up the mountain, they have to pay homage to Sun Liang, the old leader. Only after the worship can they start to formally search for ginseng.

"Okay!" The three agreed, and the two brothers went to carry the deer.

Wu Hao and Wu Meng went to skin the wolves. They killed five wolves in total, and the tiger killed three. The one-eyed wolf king who escaped last time was not among this group of wolves.

After the meal, Master Xiu's mansion hung red cloth strips, they didn't bring food, Wu Hao brought a bottle of wine to toast the "Mountain God".

The four people kowtowed and said auspicious words: "The mountain is overwhelmed, please "old man" open the door, please "mountain god" open your eyes."

After finishing everything, Wu Hao said: "Even if we go into the mountain to carry the stick, some rules can be avoided."

The three of them nodded, and the other rules were waived, but Yashan needed to abide by the rules. During this process, no one was allowed to speak, and no one was allowed to stop in the middle.

No matter you encounter a river or a fallen tree, you must keep moving forward without detours.

"It's time to stop." Wu Hao didn't want to abide by the rules, so he led the three of them to the end of Weizi.

Few of them came, so they could only walk forward slowly at a distance of about three meters.

Walking from the west side of Weizidi to the end, it was almost dark, and the four of them found nothing. Wu Hao knocked three times on the tree trunk with a Suobao stick.

The three breathed a sigh of relief, not to be too aggrieved to speak, and they would be distracted when speaking. The three knocks represented returning to the shack.

Wu Hao said as he walked, "It's better to find an open space to sleep with a fire, and don't pay attention to Feng Shui."

Guan Zilong smiled and said, "That will save trouble."

The older generation of mountain hunters will have a lot of "special attention" in choosing the location of the gate. Facing south and facing north, the green dragon presses the white tiger, the nest wind, the sun, the front slope, the back hill, there is a spring at the bottom of the slope, and the water in the spring is prosperous.

Such a place is a "geom and water treasure".

After dinner the next morning, Wu Hao took the lead and continued to press the mountain next to the place he found yesterday, and when he got to the end, he shouted, "Slap the kidnapper."

Only the "big head" shouted "hit the kidnapper", and all the waist sticks heard the shout and turned according to the direction the handle pointed.

The four of them walked side by side, there are a lot of tree hairs here, halfway through, Wu Meng pushed aside the leaves for a moment, then raised his head excitedly and shouted loudly: "Balm!"

Wu Hao's eyes lit up, and he also shouted loudly: "What is it?"

Wu Meng looked down again, scratched his head and thought about it before shouting: "Hold the palm of the sky on the ground."

Guan Zilong and his brother were somewhat disappointed, but they still shouted loudly: "Quick Dang! Hurry up!"

Kuaidang: In Manchu language, it means success and congratulations. This is called Heshan.

Wu Hao curled his lips, although not only the sixth grade will reincarnate, but some ginsengs will not have enough nutrients in the land when they are at the fourth grade.

It will go dormant, and maybe reincarnate after two or three years to become a lampstand, and there are very few reincarnated slaps and three flowers.

Ginseng will go dormant if it is trampled by wild animals.

He walked over and looked at the red hammer. There was a [-]% chance that it was a newly grown slap. Such ginseng was worthless, and it would be useless to dig it out.

Wu Meng gestured to pull the rope with his hand and asked him if he needed to tie the red rope, for fear that the ginseng would "run away."

In fact, it didn't run away. After the stem fell off, it hibernated in the ground. At that time, it was difficult to find. It was tied with a red rope to make it easier to find.

"No need." Wu Hao shook his head, as long as ginseng grows in this place, he will be able to find it sooner or later.

He didn't want to waste time and wanted to go home early. He returned to the original position to signal everyone to continue, and he was actually quite satisfied.

At least there are references here.

If you encounter four-leaf ginseng twice in a row, because "four" and "death" have the same pronunciation, the elders think that if you continue to press the mountain, there will be accidents or even death, so you must go down the mountain immediately.

Ginseng could not be dug up for a few days, and a large stock suddenly appeared, followed by a few days of no stock.

This indicates: Get as much as you deserve, don't be too greedy, you must go down the mountain immediately.

It was the first time he met a fourth-grade leaf. He took the lead and continued to press the mountain. After walking more than ten meters, Guan Ziyun paved the grass and almost cried out of joy.

Thinking of not being allowed to speak, he covered his mouth and held back for a while before shouting: "Band mallet!"

Wu Hao asked loudly: "What product?"

Guan Ziyun replied loudly: "Sipin Ye."

This made the three of them very happy, and started He Shan.

Wu Hao hurriedly walked over to observe the ginseng, Guan Ziyun was the first one, afraid that he would overwhelm the mountain and look at the ginseng.

The wrong name is called Zhaishan, which means playing mahjong to cheat Hu.After defrauding the mountain, you must either go back to the shack, or kowtow to the mountain god to apologize, so that you can continue to press the mountain.

The growth of ginseng seed drop is not only helped by the mallet bird, but other animals may also smash the fruit when passing by.

If a six-grade leaf seedling is found here, the people driving the mountain will call it "one piece", which means that the mountains and plains are full of its "descendants."

Wu Hao came to Guan Ziyun's side and looked at the ginseng. His eyes lit up. It was indeed a fourth-grade leaf. He squatted down and took the basket on his back and put it aside.

He took out two small sticks from his pocket and stuck them on both sides of the ginseng, and tied the ginseng with a red string tied with copper coins, and tied the two ends of the red string to the small sticks.

According to legend, ginseng is spiritual, and it will run away. The process of binding ginseng is called "Gubao".

Wu Hao took out the red cloth-wrapped tools from the Kuidang pocket again, which were all used for lifting sticks and mallets.

The old herdsmen used deer bone drills to lift the mallet, and there were not only one drill, but six at most, and different drills were used to lift different parts.

In addition to these six drills, there are several auxiliary tools.

According to legend, deer is a fairy beast with spiritual energy, and ginseng is a fairy grass.If you use the bones of fairy beasts to make tools, you can bless and carry them to a big club without damaging the aura contained in ginseng.

The bones of birds are hollow, the bones of rabbits are too small to make tools, and the bones of wild boars, bears and tigers are aggressive and are not suitable for carrying sticks.

Ironware that is too heavy can easily damage ginseng.

It was the third time for Wu Hao to lift the mallet. His technique is not very good. The advantage is that his hands are steady enough to clean up the area around the ginseng and use a deer bone drill to break through the ground first.

Digging down bit by bit, this process should not be rushed, the price will be discounted if the ginseng is broken.

When the reed head is dug, it can be seen that the ginseng has been reincarnated. If it is not reincarnated, the soil can be filled back. This will have a little impact, but it is not a big problem.

To dig out the lower limbs of ginseng and change tools, first stroke a lower limb to pull out the roots of ginseng one by one.

Not a single beard can be touched, and the price will also be discounted.

Because my hands were too raw, I took a few breaks in the middle, and it took more than three hours to lift the mallet out, and my head was covered with sweat.

(End of this chapter)

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