Chapter 228 The Birds in the Wetland
Wu Hao waved his hand: "It's okay, you are busy, you have worked hard."

"It's hard work, you get paid to work." Master Zhao returned to the excavator to continue working.

Wu Hao turned around and went to the field to help his father fertilize, and the livestock manure in the countryside would be dug out with a digger in the spring.

It is full of frozen chunks, piled up into a large hollow bag, stuffed with corn stalks to ignite, and it needs to be mixed with soil to make manure.

Now there are ammonium bicarbonate and urea, which not only need to be bought with money, but also are distributed according to the plan. The quantity is limited, and sometimes they cannot be bought with money. Most of the fertilizers for farming are soil miscellaneous fertilizers.

Wait until the first few days of May to raise the soil and fertilizer into the field, and then the land can be plowed. The northeast is called ridge.

After that, there is pressing rollers. Today’s rollers are made of stone, and in some places they are called stone rollers.

Some are only one meter long and can only press two ridges, while some are long enough to press three or four ridges, and iron rollers will be used only after a few years.

Now the field is full of people working.

A few days ago, he helped Niu Si prepare a simple banquet in the village, and today he is partnering with others to pull the plow.

There are few large animals, so manpower has to be used.

The land plowed by the old Wu's family in advance has almost covered up the land of several families today. In the evening, Wu Hao lent the cattle to Niu Si for use.

The other cow is also lent to needy households who do not have large animals.

Wu Hao looked at those who pulled the plow by themselves and couldn't help it. He couldn't afford four wheels now, and he was so busy at the moment that he couldn't even borrow them.

I can only wait for winter, and two or three four-wheeled cars are enough for the village. It's not because he is so generous, but the family needs to work with people.

It also needs someone to help watch, just read him well, it is better than Huo Huo him.

Start farming on the third day.

The two fathers face the loess and back to the sky to dig holes.

In the future, there will be four wheels that can clear the ditch, which will save the old man a lot of effort.

The couple threw corn seeds into the pit behind them.

Xiaodoubao holds her own small basket, which contains a few handfuls of corn seeds. Even though she is only four years old, she is a fast learner.

Knowing how to use small feet to pull the soil to bury the pit, and to step on it twice. After planting a ridge, the four-year-old kid wiped off his sweat without crying tired.

The silly roe deer was much happier, and led the four puppies to dig the soil, and saw the little girl sitting on the ground to rest.

They also ran over and lay on the side. Caucasus and Great Pyrenees are very friendly to children, and they are willing to follow the little girl.

Wu Hao didn't care about his younger sister either, the child's heart was false, he knew to rest when he was tired, and lay down in the sun if he couldn't do anything.

You're only four years old, what else can you ask for?

There are also many children working in the field in the distance. The two-year-olds are crawling in the field, and they will be tied to the ground with ropes in autumn.

Unless there are very old people in the family who can help look after the children, the rest of the old men and women who can do some work will go to the ground, and they have to do it if they don't die.

When melons were planted, there were many people. Old Wu’s family members were all present. After the seeds were planted and the mulch was spread, the two of them walked forward with the mulch.

Followed by seven or eight people, they use shovels to press the soil on both sides of the mulch. This is a physical effort, and the soil can be harvested quickly if you walk fast. You can't collect less, otherwise the people behind will suffer.

When he reached the ground, Wu Weiguo wiped his sweat with his waist and said, "Our land is not afraid of waterlogging, but we are afraid of insects and a sudden drop in temperature."

Wu Hao pointed to the west and said: "The thieves in my hometown are like dark clouds, what insects can resist them? It will be good if you don't eat your watermelon seedlings!"

Wu Meng answered: "It's useless to stand up a scarecrow, and it's hard to straighten these things."

"I'll go into the mountains to catch a golden eagle and take care of them." Speaking of the thief from his hometown, Wu Hao remembered to catch the golden eagle.

It's not too late to go now, the Daxing'an Mountains are cold, and the golden eagles only lay eggs in April and May, and they will go there in half a month.

Wu Weiguo said dissatisfied: "That thing is boring and dirty, and it can eat meat. It takes more than two years before it can be hunted."

Wu Hao replied: "I can raise it, and the golden eagle can fly in five months. Even though it is still a young bird, most birds dare not come here with it."

"If there is no housekeeping bird, magpies can dig a bunch of holes in the plastic sheeting on the greenhouse, golden eagles can fly and catch small animals, and foxes can be caught in more than two years."

"After two years, I don't see any birds dare to talk to me!"

"Catch, catch, catch!" Wu Weiguo nodded immediately when he heard that magpies were harming the greenhouse. It's not just magpies, there are too many birds around the village.

Everyone rested for a while and continued to work. After planting melons and watermelons, they went to help those families who did not have strong labor to plant the land.

Not only his family helps, but other people who have finished planting the land will also help out, and they need to help each other when they live in a village.

"chug chug~"

A four-wheeler pulling bricks came from the south, and a lot of sand, cement and wood were also brought in in the past two days.

After Wu Hao finished planting the village, he planned to borrow a mixer and a welding machine. Today, he would let everyone rest for a day and build a house the day after tomorrow.

As a result, it rained at night.

The next morning, Wu Weiguo stood on the road to the east of the house and said with a smile: "There are puddles all over the place, and the rain will fall through once."

Wu Hao nodded: "Auspicious snow heralds a good year, and it rained just after planting, God will help."

Wu Weiguo joked: "God help the prodigal son?"

Wu Hao raised his eyebrows: "It's easy to get beaten for saying that!"

"Oh!" Wu Weiguo put his hands on his hips: "Come on, touch me and try!"

"It won't work if you touch it?" Wu Hao directly pulled the clothes on his arms twice.

"Touch it, I just want to see how I get beaten!" Wu Weiguo said and took two steps forward.

Wu Hao sneered: "If you are capable, don't move!"

Wu Weiguo put his hands behind his back: "I'll take your surname with me!"

"This is nonsense! Don't move!" Wu Hao said, turning around and walking to the west of Big Speaker's house, and shouted to the old man in the yard.

"Second Grandpa, your nephew is in the east and wants to see how he was beaten!"

"Fuck!" Wu Weiguo glared at him, turned around and went home.

Wu Dayong bent over to dig a ditch in the yard, and said, "I don't have the time to talk to him."

Seeing that the old man couldn't come out, Wu Hao also turned around and went home.

After dinner the next morning, I drove to the village to borrow a blender and electric welder, mailed the letter, and went to Gao Jianjun to get four hand grenades.

The road to catch the golden eagle is quite far this time, and I can't drive there. There are wolves over there. If you dare to ambush him again, you won't believe that you can't kill them!

When he got home, he asked Ditch Ji to hang the mixer down. He held the electric welding machine and asked, "Who knows how to use it? Don't borrow it for nothing."

There are more than a dozen bricklayers laying the foundation, and many others come to work as small laborers to make money, and two of them know how to use it.

Mr. Er waved his hand to let them continue to work. He put down the shovel and said, "I used it in the forest farm, and my skills are average."

"It's quite versatile." Wu Hao squatted down and drew a picture and said, "You can use steel bars to weld me a foot pedal for electricians to install electric poles."

"I'm going to catch a golden eagle cub. Its nest is in a tree, and it can't be climbed without some tools."

"It's easy to handle. I'll spot weld it for you." Mr. Er started to connect the wires after speaking.

Wu Hao found some short steel bars and came back to help him connect the electric welding machine. After he finished welding, he picked it up to have a look, nodded and said: "It's a good craft."

Mr. Er said with a smile: "One more skill and one more meal."

"I'll pay you a lot." Wu Hao patted him on the shoulder and turned to go home.

Mr. Er is happy, and earns more than 20 yuan a month, which is much better than working in the forest farm.

Wu Hao got up in the morning and started to pack his things. He took a big backpack and two sleeping bags, took out Heifeng and put all his things on him.

After returning to the house, he carried a small bag with a gun and led the dog and mink out to find Wu Meng. The two brothers went to the store to get a gun, then entered the grassland, and walked westward close to the southern forest.

There is a small river in the pasture, and now it is impossible for a horse-drawn carriage to pass, let alone a large truck. Heifeng is more useful than a car now.

When they got to the river, they took off their clothes and crossed the river. The river was only one meter deep, so it was not difficult to walk across, but the water was very cold.

Horses can swim, and Black Wind crosses such a small river without any difficulty. Seven dogs and minks can swim better than horses.

Wu Meng went ashore and shuddered and said, "This river is good but also a scum."

Wu Hao nodded: "When you have money, build a few bridges, otherwise the mountain goods will not be able to be shipped out."

"I got the money." Wu Meng knew that the second brother was going to hire a pasture, sighed and took out a towel to wipe the water off his body.

They walked fast, it was only past noon, the sun was enough and it was not too cold, so they continued walking without warming up to the fire.

In the evening, when he went to the forest to chop firewood and make a fire, Wu Hao took out big pancakes and fed them to the dogs. These things would go bad after a long time.

Tomorrow, Da Mao and Er Mao will catch rabbits and eat them. The tent is too big to carry, so they can only sleep in the open air around the fire at night.

Dogs are not as good as people when they walk long distances, and they walk more slowly every day. It was already the fourth day when they came to the woods on the west side of the pasture.

Wu Hao looked at the hill in the distance to the north. This hill is not high, and it covers a large area. Blowing up the top of the hill can completely build two wooden villas.

The trees in the forest in front of the mountain are very tall, and there are several thick and big trees on which wooden houses can be built in the future.

After another two days of walking to the wetland, the two brothers headed south from the edge of the wetland into the woods.

The seven dogs spread out and kept a distance of more than ten meters to walk around the owner, and Wu Hao was also looking around.

At this time, the leaves of the trees have not yet fully bloomed, and the wild fruit trees on the sunny slope have already bloomed. The same tree on the shady slope a few meters away is like a "premature baby", and it will take a few days to bloom.

The terrain is getting higher and higher, there are not many trees here, the view is very good, the snow has almost melted, and there are few places where wild animals can hide.

At this time, it is safe to lead the dog into the mountain.

Wu Meng played with the grenade in his hand, looked to the west and said, "Second brother, let's go to the wetland to have a look. I'm tired of eating fish and rabbits. Let's shoot two birds to try."

"Go over and have a look." Just over a mile away, Wu Hao whistled to let Da Brown lead the way, and when he reached the edge of the forest, the front suddenly became clear.

The grass growing in the water is like a rice field. They came out to startle a group of birds, and the birds in the distance looked at it and continued to swim in the water with their heads down.

There are few people here, and they are not afraid of creatures that are far away.

"There are so many!" Wu Meng stared at the flock of birds in front of him and licked his lips. Bird meat is the best.

"At least [-] to [-]." Wu Hao just estimated it visually. He remembered that this wetland was not that big.

Today, there are tens of millions of wild birds in Daxing'an Mountains, which is a terrifying number, especially in the wetlands near Inner Mongolia, where the number of birds is even greater.

There are many kinds of birds here, such as red-crowned cranes, bar-headed mergansers, whooper swans, cygnets, white spoonbills, mandarin ducks, etc.

Wu Hao couldn't count, it is estimated that there are at least dozens of birds.

Wu Meng pointed to the distance: "That monster with a big mouth is the biggest, killing it will be enough for the two of us to eat."

"A pelican is just a pelican, with a big mouth." Wu Hao shook his head: "I've never been in the water here, and I don't know how deep it is."

"Some places should be like swamps. If you kill them, you dare not go in and take them out. Let's talk about it later when we rent out the pasture and make a few small wooden boats."

The pasture in the north of this wetland can raise poultry to "seduce" the same type of birds here, and wait for them to have offspring.

It can be raised in the woods to the east. This forest needs to be covered with netting, which also requires a lot of money.

It doesn't cost much to build a small farm, but to build a large farm, the money thrown into it is astronomical.

(End of this chapter)

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