Chapter 200 Killing the Bear

Only the father and two were at home in the house, and Wu Hao heard the voice and recognized that it was Niu Si, and felt that something had happened if the tone was wrong.

He hurriedly got off the ground, put on his shoes and went out of the house with his father.

Niu Si was aggrieved and frightened, with a wonderful expression on his face. Now, as if seeing a savior, he hastily stretched out his hand: "Brother!"

The father and father looked at each other, the voice was familiar, that's what the kid called when he rescued Zhang Liang.

Wu Weiguo took a closer look, Niu Si's already pale face became even paler, his face was covered with sweat and his clothes were disheveled.

It seemed that he was frightened because he was not injured, so he couldn't help but asked, "You won't really keep Blind Xiong busy?"

It's okay not to mention this matter, but once it was mentioned, he stomped his feet angrily, pointed at him and said angrily: "I don't blame your broken mouth!"


The two of you were taken aback, are you really busy?It looks like it, but it doesn't feel like it.

"Come in." Wu Weiguo didn't argue with him, opened the door and helped him into the room.

Niu Si sat down and panted for a while and said, "Give me some water!"

Wu Hao poured him a glass of water and asked, "What's going on?"

Niu Si drank half a glass and then slowly told the story. Of course, he didn't mention the details of his dream, just said that the brown bear was on the kang.

After hearing this, Wu Weiguo couldn't help sighing: "You're really pissy too! There's a little bear pushing the door and a brown bear on the kang, move out quickly, next time you don't have to go to a few huddles!"

"Shut up!" Niu Si said angrily, "Since you finished talking last time, I always feel like a bear is coming for me."

Wu Weiguo nodded: "You are very lucky this year! All your wishes come true!"

Niu Si lowered his head: "I'm a bit afraid to go back and live."

Wu Weiguo said comfortingly: "It's good that people are fine, pack up and move out and marry Widow Zhang."

"It's a bit too fast~" Niu Si bowed his head in embarrassment.

Wu Hao said with a smile: "It's better to hurry up, so that you don't have to think about it all day long, and you will get angry if you think about it."

Niu Si rolled his eyes: "Hurry up and kill it!"

He looked anxious, as if the bear was not dead, but there was a stain on him.

Hastily added: "Don't take this as someone else's talk!"

"I can't." The two of you nodded, it's not something glorious, just a few words of teasing in front of your face, and you won't say it behind your back.

"I'll go look for it!" Wu Hao said, went out to pack his car and packed his things, went into the house and picked up his gun and asked, "Are you going back?"

"Let's talk about it after you kill it." Niu Si hurriedly shook his head: "I have no energy at all."

"Take it easy, I'll go by myself." Wu Hao turned around and went out of the house into the barn to grab two lying minks and put them in the car. The dogs knew they were going into the mountains, so they jumped up without him saying anything.

Also detour from the north, enter the forest in the east, let Big Brown lead the way, and let Little Brown get off the car and follow behind.

Niu Si has been out for so long, the brown bear will definitely leave, not necessarily where to go, and may hide nearby.

Wu Hao sat on the carriage and armed his guns to guard his surroundings. Even if the bear doesn't come to the edge of the forest, it's always right to be careful.

Going south to the mountain road, he sat in the middle of the carriage. If a bear rushed out and the carriage blocked him, he would not be in immediate danger even if it was dark.

"Wang Wang Wang ~"

The journey was uneventful, when approaching Woodcut Leng, the big and small blue wolves smelled the smell of a brown bear, jumped out of the car and ran forward.

"Come back!" Wu Hao shouted loudly, there are many traps around here, the dogs can't run around, and they can't always get used to their problems, if they get used to running, they won't be able to bark.

The big and small blue wolves were more obedient at the moment, standing where they were and looking fiercely at the woodcut, where the smell of brown bears was very strong.

The seven dogs didn't dare to move, and waited for the owner to wave their hands before they ran to the door of Mukeleng to look inside. Big Brown entered the room and walked around. The smell was not bad but there were no bears.

It walked out the door and looked up to sniff the air. It walked several tens of meters to the east and looked east. The brown bear had already left with the smell of wine.

At this time, Wu Hao drove to the door of Mukeleng, got out of the car and took a look inside the house. Other furnishings were untouched, and he looked down at the footprints to make sure that the brown bear had really left.

It took a lot of time for Niu Si to enter the village, and it took a lot of time for him to take a detour. Now it will be dark in two hours, and the brown bear should not be far away after drinking too much. It may sleep nearby and let Big Brown take the lead in chasing it.

The brown bear fell down and took a long time to get up from the ground. When he went out, he vaguely saw people running away. He was drunk and his eyesight was not good, so he knew that he could not catch up with people.

Even if my head is in a daze, I want to leave here as soon as possible, and walk back and forth like a drunk. Only by walking the familiar road can I feel safe.

Now that the alcohol is strong, the brown bear's eyelids started to fight again, and it resisted to go downhill. In front of it, there was a big tree that was broken in the middle and fell down on the downhill.

The poplar slipped and slipped down, and it didn't feel it when it fell asleep. When it was about to slip to the ground, it was caught by the branches.

It slept for a long time this time, the weather was too cold, it woke up from the cold and still felt dizzy when it opened its eyes, lying there motionless.

Wu Hao took a detour and had just walked four or five miles away when the big blue wolf in front of him rushed into the woods howling and smelling the scent. It took the lead, followed by other dogs.

This time he didn't stop the big blue wolf. After several hours, the brown bear should have sobered up.

There is an old saying that when Lin Mo enters, he is afraid of being ambushed by a brown bear. What if there are two bears again, the big bear comes out to drink and the little bear sleeps, and he will be attacked by the little bear when he enters the forest. The dog must lead the way.

Because it was a detour, when Big Blue Wolf rushed out of the forest, he saw the brown bear lying on the tree trunk ahead of the downhill.

The brown bear heard the dog barking in the woods ahead and hurriedly crawled backwards. It was afraid of being shot and also afraid of the dog.

There were quite a lot of dogs in the woods ahead, and it was about to retreat to the uphill and escape, just in time to avoid the dogs' rounding up.

There is frost on the poplar tree, and the brown bear's paws can hook the tree trunk hard, but the bear's paw is thin and slippery, and it slips down when pushing the tree trunk.

A little unable to stop the "car", he rushed down, his fat body pierced through the branches of the messy canopy, and rushed directly towards the dogs.

"Wow, woof, woof~" The big blue wolf became irritable when he saw the brown bear. He dodged the brown bear and sped up to catch up, taking a bite of the bear's ass.

The brown bear is indeed timid, but the dog teeth bit on the buttocks and dragged back. It suffered pain, stopped, turned around, stretched out its left paw, and scratched back.

The big blue wolf's eyes were full of hatred, and he didn't want to let go of his mouth to dodge at all. He bit the bear's skin and shook his head frantically.

"Shut!" The brown bear roared angrily and rolled over, not only made the big blue wolf fall down, but even the other dogs that rushed up also retreated instantly.

The brown bear got up and ran. It didn't care about fighting at all, it just wanted to stay away from the dogs, fearing that humans would come and shoot.

The white-spotted big brown rushed to catch up with the brown bear first, jumped up and took a bite at the brown bear's ass!
Bitten by the two dogs, the brown bear's huge body gave a sudden stop. It turned sharply and drove the two dogs around half a circle, and clawed back the rushing rhubarb.

When Rhubarb saw the bear's paw sweeping towards it, he immediately hit the ground with its buttocks to "suddenly brake". It leaned back to avoid the bear's paw in front of its face, and couldn't confront the brown bear head-on. It stood up and ran.

The big blue wolf and the little blue wolf bit the brown bear's hind legs, and the brown bear was dragged by the four dogs. It wanted to chase the big yellow, but it couldn't drag the four dogs by taking two steps forward. Instead, it stood up with its upper body.

The brown bear hurriedly fell down again, lay down on the ground and rolled to shake off the dog behind him, and then immediately stood on four legs. It didn't want to charge, but to run!
The brown bear, weighing more than 500 kilograms, started to run, shaking with fat all over its body.

"Shut up!" He opened his mouth and roared, and the roar of the bear resounded through the mountains and forests.

The little black and the little brown in front were not stupid, and they all avoided the left and right. The brown bear rushed directly to the forest, and before it ran far, there was a sharp pain in its buttocks.

It got up and ran away, and the big brown, white spot, big blue wolf, and little blue wolf also got up, and the brown bear caught up after a few steps.

"Shut up!" The brown bear turned around and poked its paws to scare away only two dogs, and the remaining two followed it in circles, so it could only roll in the old way.

Knowing that it couldn't run the dogs, it stood up and rushed away from the three dogs in front of it, and went straight to the broken tree.

In front of the poplar tree, the brown bear grabbed its front paw, kicked up its left hind leg, and climbed half of its body on the tree.

Then he lifted his right hind leg, kicked off the tree with his back palm, and when he climbed up with his two front paws, Baidian, Xiaohei, Big Brown, and Big Blue Wolf rushed up, bit his buttocks and thighs, and pulled down.

Big Yellow, Little Blue Wolf, and Little Brown followed closely and bit the side of the brown bear's waist.

The seven dogs weighed more than 700 kilograms. The brown bear hugged the tree trunk but couldn't get up, but it could get down if it wanted to, but it didn't dare to come down for fear of being bitten by the dogs.


The brown bear could only roar and threaten to keep going upwards, but it was pulled down half of its body, and only its front arms hugged the tree trunk.

At this time, Wu Hao arrived with two minks. He wanted to use the minks to pick out his eyeballs, but he saw the brown bear hanging on the tree like a live target through the forest.

At this time, the gun does not hurt the dog, and the distance is about 100 meters. Wu Hao squats down to aim. When the muzzle of the gun stabilizes, he holds his breath and sees the head of the brown bear appearing in the gun star.


The bullet ejected from the chamber, entered from the top of the brown bear's left brain, and shot out from the opposite side.

(End of this chapter)

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