Chapter 190 There Are Three Bears
It wasn't one eye that Deng Daliu hit with the butt of the gun. The blind man was hit twice in the right eye.

The black bear's right eye was bleeding, and his left eye was so badly injured that he couldn't open it in pain. He couldn't lift his injured right arm while lying on his stomach.

It screamed "Hang Han" in pain, loosened its left paw from its shoulder and made a round of force, and hit the tree with its left paw and slapped its mouth to the right. The distance between them was too small to exert force.

Even so, the big bear paw fan on the top of the temple still made Deng Da's six brains "buzz".

With no restraint on his shoulders, his head was in a daze and he subconsciously ran for his life. He pouted his buttocks like a kowtow, and couldn't care about the backpack falling on the ground.

Enduring his daze, he leaned sideways on the tree trunk. The cover on half of his foot could be opened as soon as he pulled it. Deng Daliu opened the cover and pressed his left arm against the tree trunk to get up and run away.

After the black blind man slapped his mouth, he rubbed his eyes twice with his paws, and when he opened his left eye, he saw the ass in front of him.

After being shot twice, the eye was injured again, and the cry of "Hang Han" was full of anger. The black bear endured the pain and stood on all fours and took a step forward to grab it.

When the man stood up, his buttocks were backward, and the claws were inserted at the root of Deng Daliu's tail and pulled down.

Deng Daliu's head was dazed and he delayed his action a bit. When his butt hurt, he rushed out with an "ow".

The black blind man wanted to hook his flesh, but the boy ran forward vigorously, and it successfully cut two wounds on his buttocks.

One of the three paw prints was scratched from the buttocks. Deng Daliu was shocked even though the ditch was not injured.

Fortunately, it was not plugged in anywhere!

Now that his butt has turned into five petals, he rushed forward a few meters before turning and running eastward, afraid of being overtaken by Xiong Xiazi.

He was about to jump into the river, but his head was dazed and he went off to the Northeast Bear. He forcibly controlled his body to turn south, and jumped directly into the river with an acceleration.

The black blind man could walk while standing, but he couldn't run fast. He didn't catch up with the man, so he turned his head to find the dog to vent his anger.

It's not that the little yellow dog didn't save Deng Daliu. When the black blind man roared on the slope, it pulled the rope hard to the west, and the other four dogs followed suit.

Deng Xiaoliu was startled by the sudden roar of the bear, he subconsciously turned his head to look west, and the five dogs pulled him staggeringly together.

At this time, the little black bear rushed forward and broke the steel wire rope. The inertia effect made it very fast, and the distance was close.

Deng Xiaoliu staggered and bent over [-] degrees with his head facing west. The little black bear, furious from being tortured by the wire rope, rushed to his side and swung his right paw over his head like a slap in the face.

It wanted to open a ladle for someone, but it was short and couldn't reach it from top to bottom. It turned from right to left, just in time for Deng Xiaoliu to get up.

It slapped Deng Xiaoliu's waist and subconsciously pulled the tip of its claws inward, grabbing the back and side of the waist and trying to knock him down and bite him to death.

Deng Xiaoliu was in great pain from being slapped by the bear's paw, and with the paw piercing into the flesh, he cried out in pain, "Oh my god!"

But he is not cowardly, has a bad temper and is a little nervous. He is not afraid of the bear, no matter whether it is caught or bitten, he will take a gun down and destroy it regardless of whether it is caught or bitten.

The little black bear had already pinned him to the ground and was pulling him down his crotch. The little yellow dog ran five or six meters and turned back without hesitation when he heard Deng Xiaoliu screaming.

This little yellow dog is smart, Deng Xiaoliu often feeds it meat, and it is still his own family, so it knows who to save, the black bear just pulled him into his crotch.

The little yellow dog rushed over and opened its mouth to bite the bleeding place on the waist. It is not the kind of dog that only bites one spot.

Knowing how to ambush and find weak spots, whoever bites the leading dog will run back to bite whoever helps the dog.

The little black bear's waist was bleeding non-stop, and the sudden bite by the dog made it even more painful. It raised its head and roared and stood up.

The right paw grabs the man's waist and uses him as a door panel to roll back. Don't look at it only weighs two hundred catties, and it is especially powerful when the blind man is anxious.

Deng Xiaoliu was only over 90 kilograms, and he had already taken down the gun, so he was not afraid of the black blind man opening his mouth and biting him just now.

Even if it is bitten, it will collapse. Before I can hold the gun, my left leg and knee hit the head of the black dog that ran over to bite the little bear, and then hit the head of the big yellow dog.

The dog's head is hard, and the knee hurts when it hits it. These two dogs are also unlucky. They were just bitten by a wolverine some time ago, and today they were a little confused by the knee.

Deng Xiaoliu gritted his teeth in the air and was about to aim.

The little black bear rotated him more than half a circle, and he couldn't catch people with one paw, and the inertia directly threw him out.

Deng Xiaoliu was standing upright when he hit the dog with his knee and turned sideways. Just as he raised his gun, he was thrown flying and landed on the icy surface of the river.

The top of the river is two meters deep from the ice surface, and the black bear is thrown half a meter high. It stands to reason that people will roll forward for a while when they land.

There are few trees here, and the snow in the river is fifteen centimeters thick. Deng Xiaoliu was "embedded" on the river when it fell.

The posture is very interesting, with the face facing east, as if sleeping on the side with the right leg raised, the right hand stretched out in front of the chest, and the gun thrown one meter away.

The left arm is behind the back, and the left calf is standing up and facing the sky obliquely.

When a person falls from a height of [-] meters, his head sinks, and the heaviest places to fall are the shoulders and hips.

Even though there was snow blocking, Deng Liuzi's left shoulder was painful and numb, and the hip and hip axis fell the hardest, as if they were displaced, and the snow behind the left knee did not hit the ice.

But the dog's head was already numb after hitting the dog, and the calf couldn't be put down, and the left waist was still scratched and encountered snow.

The left half of his body is completely numb, and all kinds of pain are mixed together, and now he is almost in a vegetative state.

There is still a difference, lying there twitching like being electrified, and kept muttering: "Oh my god, I can't do it."

Deng Daliu jumped down and rolled forward, the wounds on his shoulders and buttocks met the snow, the pain made his dazed head clear a lot.

Standing up and seeing Deng Xiaoliu lying on the front left, he couldn't figure out what was going on, and didn't have time to think about it, fearing that the black bear would chase him down.

He ran over to grab his upturned calf and dragged him south. At this moment, saving people was purely out of "loyalty in the world".

He didn't think much about it, and his confused head didn't allow it. He still strayed when running, and he might not be able to pull if it wasn't on the ice.

As we went south, the snow became thinner, and Deng Xiaoliu quit. His knee felt like he was being hit by a numb tendon, and when he was pulled, it hurt and numb.

Being dragged back by others, the bag was taken off, the padded jacket was filled with snow, and the wound and leg were very painful.

Deng Xiaoliu kept yelling, "Emma can't do it anymore, let me go."

Deng Daliu was already irritable, and the bear roared loudly. He was afraid that the bear would chase him and try to throw him down, so he just let go of his hand and ran for two steps before stopping.

His sixth uncle, one son and one daughter, Deng Xiaoliu will be the only one after his death. If another person dies, he can let his nephew take care of him.

But he dared to throw it away. If Deng Xiaoliu really died, given Deng Liuzi's temper, he might be buried with him, at least one of his legs would be crippled.

When Deng Daliu turned his head and saw the bear and the dog fighting, he also came to the south. He gritted his teeth, hugged Deng Xiaoliu by the waist, and ran away.

Although Deng Daliu is also thin, but he is a bit dry, otherwise he would not always fight with others, and he can run while holding someone, but his feet always slip and run fast.

Half of Deng Xiaoliu's body was in pain, and being carried across his body was bumped up and down, his hips seemed to be separated from his body.

This kind of pain is not something ordinary people can bear, Deng Xiaoliu burst into tears, and kept shouting: "Oh my god, let go~"

Deng Daliu didn't even throw the gun away with a shoulder injury. Annoyed by the shouting, he said angrily, "Don't beep! Throw it away and you'll die!"

It's better to die than to be in pain, Deng Xiaoliu's eyes were full of fierce light, and he shouted loudly: "Scatter it, I'll stab it to death!"

This kid is afraid of pain but not death, he would rather lie on the ground and fight with a black blind man than be hugged and bumped.

Deng Daliu was furious, and cursed: "You idiot! It seems that I want to control you."

He couldn't carry it anymore, so he picked up the man and walked south against the ice-free place by the river. He couldn't run anymore, and he didn't dare to go back even if the roar of the bear behind him gradually died down.

One arm was injured and he couldn't shoot and he had no bullets. He had to go far away. He was afraid that the dog would not be able to stop him and the bear would come after him.

The big black bear had a leg injury and couldn't run, the little yellow dog turned around to tease it, and the lame big yellow dog helped to restrain the big bear.

One runs and the other bites. Five dogs can't kill the little bear, and none of them can lock the throat. The black bear will pat the dog on the head.

The big bear was not hurt, and if he could catch up to the dogs, he could have wiped them out.

These five dogs are not bad, they knew to hold the little bear when they heard the gunshot, now they just follow the little yellow dog and fight.

The two sides pulled to the southwest for more than 200 meters. Seeing that the owner had disappeared, the little yellow dog ran away with a series of rapid barks.

The lame yellow dog ran slowly and could barely keep up. The big black dog just took a bite of the bear in the north, and it also ran away when its companion ran away.

Looking back to the south, the big bear didn't chase the other dogs and ran back. It was running eastward to jump into the river, and it couldn't run fast with one leg lame.

The little black bear chased after it and stretched out its claws to hook its hind legs. The big black dog screamed in fright and turned around and bit it.

The black dog hastily retracted its head and bit again. It just wanted to scare the bear to let go of its paws and escape. Unfortunately, people were not afraid of it. When it felt the wind on the right side, it turned around and saw a bear's paw falling.

Just as it was being patted on the back of its head, its neck broke with a "click". The big black dog didn't even bark out a "choke".

Deng Xiaoliu was still shouting: "No! It hurts! Let go!"

Being carried on his waist, his head was turned backwards, and only four dogs were chasing him with dim eyes. He suddenly became quiet, and then he began to think about other things in his mind.

He murmured: "I lost the gun and bag, and the dog seems to be dead. Why don't we kill the bear and go home!"

"I can't kill it!" Deng Daliu's face was full of bitterness. There are always accidents in hunting. Even if the big bear doesn't come, it's not easy to fight the little bear if it breaks free.

Bears are small and surrounded by dogs so they can’t shoot. If they are far away, they can’t be shot. When they are close, they can’t be killed and they will hurt people. If there are no dogs, they will be easily ambushed by wild animals when they go into the mountains.

Hitting a bear was more difficult than he had imagined. Both of them couldn't shoot without bullets, so they had to go home and find someone to beat them.

He was afraid that Niu Si would tell others the news again. If the prey was injured and he was still chasing and beating it, he would get half of it if he was killed.

But he couldn't hunt, and he went home again, so others can hunt if they want, and maybe they will leave some meat where they are in a good mood.

The two of them threw a gun and two bags on the spot. The things in the pockets could be thrown away, but the gun was considered valuable and could not be thrown away.

How can I hunt without a gun? It costs money to buy it. He still dare not go back to get it. He needs to go far away to treat the wound.

Don't talk about looking for bears now, if the bears don't come here, they will burn high incense. It is fifty miles away from home. If you are not injured, you can walk back in less than a day and a half.

Carrying a person now, I can't go home for two days. When I come back to look for it, the bear will definitely be gone, even if the gun is gone.

In winter, if you say black, you will be black if you work hard.

Deng Daliu was sweating profusely and walked six or seven miles in the dark. He put his brother down and began to dig out the snow cave. Fortunately, he had matches and big pancakes in his arms.

He roasted his clothes over a fire, and took out some medicine noodles to apply to the wound. After all, he was a bastard who had been knifed, so he often prepared some medicine noodles.

Half of Deng Xiaoliu's body is not working well, enduring the pain and lying on one side like a vegetable, needing help for everything.

The little yellow dog has many eyes, the owner has nothing to feed them, so it leads the dog to look for food in the dark, and it cannot be hungry in this forest.

The big black dog was even more miserable. The little bear took it in its mouth and walked two miles southwest with its mother into an open space with similar terrain as before.

There is a lot of snow under the southwestern high slope, and the two of them dug a snow hole and got in to eat the dog. Regardless of the serious injury of the big bear, after eating the dog, find a tree hole to sleep in the winter and heal the injury.

It’s not like a cub, giving birth to three cubs and dying two. The remaining one is very easy to feed, and it can raise [-] catties in less than two years.

It was going to drive the bear away, but it was about to hibernate, so it decided to let the bear stay for the winter, and it just slept in the cave for a month.

A walking brown bear robs the cave. This brown bear seems to have been hungry for a long time. When it sees a cub, it wants to kill it and eat its meat.

The brown bear was about a hundred catties heavier than it, and the black bear couldn't beat it, so it took the cub and ran away, planning to go north from the southeast.

There are villages in the north and south of the route it came over. There are hunters hunting there. When they hear gunshots, they can only go northwest from the middle of the two villages.

After entering this forest and walking to Heitian, we encountered a pine forest, and there were no animals nearby. When they dug out the snow cave to rest, they found food.

It and the little bear were looking for something to eat separately, and the brown bear followed and attacked the little bear. Although it didn't catch it, the little bear was terrified.

Run to the northwest as soon as you can, cross the small river and run northwest to Niu Si's residence one mile south of the place where you will be trapped in the future.

It is not hungry just after eating, and it wants to be independent after running so far, and has no plan to go back to find the big bear.

I just wanted to find a warm place to sleep, and I pushed the door open when I felt the heat coming from the woodcut. The first time I heard the sound of marle seeds, I was so scared that I ran back after hitting the duck nest.

It didn't dare to be independent again, and ran eastward along the mountain road, and it couldn't see the pheasants that were trapped and frozen to death in the dark.

Panicked and hurried on the way, he forgot his own origin, and Kamikochi smelled the scent left by himself in the south. It ran down from the gentle place in the northeast corner, ready to go south to find the scent and go back.

The black blind man can see the steel wire rope clearly during the day, but at night he dives in and struggles for a long time.

I was tired from running for my life, so I lay down to sleep and woke up in the afternoon. I couldn't move the wire rope and waited for the big bear to come, but the dog finally came.

The big black bear instinctively fights with the brown bear. The brown bear has been starving for too long. Even if it is bigger than others, it cannot kill the other. Neither side wants to get hurt.

Keeping each other in check until dawn, the brown bear found that there was a lot of food nearby, and if it couldn't catch up with the cub, it stopped quarreling with the mother bear and went to find food.

The big black bear wanted the little bear to be independent. There were gunshots from the north and the south, and there were brown bears behind. It could only go west. The little bear was running, so it walked slowly to prevent the brown bear from following.

Before the dog came, it followed the bear's footprints into the southwest forest, and ran over when it heard the dogs barking and the bear roaring in the northeast.

Get shot right away.

Now it also feels that it is not safe here, so it is ready to continue on its way tomorrow after eating and raising the dog overnight.

I haven't figured out where to go. It doesn't know that it will encounter enemies five or six miles south, if it goes north.

It's not like being shot at the border camp.

(End of this chapter)

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