Chapter 181 Catch the Mountain Donkey
Wu Hao distributed the guns to them, and asked them to wear sheepskin jackets and white-gray dog-skin hats to salute. When he got home, he found some white plastic cloth and cut them an apron.

"What are you going to do?" Wu Weiguo didn't know what this kid was doing all morning, he ran around like a dog chasing a rabbit.

"Follow me into the mountains to catch donkeys." Wu Hao kept his hands on his hands and said to himself.

Wu Weiguo asked, "How many? It's hard to catch in winter, and you'll kill them if you shoot them."

Wu Hao replied: "At least eight, let someone catch them."

"Don't you have to pay for it?" Wu Weiguo was a little displeased. The second-hand merchants in the village offered two hundred for the Gongshan donkey.

Wu Hao asked back: "Can't you earn it back? Musk is more expensive or the two hundred?"

"One thousand sixteen for eight whole men!" Wu Weiguo muttered, "Is this money gone in a day?"

"How many dishes do you drink like this?" Wu Hao curled his lips: "You can't talk about it if you don't drink too much!"

"Really?" Wu Weiguo picked up the stick next to the door: "It's not good for your legs if you drink too much."

He used the wooden stick as a walking stick and leaned forward.

"Find some rope for the car, and it will be gone if you go late." Wu Hao tore the plastic sheet without looking up.

Wu Weiguo didn't quarrel with him and turned around to set up a cart. There were too many mothers in a group of mountain donkeys. Even if they really paid [-] yuan, they could still make money selling musk.

You have to buy puppies to keep a dog, so how can you not spend money all the time.

My father and I set out to drive the dog back in a cart, but the mink didn't take it with us. They love to catch mountain donkeys and will definitely kill them.

Scared away by the two of them, it would be better not to shoot them to death. The mountain donkey doesn't have much meat, and the meat is not worth much.

The others were waiting at the entrance of the village. Wu Hao went by in a car and said the ugly words first: "I catch mountain donkeys and raise them. I will pay two hundred for a male, and ten people will share."

There was an outsider here, so Wu Weijun couldn't say that he didn't want money, so Yu Lao Qi answered, "You can just say something, there is no money for anything."

Mr. Er nodded: "That's right." He likes money, but he wants to have a good relationship with Old Wu's family.

Wu Hao is too young to speak hard words. Looking at his father, Wu Weiguo waved his hand: "I only came to you when we have a good relationship, and I will make some money after Chinese New Year. Don't talk about the extras. I will also give money to others."

Seeing that the two of them were embarrassed to speak, Wu Weijun nodded directly: "It doesn't matter if you give the money or not, take the money."

The elder brother's family is not short of money and insists on paying, and the juniors are not easy to talk to outsiders, so he makes decisions for a few people.

Wu Hao reminded: "I will make money in the future by raising this thing!"

Mr. Er was the first to speak: "Raising piglets can make money when they grow up. If you don't raise them yourself, you can't be greedy for others."

"That's right." Yu Laoqi nodded: "You lead us to make money, in the future, whoever talks about chaos will be a human being."

"Let's go, let's go." Wu Weiguo didn't let everyone talk too much, he drove the front of the car and led the way, found the footprints of the mountain donkey and chased after him.

Mountain donkeys come out to forage in the morning and evening, but they may not be on their way. They may just leave when they are full.

Three cars and ten people followed the footprints until noon. They didn't dare to shoot small animals along the way.

He didn't catch any prey, so he could only eat the meat and bean buns brought by Wu Hao. The food was pretty good.

The old cow walks slower than the mountain donkey, but it can catch up with the old cow. The old cow can keep walking, and the mountain donkey cannot compare with the cow in physical strength.

After chasing another ten miles, Wu Weiguo stopped the car and looked at the footprints by the forest on his left, and Wu Hao got off the car to take a look and went into the forest.

This pine forest is not dense, and the trees grow quite tall. There is a "choking" sound from the depths of the forest, and there are quite a few of them when they hear their calls.

At this time, the wild boars were all looking for food, and they were moving around. Wu Hao didn't dare to approach them for fear of scaring the wild boars away, so he turned half a circle to check the footprints and returned to the carriage.

He got on the carriage and signaled to move on, and after walking a certain distance, he turned around and said, "At least five wild boars, not small in size, come back and fight again."

Everyone nodded to express their understanding. Shooting guns here is afraid of scaring away the mountain donkeys, and the wild boars will not leave easily if they have something to eat.

They have five guns that don't use dogs at all, and with the marksmanship of the two men, as long as they get close to half surrounded, at least three of the five wild boars will be left.

As the sky was getting dark, Wu Weiguo stopped the car looking at the uneven snow field and dense forest ahead.

"I'll go and have a look." Wu Hao finished observing Bai Xue, who was kicked out of the ground, picked up his gun and walked forward.

The mountain donkeys had a keen sense of hearing and smell, so he didn't dare to get too close. He circled around to observe the terrain, found the mountain donkey's hiding place and studied the approximate direction they were going to leave.

Looking back at the route he came from and studying it in his mind, the mountain donkey went all the way to the southwest without hesitation.

They already have a purpose in their hearts, and this small valley in the windy east is where they sleep.

There are many ways out of the valley that are difficult to grasp. They will go to the west when they come out tomorrow. There are bushes blocking the way in the north and south forests.

Wild boars can open the way, musk deer will not go into the bushes, they will only go southwest in a hurry.

The forest in the southwest is too high, and there are three roads to the southwest if you go due west. There is an intersection of these three roads, which is more than a mile away from here.

Wu Hao rushed from the forest to the intersection station to observe from a distance. The forests on both sides of this road are high-lying, and the small slope can't be climbed by donkeys.

The road was 700 meters long, and three roads branched out at the southwest end. After reading it, he turned and returned to the carriage to let everyone drive back.

Set up camp five or six miles away, this side is not upwind, and the mountain donkeys can't smell it, let alone find them.

The mountain donkey has been on the road for so long and must rest tonight, and will continue on the road tomorrow morning after foraging.

They set up a fire to barbecue meat, set up a shed for the animals and lit a few fires, and huddled together in a tent to sleep at night.

Before dawn, Wu Weiguo woke up first, and he asked everyone to get up and cook. Nowadays, everyone is diligent and can get up early.

In fact, it’s not too early. It’s bright and late in winter, and it’s still dark after everyone has finished their meal. Wu Hao asked the carriage to follow, and he took the lead to go west to the southeast of the intersection.

Tether the cows and horses in the woods and pour hay for them so as not to bark, and then lead people to the northwest intersection to arrange a position.

Everyone walks from the woods, will not leave footprints on the road, and cannot block the intersection. If they catch two other mountain donkeys, they will turn around and run back.

This little thing is not easy to chase or catch when running, Wu Hao wants to kill them, let everyone cover them with plastic sheets, and arrange for two people to lie on each side of the bifurcated intersection.

There were four people lying on the road in the middle, only four or five meters away from the end of the intersection. The father and father saw a few people covered with plastic sheets, which were quite conspicuous, and they used shovels to shovel snow and buried a few people.

They all lay on the side of the tree, only showing their eyes to look at the intersection. Wu Hao tied a rope to the tree by the roadside, less than [-] centimeters from the ground.

The musk roe deer was about the height of his knees, and like the silly roe deer, it would occasionally hop around when walking.

He would run quickly when he was frightened, and he handed the other end of the rope to Mr. Er, which was the tripping rope.

When the mountain donkey rushes out and pulls the rope, it will inevitably get stuck, and another person will rush to hug it. The little guy who weighs thirty pounds will not be able to run away if he is held down.

The mountain donkey is frightened and runs very fast. The first one falls and the second one will follow in its footsteps. The one who pulls the rope can catch the second one.

The four people on the middle mountain road are three to four meters apart, and two people are closer to the intersection, and they will let the two of them pull the rope.

Wu Hao asked his father to look around from the north, and he went to the south and walked east through the forest.

He was afraid that the donkeys would run into the forest when they came out to forage. Although there were bushes blocking them, if the donkeys entered the forest and detoured, their efforts would be in vain.

The two of them guarded one side of the forest, hiding behind a tree and peeking into the distance. The mountain donkey looks like a deer.

Closer observation will reveal that they have no horns on their foreheads, slender limbs and short tails, and two round and big ears erected.

The appearance of the face is very similar to that of a donkey. This group of guys are very spiritual, with their ears upright and their necks crooked, timidly looking for food.

It didn't go deep into the woods, it would stop at the edge of the bushes, and the direction of progress was west.

Wu Hao checked the number and there were ten of them. It was too far away to tell the male and female apart. He guessed that there were only eight footprints, and the other two should be male.

They fought and chased in the distance and did not walk the same way as the female, and there may be more than two males, and the others may have been driven away.

These two didn't decide the winner, or they just arrived in the ethnic group and haven't had time to fight.

There are too many to catch, time is too tight, Wu Hao has no other way, he doesn't want to shoot if he really runs away, it's better to let it live than to die, and it can be caught when it breeds in the future.

If these guys go into the bushes, he can only show up. It's God's will where the donkey will run after being scared.

Just go west quietly now, and when he enters that intersection, he will shoot and make the mountain donkey run away quickly.

It's too cold in the morning, even if you wear thick clothes, you won't be able to lie down for long. It's been 10 minutes now, and the mountain donkey has eaten a lot in the morning, and it will start to hurry.

Seeing them going west, Wu Weiguo turned around and went back to help, instead of lying down with the four of them, he picked up the shovel and went west four to five meters away, buried most of himself in snow, and hid his body behind a tree.

Two minutes later, the mountain donkey approached the intersection, and a group of musk deer suddenly stopped after running for a few steps, shaking their heads and brains, and their big fleshy ears kept stirring to listen to the surrounding movement.

Fragrant deer is timid and fearful by nature. Once encountering an unexpected attack, it will often go back the same way and run desperately to the place where it once lived.

They didn't find danger, but there was only one road ahead, and the terrain on both sides was too high, so they stopped and listened out of caution.

The first one walked into the mountain road, and the others followed one after another. They walked forward cautiously and did not run.

Wu Hao walked slowly to the intersection and watched secretly from behind. After 2 minutes, the mountain donkey had gone more than halfway, and he raised his gun to shoot into the sky and chased after him.

Mountain donkeys choke like a dog when they are looking for their mother, bark when they call for their companions, and bark like an old cow when they are frightened.

"Moo Moo." They ran wildly, panicked and only wanted to run forward for their lives. They ran if they didn't jump.

Mr. Er was at a side intersection, he couldn't see the musk deer, but he could hear the sound of running, and waited until he saw the figure approaching.

A strong fragrance comes out, and the musk deer deer is looking for a "mate" in winter, and the musk glands on the male body secrete more than usual.

This strong fragrance will attract females. Mr. Er understands this, and males are only valuable. The musk deer rushed out of the intersection and ran away in fright.

Two of them were running towards him, probably frightened by the loud gunshots, and only his eyes were exposed.

At this moment, his body was completely cold, and it took less than two seconds to sprint four or five meters away from the musk deer, and the distance between the head and the tail of the two, one in front of the other, and half a meter away, he suddenly knelt up and straightened the rope.

Fragrant deer is a thing that can run and jump well. The man who suddenly got up on his knees frightened it, since it can run fast.

When it wanted to stop, its front legs bumped against the rope, and it fell somersaults, followed by the one behind. Yu Laoqi pounced on the first one's abdomen with his left hand, and pinched his neck with his right hand.

It's just a male, and I'm afraid it will bite people back and I'm afraid it will bite my own sachet.

The second gentleman is like a "hungry tiger" rushing for food, he lays down and holds down the second "Haha" Le, which is also a male.

Both are cubs, weighing just over 200 kilograms, not afraid of light weight, and the male one is worth [-] yuan.

Wu Qiang and Wu Xia only ran over one on the road, and it was easy for them to catch it. The middle road has a lot of mountain donkeys.

The first five were about to trip over four, and the other fled in a circle. The two were too busy to catch four, and Wu Weijun hugged one and did not let go.

Wu Gang caught the big one and then went to catch the small one. Because of the stuffy hands, the big one didn't catch the small one and ran away.

The little donkey ran slowly at the start, and it was also frightened. Just as it was about to speed up along the mountain road, Wu Weiguo jumped out and held it down.

The two people closest to the confluence road were not greedy. The mountain donkey in front had just fallen down, and the two behind them also arrived. They pulled the rope but caught one.

The mountain donkey at the back ran slowly, and when it saw the companion in the front fell down, it started to slow down. When the companion in front of it fell to the ground, it successfully "braked" and jumped back from the side to the northwest to escape into the woods.

Ten people ambushed ten mountain donkeys, nine people threw down seven, and the little thing in Mr. Er's arms kept thumping and screaming "moo" in anger.

Seeing Wu Hao running over, he handed it over like a baby and said, "I saw that the three that ran away were all females, and we caught more males."

Mr. Er was quite happy, and Wu Hao nodded. In fact, he was not happy. It wasn't that the males were poor in money, but that the number of females was small and the reproduction would be slow. He also had to make a cubicle for the males, fearing that they would fight.

Stretch out your hand to pet the little guy, don't look at the mountain donkey fighting fiercely with its kind, it will be scared when it encounters people, it dares to thump and not bite easily.

When all the people gathered together, they hugged the mountain donkey with one arm and scratched the neck with the other hand. Everyone had a look of intoxication on their faces, because the fragrance was too strong.

But these little ones are on the contrary, they kick their legs, and their eyes are full of panic and panic.

Wu Weiguo looked at the number of males and females and smiled, but it was a wry smile: "This money can't be saved at all!"

Everyone was very happy, and it could be seen that he was joking. There were seven mountain donkeys, two males, two young males, and three young females.

This kind of young female needs to wait until next year to breed. It is best not to take musk for the two young males and let them grow for another year.

The two big males took the musk and sold it for 400 yuan, and Wu Hao paid [-] yuan this time. He was not short of money, but he just wanted a mother.

Those who were idle packed up their things, and everyone returned to the carriage with their mountain donkeys in their arms. Wu Hao took out a few bottles of wine brought from home to drive them away from the cold.

Mountain donkeys are not as honest as silly roe deer, and their legs will be worn out when they are tied up and struggling, especially male ones, who may self-mutilate in a hurry.

Wu Hao drank more than two taels of wine and then breathed on the mountain donkey's nose. After taking a sip and breathing once, this small animal became dizzy after a while.

The others followed suit, waiting for the donkeys to fall asleep, binding their limbs and mouths, putting them on the cart and covering them with quilts, and drinking alcohol if they woke up on the road and struggling.

Cage fire to keep warm, Wu Hao is not cold, he can use iron shovel to dig moss for roasting, sweet roe deer eats everything like silly roe deer.

Life is not easy for them in winter. They gnaw bark and eat plant roots, and occasionally shave snow to eat moss. Now they can eat corn noodles when they follow him home.

There are also vegetables and carrots to eat in summer. He wants to change the taste of the silly roe deer at home, and dig some moss to bring it back.

He dug about a small basket of moss, and everyone warmed up, and drove back to find the wild boar, and came to the pine forest.

Wu Hao went to observe first, but after searching for a long time, he found that the wild boar had left. He looked at the footprints and left this morning.

Strolling to the west, in the opposite direction to their return, wild boars can catch up without running, and they will eat while walking.

When he came back to talk about the situation, Wu Weiguo said, "Fight, five guns can't be borrowed for nothing. Seeing that the New Year is over, if you shoot too much, let everyone have a good year."

If you don't borrow a gun, you have to share the prey. If you borrow a gun, you have to share it. Their families are not short of meat, and other families are not rich in oil.

Everyone helps each other to get by. Usually, whoever has a small job will also help, and borrow other things from each other. These meats are not in vain.

In the countryside, there is no time when no one can’t ask for someone, and it’s much worse to ask for help when something happens, and there are many friends and multiple paths.

The ten people drove until dark and finally almost caught up. The wild boar slept in the snowdrift at night, and Wu Hao went into the woods to have a look.

The group of pigs did lie down in the ravine, and it was too late to fight. He came back and arranged for everyone to camp by the edge of the forest with a small hill away from Shili Road.

They were not afraid of being discovered in the downwind, and they fed cornmeal and forage to the mountain donkeys before going to bed. These guys woke up and struggled.

When you see moss, cornmeal and forage are quieter, then let go of their mouths, and bow their heads to eat after the first bark or two.

I only ate something in the morning, and I was very hungry at night. One of them took the lead and the others followed suit. They were full and struggling.

The old way is to blow alcohol to make them sleep, tie their mouths to prevent them from screaming in the middle of the night, and everyone gets up to eat before dawn and then pack their things.

The wild boars will only get up after dawn, and the flashlight illuminates the road to drive the car near the woods where they sleep.

Wu Hao went into the woods and saw wild boars still sleeping, and this curved ditch was less than 50 meters.

It was difficult to block all the wild boars inside and kill them. The wild boars would be disturbed if others could not touch them. He studied the terrain.

The curved ditch is about four meters wide. At the northwest corner of the ditch is a small road, and about [-] meters north of the road are forests and dense bushes.

People can hide there. Looking at the mist above the wild boars, the number should be more than what he said before. This litter is quite a lot.

He went back and led the others into the bushes in the northwest corner to arrange a location, and came back to go south with Old Wu.

They moved forward side by side, raised their feet together and landed gently, and approached Goubangzi slowly to the southwest of the ditch for nearly 120 meters.

The fog in the ditch in front was steaming, and a group of wild boars were sleeping on their stomachs, surrounded by big pigs, weighing more than 300 kilograms, and the number was indistinguishable.

The ditch was curved, only four meters wide at the place where the wild boar lay on its stomach, and it narrowed as it went forward. The two of them had only one chance to shoot.

The two of them wanted to move closer, but they didn't expect that the nearest old sow suddenly raised its head. When it saw the person, it was frightened and stood up.

"Bang bang." Two shots were shot at it. It was too big to block several fleeing pigs. There were no eggs in this group of pigs.

Hearing the sudden gunshot, he got up and ran, a little yellow-haired boy reacted slowly, and only got up when the old sow fell to the ground, and was shot down by Wu Weiguo.

Wu Hao aimed at the wild boar that could be seen vaguely, and fired two shots into the ditch without hitting anything, and then gunshots came from the northwest.

Wu Weijun and the others saw wild boars rushing out and shot at the end of the southeast ditch, and the wild boars scattered and fled out of the ditch.

The distance is a bit far, and the end of the ditch is quite wide with a bend, and the wild boars will scatter when they run to the end.

Three guns killed two of them, and it was possible to bring down two more. As a result, an old sow rushed directly to the bush where the gun was shot, and it was injured and rushed to the gun.

In order to prevent everyone from being injured, all three guns were aimed at it, and the [-]-jin old sow fell to the ground wailing, and the other wild boars ran into the forest in all directions. Without dogs, people could not catch up with the pigs, and everyone was satisfied.

The father and father rushed over to see that the other two were old sows weighing more than 200 catties. Wu Hao checked the footprints of the wild boars.

Three pigs were injured, but they didn't bleed much, and they couldn't catch up or die.

Wu Weijun put away his gun and said: "It should be nine wild boars, and there are many little yellow hairs. Fortunately, there are no cannon eggs."

If Paozi has a bad temper, he will shoot at him. If two Paozi and the old sow charge together, their three guns may not be able to defend against it.

Fortunately, Wu Hao reminded them that there were a lot of wild boars, so he deliberately opened a distance of 50 meters, and shot them with three guns indiscriminately. This old sow was delivered to the door.

"Disassemble and load the car." After Wu Weiguo finished speaking, he took out the knife and opened the wild boar. He was in a hurry to go home, and the donkey couldn't be tied up all the time.

There is not much fodder left, and I have to take my old girl to the countryside when I get home.

 Eleven thousand words, and I didn't go out on May Day.

(End of this chapter)

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