Chapter 160 Zhang Liang got lost while riding a pig

Mr. Er hadn't vented his anger yet, so he slapped the five red seals with a big slap: "You eat others, take others, and even scold them, do you have any memory this time?"

Li Erhuai was in so much pain that he couldn't speak, just howling, his father let go, he picked up his pants and ran to the wall.

Lift your legs up and down and walk in place.

This way of stepping to reduce injuries, he wailed loudly towards the courtyard next door.

The neighbors couldn't help laughing, the kid was always being beaten, and they couldn't help it.

When Xiaodoubao heard Li Erbai's crying and howling, she happily sat in the corner holding her stomach, looking up at the sky and laughing "quack".

She burst into tears, and she didn't look at Li Erhuai when he was beaten before, but she heard it with her own ears today.

She finally vented her anger, sitting there laughing for a long time, she slapped her calf so happily, it shows how happy she is.

After a long while, she wiped away her tears and stood up, brushed the snow on her body again, and shook her head: "Hmph!"

Pulling the ice cart and walking home, this time I felt full of strength, straightened my back and took square steps, raised my head and shouted: "The cricket will be full and full until August 25."

She has a big tongue and reads fast. If there are people nearby, no one will be able to understand what she said.

She went home happily, and Wu Hao also entered the village. He just finished dividing the meat two days ago, and he didn't stop leading the horse today.

There were not many people on the road, and everyone didn't want meat. They were used to turning this alley, and when they reached Li Erhuai's house, they could hear the second daughter-in-law scolding.

"Is the fried meat with willow sticks delicious?"

"Why are you crying after eating? Why don't you hold back!"

Other families have children for fun, but Li Erhuai was born to be beaten.

He was beaten, and the neighbors seemed to be very happy about it.

Wu Hao didn't know why he was beaten, but he was happy, and he led the horse home, and the dog entered the yard and barked twice.

Then I ran into the nest and lay down, and was tired after going out for a few days. Da Mao Er Mao went to the warehouse to sleep, and Hei Feng stopped in the courtyard and didn't want to leave.

The couple came out to help unload the car, and Gao Lijuan was happy when she saw Huang Maozi: "Keep it and eat it, our pork is gone."

"Okay." Wu Hao nodded: "Keep three more little badgers."

The little badger can't produce much oil, the hair is burned off, the skin is worthless, and there is not much meat. The whole badger can't be sold for a price, so it's better to eat it.

The three of them unloaded the car, and Xiaodou Bao came out and poked his head to look at the car. After the pork was unloaded, he didn't see what he wanted.

Just as she was about to lower her head, from the corner of her eye she saw her elder brother pick up the things poured out of the cloth bag, his eyes straightened immediately, he grabbed the hem of his clothes, and pointed at the flying dragon with his little finger: "Fly, fly, fly."

Unable to speak out in a hurry, Wu Hao gave a greedy look: "Yes, Feilong."

Xiaodoubao couldn't help swallowing and asked, "For me?"

Wu Weiguo saw four flying dragons answering the call: "More than 100 yuan!"

The little girl was scratching her head, she had a hundred at home, how much she dared to spend, and how much she dared to spend with hundreds of dollars at home.

There is a thousand at home, how much she dares to spend, and how many thousands at home, then she dares to think about Han Caizi's donkey!
She didn't know how much the donkey was worth, but thought it was several tens of dollars.

She has 100 yuan in the family, and she dares to spend ten yuan. Now that Feilong is worth more than [-] yuan, she dare not eat it.

And she has an advantage.

That is, if the family is poor, they will save money to pay for the famine.

When you are rich, people don't spend money hard, so it's not a problem to be greedy.

She thought a flying dragon was more than 100, and shook her head: "Then I won't do it again."

What happened, offended the old girl, Wu Weiguo hurriedly said: "It's okay to eat one."

Xiaodoubao turned her head: "I don't want it!"

Wu Weiguo was taken aback when he saw his daughter's appearance, and then pointed at her: "Look! Look! It's the same as her grandma!"

Can my mother do it?Gao Lijuan turned around and picked up the stick leaning against the window sill and chased after her: "I'll take you to see your grandma!"

The little girl could tell if her parents were really fighting, the two adults ran away, she bowed her head and went into the house.

Wu Hao ignored it, took Heifeng off his jacket and led him into the barn, picked up a pig hair brush to brush its bristles, and the barn was wrapped in plastic cloth to keep it warm.

Then you can't bathe the horse, it's better to wait until summer, when Hei Feng has finished eating the fodder and brushing the hair.

The look in his eyes was very friendly.

Wu Hao fed it some water, and then took a piece of pork into the house to cook together with potatoes. He was also tired, but he needed to feed the mink and the dog before resting.

When Gao Lijuan came back, she found three little badgers and took them to the outhouse to skin them. She wanted to make a delicious meal tonight.

Wu Weiguo offended two people once, and he came back half an hour later. He carried a flying dragon and started to boil water.

Xiaodoubao poked his head in the room and saw that his father was about to pluck the dragon, so he came out and pouted: "More than 100 yuan, no more times!"

Wu Weiguo didn't dare to say it, but Gao Lijuan dared to say: "Then don't eat it."

"No time, no time!" She turned around and entered the room, picked up the small bench and put it in front of the cabinet, and dragged the big stool over.

From low to high, step up to open the cabinet, lean in and take out a small twist from the cloth pocket, then come down and move the small bench onto the kang.

Facing the corner and gnawing twisted doughnuts, it doesn't taste good even if you eat it with a smack. The little roe deer yelled "Wow" on the ground, but she didn't look back.

Afraid of gluttony!Secretly swallowing saliva.

Stir-fried pork with chili and stewed badger meat made by Wu Weiguo.

After he finished his work, Wu Hao wanted to make Feilong soup by himself. He had researched it on the Internet before, and then Wu Meng found one. He also tried to stew Feilong, which was better than what Old Wu made.

I found a wooden basin, poured hot water into it, cleaned the flying dragon's hairs, and cleaned the iron pan carefully.

Then boil hot water, bring the water to a boil, hold the flying dragon in your hand, and use a spoon to scoop hot water and pour it on the flying dragon meat, turning it in circles while pouring.

The Feilong meat is very tender, boil it to medium-rare, put it into the soup and cook, sprinkle some salt, diced green onion and sliced ​​ginger, then turn it gently, and put it into a small pot when the meat is cooked.

Looking ordinary.

But there is a fresh scent that has drifted away.

The Feilong soup was served first, and the smell in the room was strong, and there was also the smell of fried meat, which made the child in the corner unable to sit still.

The three of them sat down, she sat and moved forward, and looked at the table to see what dishes were there, especially the soup, for a long time.

The three people filled half a bowl of soup, no one cared about her, Wu Hao picked up the bowl and took a sip: "Ah~ delicious!"

Xiaodoubao lowered his head when he regained his senses, picked up the chopsticks and ate the rice, but he forgot to pick up the vegetables, and was too embarrassed to speak because he was thinking about the soup.

But when she peeked, she just lowered her head and peeked there.

The three adults all drank the soup, and when they finished drinking, another person filled a half bowl.

Damn, did you drink up?Swallowing his saliva, he poked his head in embarrassment, and kicked his big brother's thigh with his little foot.

Wu Hao couldn't help laughing, put half a bowl for her and put it on the table: "It's hot, I'll drink it later." Then he gave her a few pieces of fat meat.

The greedy cat can't help it, pick up a small spoon to scoop up the soup, blow on it, and take a sip: "Ah~"

Seeing the three people looking over, they lowered their heads and smiled "hehe" and continued to eat. When they were half full, they picked up the bowl and "gudong gudong" drank it all.

"Ah~" and hiccupped.

The four of them watch TV and sleep after dinner.

Tired from going into the mountains this time, Wu Hao planned to let the dog and horse rest, but he didn't bother to move, so he just lay down at home except for some small work.

The wind has been blowing for the past two days, so there is no need to go out, and I plan to deliver pork to Zhao Jingjing tomorrow when the wind stops. Before dinner at night, Hou Huaishui followed Xiaodoubao into the house.

He opened his mouth and said, "My uncle got lost riding a pig!"

(End of this chapter)

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