Chapter 125 Why did the black blind man follow in?
The black blind man leaped over the tree trunk and got scratched and hurt. He jumped up, roared when he landed, bent down and chased after him, and came back in a circle. He learned to be smart, and jumped the tree trunk with his hind legs.

It's just that it didn't expect that after landing, its feet would slip and it would fall forward.

The black blind man went mad from the pain and entered a berserk state, he stood up regardless and chased after him.

Wu Meng's legs and feet are not good, but he is big, and it doesn't take much effort to cross the tree trunk. Now the roots are much more useful than the fire.

The blind man couldn't catch up with him, so he stood up impatiently and shook the tree roots vigorously. The soil on the roots was frozen and hard, standing there like a millstone.

It struggled to push the tree root, and angrily stretched out its claws to dig out the person opposite. It leaned forward and couldn't reach the person, so it slapped the tree root angrily.

Permafrost, the soil with ice ballast is difficult to plan with a foreign pick, and the hardness is like a brick. The black blind man raised his head and roared after patting the roots.

The right paw kept shaking as if it had been electrified, then it rubbed against the chest, and then picked it up to lick it, the paw was numb from the shock.

Hei Xiazi didn't move, and Wu Meng didn't dare to run, he rushed to the tree and shouted: "Big Mao pick it!"

The second brother often shouts that, he wants to try.

Why!It's so good, the yellow-throated marten is not a cold-blooded killer for nothing. It is very cruel when it encounters prey that can be dealt with.

It scratches and bites, and will not let go of its prey easily. When a large animal snatches its prey, it will protect the food. If it cannot beat it, it will run first.

Big Mao found that the blind man was weak, so he licked his little paws. He didn't jump off the tree, but climbed down from the back by grabbing the trunk. He was small and hid behind the canopy.

As soon as Wu Meng finished yelling, the blind man dropped his paws and bent over to chase after him. Da Mao waited for the blind man to jump over the tree trunk, and it ran towards the root of the tree sticking to the bottom of the trunk.

The black blind man's right paw was still a little numb, his left forefoot slipped, his hind legs jumped over the tree trunk again and fell to the ground.

Big Mao seized the opportunity to jump up and landed on the back of Heixiazi's head, his little claws went from top to bottom, still picking at the eyeball.

Because it was lying on the ground sideways, it could only reach this point. This time, it pulled out its eyeballs, and kicked its hind legs hard to jump onto the tree trunk.

"Swish" along the trunk and climbed the tree again.

"Ang~" the black blind man raised his head and wailed, his voice was quiet, and he felt that the eyeball-picker fell on his head.

It didn't grab it on the head, it slapped it directly on the head in fright, it was angry, and it was still in a berserk state, and it didn't use much force when it was angry.

The bear's paw was quite powerful, even if it was a side shot, even if its arm was injured, but it attacked in anger, and when it missed, it knocked itself out.

Now it knows how to run away no matter how angry it is. If it were bitten by a dog instead, it would definitely climb a tree, which is even more unsafe now.

Hugging the tree with all four limbs is to let people pick their eyes casually.

The black blind man slapped his head in a daze. It got up on all fours and accelerated to escape, but it ran sideways, and went to the ditch at an angle. It was just about to turn a corner, and there was a mink!

Ermao jumped up and hooked his left paw on its hind legs, and the other paw opened the small tail and inserted it in, then jumped down and ran up the tree.

The back door was suddenly attacked, what was the first reaction?
The little tail was lifted, and the blind man was startled with fright, his little eyes were full of terror, that place is so fragile!

It hurt like a needle prick, and it let out a scream from its mouth, and rushed out with a "swoosh", jumping down a ditch of nearly 1.5 meters, and the snow foam flew up.

If you go down, there will be no shadow.

Wu Meng ran over to take a look, and the blind man stood up again, covering his eyes with his left palm while wailing, but couldn't reach the back door with his right arm.

It hurts when the snow melts and enters the wound!
More than two meters in front of it, there was a man who had just emerged from the snow in half.

Feng Fat flew out in a circle, and landed in the ditch with his head heavy, and his chest was obliquely inserted into the snow, so Wu Meng heard half of what he said.

Feng Fatty fell into the snow and was so frightened that he scratched blindly with his hands. The deeper he stroked, the deeper the snow was.

When I touched the ground below, I realized that I dug upside down. I hurriedly pulled up the snow, and finally poked my head out without my feet touching the ground.

There was no strength in his limbs, and his head was stuck in again. He lifted his upper body vigorously, kicked his legs down continuously, stepped on the ground after sinking to the bottom, and just stood up with strength.

Hearing the voice behind him, he turned his head and saw an electric current rushing straight to Tianling Gai, almost peeing in fright. The black blind man was covering one eye, his face was covered with blood, and he was looking at him.

"Why did the blind man follow in here?" Fatty Feng didn't have time to think about it, so he scratched his neck in fright and shouted, "Help!"

His voice was crying, and his current voice was no different from that of a woman.

Whoever saw the big black blind man standing behind him would be frightened. He was carried by others just now, and he was held tightly when he urinated.

After finally flying out, he would rather fall to his death than get close to the black blind man, why can't he get rid of him even if he has fallen into a ditch?

Feng Fat was trembling with fright, his heart was in his throat, and he hurriedly turned around to run forward.

People can walk in the water, even if the water has no head, but it is not possible in the snow, as long as the snow has no hips and shafts.

You have to squeeze forward little by little, and you will get tired and sweat after moving two or three meters.

Now Xue was taller than his waist, and his hands were useless at all, and the hemp rope around his waist was broken, so he had to grab the waist of his trousers with both hands.

Now the pockets of his trousers were full of snow. When the blind man called out, he was so frightened that he kept moving forward. The snow became shallower as he went forward.

If you walk forward, you will get stuck. You have to move your hips and hips forward first, then forcefully lift your legs forward and then step on them, otherwise you will not be able to move at all.

Getting down is not enough, getting up is kneeling, rolling is even more useless, and it will sink directly, so it will be too late to run again.

"Shut up!" Xiong Xiazi roared, now there is no tree root to stop him, the prey is right in front of him, he is half mad, still angry, he must bite him.

Seeing where he was going from such a close distance, the black blind man was excited, stepped forward and fell down, his wound was in pain and he yelled "Aww".

It stands up with its head held high and shakes its head vigorously. Seeing that the prey is about to run, it is not stupid, so it moves forward, regardless of its strength.

But it is short, the snow is almost chestless, it is more difficult to squeeze forward, it is not good enough to lie down, it can't see anything and it is easy to suffocate, and the snow will enter the wound.

Even if the distance between the two sides is more than two meters, it is only a matter of time before the blind man catches up with Fatty Feng.

The black blind man kept trying to catch it with his paws, but unfortunately he couldn't reach it. He still couldn't jump up, so he could only roar behind.

Feng Fat looked back and saw that Xiong Xiazi was chasing him, his claws were not far behind him, so frightened that he shed tears, he pulled his neck and shouted: "Wu Meng, save me!"

"Save a few!" Wu Meng curled his lips: "You die for a good person, my brother has meant enough to you, why don't you let me go down to be buried with you!"

He didn't do anything in such a thick snow, and he couldn't catch up with the two of them. What if the black blind man turned around and fucked him?
What if the ax can't kill it, and people grab the ax in a hurry?He is no match for tug-of-war.

There is little snow ahead, he reminded: "You are moving forward, the snow is gone, and you are gone."

"I'll be gone if I don't run!" Fatty Feng cried, his potential was stimulated when he ran for his life, and this will be exciting again.

Because the bear paw was behind him, every time the bear roared, he was afraid that the bear paw would scratch him, so he puffed up his chest in fright, and said, "Oh my god."

Why!Push your chest out and move forward a little at a time.

Wu Meng scolded: "You move east, if you go south, you will be finished if there is less snow!"

The two minks squatted on the mountain path and watched curiously. They still thought it was fun, but they would never go down. They were too small to disappear.

If there is water below, then they don't care, the kid below is not familiar with them.

Feng Fat was obedient, he moved east, because the snow in the east was thicker than that in the west, and he cried while moving: "Where did Wu Hao go?"

"That's right!" Wu Meng slapped his head and hurriedly ran westward for more than ten meters. At the end of the ditch on the west side, there was a hill to the south of the snow slope.

There is a three-meter-wide ditch between the hill and the woodland to the west. This ditch is still downhill and more than 100 meters long.

There are traces that just slipped down on it, and his second brother is gone!
Wu Hao threw himself down the snow slope, with the strength of a run-up, he slipped down very fast. The snow slope on the west side of the ravine is short, less than ten meters away from the southern mountain root.

In addition to his body length, there are still more than six meters before he will hit the mountain. His face is still covered with snow and he can't see the front. It is not a joke to slip down and hit the mountain.

Fortunately, he remembered the terrain, and hurriedly raised the gun with both hands, and used the butt of the gun to hold the snow to make himself change direction. Even if he hit the mountain with his hands in front, it would relieve him a lot.

He wanted to turn around as much as possible to push up the hill with his feet, even if he couldn't turn around, he had to change direction, and he did.

The downhill speed was too fast, and he entered obliquely. There was a ditch between the mountain and the woodland. He hurriedly wiped the snow off his face and looked ahead.

He secretly rejoiced that he really entered the ditch, it was better than hitting the mountain, he slid down on his stomach, and the snow covered his face again.

There were many tree roots protruding from the woodland on the right side in front of him. He lowered his head hastily. The thin tree roots were broken by his shoulders, and a thick one successfully stopped him.

Fortunately, I wore a dog fur hat, otherwise those small tree roots would scratch my scalp and slide for more than 20 meters before stopping.

Wu Hao turned over and grasped the roots of the tree. Don't worry about the hill on the right. The left side is more than four meters high and still vertical at [-] degrees.

It is not easy to climb if there are tree roots sticking out. In winter, the roots are brittle, and the side of the ditch is slippery with snow, and his arms and legs are injured.

It took a lot of effort to climb up, and I was so tired that I couldn't stop panting, and the dog fur hat was hot, so I didn't have time to rest.

Before his strength faded, he hurried back and ran back, just in time to see Wu Meng running into the woods, and hurriedly asked, "Where's Feng Fat? Where's the bear?"

The distance was not far, and the two of them could hear the roar from there. Wu Meng ran back and said, "They are swimming. It sounds like Feng Fatty is going to die."

"Hurry up and save him." Wu Hao followed him to the side of the road with his gun in hand and saw that Xiong Xiazi had scratched Feng Fatty's back clothes.

Fatty Feng couldn't move anymore, he leaned forward, his voice was hoarse.

Wu Hao ran a few meters to the east and shouted, "Get down."

Feng Fat wept with joy when he heard the shout, he was about to give up, even if he didn't call him, he would get down, and now he jumped forward without the slightest hesitation.

The black blind man heard the shout and looked back. Two gunshots were fired in a row, and his head was shot at a distance of more than ten meters. The black bear fell headlong into the snow.

When its paws touched its feet, Feng Fatty trembled in fright. He hurriedly knelt up and poked half of his head out of the snow to look back. The black blind man was gone.

There were bloodstains on the snow. He knew that the black bear was dead, so he couldn't kneel down and was about to fall, so he hurriedly shouted: "Wu Meng, save me, I can't get up."

The voice was so hoarse and weak that neither of them could hear it if they weren't so close.

"You are my father! I will serve you in one day." Wu Meng was so angry that he walked across the snow from the south.

He was tall, and when Xue was about to reach his crotch shaft, he stretched out his hand just to hold Feng Pang, and he didn't have much energy after tossing for so long.

I pulled Feng Fat to my side only to realize that I had no strength to go back, and Feng Fat pulled down his pants forcefully, then quickly hugged his waist without letting go and still couldn't stand up.

(End of this chapter)

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