Chapter 118
Hou Dahu likes to inquire about things, so he went over and asked, "What are you looking at?"

"Whose firewood stack is on fire!" Da Zhang turned his head and looked to the south and couldn't help laughing after he finished speaking. He knew whose firewood stack it was.

If someone else's house was on fire, he would immediately run over to put out the fire, but no one moved now, including the people who walked the street in the southwest.

They were all watching in the yard, holding shovels and buckets in their hands, not knowing what to wait for!

Hou Dahu waved his hand: "Oh, there are all firewood, if it catches fire, it will catch fire."

He went west to go home and take a look at the excitement. A pile of firewood in the southwest corner is called a prosperous!

In winter, there is wet firewood, the fire in the middle is soaring into the sky, and the smoke is billowing in four circles!

If it is a plain area, it can be seen every few tens of miles!

Just like the ancient beacon towers, the thick smoke can be seen very clearly!
Hou Dahu is still having fun!Gradually feeling wrong, the smile gradually disappeared, and he slapped his thigh: "The grass mud horse is my firewood stack!"

He raised his legs and ran over there, and the sound of the loudspeaker came from behind: "If you catch it, you will catch it, there are firewood!"

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

Hou Dahu scolded as he ran, "Fuck you!"

Hou Qing was hospitalized, and he dared not go into the mountains to collect firewood.

Over the years, the nearby firewood has long since been collected, unless trees are placed, or fallen trees are encountered. These trees are too wet to burn, and they have to walk more than ten miles to collect dry wood.

There are many wild animals in the mountain, he doesn't want to go in, now the firewood stack is lit, he has to enter the mountain if he doesn't want to, unless he spends money to buy firewood, he has no money!

Neighbors in the neighborhood ran out with shovels and buckets to put out the fire. Da Zhang hurriedly shouted: "Don't go, don't burn it, what's the use of saving a few drops?"

It's true at a glance, everyone!The snow in a radius of more than ten meters around the firewood stack has melted, and Hou Dahu is afraid that others will steal his firewood.

It was deliberately placed in the southwest corner, far away from the firewood piles of other people's houses. This time it will be fine, and only his house will be burned. Of course, everyone is not in a hurry.

Hou Dahu also knew that he couldn't save him, so he stomped his feet angrily: "Who the hell did this!"

"It's a crime~" Da Zhang looked around: "Who throws cigarette butts carelessly? Look! Is there a fire in the pile of scraping firewood?"

"Nonsense!" Hou Dahu said angrily, "There's no wind blowing this day? Whoever goes to the southwest corner to smoke is the one who lights it!"

"I, Hou Dahu, don't invite disasters or disasters. Usually, I will help anyone's family if they have troubles! Why do you want to make trouble with me?"

"Who are you talking about?" The big speaker raised his head: "What do you mean?"

Everyone echoed: "That's right, what do you mean?"

"We are so grown up that we can do this? Why don't you make it clear!"

Seeing the public outrage aroused, Hou Dahu was startled, and hurriedly waved his hands: "No, no, I didn't mean that."

"Okay!" Yu Zhanfeng said: "This villager can't do this, if he burns it, he will burn it."

"Enter the courtyard to raise the cows." He pointed at Hou Dahu: "Just this time, no one will come next time!"

"Where is the next time?" Hou Dahu coaxed into the courtyard, next time he has nothing to sell, isn't this a curse on him?
Wu Hao signed his handprint and gave him bear bile. Hou Dahu paid another 100 yuan for the cattle and sheep, leaving only a few yuan in change in his pocket.

That's enough to drink tomorrow, and you'll have money after drinking!

He may not lose the bear bile if he gets it, he will naturally have a trick to "exchange" a horse to make some money!
Wu Hao led the bulls and goats home, and everyone dispersed. Li Erhuai poked his head out from the alley and spat on the still burning firewood.

Subconsciously reached out to touch his head, and the matchbox touched the bag on his head: "Oops!" The pain masked out.

Trot home and lie down on the ground to find the rope in the corner of the plank tent, pull the mouse out to wipe away tears and look to the firewood pile in the east: "Made! Let you hit me!"

As he got older, he was no longer sensible, but today he was beaten too much and couldn't bear it, and he was dizzy and skinny.

He ran into the outhouse and took out a wine bottle, which contained diesel oil his father got from the forest farm, poured some on the mouse and put down the bottle.

He ran to the West Avenue, recalled the firewood pile of the kid who beat him the hardest, and found six or seven in the north.

"It should be here!" He bent down and took out a match, and pointed the mouse's head at the pile of firewood in front of him.

How can a wilting mouse not run away when it is burned?
If the mouse was in a hurry, it would definitely run to the nearest firewood pile, but the mouse's left front leg, which he had pinched before, was not working well.

Leaning to the firewood pile in the north, Li Erhuai stomped his feet: "It's over!"

Turned around and ran two steps with small eyes: "Wu Meng is not at home! I am afraid of chicken feathers!"

Wu Hao sent the cow to Wu Gang's house, and went home to prepare sage grass. He was about to go out to hold the corn stalks, when he looked southeast and saw smoke.

He didn't go directly to put out the fire, he ran into the house and took out the willow stick. He saw that Li Er was broken!
He came out and picked up the shovel and ran to the firewood stack to pull out more than ten bundles of corn stalks. The smell of barbecue caught his attention, and there was a burnt mouse inside.

I probably guessed how the fire was set, but fortunately, I found it in time. The mouse ran to the corner, and the firewood beside it was wet. If it ran into the middle of the firewood stack, it would be difficult to deal with.

Collecting the snow to put out the fire, he kept holding the willow sticks together with the shovel handle in his hand. Li Erhuai didn't see it, and he didn't run away. He wasn't afraid of Wu Hao at all.

When several neighbors came out and saw Li Erbai, they also understood. Before they could speak, Wu Hao hid the shovel behind his back and asked, "Why did you set the fire?"

This kid hasn't set fires for a long time, and Tao has a sense of proportion, what's the matter today?
Li Erhuai put his hands on his hips and raised his head: "They beat me! They beat me several times!"

"Then what are you doing with the firewood stack at Wu Meng's house?"

"Fuck! The mouse went astray!" Li Er stomped his feet angrily.

"Do you know it's wrong to set fire?"

Li Erhuai raised his neck: "I know, they beat me, and I will light their firewood pile!"

"Okay!" Wu Hao dropped the shovel and caught up with him a few steps, grabbed an arm, and whipped his buttocks with a stick: "I'll let you young master! I'll let you"

Everyone's eyelids twitched when they saw it. After three blows, the tree slivers were smashed, and Li Erhuai's pants were tearing off!
"Oh my god!" The beaten spun around and yelled, and ran to the side, grinning and covering his back mound, stomping his feet: "Oh my god, it hurts me to death!"

Why stomp?Because stomping reduces damage by 50.00%!

Those born in the [-]s understand it all!
Seeing someone looking for a stick again, he scolded: "Fuck, Xiao Wu, did I give you face?" Then he ran home.

Wu Hao chased into the house and pointed at Mr. Er: "Your son should have lit the firewood pile at Hou Dahu's house, and just now he lit the firewood pile at Wu Meng's house! You can figure it out!"

After he finished speaking and left, Mr. Er's eyelids twitched, Zi Tao is fine, setting fire is not acceptable!It was lighter before!
Picking up the broom comb and rattling it down to the ground, the second daughter-in-law turned her head and ignored it, Li Erhuai was frightened, his mother didn't care about his father and really beat him!
The voice of Li Er's villain crying and howling like a wolf came from the room, and Wu Hao went home for two days.

There was a light wind in the morning, and he took the big blue wolf home. It was already well, and the big yellow was left behind, and the other dogs were happy enough to go into the mountain.

You can go after ten o'clock, anyway, he wants to live in the mountains, just got into the car, Wu Meng rode his bicycle into the courtyard and took out the envelope and paper and handed it over.

"Why are you back?"

"I've had nothing to do recently. The arrangement at the post office is clear. Even if there is something to do, someone will take care of me. I can stay home for two more days."

The two had just exchanged a few words when Mr. Er hurried in: "Fatty Feng is lost!"

"What's going on?" Wu Hao asked.

Mr. Er simply explained that yesterday morning Hou Dahu asked him to drink and called Feng Fatty, Hou Qing and his brother had no money to be hospitalized and went home.

Those two guys forced them to play cards. He drank too much and lost more than 40. Feng Fatty had a poor capacity for alcohol.

Losing one hundred and two in a daze, he was frightened when he settled the accounts, opened the door and ran away, he chased Feng Pang back home, Feng Pang went home and said he went to the mountain to get a cover.

He didn't care if he drank too much, he still had his parents here, and after sobering up today, he didn't feel right, Hou Dahu's trick Feng Fatty would suffer!

Go to his house to have a look.

That kid sneaked away at noon yesterday. He was missing a chicken and two ropes. He didn't come back all night. His mother was crying at home, and Old Feng wanted to go to the mountain to look for him.

It is said that he was seen going southwest.

"Grass mud horse Guo Er Er!" Wu Hao reacted immediately, and drove to Feng Pang's house, Guo Er Er said that there were leopards in the southwest.

Feng Pang heard about it the day he was eating, and now if he wants to pay back the money, he must catch valuable prey to pay back. Xiong Xiazi dare not hunt, and other things are hard to find.

The only one he knew was the leopard.

Idiots use chickens as bait to set up traps, how high must the point be to trap leopards!
Wu Hao arrived at the door of Fatty Feng's house. Old Feng was walking away with a sheepskin jacket and an axe. He stopped him and tried to persuade him, then threatened: "Be careful if you're not at home, the old lady hangs herself!"

"I just went into the mountain to help you find him."

"Let him die!" Old Feng cried after finishing speaking, this son is too worrying.

Wu Hao retorted: "No one praised me when I was a child. Feng Fat has always played by himself. It's not bad that he didn't do bad things when he grew up."

"He only lost so much when he was drinking. He didn't play much before. You watch the old lady at home and I will go find it."

"Be careful, child! The uncle owes you!" Old Feng didn't know how to thank him.

Wu Hao waved his hand: "It's also up to me, I'll explain when I come back."

Wu Meng jumped into the car with an axe in hand, and the two of them headed southwest, while Mr. Er went home to get dressed and then went to the militiamen to enter the mountain.

The Southwest is too big, and there are few people who can't find it. Many people have heard the letter, and many old men go home to prepare, and then enter the mountain in small groups with guns and axes.

After understanding the reason, many people scolded Lord Hou Dahu for not beating him up.

Wu Meng reminded after understanding the situation: "Second brother, if Guo Lao Er said that there are leopards, does it mean that there are tigers?"

Wu Hao shook his head: "The tiger left long ago. Even if we didn't leave, we have six dogs, and we wouldn't dare to shoot them. Tigers are not stupid."

There were faint footprints on the snow, and Big Brown took the lead in chasing after him. The wind became stronger and stronger, and the footprints disappeared after [-] miles of chasing.

Wu Hao knew where Feng Fat might be going, and the two drove along the forest south of the pasture to the west and searched for another twenty miles, but they still didn't see any trace of anyone.

Seeing that the sky was completely dark, Wu Meng said, "With that kid's physique, he shouldn't have run so far."

Wu Hao shook his head: "Drink some wine and owe so much money, maybe he can run far when he is strong! He can usually walk more than 30 miles a day."

"Yesterday afternoon took today for a day. What if he also rushed last night? He is impatient! I owe one hundred and two, and his land is almost worth it!"

"It's windy, let's look for it tomorrow." Wu Meng couldn't open his eyes a little bit, and spat out, "Damn it, they're all dead."

"I'll look for it tomorrow." Wu Hao nodded in agreement, and set up a tent in a leeward place.

The next day, the wind was much lower, and the two of them walked west for more than ten miles, when a big brown call came from ahead.

The two ran over, and in front of them was a huge skeleton lying in the snow, obviously it was a moose.

Wu Meng checked again and said: "There are many tooth marks of animals. It is difficult to tell what was killed. It may be killed by tigers and then picked up by wolverines and foxes."

(End of this chapter)

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