Chapter 107
Wu Hao chose a leeward place to set up camp, and first fed Hei Feng to eat grass.

Then take out the meat, still brought from home, and feed it to the dog after heating it.

Smash ice from the river to get boiled meat and eat it yourself.

Early the next morning, I drove around the cliff and entered the southwest forest. Due to the low wind in the past two days, there were faint footprints in the forest.

Big Brown followed the footprints, and it was only a matter of time before he found Xiong Ba. Fortunately, the big blue wolf was not healed, and the little blue wolf had a normal sense of smell.

If the big blue wolf smells the smell of a bear, it must be chased out like crazy.

After walking for more than three hours, the terrain became higher as we went west, and the trees became fewer and thicker.

Some poplars are close to [-] centimeters in diameter, the thickest one is red pine, and there are several one meter in diameter.

Red pine is an evergreen tree of the genus Pinus in the family Pinaceae. The height of the tree can reach 30 meters, the diameter at breast height is 1 meter, the bark is taupe or gray, and it is longitudinally split into irregular rectangular scales.

Winter buds are light reddish brown, oblong-oval, with pointed apex, slightly covered with resin, and bud scales are loosely arranged.

Wu Hao frowned looking at the terrain ahead. There are few trees here, and the terrain is high and windy. Many trees were blown down by the wind after pests and diseases.

The brown bear ran up to the high ground, and he either dropped the carriage and chased it, or detoured.

In the barren mountains and wild mountains, it was useless for Hei Feng to lose and hit the bear. He chose to take a detour and walked half a circle north, when Da Brown yelled.

"Woo~" The little blue wolf could smell it no matter how poor his sense of smell was, and rushed to the high ground howling.

Wu Hao didn't call the little blue wolf back. It could smell the scent, which proved that the bear was not far away on the hillside. The bear should not have much future.

The little blue wolf is not as big as the big blue wolf, it knows how to fight.

Tether Heifeng to the bottom of the hillside, and he chased up with a gun. No matter how honest Heifeng was bitten by a wild animal, he would scream.

He could come back at any time, and with the smell of so many dogs around, wild beasts wouldn't come to cause trouble.

On a hillside, a large brown bear is vomiting in front of a fallen tree.

This bear is unlucky enough, sleeping peacefully in the tree barn, how can it be bombarded.

After being shot three times, it failed to catch up with anyone. After calming down, it was afraid of the sound of gunfire, so it chose to walk all the way.

But it has been squatting in the treehouse for more than half a month, and when it came out, its hot soles stepped on the snow, and the soles of its feet were covered with snow.

It melts and then touches the snow, and then freezes slowly, making small ice lumps stick to its bear paw hair.

The bear's paws became thin and tender due to hibernation, and when walking on small ice bumps, the soles of the feet hurt.

So it didn't have to go for a long time before it had to stop, lay down and gnaw the ice on its feet with its mouth, and wait until the ice bumps were gone before continuing on its way.

Not only that, he often felt nauseous and wanted to vomit in the past two days, and the symptoms of blood in his stool made his body weaker and weaker.

So it has been out of the Tiancangzi for three or four days, but it still hasn't been able to go far.

I fell down when I came here last night, and I was still unwilling to get up until almost noon, as if I didn't have the strength to move anymore.

Now it can't move, the dog is here.

The little blue wolf went up the hillside and bypassed two fallen trees, some gravel and shrubs, and ran more than 1000 meters before seeing the brown bear.

This size and coat color make it still fresh in my memory!Regardless of whether it is a bear from three years ago, it must be picked up!

"Woo~" Roaring all the way, he rushed to a place five meters away from the brown bear, and a few dogs followed him in a fan shape.

The brown bear stood up instinctively with a "huh". Under normal circumstances, the bear had been out of the warehouse for several days, so it would not be so irritable.

The first reaction to seeing a group of dogs is to run. The instinct of wild animals is to fear a large number of predators.

A bear is an overlord and is not afraid of dogs, but it is afraid of being hurt.

When the brown bear was injured and was holding his breath and feeling angry, it didn't run away after being disturbed by the dogs. It got up to vent its anger!

Possessing itself and rushing towards the pack of dogs, the brown bear first stretches out its claws to grab the attack, digs the barb into the meat and pulls back the prey before biting, or pulls the buttocks and sits down.

The brown bear rushed over to reach for its paws, the little blue wolf turned around and ran away, the brown bear ran out of space, screaming "Hang Han", and followed closely behind.

It rushed into the pack of dogs, the big brown opened its mouth and ran towards the brown bear's little tail.

When the brown bear pulled his left arm to the side, he saw another dog running towards him behind him. It abandoned the little blue wolf, turned around and rushed towards the big brown bear.

Big Brown also dodged, ran five or six meters away, and then yelled at the brown bear.

The brown bear was attracted by it, and was bitten by the little blue wolf on the rear of its buttocks, and bitten by Baidian on its left hind leg.

The two dogs ran away, and the brown bear sat down weakly. Instead of attacking rashly, it raised its head and roared. It was demonstrating and threatening.

How could Big Brown be afraid of it playing this game!Moving around behind the bear, the brown bear sat on the ground and turned his head, watching the dogs all the time.

If any dog ​​moves, it will look at the dog. It has an injury on its back, and it has been guarding against it. If it can't see behind it, it will sit and move its legs in circles like a human.

How could two small eyes prevent six dogs? Taking advantage of its inattention, Rhubarb opened its mouth and bit the wound on the brown bear's back.

The red wound on the dark back is most obvious.

"Aww~" the brown bear raised its head and screamed in pain, then quickly got up and rushed to Dahuang, who turned around and ran away.

When the bear squats in the warehouse, it is lying or sitting, with the buttocks and abdomen below. After being bombarded, the back is the most injured.

Fortunately, the temperature is low in winter, and the cold calms the pain of the wound. Now the wound has just healed, and it is bitten by a dog, and the wound is cracked due to strenuous exercise, and it hurts urgently.

Just ran out a few steps and opened his mouth: "Ugh~"

Spitting out a mouthful of bloody acid water, the brown bear felt very uncomfortable and wanted to lie down to rest, but was harassed by dogs, so it couldn't lie down, so it sat down again.

Bai Dian took the opportunity to bite up, not only touching the wound, but also biting the thin scab on the surface of the wound, causing the brown bear to jump up in pain.

With a howl of pain, the bear's paws were drawn behind him, and then he turned around and chased after him.

"Wow, woof, woof~" Bai Dian ran away after taking a bite, and turned around to yell at it.

The overlord of the brown bear, how could he bear it, did not stop to rest, but speeded up to chase. Rhubarb caught up with the bear from behind and bit his ass.

The brown bear got angry and dragged the dog to chase. Rhubarb pulled down on his hind legs. The bear's skin was pulled and the wound was opened. The pain made the brown bear feel heart-piercing.

No matter which dog it is chasing, there must be one or two chasing and biting its butt behind it. Brown bears are weak in nature after repeating this several times.

It stopped playing, it couldn't catch up after chasing it, and it suffered a loss after being hit, so it turned around and ran away, the pain of tearing open the wound was really unbearable.

The brown bear trembled in fright when it saw these dogs trying to pull their butts again when they ran away.

"Ang~" It stood up and roared to scare the dog away, then quickly bent down and rushed to a pine tree, put a pair of front paws on the tree, kicked the back paw on the tree, rubbed twice and then went up up tree.

The six dogs chased to the tree from all sides, and all stood up, scratching the tree trunk with their front paws, barking at it non-stop.

The brown bear climbed up to a height of three meters, and there was a dog under the tree that would not come down, but it couldn't let it go, its body was weak and its physique was still big.

There is frost and slippery on the trees in winter!If it's a poplar tree, it can't climb it at all, and the bark of a pine tree is rough. Even so, it can only climb the trunk with its claws.

Don't mention it, black blind people rarely climb trees in winter.

The blind man climbed high, slipped and couldn't catch it, he would fall down and be stunned, and he might fall to his death!
It doesn't necessarily fall to death directly, the ground is hard in winter, it breaks bones or hurts internal organs, and the pain makes it difficult to sleep.

Cannot hibernate, will starve to death if injured and unable to hunt.

Slipping down from the tree is even more uncomfortable, and when I can't catch it, I slip down too fast-grip Kaba's crotch!
It hurts too!
(End of this chapter)

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