Chapter 102 The Second Chair

Wu Hao hid in a corner and waited until the health center was empty before going in to find him. The two of them went to a remote location to put a coat on Meng Xiaomao and covered his face.

He scratched off the marks on the gun with a knife, and scratched several places, assembled it and hid it in his coat for him to sell the gun.

Meng Xiaomao didn't ask too much. The two brothers played together since they were young, even if it was a stolen gun, he would help sell it. What's more, with Wu Hao's calm personality, he would never come to him if he was not sure.

Wu Hao stopped him and reminded: "You talk like Deng Lao Liu."

"Huh!" Meng Xiaomao understood, Deng Lao Liu was theirs, they were about the same size, and that guy did things in person and did things behind his back.

Deng Laoliu's father has always been dissatisfied with Wu Hao's grandfather, and the two did not get along with each other. They often found fault with each other and even fought in Jinshan.

This is to blame!

Deng Laoliu talked like a second chair (girl). Meng Xiaomao learned how to speak from him, practiced at the top of his voice before entering the g camp store. After 5 minutes, he came out to the corner and handed him money: "700 yuan."

The gun was quite new, but Wu Hao didn't expect to be able to sell it for an extra 100 yuan, so he took ten of them and put them in his pocket without counting them: "Keep the flowers, buy something for parents, don't tell my aunt about this! I have something to go."

"I won't tell anyone." Meng Xiaomao couldn't help reminding: "Don't let anyone get caught!"

"I came with your old uncle." Wu Hao waved his hand to look for Wu Weiguo.

Meng Xiaomao was completely relieved to have the old uncle involved in this matter, and went back to the health center in a circle.

Wu Hao puts the money in his pocket separately, not because he is afraid of losing it. When shopping, he can't take out so much money together, which is easy to miss.

Two guns count as wealth, and now it's more than [-].

After finding Wu Weiguo, the father and father drove around the edge of the township to the warehouse and loaded plastic sheets and bamboo poles into the car.

Wu Hao couldn't help explaining why the things were put here. Wu Weiguo didn't ask too many questions. He packed the car and went around to avoid people as much as possible.

Seeing the two men coming, the old man gave a thumbs up: "Men pay attention to people!"

Wu Weiguo explained: "It's a little late to get things, let's look at the pigs first, the road is too far and we are in a hurry to go home."

"It's a rare thing." The old man looked at the plastic sheet on the car and was a little greedy. He knew that the price was not low, so he didn't inquire about it and didn't say he wanted to buy it.

He turned around and took the lead in opening the door of the outer room, and the two of them followed in to have a look.

Half of the outhouse was surrounded by adobe to a height of one meter, and there was a group of piglets inside, all of them were very happy, and some were still fighting.

There are several large baskets made of wicker next to the stove.

The old man seemed very happy to be able to sell the piglets, pointing to the basket and saying good things: "I can see that the man is very particular about people and will definitely come. The guy who pretends to be a pig is ready."

"You don't need money for a basket."

Wu Weiguo didn't answer the question, he went through each piglet and picked out a lot of problems.

Either he thinks the piglet is too thin, or the piggy is too dirty, the old man keeps rolling his eyes.

"It's very happy, I bought them all."

Wu Hao poked Wu Weiguo, there are very few piglets in winter, it is difficult for him to explain the reason for buying piglets with wealth, and now it is just right to meet the right one.

It's just a little bit less, and there is no place to raise more. Next year, there will be a shortage of manure in the greenhouse, so I have to save money to build a pigsty.

"Son, we didn't bring enough money!"

Wu Weiguo showed a look of embarrassment, he was used to saving money, and just now he just wanted to bargain.

"I still have this." Wu Hao patted his pocket.

Wu Weiguo gave him a veiled look, looked at the old man and said, "Man, you little piggy has been fed at noon and drank a lot of water, at least you have to lose a catty. It's not worthwhile for me to weigh it."

"Besides, it's just four or five catties and it's not weaned yet. I can't raise it when I buy it back? I didn't ask you how old the piglet was at the time. If I had known it was so young, we wouldn't have come here!"

"Men, you are not authentic. If I don't ask, you should say it too!"

The old man was a little annoyed when he saw that he was picking the fat and the thin, so he had to sell it. He also understood that he was wronged, so he said: "This year, there is a disaster and the family doesn't have much food. I want to sell the cannon eggs and the two sows."

"Running around the city, no one bought it... I saw that your family has a big animal today. It must be a wealthy family that can afford it. Let's buy it all."

"Don't shoot eggs!" Wu Weiguo shook his head resolutely, that thing is money-losing goods, he thought yesterday that the piglets would not grow very big.

The little calf is not short of money, so he bought the old sow together today.

Raising boars is similar to raising sons, they both lose money!

"What's the use of me keeping a boar? If you buy it, you'll buy it all. If you don't buy it, you'll lose it!" The old man quit, and his attitude was very firm.

There must be an explanation when I go home. When the old Hou's family asked, they said that they had pulled plastic sheets to buy pigs, and no one could find out.

After some research, the two of you will first look at the big pig. If you can lay so many piglets at one time, the big pig will definitely not be too bad.

Wu Hao is short of pig manure, and it will be useful to shoot eggs in the future. If you are impatient, you will kill it during the Chinese New Year!
The prodigal son is the money owner, and Wu Weiguo has nothing to do with him. After watching the big pig, he stretched out three fingers: "The little pig has three hairs, the big pig has seven hairs, if you agree, we will weigh it."

"Fifty cents, eight cents!"

The two of you said something to each other, but the old man refused to let go.

Wu Hao offered a price: "This kind of old sow's pork is not tasty, not to mention the fried eggs. Seven cents is a reasonable price, piglets go up by ten cents, and forty cents is a high price."

"Okay." The old man hesitated for a while before starting to weigh.

The piglets weighed more than four catties on average, and there was one that was the smallest, Wu Weiguo waved his hands repeatedly and said.

"Your head is nothing but slag. You don't grow meat just by eating. Don't want it. I don't want it for nothing."

The so-called Momozhaer is the smallest piglet in a litter, who grows the smallest because he can't grab food or is picky eater.

There is a saying in Northeast China: If you raise pigs, you don't raise mills, and if you marry a daughter-in-law, you can't marry an old girl.

The so-called old girl is the youngest girl in the family, and those who are a little richer are more used to the little girl.

They are all worried that the little girl is a lazy master.

"It's useless for me to keep the other one! You just pay for the two?"

It was not easy to see the situation in the old man's house, except for the pig, there was basically nothing of value. Wu Hao took the pig and gave him an estimate of one yuan and two.

They were all little white pigs, and they were put in four big baskets. The old man had to put each piglet into the basket by its hind legs, and scratch the piglet's chin.

He didn't think it was dirty either. After scratching, he rubbed a handful on his pants before continuing to catch the piglets.

The piglets didn't know what was going on at first, and screamed in fright, kicking their legs and screaming miserably.

It wasn't until being scratched by the old man that it felt good, and then the moaning stopped.

A total of 50 piglets cost less than [-] yuan, which is really not expensive.

The piglet was loaded into the car, and the old man found some hay to keep out the wind, and Wu Hao wrapped the big basket with plastic sheeting to prevent the piglet from freezing to death.

Small pigs are easy to deal with, but big pigs are not easy to deal with. The old sow is impatient and bites people. The old man said that his pigs don't bite people.

Wu Weiguo was worried, and tied the pig's mouth with a noose first. The three of them put the big pig down, tied the four hooves like killing a pig, and then carried it into the cart.

The old sows get fat in the early stage of feeding, and then lose weight in the later stage. Now it is the time to be fat, and the three big pigs all weigh more than 170 catties.

They gave the old man a total of 410 yuan, and the father and father drove home immediately, and the pigs froze to death when they walked too slowly.

Cover it with grass and surround it with several layers of plastic cloth. The pig is still warm, so it won't freeze to death if it suffers a little.

Three big pigs were tied to the front of the car, and a basket was placed at the back, covered with bamboo poles and plastic sheets.

The two of them could only sit at the front, and it was getting dark at this time. When they rushed home overnight, Hou Dahu and the others finally arrived home.

If it were someone else, they would definitely have to go directly to the hospital from the mountains. Can Zhang Liang do it?Go back to the village first.

His legs are bruised and can be tolerated, and Hou Dahu and Hou Huaishui's body pain can be tolerated, but Guo Laoer almost fell to death and can't bear it!

I fainted on the way. After arriving in the village, I first went to Hou Huaishui's house to seize the cattle, let Hou Dahu go home to get the money, and then asked Lao Guotou to get the money.

Old Guotou knew what had happened and didn't say a word, so he dropped the 400 yuan and gave up.

My family didn't care at all, and I didn't want to provoke a ruffian like Zhang Liang, so I drove home and rushed my son to the hospital in a carriage.

I'm not afraid that the three of them will lie to him. My son must be telling the truth when he wakes up.
Hou Huaishui's family only has more than 300 yuan. After all, he is a brother-in-law and has a younger sister. Zhang Liang first took the money and asked him to make up some money tomorrow.

Hou Dahu still wanted to bargain, but as one can imagine, he couldn't do anything less.

He still has more than 500 yuan, which is reserved for Hou Qing to see a doctor and take medicine.

Once angry: "I gave you the cow, give me 100 yuan!"

"I'll find you a hundred!" Zhang Liang glared, "Do you think I'm an idiot? Can you sell the cow for a higher price? Take the cow and give me the money!"

Hou Dahu was unhappy and asked: "Why does Lao Guotou's cow pay 500 yuan?"

Zhang Liang smiled: "He takes the lead, Guo Laoer is so aggressive, the old Guo is not easy to mess with, and it is not good for anyone to be impatient."

Hou Dahu's eyes widened: "I'm so easy to mess with!"

"Ah!" Zhang Liang sneered and nodded.

Hou Dahu took a deep breath: "Man, you can do it!" He threw down 400 yuan to lead the bull and left.

Hou Huaishui's daughter-in-law went to ask Han Caizi for an injection, after all, her brother couldn't ignore it.

Zhang Liang and his family were not too heartless and said to Hou Huaishui: "I will pay the poor money first, but you have to pay me back."

"Tomorrow you go to the village to ask, sell the cow as soon as possible, I have to go to the hospital tomorrow night."

Knowing that Zhang Liang also lost a lot of money, Hou Huaishui persuaded him, "You should go to the hospital to get a rabies vaccine tonight, and I'll help you sell the cattle tomorrow."

They had a rabies attack and died in front of them. It was quite scary at the time.

The legend that rabies will give birth to villains is all nonsense.

Generally, the onset occurs within 24 hours. He talks nonsense like crazy. He is so energetic that someone must hold him down.

Three or four hours after the onset, the weakness subsided, and two hours later it completely subsided.

He had seen that person with this kind of symptoms, and he didn't know what other people were suffering from.

Zhang Liang turned his head: "Why are you going to the hospital today? Who will take me? Damn it, I'm going to die. I'll leave tomorrow when I get the money!"

"I knew it would have been better to ask Guo Laoer to pay another one hundred. Now that I am back, I can't bully Old Guo too much. If the cow is not sold, I have to put money into it to buy a gun."

Hou Huaishui didn't answer. Zhang Liang said that he was too embarrassed not to pay the money. He sold the three lambs tomorrow, and he had to pay back the rest of the money slowly.

Less than an hour later, Dahu came again, entered the house and said, "I asked, Wu Hao is not at home, and the people in the village said that the two of them drove to pull plastic sheeting yesterday morning."

"I left yesterday and haven't come back today. I must have gone into the mountains. The two of them took the gun!"

(End of this chapter)

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