Chapter 107: The teaching is right, the heart is right! (seeking subscription)

Fu Su sat slumped on the ground.

His expression was extremely depressed.

His lips parted slightly, but he didn't know what to say.

Autumn breeze blows.

It was cold and bleak for a while.

In the small empty courtyard, there was a lifeless atmosphere, as if there was no sound.

After being silent for a long time, Fusu asked sadly, "Isn't Daqin unable to do anything?"

"I can't do it." Ji Heng said indifferently.

He glanced at Fusu, feeling rather sad in his heart, and said in a deep voice: "Actually, you don't have to be too sad. It's hard to judge the world's affairs. No one dares to make a rash decision before the final result."

"And this is what Shihuang did."

"You don't have to worry about it."

"How can I not care about Fu Su?" Fu Su said with a bit of anger in his eyes, "This is Da Qin, and I am the eldest son of Da Qin. If even I don't care, then Da Qin is completely hopeless?"

"I just can't figure it out."

"Why did Daqin suddenly become like this?"

"Great Qin ruled the world, ended hundreds of years of wars, and put an end to wars in the world. Why did the world pretend not to see it?"

"Don't they only see personal self-interest in their eyes, and they can't see that the Great Qin wiped out the border troubles, so that the Huaxia ethnic group can survive forever? They can't see the county system replacing the enfeoffment system, so that the Huaxia ethnic group will no longer be divided. What's the benefit of stopping here?"

"Great Qin repaired the road, dug the rivers and defenses, expanded the territory, a word, a weight and measure, etc., why do people in the world turn a blind eye?""

"Mr. Ji, you have a lot of knowledge, please tell me, what did Daqin do wrong?"

"Why did it fall to where it is today?"

"What's wrong with Da Qin?"

Fusu no longer had the gentleness and dignity he had before, and his humility and grandeur were gone, and his body was a little more hostile and angry.

Ji Heng's expression was as calm as a pool of autumn water.

He said indifferently: "If everything in the world can be weighed by right and wrong, it would be too easy to govern the world."

"And why do you have to be angry? What right do you have to be angry? Shihuang hasn't said a word yet, why is it your turn to be angry?"

"The general trend of the world is that Great Qin must perish!"

"I said it before when I was in prison, Zhou Qin is a big change in the world."

"The evils accumulated in the world are getting worse day by day, and the situation has to change."

"Then we talked about the main conflict between Guanzhong and Kanto, which is mainly about Guishou Weiji and the old aristocrats messing with the law, but this is just a conflict between Guanzhong and Kanto. There are also many problems within Guanzhong, and it is not even inferior to the conflict between Guanzhong and Kanto."

"The changes between Zhou and Qin are too great!"

"Since the establishment of the Great Qin Dynasty, problems have been emerging."

"The county system and the enfeoffment system are one of them."

"Policies and attitudes towards frontier nomads are the second."

"The form of government under centralized power, taxation and economy, the formation and interpretation of national consciousness after the Great Qin unified the world, etc."

"This is something that Daqin urgently needs to solve."

"However, Daqin has no energy or time to solve it. All Daqin's attention is on suppressing the restoration of the Six Kingdoms and the in-depth implementation of the county system. This also means that Daqin's unification of the world not only failed to solve its own The long-standing disadvantages have also brought about more serious problems.”

"I respect Shi Huang very much."

"In my eyes, Shi Huang is a great man."

"He is driving a seriously aging, even corrupted political chariot, but with his strong willpower and strong insight, he can make this nearly cracked chariot burst out with amazing power , And then realized swallowing the world, such deeds are really admirable and shocking."

"But you have to admit it."

"What the first emperor took over was a country that had lasted for more than 500 years, a country that was as corrupt and accumulated contradictions as any country in the world."

"The evils of the Six Kingdoms also exist in the Great Qin."

"even more."

"Because Great Qin established the country by law."

"And after experiencing the chaos of the 'four nobles', namely Ranghou, Huayang Lord, Jingyang Lord, and Gaoling Lord, the legal system of Daqin has collapsed on a large scale."

"And at the beginning of the first emperor's succession, there was Lu Buwei's dictatorship."

"Lu Buwei advocates 'leniency and probation'."

"During that period of 'lenient administration and probation', a large number of 'tired people' arose in the villages of Daqin who did not work on farming and only talked about right and wrong. Shiwu Lianzao was almost abolished. The torturer is a black household slave farmer."

"Daqin's legal system has further deteriorated."

"Leniency and probation seems to be a benevolent government and a kingly way."

"However, as long as you think about it carefully, you will know that most of the nobles and princes are relieved. How many bottoms are really lenient?"

"Shang Yang's law is indeed strict."

"However, it has achieved clear rewards and punishments, the same law for the high and the low, and the punishment for the nobles is stricter than that for the lower class. After more than a hundred years, the old Qin people have actually been used to strict laws, and very few people violate the laws."

"With the leniency and probation, Daqin's heart has fermented and fluffed up."

"The teaching of the law is upright, and people's hearts are upright."

"If the law is not correct, people's hearts will be scattered."

"If you want to return the axe, it will take too much time and effort."

"At the beginning of Shihuang's reign, he tried to restore Shiwu Lianzao, but was opposed by the ruling and opposition parties, and even some local people also opposed it. In the end, Shihuang made a compromise."

"It is understandable for the nobles to object. After all, not only did they lose their fiefs, but they also wanted to be treated with the same law as the people. Naturally, they were unwilling to do so. But the common people at the bottom have nothing to lose, so why not do it? But they also followed the nobles. Booing, this shows that the imperial court's control over the bottom has been weakened, and the bottom has been able to confuse people outside the court and have no fixed opinions."

"The collapse of the rule of law."

"In the end, it also led to the collapse of the military merit system."

"The two really share weal and woe."

"Shang Yang is a man without humanity."

"The military merit system and the legal system he established are completely forcing the bottom to work hard, but under Shang Yang's legal system, there is a clear stipulation that people with titles can reduce certain punishments after breaking the law. "

"So after Shang Yang's reform, everyone in Qin fought bravely against the enemy."

"If I remember correctly."

"Before Shang Yang's political reform, he had a conversation with Qin Xiaogong, and he talked about it."

"Can't the law be changed? Can't be slowed down? Can't be reduced? Can't be amnesty?"

"The answer is no!"

"Because the system built by Shang Yang is a relatively complete system. It relies on rewards to inspire the fighting spirit of the bottom, so that the bottom is willing to fight and give. But many people ignore one point. Shang Yang's law is very strict and even severe. .”


"There's a reason for that too."

"Because the Great Qin is not strong enough to support this system."

"Therefore you need people to break the law."

"Because the law also stipulates that officials and prisoners who have obtained military merits can restore their status and even obtain titles. ', to continuously maintain this high-cost system, and between this set of military merit and the law, the administrative cost of Daqin is very low, because once the people break the law, they will be severely punished, and if they want to restore their status, they will have to pay almost thousands of dollars. Double the effort."

"That's why, the gap between Qin and the other six countries has gradually widened."

"Because Daqin relied on this system to not only reduce administrative expenditures, but also to save money and food, and the national power became stronger and stronger."

"And under this system, Daqin is a strict survival of the fittest."

"As long as you have the ability, you will definitely be able to go up."

"Even as long as you can abide by the law, you can basically be stable for a lifetime."

"After more than a hundred years, most of the old Qin people have indeed become accustomed to purges."

"But Qin is getting stronger and stronger."

"The reason is actually very simple, because there are always young people."

"As for those who are a little older, they are actually of little value to the imperial court, so you should now understand why Daqin is almost paranoid in encouraging births."

"It is even stated in the law that those with less than [-] households will be county magistrates, and once the number of households exceeds [-], they will be renamed county magistrates, and their annual rank will jump from three to five hundred stones to six hundred. To a thousand stones, the annual rank gap is fully doubled."

"That's why."

"Daqin relies on more and more new generations to reduce administrative costs."

"Shang Yang's system is extremely complete."

"As long as Daqin continues to implement it firmly, there will be few internal problems in Daqin, but with the 'four nobles chaotic laws' and Lu Buwei's 'leniency and probation', many laws in Daqin have been lightly sentenced or even blatantly abolished. This has led to a substantial increase in the cost of Daqin's regime."

"Daqin needs to pay more money and food."

"And after the first emperor came to power, Shang Yang's system showed signs of collapsing. In this situation, Shihuang still relied on his strong will to forcibly unite the forces of all parties, and also forced the bottom Mobilized, pierced Zongqin's waist in one fell swoop, and realized the world."

"It's just that there is a price to pay for all this."

"The price is the reward!"

"Daqin simply can't afford that much land, nor can he afford that much money and food."

"Right now, relying on Shihuang's super high prestige, it can still be suppressed."

"Once something happens to the first emperor, or the first emperor can't hold back anymore, the anger that erupts from the bottom will instantly destroy Qin."

"No one can stop it."

"This is why I said before that the most powerful people in Daqin in the future, or those criminals, because only these people really hope that Daqin can win, because they need military merits to restore themselves to normal status."

"It's just that more low-level heads of Guizhou will not be there."

"Because the hearts of the people have been lost!"

Ji Heng sighed softly, and said slowly: "Daqin is currently in internal and external troubles, not only the collapse of the military meritorious legal system must be resolved internally, but also the Guishou Weiji and the old aristocracy's disorderly laws must be dealt with outside. problems that arise."

"These problems have crushed Daqin!"

"Now do you know how severe the situation Daqin is facing?"

"That's why I admire Shihuang very much."

"In the face of such a heavy pressure, I can still manage to maintain it."


Ji Heng let out a long breath, filled with emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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