Chapter 390 Hello! ! !
What is Kaitou Kidd best at?It must not be cooperating with the police.

What is Baishui best at?Not to mention cooperating with the police.

But they all cooperated with the police.

Although one person's cooperation with the police was "the police cooperate with me to steal the gems, and I cooperate with the police to return the gems, a win-win situation, hey", another person's cooperation with the police was "passing by, don't disturb me."

Kuroba Kaito vowed: "The people in the police department are very good, and they are very willing to cooperate every time. They are Kaitou Kidd's forever friends."

Translation: It’s easy to cheat, come on.

And there is a reason why he had to endure the pain to deceive the righteous police department: "Pandora concerns those guys at the zoo."

"Mom revealed their next plan."

"It's not a revelation, just some clues," Bai Shui added, "She relented and mentioned giving up the game."

Not only did they give up the parent-child games, but also other things, such as the dangers of Pandora and the chase at the zoo. As long as they agreed, they could give up all of them and leave them all to the two Kuroba-sama.

Then in turn, some clues can be revealed that "this game will involve people from the zoo."

"Moreover," Baishui paused, then slowly said, "They may be the biggest BOSS, but they won't be the most annoying BOSS."

Not really an enemy.

Kuroba Toichi and Kuroba Chikage will accomplish their goals without leaving any trace, but they will definitely not become the most annoying clowns who attract the most hatred and need to be dealt with at the end of the incident to calm down their anger a little.

So who will be the clown?zoo.

Phantom Thief Crow needs a zoo, Phantom Thief Kid needs the police.

"The police department has received the news, right?" Bai Shui turned the white ace card, "I think you are not too surprised that the Phantom Thief Crow wants to attack your daughter."

He glanced at Kuroba Toichi, who was looking at him with a smile, and spoke again: "But I guess you don't know the reason."

Nakamori Ginsan's expression changed slightly.

"Police Department," Kuroba Toichi spoke at the right time, with a smile in his voice, "You didn't tell me that the Phantom Thief Crow is eyeing Miss Nakamori."

"This," Nakamori Ginzo hesitated, "I just found out not long ago."

He hesitated, gritted his teeth, and asked, "Do you know the reason?"

Nakamori Ginzo still trusts Kaitou Kidd.

This is something that will surprise countless people, but compared to some criminals, Kaitou Kidd is indeed friendly to the police, and he is also a criminal who is treated gently by the police.

Black Feather Pirates had been watching Bai Shui and asked the same question, "Your Excellency, you actually know the reason?"

He is still laughing.

Bai Shui also smiled back at the Black Feather Thief, "Pandora."

Slowly but surely he repeated the key words, "Pan, Do, La."

"The target of the Phantom Thief Crow is a gem called Pandora. It has the title of 'Stone of Immortality' and 'Stone of Life'. In some legends, those who get Pandora can have endless life like spring water." , obtain eternal life in the true sense.”

For a moment, Black Feather Thieves released some kind of subtle aura.

Maybe it was his eyes, maybe it was his movements, or maybe nothing had changed and it was just a psychological effect, but Bai Shui clearly felt the sharpness coming towards his face.

Because he directly said Pandora.


Bai Shui frowned without any trace, "Fighting intention."

He was sure that he was right. What emanated from Black Feather Pirates was the fighting spirit of meeting his opponent.

Occasionally, when a cheerful serial criminal notices from some clues that there are traces of other people at the murder scene, there is a chance that this smell will burst out, just like a wolf howling, which cannot be concealed at all.

This kind of wolf howl will definitely be followed and chased closely once responded. Baishui is used to ignoring it and dealing with it coldly.But this time, the source turned out to be Kuroba Toichi...?
"What's wrong," Kuroba Kaito also noticed, and his tone became solemn, "Dad is too serious."

He thought for a moment and then reacted, "He misjudged."

Fathers undoubtedly know their children, especially people like Kuroba Toichi. When making plans at the beginning, they can predict their children's actions at will without even thinking carefully.

However, Kuroba Kaito and Shirasui were not the children he knew well.

They are in a special state of amnesia, stumbling to get to know each other again, re-harmonizing the edges and getting along with each other, and they all tacitly let go of some of their sharpness and accept each other's ideas.

I have known Kuroha Toichi since childhood. When there are almost no edges and corners, only softness, there is no need to get along with each other. There is no need to give up sharpness and accept each other's concepts, because they are integrated and sharp, and their concepts are the same. It's the same kid, a little different.

It's not a completely different difference, just a little bit of subtle difference. It will eventually become the original state, but it is not complete yet, so there is still a trace of surprise.

A hint of surprise is enough to usher in earth-shaking changes.

For example, now, if it were Kuroba Kaito and Shirasui who had not lost their amnesia, they might not choose to cooperate with Nakamori Ginzo.

So it exceeded Kuroba Toichi's expectations.

Unexpected consequences are...

"Oops," Kuroba Kaito repeated again. He understood that Shirasui did not consider Kuroba Toichi his father, so he changed the example and asked the soul, "You have a cat. You know the cat very well. Just watch it wag its tail. Just know where it wants you to touch, you know where it is softest and most comfortable to touch, and you know where to touch it when it gets angry.”


"Suddenly one day you realize there's a part of your cat you didn't understand."

"what will you do!"

Of course, quickly learn to take full control and 'your dad is still your dad'!
Bai Shui: "..."

"First of all, I don't keep cats," he said, somewhat at a loss for words. "Secondly, I don't need to please cats."

"Finally, don't slander cats, you are not a cat."

"Be serious."

As a son, Kuroba Kaito has already expressed his attitude: games are games, and it would be bad if his father takes it seriously.

Bai Shui agreed and was unmoved. He ignored the fighting spirit as usual, "You should know why Kaitou Crow is targeting Miss Nakamori, police department."

"Forest fire."

Nakamori Ginzo connected everything: the forest fire, his daughter survived the fire safely, was not injured, only had a fever, and stayed in the hospital for a period of time. Another survivor of the fire was Kuroba Kai Dou also suffered from a serious illness.

What Kaitou Kidd means is that it's not that they weren't injured, but...Pandora...

"Wha, what kind of fire, Aoko has never been there..." Nakamori Ginzo's expression suddenly changed again. He struggled repeatedly, but still swallowed back his instinctive protective refusal to admit, and his face was ugly, "..."

Bai Shui: "Pandora's whereabouts are unknown."

"It could be anywhere and in any form, but the most accepted theory is that it's hidden in a famous gem."

"...Crow," Ginzo Nakamori looked at the empty glass display case, "The Phantom Thief Crow thinks it is hidden among the crows in the middle of the night?"

Immediately he reacted, "Wait a minute, so you go around stealing gems and then return them later because...?!"

Bai Shui was really unmoved by the aura emanating from Black Feather Bandit. He nodded calmly and said calmly: "My sister-in-law likes Pandora."

He smiled and looked at Kuroba Toichi, "She has been in poor health since she was a child. She has been a bit naughty. She also loves beauty and likes to see others looking at her in a daze. She has offended the Zhongmori Police Department before."

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

For the first time, Kuroba Toiichi took the initiative to look away and deliberately stopped smiling, solemnly swearing that he was not laughing.

He reached out and pressed his forehead, then naturally covered his face with his wrist and said in a serious voice, "That's it."

(End of this chapter)

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