Chapter 365 As for it! ! !
Police officers began distributing skates and protective gear for skating.

They distributed them in order, starting from the first staff member, watched the staff wear them, checked them again, and continued to distribute them.

Some staff members explained that they could not skate rather disturbingly.

The police officer waved his hand, "Don't worry, it's only a few steps away, you can go in with the dining car."

Kuroba Kaito stood at the end, holding on to the dining car, unknowingly shifting his toes and turning the direction, the urge to turn his head and leave continued to soar, "...I want to go."

"If you turn your head and leave now, you will definitely be found to belong to the strange thief, won't it be a bit embarrassing?"

"Can I pretend to be the phantom thief crow?"

Hurry up.

Bai Shui: "?"

"To what extent are you bad at skating?" He reminded, "Ms. Kuroba will help you break through the disguise."

Wake up, the enemy is inside the police, you can directly confirm that 'this is not the style of the phantom thief crow, the guy who fled in front of the hall is the phantom thief Kidd! '.

"It's not that bad at all," Kuroba Kaito euphemistically described, "it's about the same as your proficiency in actively preventing murders and saving others."

Bai Shui: "...?"


Isn't this completely impossible?

Ahead, police officers came over with skates and motioned to Kuroba Kaito to put them on, "Come here."

Kaito Kuroba looked at the thick layer of ice in the hall, then at the skates in the hands of the police officers, and put on the shoes and protective gear bravely.

Facing death, he struggled to stay calm and tested, "Mr. Harry didn't ask in advance that the food delivery staff need to be able to skate?"

"A person like me who can't skate goes in, I'm afraid I will miss something?"

"Ah, this," the police officer helped him wear the knee pads, while thinking about the brief communication with Nakamori Ginzo just now on the walkie-talkie, "the police department said it's okay."

"It seems that Mr. Harry said that it doesn't matter. You don't need to choose someone who can skate. Everything will be fine, so it doesn't matter if someone can't skate. Just support the dining car."

After dressing up, the police officer let go of his hands and said casually: "Even a novice can walk slowly while holding on to the dining car, right? It's rare to fall down."

Kaito Kuroba fell into a suspicious silence.

He poked Baishui, "How about..."

"The heart rate is not enough," Bai Shui said succinctly, rejecting Kuroba Kaito's "request to replace the liver number", "Even if your heart is beating now, you will not be able to meet the requirements for changing the number within one minute."

"Within 1 minute, you will definitely enter."

The police officers retreated to the entrance of the hall, pressed the walkie-talkie again to report, and then said: "Okay, everyone, please come in."

The dining cars left one after another.

Kaito Kuroba lingered to the end and confirmed, "If I run away, you still love me, right?"

"Even if I'm not handsome anymore?"

Bai Shui: "."

To what extent is this guy's ice skating skills bad? It can't really be as bad as his proficiency in actively preventing murders, right?

Now that I know my skating skills are poor, I must have skated before.

I'm not a 100% pure novice, no matter how bad I am, it won't be any worse, right?

Kaito Kuroba held the dining car tightly and carefully pushed it onto the ice. He stepped out reluctantly and condemned in a low voice: "Excessive, arrogant!"

"What if it's not me!"

"Just going to the skating rink, isn't it too targeted for me? I knew I'd let you come!"

He stepped on the ice stiffly, his whole body froze.

But the skates are not stiff, the skates are very cheerful, like carp entering the river, the one on the right slides happily to the left, and the one on the left slides happily to the right.

They are staggered and do not collide together.

Kuroba Kaito's legs were crossed, and his whole body fell short in an instant. He hurriedly helped the dining station to get up, "Help, help, help!"

The bottom of the food cart is wheels.

After enduring the strength of a whole person, the wheels struggled and shook a bit on the ice.

Kuroba Kaito: "!"

No, no way...?
The moment he froze in horror, the wheels rolled.

"Don't let go of the dining car," Bai Shui said immediately, "Don't cling to the dining table, don't be nervous, relax, hold the dining car with half your strength, and it will stop slowly."

But it's too late.

When the dining car ran away and ran wildly, Kuroba Kaito reflexively let go of his hand and raised it again, as a gesture of surrender.

The surrender lasted less than a second, and he slipped so suddenly that he almost fell to the ground, and then crawled and stuck to the closed door of the hall, "I can't!"

"Change number!!!"

"Is my heart beating enough now? It's almost enough! Help!"

Kuroba Kaito is not Kuroba Kaito, it's the first time he cooperates with a magician and wants to perform a rabbit that has changed into a living rabbit, or a rabbit that can know how to change into a living rabbit, so it panicked and flew around with four claws.

He said with hatred, "Damn it."

"Mom and Dad are too ruthless!"

It's okay to be ruthless, "It's only for one!"

Too much!
Not far away, Nakamori Ginzo's voice came, "There are a few who can't skate..."

Kuroba Kaito caught it, and immediately watched it vigilantly from the corner of his eye.

Ginzo Nakamori didn't pay much attention, he just sighed, "You should have told me earlier, I'll go directly to the nearby skating rink to ask for the staff!"

"Even if you are afraid of leaking the secret, you can invite it yourself."

He was a little strange again, "Huh."

"Mr. Harry, what is the remote control you took out? There seems to be only one button on it, which is the same as a bomb starter, hahaha."

Kuroba Kaito finally met the so-called Harlequin in reality.

He glued himself tightly to the door for support, and out of the corner of his eye, he looked at the gentleman's somewhat low, stooped figure, with the wrinkles on his face and mustache.

And the remote control in his hand.

……what is that?
Kuroba Kaito had a bad instinct.

He heard Harry Genzin reply easily: "Is the remote control in your hand?"

"Don't worry about it, it's just a necessary mechanism for outsiders to come in. Just in case, open it first."

Kuroba Kaito barely leaned against the door, stabilizing his legs that were shaking and sliding unconsciously. He stood up straighter, and just about to look around to find the mechanism, he felt something floating down from the top of his head, so he raised his head subconsciously.

is a feather.

A dove's white feather.

The feather floated down slowly, lightly brushed against the tip of Kuroba Kaito's nose, and landed on the ice in an unhurried manner.

Under the feather is ice, above the feather is Kuroba Kaito.

Above Kurohan Kaito, there is a transparent ceiling and pigeons.

Densely packed, occupying the entire ceiling, or flying around, or pacing on the transparent floor.

In the white everywhere, there are many red and yellow spots.

are the eyes.

They rolled their button-like eyes, and twisted their slender necks randomly to look around, like bloodthirsty snakes with four-clawed bodies.

Kuroba Kaito: "..."

Bai Shui: "..."

This action is just an appetizer before the duel.

... As for it! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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