Conan: The Second Personality of Kaitou Kidd

Chapter 296 I seem to have lost something

Chapter 296 I seem to have lost something

The dream is white.

But it is not the whiteness of goose feathers and heavy snow, but the whiteness of woodpeckers.

Countless woodpeckers were circling and flying, and the sound of flapping wings, pecking, splashing and falling of liquid or something, and the impatient sound of birds rolling out of their throats due to crowding filled the small bedroom.

An unspeakable smell diffused.

The facilities in the bedroom are very simple. There is a desk by the window, and the window is slightly opened to reveal the street outside.

The police who did not follow on the street were ordinary citizens.

A mirror is placed at an angle on the desk.

Bai Shui sat in front of the desk, withdrew his gaze from the window, and lowered his head to look at the snow-white letter unfolded on the desk.

There was not just one sheet of letter paper, but a stack. The traces on the top sheet were not Japanese, not Russian, but black dots.

[See words like face:
I'm very sorry, I just learned the unfortunate news I...]

These black traces are the written Morse code. The owner of the letter probably made a draft in advance, but he still hesitated when writing out the code.

If he hesitated, he was blocked by Bai Shui's arm.

Bai Shui's right arm was lying across the desk, blocking most of the contents of the letter. He moved his arm and reached out to flip through the stack of letter papers.

Lines of black traces quickly passed by:
【How are you?I asked someone to inquire about the progress of the police in solving the case, and I heard that it seems to be progressing well, which is good news]

[Have you quit the task force?I heard the case has stalled]

【Where are you now? 】

[I asked someone to inquire about the traces of the fugitive]

【I'm very sorry, it all started with me, and it should end with me】

[I had an open and honest chat with my father. Fortunately, after looking at me for a long time, he agreed to my request and was willing to teach me how to use a shotgun more accurately]

[I got accurate information, he is here]

[Sorry, he had been away for two days when I arrived, I only found it]

[The private detective told me that he has received a warning that he is not allowed to pursue further, is it you, please be sure to return]

[I asked someone to find out his location, and he is on his way, please don't do anything, leave it to me to defend himself, he is like this]

The letter paper is very thick, as thick as a diary, but it is very new, as if it has just been opened.

Bai Shui's fingers slid across the edges of the letter papers.

He wears black fingerless gloves that stop abruptly at the second knuckle of his fingers, and there are band-aids that can hide fingerprints on the pads of his fingers.

After flipping through it roughly, Bai Shui found a blank piece of paper from the desk, and calmly applied the Morse code on it:

【I'm very sorry, I didn't receive your letter until now. Are you looking for the murderer who killed my parents?Forgive my surprise, this is truly an incredible thing.

When I left the task force, someone kindly suggested to me that maybe I should see a psychiatrist, and suggested that I stop paying attention to the case and look forward in due course.

This advice is a bit difficult, and it took me a long time to finally stop thinking about my parents' death.

You said your private investigator was alerted while investigating the criminal?Sorry, I don't know much, and I'm not sure what you mean, are you planning to shoot the criminal after you find him?

Please stop now. 】

When it was painted here, Bai Shui lightly raised his eyes to look at the mirror on the table.

The mirror reflects a red and white silkworm chrysalis wrapped by a woodpecker.

He looked at it for a few seconds, then retracted his gaze lightly, and calmly continued to sign:

[What is the difference between what you are about to do and what he wanted to kill you at the beginning?

Time has already blurred everything in the past. I speculate that the criminal has been punished for decades of escape, and he has started to repent for himself from the bottom of his heart, right?at Easter.

I have let go of everything in the past, and I am traveling around looking for a home, please let go of everything that cannot be looked back.

Don't be a sinful person. 】

He stopped writing, looked at the mirror again, and looked at himself in the mirror.

A plate of unknown incense was lit beside the table, and white smoke rose quietly, blurring the mirror a bit.

Looking at each other for a few seconds, Bai Shui lowered his eyes, slowly folded the letter paper, and repeated the words in the letter without looking back, "I speculate that the criminal has been punished for decades of escaping."

He spoke in English, biting the words slowly.

After speaking, he sighed calmly, "Just like a rabbit being chased by hounds, it knows that it will die if it stays for a while, so it can only be exhausted all the time."

He tilted his head, "You are not a qualified prey, and you were almost spotted by the keen countess."

"If you are discovered, you will be shot to death. How can you die like this..." Die easily?

Bai Shui continued smoothly, "Careless, almost stained an innocent person's hands with blood."

"Fortunately, I was chasing you at the time, and I inadvertently made you vigilant and fled first."

The red and white silkworm chrysalis did not protest.

Only the sound of dripping water from a faucet is mixed with the loud noise of birds flapping their wings.

The incense on the table is still slowly volatilizing, and the burning smoke envelopes the white water, and the woodpeckers spontaneously avoid the white mist.

Bai Shui said: "I didn't expect the woodpecker to like you so much."

A few shrill cat calls came from the sound of birds flapping their wings, and then subsided. There was a slight movement outside the window. A few seconds later, a cat poked its head from the window edge.

It sniffed the air cautiously, sniffed the smoke, sneezed, sniffed vigorously again without remembering to sneeze, and looked at the white water.

Bai Shui looked at it, and he stretched out his hand.

This cat is a stray cat, probably just finished a fight, and has a bloody wound on its head. It stands to reason that such a cat would be very vigilant, and would run away the moment a human reached out to it.

But it doesn't.

It hesitated for less than a second, then tilted its head obediently, intending to lean into the hand the moment Bai Shui touched it, and perform a touch.

Porcelain failed.

Bai Shui pulled it out of the window, closed the window, "Sorry."

He calmly finished what he was going to say, "I didn't expect to find you at last. When I rushed to your residence, I found you among the woodpeckers."

"It really surprised me, is it retribution?"

The silkworm chrysalis could not protest.

The only sound in the room was the sound of woodpeckers.

From the beginning to the end, Bai Shui didn't look back, and kept looking in the mirror.

He looked at the red and white on the edge of the mirror, and said abruptly: "Sometimes, I have a strange feeling."

"A feeling like something is missing."

"When I look in the mirror, I always feel that the mirror image will move. When I wake up occasionally, I always feel that some memories are passing through my fingers like quicksand, and I can't grasp it no matter how I try to grasp it."

"It seems to me," he groaned and tapped on the table, "I'm missing some memories."

"Very important memory."

(End of this chapter)

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