Conan: The Second Personality of Kaitou Kidd

Chapter 271 Stop Talking, Police Department

Chapter 271 Stop Talking, Police Department
A hoarse crow rang through the sky, piercing the dark night sky, symbolizing the official start of Kaitou Kidd's operation.

The city's neon lights were on, turning the night that should have been dark into gray. The police officers who were maintaining order outside the venue looked up one after another, watching helplessly as a smear of blackness slipped through the gray-black night.

It wasn't until the thick blackness disappeared into the white guild hall high in the sky that they were sure that they hadn't seen a phantom, and immediately pressed the communicator to report, "Moses, the crow has changed."

"It rushed into the hall!"

To be more precise, it rushed into the ventilation duct of the guild hall.

The sound insulation effect of the clubhouse is very good. The crow's shrill cry passed through layers of soundproof glass walls and solid walls, and then merged into the magic show, like a drop of water melting into a lake silently, without splashing a single wave.

In the ventilation pipe, Bai Shui sneaked a few steps silently, turned his head, and looked at the entrance of the pipe he came up from.

He waited quietly for ten seconds.

In the distant movement of the stage, there was the sound of a bird flapping its wings frantically, and it was approaching at an extremely fast speed. It took less than five seconds from the sound of flapping wings in Baishui to the sound of huge flapping wings approaching.

Five seconds passed in a flash, and the iron railing cover of the ventilation duct was knocked out by a black thing like a cannonball, "Gah!"

Baishui caught it.

Whether it was the crow, the ugly call of the crow, or the cover of the ventilation duct, he caught it.

The crow landed on his shoulder, looked at the frisbee-like cover in his hand, and excitedly lit up his red eyes, "Gah!"

Very excited, so excited that Baishui couldn't tell whether it meant to play Frisbee or because Baishui finally started to act, he was so moved that he was on the verge of tears.

He didn't need to distinguish, just stretched out his hand, held the crow when it was about to jump out again with its messy feathers, and told, "After the inspection and recording of everyone's faces, I will come back from this ventilation duct, and I will put the cover back on." Cover it up a bit."

"Be quiet when you come back, remember to close the lid, understand?"

The crow rubbed his fingers, "Gah!"

It jumped out.

Bai Shui closed the cover of the ventilation duct and said briefly, "OK, the police have been alerted."

"The 'Phantom Thief Kidd' who might still be in the field was also alarmed."

He said, "It's time to find trouble."

Regardless of whether that "Phantom Thief Kidd" is an enemy or a friend, since he is so enthusiastic about helping others and sent out an announcement letter for Phantom Thief Kidd, he must be watching the guild hall, Crimson Tears and Phantom Thief Kidd.

The performance of the thaumaturgy troupe is a balance, with the Crimson Tears in the light and the light shining in the middle of the balance, and Kaitou Kidd and "Kaitou Kidd" in the dark, at the two ends of the balance.

To increase your weight, you must not only maintain and increase your advantage in the dark, but also fully understand the crimson tears in the middle of the balance.

Before entering the ventilation duct and officially starting the action of 'if you can't solve the gossip, just solve the people who aggravate the gossip', Bai Shui stepped on the point in the hall.

"There are seven copies of Crimson Tears, and the seven copies are distributed in different places in the arena. The people carrying the Crimson Tears are not police officers. Some of them are mixed in the audience, and some are wandering around the area outside the auditorium. Basically, there are three people in a group. They are all in a state of obvious tension, which is easy to distinguish."

He sorted out the information he got from the locations, "There are two groups that need special attention, one is Judy, and the other is the young lady who has been spying on us many times."

"Judy is the owner of Crimson Tears, and she is in a separate group."

"The young lady knew me, spied on me many times, moved in the auditorium with the same crew before the performance, and retreated to the staff area after the performance began."

These two groups require special attention.

Kaito Kuroba added attention, "The police department is at the gate of the auditorium on the first floor. Once there is any abnormality, the police can be called to rush forward."

Bai Shui stopped temporarily when he heard light and messy footsteps, "There is someone."

He dropped his eyes, staring at the ground beneath his feet.

Under the ground, the sound of light and messy footsteps is getting closer and closer. The light is because the comers pay special attention to restraining their steps, and the messy is because the number of comers is a bit large, about a dozen people.

In the silence that was only the sound of footsteps and breathing, they stopped at the corner of the corridor, and someone hesitated and lowered their voice, "Do you really want to obey orders?"

"Isn't the elder brother already in jail?"

The tips of Bai Shui's ears moved, and a guess surfaced in his mind.

"What are you doing stupid?" Someone immediately reprimanded the person just now, verifying Bai Shui's guess, "Brother's going to prison is just a stopgap measure, and he can come out after catching that guy, Kaitou Kidd!"

He lowered his voice very low, "Don't forget, big brother's power, let alone the idea of ​​betrayal, once big brother is useless, the guys behind him will..."

He stopped apprehensively.

"Of course I didn't mean to betray my brother," the person who raised objections at the beginning quickly clarified, "I don't think my brother will be silenced either!"

"It's just, just, you communicated with big brother through a secret code, right? It's normal for big brother to be able to issue orders in prison, but we only saw the order for tonight's action, not big brother. In case someone pretends to be big brother... ..."

The voice of the reprimand was a little louder, "Who else would know the password except Big Brother!"

"Okay, shut up, group B's fake Phantom Thief Kidd should be ready, when the show is halfway through, and as soon as the action signal mentioned in the order appears, group B will be responsible for distracting the police, and we will be responsible for holding that blonde woman hostage." Want gems!"

The 'big brother' they call is a spider or a poisonous snake, a member of the Code Members, a fringe member of the zoo.

Bai Shui waited quietly for them to leave with light steps. While moving in the ventilation duct, he took a look at the current situation, "There are a lot of enemies."

Black Fang: Organizations code-named after animals and organizations code-named after wine.

The members of the animal organization present were fringe members, and even the organization didn't know much about them, only very frightening fringe characters.The winery organization present refers to Hirota Masami, and Baishui is not 100% sure.

Red Fang: Search Er, White Horse Tan and Conan.

There is also a "Phantom Thief Kidd" whose position is temporarily unknown, and who enthusiastically sends out the teaser letter.

Unfortunately, they are all enemies of Kaitou Kidd.

There is also a trade-off when dealing with enemies. Bai Shui made a trade-off for a second, and decisively listed the number one enemy, "Find out the guy who sent the notice first."

It's not because women's clothing is not women's clothing, and everyone is not sure about Ms. Phantom Thief, but mainly because that guy actually hacked Kuroba Kaito.

Bai Shui fights against Hei Yu quickly.

Kuroba Kaito: "..."

The pot of "Miss Phantom Thief" is made up of one drop of Kuroba Kaito, two points of unscrupulous tabloids, three points of Koizumi Hongzi, four guys who sent out notice letters, five inches of people who believe easily, and seven feet. Brewed by rumors. ①
"Ah, yes," Kaito Kuroba considered that he was an innocent drop on the huge scapegoat, and kept a low profile to avoid being beaten. "It's the fault of the guy who sent the notice letter. That guy has sinister intentions, and he even added kiss before his signature!"

The desire to survive is a bit obvious.

Bai Shui: "."

He continued to move in the ventilation duct, and finally heard Ginzo Nakamori's voice at a remote duct opening.

"Damn it, Miss Judy, that guy is really deceiving people too much. When did he put the notice letter in my pocket?"

"If it was a few minutes earlier, I would still be in the bathroom!" Ginzo Nakamori, who has a daughter, opened the mic angrily, "How can girls be so careless!"

Baishui stopped, lowered his head, and looked down at Ginzo Nakamori, whose face was flushed with anger, through the iron railing cover of the ventilation duct.

Kuroba Kaito: "..."

Police Department, if you continue to spread rumors like this wantonly, you will really be ranked first in the [Bright Killing List].

 ①The recipe of Mengpo soup in "Soul Ferry"
(End of this chapter)

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