Chapter 189 Don't Leave Early

The first time Yusaku Kudo saw Baishui was in the middle of the night when it was approaching early morning.

From a high place, he saw Sharon's car in the distance.

That car was a birthday present from Yukiko Kudo. It was a flamboyant and unruly glossy black convertible. It felt like a racing car when speeding on the mountain road, which was very exciting.

This fits Kudo Yukiko's personality very well, but it doesn't fit Sharon's personality. Sharon has never driven it, so that car has not been listed on the media's record bill.

There are many luxury cars in New York, more than the stars in the sky.

The media who got the news of the FBI's operation flocked to the destination naturally and skillfully. No one noticed the half-open convertible, and no one noticed the person sitting in the passenger seat of the convertible.

It was as if the car and the portrait in the passenger seat did not exist at all.

Yusaku Kudo noticed that the main reason was that the car was a gift from Yukiko Kudo.

The secondary reason is that the person in the passenger seat is very young, he looks about the same age as Kudo Shinichi, a junior high school student, and is very conspicuous in New York, where the average per capita looks more mature.

The night was pitch black, with only a little bit of starlight and the halo of neon lights. The convertible car was pitch black, with only the car logo and exposed seats dotted with different colors. The junior high school student in the passenger seat was pitch black, but his hair was highlighted with white.

Darkness doesn't just refer to black hair, it also refers to clothing.

Like the hair color, most of the clothes of the junior high school students are black, the upper body is dressed like a leather cloak, but it is dyed white from the neckline of the cloak, and there is a medal pinned on the left arm.

He raised his right hand and caught a crow that fell from the sky.

It was a black crow, in a state of excitement, as soon as it landed on the junior high school student's hand, it poked its head and rubbed wildly, rubbing against all the places it could reach, rubbing against the junior high school student's hand for a while, rubbing against the junior high school student's hand for a while, rubbing for a while Neck, rub face for a while.

When catching the crow with his right wrist, the junior high school student had already stretched out his left hand, intending to stroke the crow, but stopped in the wild bombardment.

He watched the crow quietly.

The crow lolled around coquettishly for a while, but didn't get any response, and realized something was wrong after a while. It shrank into a ball and obediently bowed its head to admit its mistake.

The junior high school student looked at it quietly for another ten seconds before continuing to stretch out his hand and slowly combing its messy feathers.

Suddenly looked up again.

He wears the same monocle as Phantom Thief Kidd. His eyes are different colors, one eye is dark blue like the deep sea, and the other is jet black.

Probably because the crow took the opportunity to poke its head in front of the junior high school student again, the pupil of that black eye was a little red.

Yusaku Kudo was deeply impressed by the beginning of the first meeting with Baishui.

And I was also impressed by the beginning of the first meeting with Kuroba Kaito, because Kuroba Kaito was fighting the crow alive and kicking, was kicked around by the crow, and kicked the crow all over the sky.

Crow's attacking props are claws, and Kuroba Kaito's attacking props are confetti, roses, balloons, playing cards, and sound waves.

'It just came out of the forest covered in dust bugs! ','It's in a hurry and wants to throw excrement bombs! ','It became angry from embarrassment, and wanted to scratch my hair with its dirty paws, look at the dirt on the paws!It's too dirty to form dirt in half a day, so don't touch it in the future! '.

Facing the physical attack, the crow was busy with its beak and claws, but it could barely struggle. Facing the sonic attack, the crow was hit hard and lost on the spot.

...Obviously, it was too obvious.

In the first minute of seeing "Kuroba Kaito and the Crow", Yusaku Kudo made a judgment: the junior high school student who was jumping and fighting with the crow was definitely not the junior high school student in the early morning.

There are only two short sides, and there are very few guesses. Yusaku Kudo speculates based on the personalities of the two junior high school students: the one who is alive and kicking and fighting the crow is the main character.

There are too many magic props on him, his hand speed is too fast, his thinking is quick, and his on-the-spot reaction is fast. He is a well-deserved magician.

It is also speculated that the junior high school student I saw in the middle of the night is the sub-personality that 'protects the main personality'.

There are various reasons for the formation of multiple personality, generally related to childhood trauma, growth environment and defense ability.

For example, when the father encountered an accident in childhood, when the blow was too severe, he would probably feel repulsive and uneasy about the surrounding environment, and a sub-personality 'responsible for protecting the main personality' would be born.

Although Kaito Kuroba was alive and kicking, he didn't look like he needed protection at all.

He is very similar to Phantom Thief Kidd, with a talent for magic and a specialization in irritating people. Even a crow that can't understand human language can be angry. He is not only a born magician, but also a born Phantom Thief Kidd.

The most important thing is: Kaito Kuroba justly bullies the crow who can't speak human words and can't refute.

This operation is somewhat familiar, very Kaitou Kidd: The first generation of Kaitou Kidd skillfully and confidently pretends to be a bad guy, threatening and bullying children.

Yusaku Kudo was amazed.

"For your father," he looked at Bai Shui gently, "you should know him best, and know that he must have a plan."

"I don't know the specific plan. I can reveal some clues that can speed up your pace. When I started the investigation a few years ago, I investigated some things."

Yusaku Kudo acquiesced that the two children absolutely believed in the point of "the first generation of Phantom Thief Kidd is not dead", and skipped it directly.

He said: "[Blue Birthday]."

"Next June, when the gem [Blue Birthday] will be on display at the Tokyo Museum, your father's enemies will take it."

There are still less than ten months until June next year.

"It's not the 'spiders' who did the work on [Blue Birthday], but the people who have been stationed in Tokyo for a long time. They are more familiar with Tokyo and it is easier to do it."

It is also the most frequent enemy of the first generation of Phantom Thief Kidd.

After a pause, Kudo Yusaku raised his eyebrows again, "Besides, I guess when [Blue Birthday] was exhibited, the spider had no time to care about gems and was serving his sentence in prison, what do you think?"

Bai Shui felt that this was a warning just in case: spiders will go to prison, not the morgue.

He lowered his eyes, looked at the corpse, and replied, "Okay."

The corpse was lying on the console, and the back was smeared with patches of blood. It was not the blood from the wound, but the blood clots that had been rubbed on, and now it had dried on the crumpled shirt.

Three knife wounds were on the chest and abdomen of the corpse.

The main pool of blood was also on the console and the ground under the chest of the corpse, as well as the parts of the corpse that overlapped the chest. There were also some splotches of blood splashed on the console, which had also been wiped away.

The pool of blood is not dry yet, it is a little deep, and it reflects a faint red light under the light.

Baishui swept away the blood spatters that had dried up on the console and the rubbing blood on the back of the shirt, without stopping his sight for a second.

He raised his eyes calmly, "There is a certain possibility that [Blue Birthday] will attract Kaitou Kidd during the exhibition, won't they steal it before June?"

Must it not be June?
"They insist on time," Yusaku Kudo mused, "The information I intercepted was 'June, get [blue gem]', and June was designated."

"It seems that because June is special, something will happen."

What's so special about June?

Bai Shui controlled his gaze to sweep the ground, half of the shoe prints were caught on the edge of the pool of blood.

It is the shoe print on the sole of the forefoot, and the front end is a bit sharp. It can be judged as 'high heels' or 'rain boots'.

The corpse, bloodstains and shoe prints jointly reconstructed a part of the incident: the murderer pushed the door in, hugged the deceased from behind, and then stabbed him three times.

"What's so special about June?" Kaito Kuroba was also puzzled by this question, and then divided part of his attention to observe the murder scene in front of him, and found that the situation seemed a bit bad, "Three times, there are two possibilities."

"One is that the murderer's strength is not very strong, and it takes three stabs to ensure that the deceased is dead. The other is that the murderer is in a state of passion and stabs the deceased again after death."

If the murderer was in a manifest state of passion, the dead would not be unsuspecting.

After reaching the conclusion, Kaito Kuroba was silent for a moment: "...Why does it feel that it is even more unfavorable to us?"

He muttered, "I'm going to suspect 'Hoshino Gardenia' is the murderer."

If it wasn't at the time of the incident, they would be 'Hoshino Gardenia'.

Bai Shui looked away to look at Yusaku Kudo, and asked again, "Do you know 'Spider'?"

Did he know about it after the clock tower operation, or did he know it beforehand?
"It's not because of Operation Clock Tower," Yusaku Kudo replied, "'Spider' is an international criminal whose main activity area is in the UK. He has no sense of presence in Neon, but he is very famous in the UK. There is a police force dedicated to arresting him."

"I've been to England and heard 'Spider'."

"He's a professional killer."

Yusaku Kudo looked at Baishui again, "He doesn't have much patience, and he's not a humble, kind-hearted hunter. On the contrary, he's a little impetuous and cares about face. From what I know about him, he will probably respond this week or next week. I will find you."

He found that Bai Shui avoided looking at him again, and then lowered his eyes and put his eyes on his chin, staring at his mouth shape, "Xinyi will probably be there too."

"His attention is now on 'Phantom Thief Kidd'. If there is no urgent murder, he will enter the scene as a detective."

Especially when he just finished groping the outline of "Phantom Thief Kidd" and began to lift the gauze covering the real face little by little. If there is no more urgent and urgent matter, the curious detective will never leave the scene halfway.

The action is very interesting, the topic is very interesting, Yusaku Kudo couldn't help laughing, "Shinichi is probably a little annoying."

Kuroba Kaito was a little moved: Look!Even Yusaku Kudo said 'Shinichi Kudo is annoying'!
What does this mean?It shows that Kudo Shinichi is really annoying!
"No," Bai Shui denied, "he's very powerful."

A detective who can make criminals feel 'annoying' is a useful detective, but a detective who can make criminals feel 'hey, good friend' is useless.

He said: "When he goes all out, Kaitou Kidd also goes all out."

"He's a very good detective."

Kuroba Kaito: "..." You are really enough.

On the opposite side was Kudo Shinichi's father, and Bai Shui was polite and praised seriously, "It's like a young Sherlock Holmes."

Among Kudo Shinichi's titles are "the savior of the neon police" and "Sherlock Holmes in the Heisei era". Baishui thinks this praise is quite satisfactory and not too much.

Yusaku Kudo was a little surprised.

It's not that he was surprised by Baishui's judgment of Kudo Shinichi's ability, but by the description of 'Sherlock Holmes'.

After being surprised, he couldn't help laughing, he said: "It seems that you like Xinyi very much, so I feel relieved."

At least when facing this Kaitou Kidd, Kudo Shinichi, whose curiosity and desire to explore have the upper hand, will not be bombarded by magic props, nor will he be attacked by sound waves, Kudo Yusaku is a little relieved.

After the courtesies, Baishui skillfully comforted Kaito Kuroba, who didn't see any politeness and positive comments, "Only a detective as powerful as Sherlock Holmes is qualified to chase Kaito Kidd."

"Ahaha," Kuroba Kaito said quietly, "Thank you for taking out one sentence from Kudo Shinichi's praise to perfuse me."

"'Mr. Holmes' sworn enemy'," Yuu Kudo joked in a joking tone, "You probably have come to a conclusion about this case, right?"

Kuroba Kaito: "?"

Apart from the doubts of 'Gardenia Hoshino really fits the murderer' and 'Am I really not a murderer', there is no conclusion!
Why are you jumping to conclusions so quickly!

He: "Detectives also need time and evidence, okay? No one can find the murderer in a few minutes at the scene of the crime."

He didn't even turn over the corpse, Kaito Kuroba didn't even see the condition of most of the corpses clearly, he only saw the blood pool and shoe prints after Baishui stopped his gaze.

Baishui lowered his eyes to see the pool of blood accumulated on the ground, and echoed Kuroba Kaito, "There are indeed very few clues, and there is not much useful evidence. Forensic medicine and surveillance are needed."

Forensic autopsy is required to confirm the approximate time of death of the deceased, and monitoring is required to confirm the precise time of death of the deceased and the murderer.

But neither.

He echoed Yusaku Kudo, "I have roughly reached some conclusions."

"Shinichi should find the raincoat in the bathroom, and the fingerprints on the raincoat have probably been cleaned up," Yusaku Kudo said, "However, when the raincoat is taken off and cleaned, the murderer is likely to leave blood on his body."

He pointed with a rubber glove. "It's like blood on the back of a shirt."

Bai Shui glanced at it.

"Hey," Kuroba Kaito saw clearly this time, "It's the blood that splashed on the murderer and rubbed on the deceased, and it's been wiped away."

"The killer was definitely wearing a raincoat."

Otherwise, it is impossible to create the current scene of 'everyone's clothes are clean'.

"Before I met you, I was a little worried about Mr. Bai," Kudo Yusaku retracted his hand and took off his rubber gloves, "His works are very distinctive, and without any evidence, it will also make overly sensitive people Detectives on alert."

"I originally thought he was a young man who had lived in Neon but had no long-term living experience. He only recently planned to live in Neon for a long time and had writing experience."

"It now appears to be an analysis error."

"After seeing you, I don't worry anymore."

He touched the disguise on his face, but did not tear it off, "I need to contact 'Mr. Kudo', it will take about 5 minutes, see you in the lobby?"

"After 5 minutes, I will ask Officer Megure to collect the personal belongings of the people present and conduct a simple search of the bookstore."

"Miss Hoshino, put away your personal belongings first, and prepare to hand them in."

Kuroba Kaito translation: Personal items refer to the real Hoshino Gardenia.

Then these 5 Yusaku Kudo giving them the opportunity to slip away?

"By the way, in 5 minutes, what I want to hand over to Police Officer Megure is a letter," Yusaku Kudo said, "a letter to 'Shiro'."

"I hope you can receive it."

Kuroba Kaito translated again: Don't leave early.

(End of this chapter)

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