Chapter 178 Sober

Merlot, a surname.

Belmode called out this surname in a relaxed and intimate tone. The moment he heard it, Bai Shui felt a little familiar.

He stretched out his hand to grasp the flashing familiarity, "...the Merlot family!"

Prophet 'White', is a character with a black past.

When he was very young, his parents were murdered and died, and he could only grow and sprout in the orphanage until he was selected by a black family and adopted by the head of the family as a foster son.

From then on, he was a knife of the black family.

A sharpest knife.

The patriarch's own son stands under the bright sun, he is the most elegant and decent heir, while the prophet stands in the thick darkness, he is the sharpest and deadly knife.

The black family, named 'Melo flute'.

Bai Shui was not interested in the plot of Under the Truth, not enough to remember the family name in detail, until Belmode called out this somewhat unique name in a familiar tone, and he recalled it exactly.

Kaito Kuroba naturally ignored the "knife" and "what needs to be done and to what extent, the nickname is the sharpest knife", and quickly grasped the point, "Have you ever lived in an orphanage?"

Good focus.

Bai Shui paused, too lazy to correct, "Well, the prophet lived in an orphanage."

Added information, "Mr. Reasoning and Miss Truth also lived in the orphanage."

They have known each other since they were young, and they met again when they grew up.

"What?" Kaito Kuroba was even more surprised, "That Kudo Shinichi also lived in an orphanage?!"

He subconsciously looked at Kudo Shinichi, and found that the guy was still staring at Kudo Yukiko and Kudo Yusaku with squinting eyes.

Kudo Yusaku was looking down at the letter, pretending not to notice his own son's gaze.

Kudo Yukiko looked back with a confident smile, and answered silently and confidently: "What's wrong, my own son, why is he always looking at me? Do you miss Mommy?"
They get along very harmoniously, even without DNA testing, Kaito Kuroba can confirm that they are absolutely biological.

He read it several times and thought of a reasonable explanation, "Is there something abnormal about that orphanage?"

Otherwise, why would the Kuroba family and the Kudou family send their children to the orphanage?
First of all, it is absolutely impossible to really die.

Kaito Kuroba knows his parents very well, and is very sure that they will never die lightly. He has also heard the names of Yusaku Kudo and Yukiko Kudo, and knows their famous names. It is speculated that there is a high probability that they will not have too low-level accidents .

It's fine if one family has an accident, but it's impossible for both of them to have accidents, right?It's not accidental, it's intentional.

What is there in the orphanage that made the Kuroba family and the Kudo family in that world send both 'Kuroba Kaito' and 'Kudo Shinichi' to the orphanage?

"It's 'Bai', 'Mr. Reasoning' and 'Miss Truth'," Bai Shui clearly corrected, "It's not me, it's not Kudo Shinichi."

Forget about your parallel world theory!
And, "I'm not sure if 'Bai''s parents were faked, but, my parents are 100% dead."

He said: "I confirmed it with my own eyes."

"You won't be as cruel as your parents, choosing such a tragic way of feigning death in front of an eight-year-old child?"

Kuroba Kaito: "..."

He seemed to have found the answer to the [-]-point question in the open-book exam, but found that the answer was only a simple sentence, so the candidate who was at a loss and did not dare to fill it in was confused and took it for granted: "Dad?"

Bai Shui: "?"

"Dad suspended animation while performing fire escape magic tricks. I was there at the time, and I was eight years old," Kuroba Kaito said. "There were a lot of spectators at the scene, and many people shot the video. I watched it from different angles. There have been many incidents and scenes.”

So, "Dad will!"

He would fake his death in front of his eight-year-old biological son.

In this world, Black Feather Robber One could die in a fire, but in the parallel world, of course, he might choose to die as a woodpecker.

And, "Didn't you find the commonality? The commonality of flames and woodpecker flocks,"

Kaito Kuroba had a clear mind, and his articulation was even clearer, and he paused every word: "——block the line of sight."

For a magician, even blocking the line of sight for less than a second can carry out an ingenious deception.

Bai Shui: "..."

For a moment, he was really shaken, because Kaito Kuroba made so much sense.

Immediately he reacted again: Oops, he was brought into the ditch, he is not 'Kuroba Kaito' at all.

If Baishui is really the "Kuroba Kaito" of the parallel world, then the speculation that Kuroba Kaito is raising now is a speculation that he is too sober to be sober, but Baishui is not.

"It is precisely because I witnessed my father's 'death' that I gritted my teeth against the enemy," Kuroba Kaito said, paused again, and added, "I also understand your feelings to a certain extent."

"There was a time when, like you, I couldn't trust anyone, and I didn't want to have any intersections, bonds, etc. with other people. I lost..." The desire and fighting spirit of life.

For an eight-year-old child, the sudden death of the father he had always admired, or the failure to die in public, is simply a bolt from the blue.

"However, I haven't found out the truth, and I don't even know who the enemy is," Kuroba Kaito said again, "I just insisted that my father must not have died because of a magic failure, and 'finding out the truth' supported me. "

There is also Kuroba Chikage and Nakamori Aoko.

That period of gray state quickly dissipated from Kuroba Kaito's body, although it was not completely dissipated until not long ago.

He said: "The low state is the beginning of our similarity and difference."

Similar, because in the low state, they are the same, their mood swings are maintained at the bottom, they are not interested in anything, and they are rarely happy or angry.

This is exactly what Baishui is doing now.

The difference is that Kuroba Kaito only lasted for a while. For him, this state is a dark cloud, while Baishui has continued for too long. It has been carved into the flesh and bones, and the coldness has become Personality, even if you meet your companions, you can't dispel it.

Even if Kaito Kuroba jumped up and down like a grasshopper, he would only get the prompt of 'cold dispelling progress +0.01%' for a short time, which was extremely stubborn.

"The difference is," he said, "you have confirmed the murderer from the very beginning, you have also confirmed the death of the murderer, and you have taken revenge."

There is no point of support.

"But," Kaito Kuroba lowered his voice, and the dog attacked furiously, "is that really the case?"

"Your real enemy is the secret of the orphanage."

His voice raised little by little, "But you haven't solved it yet, you are already dead. How about it, are you angry? Maybe this world also has the 'secret of the orphanage', but it's just a different point of view!"

"You still have a chance to break the secret!"

"How about it, do you have a bit of desire to live?!"

Bai Shui: "."

"Very well said," he commented flatly, "The premise is, if I am really you in the parallel world."

but not.

Kuroba Kaito: "?"

Why is it just such a reaction, isn't it too bland?
Something was wrong, it missed the point, and this guy kept key information from him.

"Yeah," he responded calmly, putting this on the important to-do list, "Yes, you are not me in the parallel world."

There are not enough clues, and the puzzle is seriously incomplete, so it can only be temporarily let go.

Kaito Kuroba flipped through the white letter paper in his hand, maintaining superficial thinking, "The surname 'Melodi' also sounds familiar to me."

"Before Belmode just said it and you explained why you were familiar, I felt a little familiar."

"No, it's not familiarity with the last name, it's..."

As he said that, he frowned subconsciously, thought for a while, "That's right...ah, I remembered!"

"'Belmode' is the code name, right? You said that Kudo Shinichi's rival organization uses wine as the code name for all members, and 'Merlot' is wine!"

"I've seen it at home!!!"

Kaito Kuroba looked down at the letter for too long, Belmode stretched out his hand to hold the paper, and said slowly: "'Merlot' is wine."

"A strong liquor."

"The taste is clear, the mouth is soft and the taste is long, and there is no strong stimulation. When drinking for the first time, the drinker may even mistakenly think that he is drinking plain water until..."

"'Boom' fell to the ground."

She and Kuroba Kaito looked at each other, and blinked briskly, "The most amazing thing is, until they lose consciousness, they will also mistakenly think that they are drinking water with added ingredients, instead of realizing that it is spirits."

"'Merlot' is a little-known special spirit, a little surprise in a long life, and only a few people have tasted this surprise."

Belmode turned the letter paper with a subtle tone, "Right now, the number of remaining bottles of 'Mellot' is probably only in single digits."

Black Feather paused for a moment, and relayed to Bai Shui: "It's your code name."

However, why would Belmode explain the Merlot in detail?
From her point of view, the one in front of her should be the 'Melo flute', so there is no need to explain, unless she knows that the one in front of her is not the 'Mello flute'.

"Really, I hate solving questions with unclear meaning the most," Belmode flipped through the letter paper again, and laughed, "But I still like to solve questions with unclear meaning."

"After watching it carefully for so long, how did you crack it?"

The corners of her lips twitched, and a smile hovered around her lips, "Hei, Yu, Kuai, Dou."


Kuroba Kaito wasn't really surprised.

Belmode knew Baishui and was his father's apprentice, so it was very normal to know him and be able to call him by name.

He ignored his deliberate shyness just now, pretended not to be ashamed, and replied in a normal tone, "Ah, I don't have a clue yet."

Belmode's sly smile stopped, and the wicked humor was interrupted.

The reaction she got was too unexpected, she subconsciously asked, "Aren't you surprised that I called out your name?"

Immediately, as if reacting, "Melodi told you."

"It's unimaginable that he trusts a person so much."

"Just now when I reminded you of the identity of 'Kudo Yusaku', you also realized it? You actually told most of the things to another person, even if the 'other person' is yourself."

Belmode commented: "It's unimaginable."

She looked like the owner was not at home, so she was eager to try the glass on the edge of the table, only to find that the ground was covered with soft blankets, like a cat, her interest suddenly dropped, "Obviously you have reacted, but you still have a cowardly expression, It's really..."

It's really unfriendly to the observer.

"You won't be like Melodi, who treats even the expression as your own property and refuses to reveal anything, right?"

The tone is very familiar.

Kuroba Kaito's judgment: Belmode knows the inside story, but not much.

At least, she didn't know that Bai Shui had amnesia.

Probably because they have known Bai Shui for a long time, but when they get along, they are basically alienated in the task mode, and they are not too close in private life.

Of course, it may also be rejected by the late stage of human cleanliness with "You are human, don't".

"This time, it's not me who said 'we are one'." Kaito Kuroba solemnly stated, "I believe you, we are definitely not alone, absolutely~"

It's not the first time, there was Hongzi Koizumi before, and Belmode later, they were all very sure that 'you are the same person', the fact is.

Belmode's personality is somewhat distinct.

Kaito Kuroba didn't know her very well, but after spending a short time with her, he was able to figure out a relatively suitable choice, "That's not true."

"Didn't Dad teach you, 'Poker Face'."

He said again: "He didn't tell me too much about you, only your code name and personality."

"I don't know much about him in the organization."

This point must be explained in advance, otherwise Belmode will react immediately once the organization is discussed in depth.

All the participants of the event had finished drawing tasks, and the staff began to distribute bookstore brochures one by one, which recorded the floor plan of the bookstore and the history of some changes.

Belmode opened the manual, looked at it, and said casually: "Ah, this is expected."

"It's the first time I've seen you."

"Since Melodi joined the organization, he has always appeared. For a while, I thought you had been swallowed by him. I told the teacher."


Kuroba Kaito quickly caught the clues, "She thought we had dual personalities."

"She discovered that I was 'Kuroba Kaito' through my disguise method," he said again, "It wasn't because of 'White'."

Okay, sure, I'm really not familiar with it!
"Looking at it now, it's probably just possessiveness, and he doesn't want others to understand him." Belmode shrugged, "He doesn't often perform missions, and even if he does, he won't cooperate with other people. He hides and disappears by himself. When I finish the task, I don’t even tell my partner, and I leave my partner alone in the restaurant, it’s very easy to hide my situation from the past.”


She looked down at the manual, her tone was normal, "He hasn't appeared in the organization for nearly a year, is there any accident?"

"It's been too long since I haven't shown up. Someone in the organization is already dissatisfied."

Before Kuroba Kaito could reply, Belmode said again: "If there are no accidents, I won't see you either."

"I should ask: what happened?"

Kuroba Kaito understands the truth.

But Belmode's tone gave him the illusion that a domestic husky was pretending to be casually asked by Maoca's cat, "Hey, why hasn't your master come to Maoca recently? Is he sick?" 'illusion.


Clear, sober!
(End of this chapter)

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