Chapter 161 Is there a possibility

How could anyone ignore Kaitou Kidd!

Ah no, the first focus is wrong.

Kaito Kuroba stared at the walkie-talkie, and he stared silently.

There was a rustling sound from the walkie-talkie, and Kudo Shinichi paused for a moment, then added information again, emphasizing the voice, "The police intercepted a message that there will be black people trading guns near the clock tower tonight."

He emphasized his tone, "You should have seen the crowd gathered near the clock tower, right? If something unexpected happens..."

"So, never act without authorization, and report any suspicious traces you find. Kaitou Kidd is not important, what matters is the safety of the people."

Nearby, after listening to the key word 'safety of the people', the police officers listening to the walkie-talkie gave out tacitly obeying, "Hi, obey!"

It's neat, it's stately, but it's useless.

The converging sounds caused the surrounding people who were already holding their mobile phones to subconsciously start to shake from side to side to take pictures, so the clicking sound of taking pictures and the dazzling flash exploded.

On the walkie-talkie, after the clicking noise and the flashing lights had passed, Kudo Shinichi paused for a few seconds, " need to answer."

As the unimportant Phantom Thief Kidd, Kaito Kuroba wants to express his opinion: "..."

He stared at the walkie-talkie quietly, trying to reason by himself, "The police have opened the mouths of the guys in the spontaneous combustion case."

What 'black people want to trade guns', ah, yes, there are black people who choose shopping malls with a lot of traffic to make transactions, so that they can blend in with the crowd and retreat.

However, who would be sick enough to choose the police to be equally dense, and to be more vigilant, staring at the clock tower with twinkling eyes, and immediately 'report Kaito Kidd' if there is any trouble! 'A place to trade ah?
May I ask that the black person who chose to trade guns in this kind of place is the police?

Just looking for death.

Therefore, Kudo Shinichi learned that there would be black people wandering around Kaitou Kidd, and gave the order to "let go of the unimportant Kaitou Kidd appropriately, focus on vigilance against gunmen, and protect the people", it can only be because of the spontaneous combustion case Those guys spat out information.

Spit out the information that they came here specifically for Kaitou Kidd and will come again.

... What about the promised mercenaries who lick blood on the knife edge and don't talk too much?It's fine if you don't hide poison in the back molars, but why do you confess obediently!

"There are still 25 minutes before the action," Bai Shui reminded, "The distance of the walkie-talkie is limited."

The walkie-talkie has a distance limit. The walkie-talkie in Kuroba Kaito's hand can hear Kudo Shinichi's voice, which only means that Kudo Shinichi is nearby.

Kuroba Kaito let out a sigh of relief, "Why don't you even let me complain, and I didn't complain about Mr. Detective you admire."

He put the walkie-talkie into the jacket pocket of the police uniform, raised the brim of his hat, pushed open the car door and walked out. First he pretended to glance around casually, his eyes were on the police officers who were maintaining order not far away, and he could not see the police. The clock tower of the figure and the helicopter hovering in mid-air stopped for a moment.

"Guess where Mr. Detective is now?" Kaito Kuroba withdrew his gaze, walked towards the clock tower naturally, and added, "Guess the progress of Mr. Detective's understanding of us now."

Condemned again: Can the 'spider' do it? What kind of mercenaries are under him, and they still make confessions. There is no professional ethics at all!
The first question is easy to answer.

If he wants to control the overall situation and capture the wind and grass nearby, Kudo Shinichi will not be inside the clock tower, nor will he be on the ground with many obstacles in the field of vision and less visible range, but will only be on a helicopter in mid-air.

second question……

"The mercenaries in the spontaneous combustion case are the forwards sent by 'Spider' to test Kaito Kidd," Bai Shui said, "They must not know too much."

It belongs to the stone of throwing stones and asking for directions.

"Kudou Shinichi can obtain very little useful information. He will not know too much about Kaitou Kidd. He will only get the information that 'there will be a second batch of criminals with guns coming'."

This is speculated according to common sense, and it is the product of the interweaving of police professional ability and detective professional ability on the passing line.

After guessing according to common sense, Bai Shui changed the subject and said sincerely: "But, he is Kudo Shinichi."

However, Kaito Kuroba is not facing a "detective with qualified business ability", but "Shinichi Kudo".

It's not "the first time I met Kudo Shinichi, who knows little about Kaitou Kidd", but "the Kudo Shinichi who has fought several times and knows Kaitou Kidd very well".

Baishui made a conservative estimate and judged, "He may have deduced that the Kaitou Kidd is not alone, and that the real target is 'Pandora'."

You may not know the name of 'Pandora', but you probably know 'Oh, Kaitou Kidd is not just looking for trouble, but looking for a certain treasure'.

Kaito Kuroba thought for a while, "You have a lot of confidence in Mr. Detective's professional level."

He walked to the police circle under the clock tower openly, because he was alone, even though he was wearing a police uniform, two police officers noticed.

They looked at each other, and then asked to confirm their identity.

Before they really opened their mouths, Hei Yu quickly fought against the customer, and said in a serious tone that belonged to the boss: "Have you heard what is said on the walkie-talkie?"

The two police officers were taken aback for a moment, then subconsciously nodded.

Kaito Kuroba eased his expression a bit, and looked left and right again. Before the two police members hesitated to ask again tentatively, he said in a superior tone: "You are the closest contact with the masses. The police, in case of an accident, we must respond in time, please."

He glanced at the police officer's gun, "Do you understand, you are the closest to the crowd, and you must not shoot unless it is absolutely necessary."

"In case the gangsters miss the attack and instead injure the people..."

The more he spoke, the deeper and deeper Kuroba Kaito's voice was, with a bit of calm and prestige, he paused, "Do you understand?"

Shocked, the two police officers immediately straightened up and saluted, "Hi!"

Kuroba Kaito warned, "Well, pay attention to the surrounding situation."

He naturally stepped into the police cordon, and randomly asked a few police officers to carry out "advice from the boss", and under the watchful eyes of the police officers who agreed that he was the boss, and their attitude became respectful, he entered openly. bell tower.


"Oh," Kuroba Kaito sighed earnestly, "Who made me so witty, it's really helpless."

Bai Shui: "..."

Kaito Kuroba resumed the previous topic, "If you trust Kudo's ability so much, if you think he has deduced that 'Phantom Thief Kidd is not alone', is there a possibility..."

"The two of us are a community. If he finds me, he will find you?"

 The next chapter will be updated later
(End of this chapter)

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