Chapter 155 "" (Two in One)

This is saying...


The former sentence was somewhat disgusting, but the latter sentence stretched his brows, probably referring to the other members of the Black Organization and Belmode.

The black organization is disgusting, but Belmode is the apprentice of Kuroba Pirates, and it is not surprising that he has friendship with Kuroba Chikage.

Bai Shui responded, "Okay."

Kaito Kuroba didn't speak the whole time, he was keeping quiet, making people fidget and start to be afraid, 'What are you going to do again? ' the quiet.

After hearing this abnormal silence, Bai Shui pondered for a moment, and then made a difficult choice to ask: "These are the 'people who follow the crow' you mean?"

"I don't remember," he said.

I don't remember ever interacting with the winery, nor do I remember knowing Belmode.

Kuroba Chikage propped up her chin, "This question is beyond the outline."

"But I can confirm it for you, yes." She blinked, "You should have confirmed this problem a long time ago, and I guess Kaito did too."

"Have you figured it out quietly?"

A long time ago, Bai Shui had fully confirmed his relationship with the Black Organization, and he kept his acquiescence.

"That's not very early," Kuroba Kaito muttered, "It's just a little earlier than today, just a little bit."

"And it's not my reasoning."

Bai Shui said it himself, "When he met his companions, the Prophet Bai was in a state of amnesia. He was in the dark in the past, and he was the enemy of the two companions." Connect this sentence with "Kudo Shinichi's enemy is a The members of the organization use the name of alcohol as an illegal organization', so isn't it obvious that 'Bai Shui is a former member of an illegal organization'?

Kuroba Chikage said again: "And..."

She shifted her gaze to the left, paused for a few seconds, and said in a gentle tone like a hot spring, "Thank you."

"Being Phantom Thief Kid is hard work, isn't it?"

For Chikage Kuroba, a phantom thief lady who took the initiative to become a phantom thief, and Pirate Kidd, a phantom thief like Kuroba Pioneer who likes to put precious treasures in his jewel box, becoming a "Phantom Thief" is a natural thing.

But for a high school student like Kaito Kuroba who has never been in danger, and someone like Baishui who avoids publicity by nature, becoming a "Phantom Thief" is a very hard job, becoming a "Phantom Thief Kid" Work harder.

That means facing the people you know well with a double face, it means being handsome in action, absolutely not letting the audience find a trace of strenuousness and embarrassment, like walking a rope in the sky, if you take a wrong step, you will fall .

"And..." Kuroba Chikage said slowly, "These eight years."

There is also the eight years when Kuroba Pirates faked his death, Kuroba Chikage left Tokyo, and Kuroba Kaito could only live alone.

Now is the tender moment for mother and son to talk.

But, can't we have a heart-to-heart talk while Kuroba Kaito is online?
Bai Shui maintained a basic silence, and he moved his gaze up again to ensure that Kaito Kuroba could clearly see Chikage Kuroba's expression.

It was too warm, Kaito Kuroba was at a loss for a moment, and then responded dryly and unskillfully, "Yeah, it's not too hard."

"If Dad didn't fake his death!" He protested, "Why did he hide his fake death from me?"

He is very sad.

Baishui imitated Kuroba Kaito's tone and pause, and conveyed these two sentences without looking sideways.

Kuroba Chikage couldn't help but propped her chin and laughed, "There's no way, the situation was too urgent at that time, only me and Pirates knew about it."

"Fortunately, we are not just a husband and wife, but also partners who are also monster thieves. We can cooperate with each other in a certain way, otherwise," she smiled and blinked her eyes, "Otherwise, I'm afraid your father would not tell me, and only you suspended animation."

She nodded slowly: "'companion'."

"You are now companions. You are in the same initial state. You may take different paths for a short time in the process, but the end is the same. You must always fight side by side."

"A long time ago, when you refused to sleep, I told a story," Chikage Kuroba sat up straight, the smile on his face deepened, "The story of the little fox buying gloves."

Her voice was softer, "In a remote forest, there lived a cute little fox and its mother fox."

One day, when winter was approaching, the whole forest was covered with heavy snow, turning the little fox's world into pure white.

"The little fox ran and ran in the snow, but couldn't find any green that used to be. He dug and dug, but still couldn't find any soil, so he could only go home with his frozen red paws."

When the mother fox saw the little fox's paws, she felt very distressed. She thought about it and wanted to bring him a pair of human gloves to keep his paws warm.

"But," Chikage Kuroba changed her tone, "Only the human world has gloves. Humans and foxes are two species. How can I buy gloves?"

The tone is very soft, the atmosphere is very harmonious, Bai Shui is restless.

Kaito Kuroba pondered the famous fairy tale over and over, and gradually realized, "I see."

"Mom means," he said in a deep voice, like a detective identifying the murderer, "you are a fox!"

Bai Shui: "..."

Can you be normal?
"Mom is using a fairy tale to imply that you are a 'fox'," Kaito Kuroba was somewhat normal, and extended cheerfully, "Then what are 'snowing' and 'buying gloves' alluding to? "

Since Baishui is a 'fox', the 'parallel world' where Baishui lives is of course a 'fox world'.

He thought deeply: "What happened to 'Fox World'? Are 'snowing' and 'buying gloves' related to the 'death' of the fox parents?"

Bai Shui again: "..."

He couldn't take it anymore.

Kuroba Chikage stared at the camera with a smile, and continued to tell the fairy tale, "However, foxes are smart. Of course, this little thing can't trouble Mother Fox. She thought of a way."

"She took the little fox's paw and turned that right paw into a human hand."

After having a human hand, as long as you set out in the dark and hand over money to the boss with a hand in the vast darkness, the boss who only opened the door of the store will sell the gloves to the little fox without knowing it.

The mother fox told the little fox, "There are many, many human towns. Remember, you have to find a shop whose sign is a round hat." '

He also told the purchase steps, "You have to knock on the door three times, say you want to buy gloves, and then hand over the money to the boss."

The most important thing is: You must not stretch out the wrong hand, you must stretch out the 'human hand'.

"Once the fox's claws are stretched out," Kuroba Chikage frowned softly, "Humans will catch the little fox and put it in a cage."

She smiled and said: "The night fell, the little fox ran and ran, and finally arrived at the human town."

There are too many shops in the town, and the little fox searched for a long time before he found the signboard of the round hat.

Following Mother Fox's instructions, he knocked on the door politely, saying that he wanted to buy gloves, and when the door opened a crack, he wagged his tail and put his paw in, saying, "I want a pair of gloves that this hand can wear! "

"The boss was taken aback," Kuroba Chikage smiled and lay down on the table, "'Why is it a fox's hand!'."

Now it's a video call, and it's high school students, not real children, but Chikage Kuroba spoke vividly, as if she was telling a story to a child.

Kuroba Kaito laughed loudly, "I said I want to stretch out a human's palm, so why are you stretching out a fox's paw?"

Immediately he became nervous again, "And then?"

Bai Shui: "..."

How old is this guy?

These two are truly mother and son.

He really can't take it anymore.

Kuroba Chikage was still smiling, "Guess what happened next?"

She revealed the answer, "The boss sold the gloves to the little fox."

After confirming that the coin was real, the boss didn't say anything, as if he didn't find out, he silently sold the gloves to the little fox.

The little fox didn't even realize that what he stretched out was a fox's paw, and proudly hooked the glove, and the sharp claws scratched the cotton glove.

Before he could react to being sad, the boss took back the cotton gloves and replaced them with a pair of woolen gloves that are not afraid of claws.

This time the little fox was very satisfied. He bit his glove, flicked his tail triumphantly, and walked back slowly.

Halfway through, he realized that he was stunned.

"The little fox thought, 'It's not that scary, right?'" Kuroba Chikage said, "He thought, 'The boss found my fox paw, but he didn't grab me.'"

After telling the story, she paused for a few seconds and said slowly, "You two should understand the story of 'the little fox buys gloves', right?"

Kuroba Kaito replied in seconds: "Understood."

Kuroba Chikage said slowly: "The little fox is a clever, quick-thinking childish guy who comes up with innocent and cute ideas from time to time. He will stretch out the wrong hand when he is probing his claws to buy gloves, and he will scratch the gloves with his claws."

"The boss is a human being in the fox world. When he found the little fox, he didn't say anything. Instead, he turned his eyes and closed his eyes. After the little fox scratched his gloves, he changed into a pair of wool that is relatively safe to snag. Gloves."

She laughed again, "Do you understand?"

It's okay not to emphasize it, but once the summary is emphasized, Bai Shui noticed something strange from the summary.

He was silent for a few seconds, and said uncertainly, "'Little Fox' is Kaito Kuroba?"

It is specially emphasized that the fox is smart and quick-witted, but it can make people laugh and cry in certain things, and is naive.

...It must be Kuroba Kaito.

Hearing the very distant full name of 'Kuroba Kaito', Kuroba Chikage glanced at the camera, smiled and clapped his hands, "Bingo!"

"That's right, Kaito is sometimes very smart, smart and sharp, but sometimes, because there are too few clues, the guess will be a little bit off, and it will go astray."

Will 'hook the glove'.

"So, 'Boss' is needed."

Need 'boss turns a blind eye', 'boss pretends not to know', 'boss silently changes gloves'.

Kuroba Chikage smiled brightly.

Kuroba Kaito: "???"

He frantically questioned, shaking his voice, "Who is the fox!"

Probably didn't hear it, Bai Shui was happy to help others, and answered questions in a friendly manner, "You."

He added, "You who stretch out the fox's paw."

Kuroba Kaito said again: "???"

"Ahem," Kuroba Chikage, who couldn't hear the sound of the explosion at all, cleared her throat, and slipped away, "Then that's the end of today!"

"You two have to get along well, bye~"

Video hangs up.

Bai Shui looked at the computer desktop, and sincerely asked for advice, "Excuse me, Mr. Fox, what were you talking about when you laughed wildly just now?"

Who is the fool?Oh fox.

Who is the fox?Oh, Kuroba Kaito.

It turns out that Kaito Kuroba is saying that he is an idiot, and he is very self-aware.

Kuroba Kaito: "..."

"I'm a human being," Kaito Kuroba exploded, "I'm the 'boss'!"

"Analyse carefully, obviously I am the one who tolerates you, right?"

He calculated carefully, "You are in the late stage of cleanliness. I change clothes, sheets, quilts, shoes every day, clean the locker every two days, clean the house every three days, and hide women's clothes!"

"The skirt is so beautiful, but you dare to dislike it. Isn't it beautiful?"

good looking.

The premise is when you don't wear it on yourself.

Baishui remained silent appropriately.

"It's not easy to feed two people."

The most resentful thing is: "It is obviously the same body, but every time you switch, you will change the bed sheet and quilt."

"If I'm drinking from a glass of water, after the switch, do you have to put down the water glass and find another glass to drink from?"

This...isn't it possible?
Bai Shui continued to remain silent.

Kaito Kuroba pointed out: "You don't have to have the same toothbrush."

Bai Shui: "."

How can this be done with one?
"You still don't eat raw meat, all kinds of sauces, sweet, bitter and spicy food," Kaito Kuroba said quietly, "you still don't accept the combination of 'rice with rice'."

"Every kind of rice is different when eating, how can it be regarded as 'rice with rice'!"

"This is neon."

There are only a few things that Nihong can eat. Coincidentally, the white water is almost eliminated.

"It's not easy for me to pull you up," Kaito Kuroba forcibly defined, and sighed, "Sure enough, my mother misjudged me, and I am the 'boss'."

And ignore the part of yourself that is contained.

After defining the definition, he forcibly became lively, "Now, 'Fox', what is our goal?!"

He asked and answered himself, "Koizumi Hongzi."

Now the target is Hongzi Koizumi.

The witches of the previous generation took away the mirror, so they had to find the witches of this generation to get the mirror.

The world is so big, it's so hard to find someone, let alone a witch, but it's okay.

Kaito Kuroba vowed: "Miss Witch is our classmate now, tomorrow... oh no, this morning, we can block her!"

Five hours later, the teacher said: "Student Koizumi asked for leave today and will not come to class for the time being."

Kuroba Kaito: "...tomorrow!"

After 29 hours, the teacher said: "Student Koizumi asked for leave today and will not come to class."

Kuroba Kaito: "...tomorrow."

After 53 hours, the teacher said: "Student Koizumi asked for leave today, no class."

The teacher said: "Student Koizumi asks for leave today."

"Student Koizumi asks for leave."

"Student, fake."




Kuroba Kaito: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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