Chapter 144 Wow

Koizumi Hongzi's voice had a hint of crying, and her voice was trembling.

The sound of hundreds of woodpeckers pecking things and flapping their wings suppressed the strangeness of Koizumi Hongzi's voice, but Bai Shui could hear it.


So frightened, it seems that the witch lady must have seen the corpse, and she has seen quite a lot.

Bai Shui sighed calmly, and he briefly reminded, "You are a witch."

Koizumi Hongzi immediately repeated obediently, "I am a witch."

She said cautiously: "I, I am not a bad witch."

"I have never killed anyone..."

Although he controlled Nakamori Ginzo with a wave of his hand, and let him shoot bang bang bang.

Koizumi Hongzi's voice lowered unconsciously.

Bai Shui: "."

Fortunately, he is not Kuroba Kaito, and he doesn't care whether the witch has killed someone or not.

It was Kaito Kuroba, that sharp guy was so high and low that he peeled off Koizumi Hongko's skin, and found out in detail whether the witch had ever killed anyone.

He sighed calmly, ignored the messy factors, and reminded again concisely, "You are a witch, and you are the inner world that you actively arranged the magic circle to enter."

So, in the same way, you can take the initiative to end it.

Koizumi Hongzi bowed her head and admitted her mistake without hesitation, "I was wrong, I'm sorry!"

With tears in her eyes, she said, "I don't dare anymore."

'Tears streaming down', Bai Shui heard from the voice.


He looked up and looked at the cabinet door.

In the deepest part of the cabinet, you can't see much. You can only see the iron chains and the woodpeckers flying by with flapping wings. You can't see the whole picture, and you can't clearly see what's going on outside.

At most, it can only be guessed from the mottled colors of the woodpeckers and the smell in the air that there is a murder scene outside.

Bai Shui didn't need to open the door of the cupboard, he could easily outline the appearance of the scene outside in his mind.

It was a gluttonous feast.

Hundreds of woodpeckers, like moths to a flame, have been swarming and burying their heads in eating, pecking out deep holes in every part of the corpse.

When scrambling to eat, they will peck their companions, sometimes with luck, they will even peck their companions' heads, and increase their offensive at the moment of seeing blood, thus reducing one companion and competitor.

A dead body cannot carry hundreds of woodpeckers at one time, so some weak woodpeckers will temporarily withdraw after pecking a few mouthfuls and taking out the meat in the hole with their slender tongues, spreading around and circling around, staring covetously like a white silkworm chrysalis. The 'dining table'.

Any human being would feel nauseated and vomit instantly after seeing such a scene.

This is not the scariest thing, the scariest thing is: the scattered woodpeckers will look for food.

At the door of the cupboard, several woodpeckers hit the wooden door and uttered 'Boom! 'The sound of the heavy impact and the shaking of the chain.

A woodpecker did not leave after the collision. It stepped on the threshold of the gap with its red paws and looked over with round eyes like plastic teddy bear eyes.

It probed tentatively, its eyeballs rolled around, and looked inside the cabinet.

Koizumi Hongzi was almost completely weak, her head and shoulders were covered by white water, she could only half lie and half sit, her knees were together, and one foot was close to the cabinet door.

The woodpecker stared at the foot, stretched its snake-like neck, pecked, and pecked the wooden board.

Bai Shui hugged her back to avoid the woodpecker, then drove the woodpecker out and closed the cabinet door.

He let go of Koizumi Hongzi, no longer reminded, and said concisely, "You are a witch, you started it on your own initiative, if you feel scared, you can end it on your own initiative."

This 'snooping' was initiated by the witch. Seeing something that shouldn't be seen, Koizumi Hongzi can see that the situation is not good and decisively kick herself out of the inner world, and just smear the soles of her feet to get away.

Rather than being caught by the back of fate, miserably, "You are so terrible, I was wrong, let me go QAQ".

...a bit unintelligent.

She was indeed a young witch.

He sighed quietly.

As soon as she was free, Koizumi Hongzi immediately staggered away from him, away from the depths of the cabinet, she slammed into the cabinet door, there was a sound of wood creaking and iron chains crashing, and the cabinet door opened a gap.


She opened her panicked eyes and looked at Bai Shui tremblingly, "Can I?"

The sound of pecking outside the cabinet was closer to the sound of birds flapping their wings. Several woodpeckers heard the knocking sound inside the cabinet and tentatively leaned over to hit the cabinet.

There were white and red wings fluttering from the gap to Koizumi Hongzi's neck, she shrank her neck subconsciously, looked out, and her pupils dilated instantly.

In her eyes, two white objects hanging in the center of the room were reflected. The length of the two objects was less than two meters, and they were covered with a layer of puffy white, like two wriggling fat silkworm chrysalis.

'Silkworm Chrysalis' is dripping blood and minced meat, and the ground is a mess.

Koizumi Hongzi's mind went blank.

She watched the woodpecker churning, her whole body began to itch, and her stomach also started to churn.

Several woodpeckers scrambled to fly over, poked their heads into the gap of the cabinet door, and pecked tentatively.

The red, blood-stained beaks of those few were enlarged in Koizumi Hongko's pupils.

Her pupils quivered.

In the next second, the world shattered.

The woodpecker that was about to peck her was like a mirror that was suddenly broken, and it shattered. The wooden cabinet, the room, the two 'chrysalis', and countless wriggling woodpeckers also shattered.

Pieces of fragments come and go.

In the night, the red hexagram magic array centered on the tower shattered, and the red light gradually dissipated.

The cold wind from above hit, Kuroba Kaito frowned, slowly opened his eyes, and blurted out, "White Water!"

"Are you OK?"

The feeling of being in a magic circle and unable to move his body a little, but watching Hongzi Koizumi casting magic disappeared, he moved his wrist, subconsciously took a few steps back, and looked at Hongzi Koizumi.

Koizumi Hongzi didn't have the arrogance that a witch should have, and her hair that was originally frizzy now has a bit of meekness that has lost her soul.

She also backed away in fright, and there were crystal clear things in her dark red eyes.

It's tears.

Koizumi Koko looked at Kaito Kuroba in horror, the tears in her eyes gradually filled up, and might flow down her smooth cheeks at any moment, she didn't dare to blink, she could only open her eyes and look up, trying to hold back the tears.

In the pitch-black night, a burst of angry black strikes, piercing Koizumi Hongzi like an arrow from the string.

is a crow.

A crow with a sharp beak and red eyes.

It flapped its wings and fell from the sky, angrily pecked Koizumi Hongzi a few times, and uttered 'Gah! ', 'Gah! 'Voice.

The eyes reflected the bird's beak at close range again, and Koizumi Hongzi hurriedly protected her head.

She let out a cry of 'wow', turned around and ran away.

(End of this chapter)

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