Chapter 164 is coming to an end
"There are also good things."

Speaking of this, Erniu seemed to feel that it was inappropriate to continue talking, and changed his voice, "When the Bailian Sect was here for two years, a nephew of Aunt Cheng defected to Aunt Cheng and lived in Aunt Cheng's house. During that time Everyone was doing well. Later we fought with the imperial court, and Aunt Cheng's nephew made a contribution and took a cow!"

Cows in this era are truly precious resources. It is against the law to kill a cow for meat without reason. The labor force represented by a cow can even exceed three or four adults.

Whoever has a cow at home can speak in a much higher tone in the village.

"Even in the two and a half years of the war, Aunt Cheng's life was not bad. It's just that everyone couldn't fight anymore, so they could only continue to retreat. When they wanted to retreat, the cattle couldn't be taken away, and of course they wouldn't be given to the people in the court. If you stay, you will be slaughtered and eaten."

Er Niu sniffed, "That cow is spiritual, kneeling on the ground and weeping. It's just that there is no way, people can't live anymore, what should I do? A few more bites of beef may live longer A few lives were lost. At that time, Aunt Cheng seemed to be awake, lying on Niu’s body, refusing to be stabbed. Of course, everyone couldn’t listen to her words——How can an old woman stand by Niu not killing her here? Rebellion! Human life can't stand it, let alone a beast? After the cow was killed, Aunt Cheng went crazy again, scolding us all the time, everyone scolding."

The fire in front of him had no flames, and there were only black embers in the shape of red spots separated by cracks. At first glance, it looked like unused charcoal, but in fact there were only wrecks left.

"Then everyone withdrew, and fewer and fewer people were still alive in the village. I would occasionally come over to take a look, but it was of no use. Aunt Cheng would never leave. Even if I took it there How easy can life be? I have to evacuate every three days, and Aunt Cheng's body can't hold on. Sometimes I think it's good for Aunt Cheng to stay here, at least I have a home, and I can't be sure outside If you have to suffer any more, it’s better not to torment.”

Er Niu stood up and stomped hard on the pile of embers. The luxuriant sparks splashed out from under the muddy soles of his feet, like thousands of weak and small meteors passing by, but together with the meteors, Flying, there is also overwhelming dust splashing in all directions.

"Actually, it's okay. What kind of things haven't been seen in these years? What happened to Aunt Cheng. The past is also the past. It's nothing more than getting acquainted."

Xun Ke's lips parted, as if he wanted to say something, but he understood without asking, but he still had some expectations in his heart, "Where's Aunt Cheng's nephew?"

"Dead in battle."

Er Niu touched the curved and ferocious centipede-like scar on his face, "Many, many people died in battle, including Da Niu, Er Dan, Hei Hip, and even the little ones."

He spit out a series of names from his mouth, and those names were more or less unpopular.

People in the countryside believe in low life to make a living, and they probably don't think about the sound when they get various nicknames, even Xun Ke is called a fool.

But those unpopular names correspond to the real people in Xun Ke's memory. They used to go to school together in a private school, climb trees to pick fruit together, and run to the Yuan River to play in the water and catch fish together.
A strong, suffocating feeling was brewing in his chest. Xun Ke opened his mouth several times, wanting to say something, but tears always fell down first, interrupting the words that could no longer be blurted out.

This is war.

War kills people.

No matter whether they recognize each other or not, whether they are familiar with each other, whether the relationship is good or not, when everything is imminent, many people have no choice.

The rebellion of purely low-level people has never been a bright journey. He is just a part of the angry howling and helpless cry of being oppressed to the extreme and hungry to the extreme.

Most of the unorganized people still burned, killed and looted wherever they went, and became bandits, and the victims were still ordinary people.

The common people who are suffering from wars during disaster years are the worst, and no one gives them a way out.

Rebellion is death, ordinary life is also death, death is everywhere, and it is difficult to see a speck of hope.

Counting the humble lives of all living beings, that is the case.

It was rare for Xun Ke to be so embarrassed, and he looked at Gu Dan with crystal clear eyes, his eyes were full of helplessness, he seemed to be expecting something.

This young man who was once full of vigor and wanted to change the world, at this time, is still too young, and seems so powerless to everything.

"It's over."

Gu Dan stared at those crystal eyes filled with tears, his voice was as calm and firm as ever, he nodded seriously, and repeated: "It's over!"

He can't be regarded as a natural saint, and he has always held on to the choice of "no one will offend me, I will not offend others", and he will not cause trouble if he does not cause trouble.

Not everyone can do it: I have no peace of mind if I don’t have a comfortable home; I don’t have enough heart unless I have enough money.That's why a gentleman makes things easy for himself, and everyone makes things easy for others.

But it's not easy to say that Gu Dan is used to all kinds of tragedies in the world!

If you can feel joy, you can also feel sorrow.

Huiji will be hurt, love will last forever, in troubled times, even if you don't do anything, as long as you go out, you will see the world become gray, like water splashed with ink.

There is grief and blood everywhere in the city, nothing more than a single thought to save the people!

In this world, it's time to stand up for the common people again.

But this time, Gu Dan chose to come out of the mountain to help, so as to restore the peace of the world in this big moon.

"With such a guarantee from Mozi's close friend, I am afraid that the world will not be far away from peace."

Seeing Gu Dan's serious narration, Er Niu couldn't help opening his mouth to enliven the already somewhat froze atmosphere.

Of course Erniu didn't recognize Gu Dan, but when Xun Ke said that Gu Dan was Mo Qiu's close friend, he was naturally quite respectful.

Mozi's reputation at this time of the moon is not enough to describe it as the sun in the sky. The existence of Mozi, the Mohists, and the Mohists has given many people a glimpse of a bright light in the almost hopeless gray.

After all, it may take thousands of years for a saint who does not seek anything but the stability of the world so that the people can live.

With such a reputation, being able to get acquainted with Mo Qiu and even make friends with him is the reason why many people trust and even respect him.

Capable people will always attract each other. After all, a tiger's friend cannot be a rabbit.

"How did you get back?"

Gu Dan didn't continue to discuss this topic in depth, no matter how much he said, it was better to do some practical things. If Mo Qiu talked while doing it, he naturally had to do it before talking.

"I lost the battle. I can't hold on anymore."

Sighing, Er Niu said helplessly: "We originally had eight halls. Although it is difficult to fight with the imperial court, it is not impossible to fight. But some time ago, for some reason, I heard that the leader suddenly disappeared with a group of people. Yes. Those who were taken away were all high-ranking figures in the sect. Without those people, the situation that could barely be maintained would be completely unbearable."

"No news?"

Gu Dan asked again.

This matter was also mentioned in Wang Mang's letter to him. The leader of Bailian left suddenly with several masters in the hall, and he didn't even explain why, even the saint of Bailian didn't know.

The number of people who left was actually not particularly large, but they were all good hands who were in charge of various affairs within the White Lotus Sect. These people were taken away by the leader of the White Lotus Sect. Can't get up.

Without this accident, Wang Mang and Bailian Saintess would not have made up their minds so simply to seek the inheritance of Bailian.

"No. Who knows? Anyway, there is no way to continue the fight now. The people in the eight halls can't fight, and now there are only three halls left. If you continue to fight, they will all die. Besides, the leader is so We haven't shown up for a long time, and everyone is scared." Er Niu said.

As soon as the leader ran away, people's hearts were scattered, and the team naturally became difficult to lead.

Gu Dan thought about it.

The White Lotus Sect is keen on rebellion, and the leader of the White Lotus Sect is a guru-level figure. If you say that he is greedy for life and afraid of death, if it is true that things cannot be violated, it is not easy for a grandmaster who simply wants to escape?
You must know that there is no Grandmaster of Protecting the Country in Da Yue now!

The White Lotus Sect hadn't reached the end of the mountain before, and it was clearly because of his departure that this result occurred.

What is the reason that makes the leader of Bailian prefer to let the forces he formed by himself suffer heavy damage, and to bring all the best players in the sect to play and disappear?

His original plan was that since he was going to Yuzhou, it would be better to get rid of the Bailian leader, and save the trouble of rebellion.

But if the leader of the White Lotus Sect is not around, it will be simpler. Just incorporate the White Lotus Sect directly, and then take the incorporated White Lotus Sect to Yangzhou to join Moqiu.

Afterwards, you can also discuss it carefully with Mo Qiu.

If Mo Qiu is willing to go to the Dragon Pavilion, Gu Dan has no objection.

Anyway, it is enough to calm down the suffering in front of him as quickly as possible.

After being promoted to Grand Master, Gu Dan is ready to kill whoever stands in front of the peace of the world.

After thinking for a while, Gu Dan asked: "By the way, do you know Hongyangtang?"

If I remember correctly, the hall Wang Mang manages is called Hongyang Hall.

Er Niu immediately patted his chest and said: "I am from Hongyangtang! We are not deserters. We are only here because the hall master ordered us to withdraw first. I will come to the village to see! If the hall master allows I’ll go back, then I’ll go back without saying a word! The only reason we know about Mozi is because the hall master leads people to tell stories about Mozi all day long!”

"Oh? You seem to like Hongyangtang very much?"

Gu Dan heard the implication, "Why?"

"Hall Master Wang treats us as human beings!"

Speaking of this, Er Niu became interested in talking again, and said repeatedly: "Now the remaining three halls, the people in Hunyuan Hall are basically old people in the church, and they are all lazy. He shouted louder than anyone else when he was credited, and always talked about his qualifications. He looked down on those of us who joined halfway, the most abominable!
There is also the Mahayana hall, where everyone's life is very precious, and they are all a group of rich men.I can't look down on this one, and I can't look down on that one, and I can't wait to see people with my nostrils. Although one is more afraid of death than the other, they are still more capable of fighting.They were the first to be unable to sustain this battle, if it wasn't for them, maybe they could last a little longer!
Only Hongyang Hall does not dislike us, rewards for meritorious deeds and punishes us for demerits, discussing the matter as it stands, regardless of seniority and background, everyone obeys Hall Master Wang!Hall Master Wang often eats with us mud-legged people, and I even had a drink with him once!I heard that he also came from a bitter background and chose to rebel because he couldn't stand the court. One of the people I admire the most is Mozi, otherwise how would we know that saint! "

"So, you are convinced by that Hall Master Wang?" Gu Dan said.

"That's right! If it wasn't for Hall Master Wang, we would have been snatched away by someone like us who would have been able to ride a horse! The person I admire most is Hall Master Wang!"

The excited voice was as proud as it was. He obviously agreed with Hongyangtang and Wang Mang very much. Er Niu pointed to the horse tied under the eaves outside the door to shelter from the rain, quite proud of it.

Horses are naturally not as valuable as cattle on weekdays, but this is in troubled times!
You've heard of riding a horse and raising the whip, but you haven't heard of riding an ox for a long voyage?

It is really not easy for a person of his background to have a horse as a mount.

"I understand. It won't be long before the Hall Master Wang you admire will come over."

Gu Dan nodded slightly, a smile finally appeared on his face.

In the most recent letter, Wang Mang never boasted about the career he worked hard for—although judging from the letters in the early years, it can’t be said that this career is all on the soft side, it can only be said that it is almost inseparable Next to the rich woman.

But it is completely impossible to be able to make the people under him trust and admire so much without having enough charisma and means.

However, recalling back when the Gu family’s small courtyard had nothing to do with the Mo family, Wang Mang, who was only nine years old, dared to play the trick of tipping off the news and killing people with a knife.

Perhaps it was because the child of the prison boss was used to seeing the dangers in the world, so he knew how to win over the people under his command.


Er Niu was a little startled, Hall Master Wang said that he is also one of the best heroes under Master Bailian, why did he come here for no reason?

Gu Dan didn't say anything more, picked up a half-broken earthen jar from under the eaves, caught a lot of rainwater, and poured it on the embers of the fire that had almost completely extinguished in the house.

"Thorn Lala~"

White smoke rose up, and the wandering people couldn't see their faces clearly.

Although this house can no longer be really lived in, it was once a home after all, so it should be cherished a little bit.

Didn't make a few people wait for too long.

Not long after, Gu Dan was the first to hear the sound of galloping horses.

Compared with the movement of the two oxen riding, the sound of the hoofbeats felt by Gu Dan this time seemed calm and powerful, obviously much better, and it was two horses running together.

"Brother Gu?! Are you here!"

From a distance, Wang Mang began to yell with a loud voice.

"This sound?"

Er Niu raised his head blankly, and asked in disbelief, "Why do you look so much like Hall Master Wang?"

(End of this chapter)

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