Chapter 279

Because of this episode, Anan panicked for a while, and stayed by the abbot's side all the time, unwilling to leave.

Even if the other friends yelled, they didn't want to go out.

It made Master Fang Lu helpless for a while, and promised again and again that he would not be abandoned, and that he would get his consent before making a decision.

However, even so, Anan was still a little uneasy like a frightened little animal.

In the afternoon, because Anan was unwilling to leave the temple, Yu Hai and the others played and studied in the temple.

The two girls were very curious about the abbot's past.

Especially the part about his love is the story that girls like to hear most.

An infatuated monk failed his beloved girl for the grace of nurturing, but also for her, he chose not to return to vulgar life, and died alone.

Touching and romantic, with a touch of pathos.

For girls, this is what love looks like they long for.

"Did you inquire about that girl later?"

The two girls couldn't help asking curiously while cleaning with Master Fang Lu.

The old abbot didn't realize it: "Which girl?"

"It's your girlfriend from back then!"

"Oh, she!" The abbot said calmly, "No."

"How is it possible?" Xixi doubted, "Why can't you resist asking? Are you not afraid that she will marry a wrong person and have a bad life?"

"Whether it is good or not is her own choice, and I have no right to ask." The old abbot took it for granted, "I have nothing to do with her in this life, so I shouldn't get involved too much."

The two girls were dumbfounded, feeling that things were different from what they thought.

Could it be that people who practice Buddhism are particularly open-minded?

After a while, Beibei still asked reluctantly: "Then you don't want Anan to follow your old path, after all, you will still regret the original relationship?"

The old abbot said: "There will always be many regrets in life, one more and one less, it doesn't matter. I hope that Anan will not rely too much on me, but I just hope that he can have more choices."

It's like many parents don't want their children to go their own way, because they have gone through it, so they know the hardships.

But in fact, these parents cannot guarantee that if they choose a completely different path, their lives will definitely be happier.

They chatted one after another.

Gradually, Xixi and Beibei also realized that after decades, maybe the original monk was really disheartened because of his girlfriend's departure.

But after a long time, after the love is far away, the old abbot is still in this temple and has not returned to the vulgar. Maybe it is more of escaping or not wanting to change, or he is unable to adapt to the outside world.

After all, it takes courage and opportunity to break out of your comfort zone.

Maybe the young people had tossed and turned in this temple for many nights, maybe they had already packed their luggage, but they didn't make up their minds after all.

Probably every choice will make life go in a different direction.

No one can firmly believe that the choice of the young monk was wrong.

No one can judge the merits of being a monk in a temple who works from sunrise to sunset, and a laborer who is busy in the city, marrying a wife and having children to support a family.

After dinner in the temple, Yu Hai led a few people away before it was completely dark.

Along the way, the mountain breeze blew away the summer heat a lot.

However, the two girls still did not let go of the love story of Monk Fang Lu.

Xixi said: "I think, after all, the two of them still don't love each other enough, right? If the woman loves enough, he will be willing to wait, and if the man likes her enough, he will definitely make a promise."

Beibei said: "Perhaps the actual conditions do not allow it. After all, Master Fang Lu's conditions, the woman's side must have a big opinion. Maybe Master Fang Lu is because you don't want to delay the other party."

"Real conditions interfere, after all, isn't it because there is not enough love and deep feelings?"

"No matter how deep the relationship is, you have to consider material conditions, right?"

"It's not that you really can't eat. If the relationship is really good enough, shouldn't the two of you work together and share the joys and sorrows?"

"Love is only a part of life, but not all. We can't give up everything for love, at least it's impossible for relatives, friends and parents to ignore it."

"It's not that you don't care, parents can't stay with you for the rest of your life, but your lover can..."

Seeing the two arguing, Jingluo and the children looked at each other, a little helpless.

At this moment, the two people who were arguing saw the whale fall, and their eyes lit up.

Xixi asked directly: "Your Highness, what do you think?"

This is seeking approval. When the two sides of the identification are at odds, they will naturally look for the crowd to get support.

In Xixi's view, Jingluo must also be a boy full of beautiful fantasies about love
Many of his songs portray soulful longevity.

Beibei also looked at him, thinking that Jingluo would support him more, because men are much more sensible than girls when it comes to feelings.

Being stared at by two people.

Yu Hai suddenly felt his scalp tingling as he was hit by fish in the pond.

His intuition made him feel that it was better for boys not to intervene in the discussion between the two girls. No matter which side he supported, he would be a loser.

So, he turned wildly in his mind for a while, and decided to talk about him from left to right.

He continued to walk slowly in the field without stopping. Looking at the mountains in the distance, he sighed and said:
"I once thought that being too sentimental would damage the holy life, and I was afraid that I would not fall into the city when I went to the mountains."

"There is peace in the world, and you will not fail the Tathagata or your Qing."

The drone slowly flew up in such ethereal verses, the ancient temple in the distance, the handsome man nearby, and only half of the sun left in the sky with golden brilliance.

Everything is not like in the mundane world.

This concludes the second video.


"What a beautiful picture!"

"Excellent verse!"

"Fuck, this is the end, why did it end here?!"

"Only after seeing this can I understand the meaning of the title of the video!"

"Because of Jingluo's poem, do you suddenly feel that the story has been sublimated?"

"Can this also be used as poetry?"

"So there's a next issue?"


The next day, "The world is safe and secure, and you will not lose to the Tathagata and not to your Qing" was naturally on the hot search again.

Many people who have never watched the video came to check in.

Especially this poem is really lethal to girls.

Coupled with the superposition of stories, the place of Duoqin Village is full of legends.

At this time, Duoqin Village also welcomed the first batch of curious boring people after watching the video.

After noon, many cars drove to the entrance of the village, gradually blocking the small place at the entrance of the village.

Fortunately, the village committee had anticipated this situation and had a meeting with the villagers a week ago to discuss measures.

For this reason, they called back many young people who went out to work, and planned, decorated and renovated many places in the village, hoping to seize this opportunity and plan to create an Internet celebrity village.

However, even though they were prepared in their hearts, they did not expect so many people to come all at once.

And predictably, many more are on the way.

Soon the people arranged by the village committee led the tourists to park their cars in the temporarily planned parking lot in an orderly manner.

In addition, several young people in the village who have not graduated from college for a long time were sent to act as commentators and guides.

The small village that has been quiet for many years has ushered in a flow of people that has never been there before Chinese New Year.

At this time, I faced a swarm of tourists.

The villagers are both happy and worried.

"Sure enough, someone is here!"

"It seems that that good-looking young man is really a big celebrity!"

"It's the first time I've seen so many young people."

"Oh, it's better for me to change clothes."


And the few children who were running around behind Jingluo's buttocks also gathered in a corner at this time, looking at these strangers curiously:
"Brother Jingluo is right!"

"Mom is back, and there are really a lot of strangers in the village."

"There are so many people!"

"I'm a little scared! My mother told me to smile at them, and I can't refuse their request."

"Don't be afraid, didn't Brother Jingluo say that? If you don't like them, ignore them. If you are bullied, go to your grandparents. If it doesn't work, let's call Brother Jingluo."



While they were talking, a tourist happened to discover them:

"Hey, are they the children following His Highness?"


"I remember their names!"

"They're very good."


Just as he was talking, several young girls walked over cautiously:
"Hi, your name is Xiaoyu, right? Did you have brother Jingluo learn musical instruments before? I saw your video!"

Among these children, Xiaoyu is the oldest, and he protects the other children behind him.

Xiaoyu looked nervously at his mother who was standing in the distance and had just returned home, and found her smiling encouragingly at him, so he nodded: "Yes, my name is Xiaoyu, hello!"


"You are so good!"

"I saw your video, but I like you."

"Can you tell us about what you did with Brother Jingluo before?"

"Can I take a picture of you?"


Most of the people who set off and rushed here at the first time were actually small water droplets.

They came here out of curiosity about their idol and wanting to follow in his footsteps.

Because it can be seen from the video that Jingluo loves and values ​​these children, these people naturally dare not be too aggressive and scare the children.

So even in the face of strangers or a little timid.

But different from the past, they got along with Whale Fall for a while, and they were vaccinated by Whale Fall in advance, and their parents were behind them. With their backing, most of the tourists looked very kind.

Then slowly let go.

A few young people who know how to communicate with children, the young people who have children's relationship quickly gained a little trust from a few children, and they talked to them in a bragging manner about catching fish by the river with Brother Jingluo and picking wild fruits on the mountain Waiting for daily life.

(End of this chapter)

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