Daqin: When I return from sea, I will offer you a map of the world

Chapter 330: Reducing coves and taxes, is Zhao Si crazy?

Chapter 330: Reducing coves and taxes, is Zhao Si crazy?
Hearing the long list of rewards, Wang Wan was left with nothing but sadness.

"Your Majesty, won't you even keep me?"


According to the normal process, the high positions of the Three Gongs and Nine Ministers are not available for coming and leaving at will. Even if the result has been predetermined, most of them will be retained several times before they can be successfully dismissed.

The First Emperor agreed without hesitation and generously rewarded him, which made Wang Wan feel sad in his heart.

The relationship between Wang Wan and Emperor Shihuang has never been particularly good. The Wang family is the home of generations of ministers.

How should I put it, when the first emperor was in charge, Wang Wan was already a member of two thousand shi, but it was a pity that he stood in line a little late.

Later, the old man became the prime minister. In order to make way for Li Si, Wang Wan was promoted from left prime minister to right prime minister.

Of course, Wang Wan had real power at that time.

Wang Wan still has the ability to be the prime minister. Unfortunately, after Qin unified the world, Wang Wan lost completely in the struggle for the foundation of the country, so all his power was taken away by Li Si.

The position of Right Prime Minister has a false reputation.

From that time on, the purpose of Wang Wan'an's position as Right Chancellor was to suppress Li Si and prevent him from going any further, and at the same time, he held the position of Right Chancellor to hold Li Si back.

Although he knew that his retirement and Li Si becoming right minister were imminent, it still felt sad when it actually happened.

Your Majesty, there was not even a polite attempt to persuade me to stay.

He even couldn't wait to directly agree and reward him generously.

Wang Wan knew that now, unless the new king succeeded to the throne, he would most likely not have a chance to make a comeback.

Wang Wan sighed and said in a deep voice: "My lord, thank you, Your Majesty!"

Feng Quji glanced at Wang Wan, feeling puzzled, but unexpectedly he kept silent. Wang Wan said at noon that his right chancellor position might not be guaranteed, and it really happened in the afternoon.

Thinking of what Wang Wan said at noon, Feng Quji was not only surprised and confused.

In the past, the position of Right Chancellor was just a carrot to satisfy the donkey's appetite, leaving Li Si to work hard.

Now the donkey has eaten the carrot, obviously...

I'm afraid something big is going to happen in Da Qin.

But the most terrible thing is that Feng Quji can't see any clues now.

Wang Wan reluctantly accepted the reward from the first emperor, but apart from a little sadness, she didn't feel very hard to accept it in her heart.

"Li Sibai is the Right Chancellor... Great Qin is going to change..." After accepting the reward, Wang Wan returned to his seat and sighed in his heart.

Perhaps, resigning is not a bad choice.

"The king resigned, but the country cannot be without a prime minister for a day. The right prime minister can also lead hundreds of officials, which is indispensable." The First Emperor glanced at Wang Wan who knew the situation and nodded.

"Prime Minister Li has been the prime minister for many years. His carriages are on the same track, his writings are in the same text, and the revision of Qin laws is all done by Prime Minister Li. I think I can worship Prime Minister Li as the right prime minister and lead hundreds of officials." Zhao Si spoke at the right time.

At this point, even a fool can understand it.

Today is said to be a court meeting, but it is actually the First Emperor announcing his decision.

It was said that they were discussing court affairs, but from the looks of it, today's upstart Zhao Si, the left prime minister of Qin Dynasty Li Si and the First Emperor had already made a decision in private.

The ministers had no intention of raising objections again, and the most important thing was that Li Si had indeed been doing the work of the right minister with the salary of the left minister, and made great contributions to Daqin.

The most important thing is that Li Si is small-minded.

It is already certain that he will become the Right Prime Minister, and his arms cannot twist his thighs. Who will hinder Li Si in this matter?

A new official takes office with three fires, are you really not afraid that this fire will burn on your own head?

Therefore, when Zhao Si spoke, all the ministers agreed.All of a sudden, everyone came to the court and called His Majesty the Holy Ming.

Only Li Si, the person involved, showed a look of embarrassment, and said in a deep voice: "The position of the right minister, the head of the three lords, and the despicable body of the minister, all owe to His Majesty's promotion to get to today's position, but I have little knowledge, I am afraid I will be embarrassed..."

Obviously, Li Si started the tacit post-performance session.

It's just that the corners of Li Si's mouth that can't be suppressed look slightly funny.

"Li Xiang's acting skills are still not mature enough..." Zhao Si shook his head and commented.

However, this is the limit of what Li Si can do.

This is!
The true leader of the three princes, both in name and in reality!
The true meaning of being a human being to the extreme!
At the same time, this is also Li Si’s biggest wish all along.

He knew that the First Emperor was suppressing and hanging on him, but he just wanted to be able to sit in this position before the end of his life.

Li Si's ambition for power has always been very strong.

Li Si's junior brother Han Fei can prove this.

If he hadn't found a new ambition and a more ambitious goal, Li Si would have lived in Bengbu by now.

Li Si said rejection, but his heart was beating with gongs and drums.

The First Emperor didn't even make concessions to Li Sizhen. He kept pushing and shoving the blame, and Li Sike really settled in Bengbu.

The first emperor announced the appointment rather forcefully, and Li Si "reluctantly" accepted it, and officially became the right minister of Daqin.

The three masters, one word and one promotion...

Li Si moved his butt up, and the position of the left minister was naturally vacated.

Anyone who is interested is eager to give it a try, but it is obvious that the First Emperor has no intention of promoting a new left prime minister now, nor does he intend to let Li Si be a mascot.

And when he felt that he was qualified and ready to make insinuations about who would win the position of left prime minister, Zhao Si interrupted the courtiers' preparations with his untimely words.

"Your Majesty, the Qin Dynasty has been fighting for years. Last year, it used millions of soldiers and millions of slaves. The common people have been overwhelmed. The Qin tax is [-]%, which is much heavier than before. If things go on like this, the people may not be able to live. I boldly ask your majesty to lower the tax to [-]%. Stop the labor and money from Afang Palace and the Imperial Mausoleum." Zhao Si spoke in a deep voice.

As soon as the words fell, all the agitations disappeared.

Reducing corvee and tax is an untouchable slide in Daqin!

Look what this kid Zhao Si mentioned?
Lower taxes from five-tenths to one-tenth!

Stop the labor and wealth for the construction of the Afang Palace and the Mausoleum of the First Emperor!

This is the most taboo among taboos...

Even the old and comfortable Wang Jian looked at Zhao Si with wide eyes.

All the ministers looked carefully at the First Emperor and the newly promoted Right Minister Li Si.

To be honest, it was not the first time that Zhao Si made such an exaggerated request in court.

There is absolutely no shortage of people who dare to be pioneers in all dynasties.

Tian Xin, the boss of the farm, also suggested that the First Emperor should be self-sufficient in farming and growing vegetables.

There are many people who have touched the taboos of the First Emperor, but there are almost no people who can still stand in this court.

The most important thing is that this is not only a taboo of the First Emperor, but also a taboo of the Legalists.

The Legalists' Five Arts of Controlling the People are widely known, at least in this era, it is by no means a banned book.

An idea suddenly flashed through everyone's mind.

This kid Zhao Si is crazy!
(End of this chapter)

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