Chapter 105
Ai Ai can paint this kind of murals, but this is the first time he has taken on such a big job.

According to her calculation, the painting will definitely not be completed within three months.

If the ratio of the above pigments has not been clearly written, it may take longer.

But the wages are quite high for Ai Ai now.

She has to draw two posters for the Emond Theater every week, each poster is Wutana, the advantage is that it includes food and lodging, and can live with Ye Zi.

It's just that the money earned is not as good as Ye Zi's fraction.

It’s different now. The per capita salary in Tana City is only 10 Tana, which is equivalent to a five-fold increase.

And it didn't prevent her from going to the Emond Theater to paint and save more. Although she can't be said to be a rich woman, she can still be considered to be living well in the game.

Immediately, Ai Ai started to paint the walls thickly and painted white wall paint to facilitate subsequent painting.

"Very good, young people are very motivated. You don't need to move bricks anymore. You can help out every day. As for the ratio of paints, I will ask people to help you prepare them for the places you need to paint. Don't worry about that. You don’t need to pay for the paint yourself.”

Archmond is a very eloquent bishop, which reassures Ai a lot.

I thought these bishops were difficult to talk to, at least that von Buer gave people a very majestic feeling, and the people from the Church of War looked terrible.

On the contrary, the people of the Sun God Sect are more amiable and have no airs at all.

This may also be because they were originally born in poverty. The Sun God Sect does not have a solemn church yet, so it is naturally impossible for players to feel majestic and terrifying.

"That's not bad, I'll paint it for you." Feng Xuxiu took the initiative to take on the task. Anyway, he has no salary, so helping with painting is much easier than moving bricks.


In the barracks, Zhu Guli became a low-level recruit. Because he died once in the game, he is no longer the leader in the eyes of the Church of War, but a rookie who knows nothing.

During the two days of training, Zhu Guli stood out in Ryan's eyes because of his outstanding performance.

"Young man, you have worked very hard, and you have caught up with the progress of the veterans in two days. I am very satisfied." Leander patted Zhu Guli on the shoulder, "I have to say, you Xiahui people are really pretty good , physical fitness is also good, and he is more serious in doing things."

Zhu Guli felt a little flustered, for fear that the NPC would find out that he was the previous Zhu Guli.

After all, the names are the same, and players will not deliberately change their IDs when they call their IDs. Everyone still calls them old pigs habitually.

Occasionally, some players would shout Bajie, but too few, and Zhu Guli would basically not respond.

Seeing Zhu Guli's nervousness, Ryan's tone became more kind, "Don't worry, I'm not asking you to go to the battlefield now, the annual offensive is over, my idea is to let you train with the elite team For a while, if you can keep up, I'd love you to be one of us."

Zhu Guli's eyes lit up immediately.


What the other party said must be awakening!

Becoming a member of the Warriors means providing awakening potions!

I didn't expect that if I worked hard to improve my favorability, I would get it after just casual and serious training.

What a surprise.

If Leander knows, he must feel very helpless. The selection of fighters is very strict, at least these fighters must be very talented.

No one can't exercise, and most people can make chopping and chopping movements with a sword.

As long as you have hands and feet, you can do things like running.

After training, it is not difficult for a person to become an ordinary soldier.

But warriors are different. Only awakened warriors are qualified to confront barbarians head-on. For an ordinary person, even if he awakens a warrior, he has no trace of training or talent, so this awakening will not help him, and may even would hurt himself.

Just imagine what will happen to a person who can't control his muscles and exert his body energy in the end.

It's like a child getting a toy that an adult can only play with... This is not something that ordinary people can do.

And Zhu Guli just showed advanced progress and a different training ability from ordinary people.

Even before he was just an ordinary person.

Most of the players are ordinary people. Even players with intensive training, it is impossible to get a helmet now... They already have plenty of things in real life, so there is no need to indulge in the game.

After Leander's tent, Pig Guli hugged his good brother and wobbled.

As a good brother who doesn't die in the game, Shake is very envious of Pig Guli.

Even the dead Shurima deer envied Pig Guli very much.

After all, it was Zhu Guli who was promised to be a member of the warrior, not himself.

If I had known that I had practiced in real life, hey, I can only wait until the next time I change my image.

"Good job, come back and tell us what it takes for a warrior to awaken."

"The horoscope has not been written yet, I still have to train with those fighters, maybe I can't pass that test." Zhu Guli said with a bit of Versailles, "If I knew it, I wouldn't bother to improve my favorability, so what should I do. I didn’t expect that the things I’ve been thinking about can be changed into a new image.”

"I can't stand it."

"It's gone. It's gone."

The players scattered in all directions, and no one wanted to pay attention to this guy from Versailles.

It's like the first roommate in the dormitory to fall in love, which makes people extremely disgusted.


Compared with the old players who are busy in the church, the lives of new players are more boring, but these players don't think there is any problem.

It's normal for new players to move bricks, not to mention such a beautiful helmet, which is given away for free.

The authenticity of this game has really conquered these players, so that they all find it very interesting to let them move bricks.

In the manor, old man Zhong Shan, who had contracted five acres of wasteland, sat on the ridge of the field, watching the land he cultivated and drinking water.

This game is extremely realistic about the land. Although the soil in Tana City cannot be frozen in winter, the soil is still very stiff, and it is very troublesome to cultivate.

This made the old man Zhong Shan, who boasted to Haikou and directly won five acres of land, a little tired.

But looking at the land he has reclaimed, he still has a sense of satisfaction.

After all, he was originally a child in the city. He had never cultivated land since he was a child, let alone planted food. When he was closest to rural life in real life, he was picking strawberries in the picking garden.

 I don’t even know who to talk to, I’ve almost forgotten about the sad thing, and I’m ready to start a new life, but he found a phone with voicemail, called me, and said he was going to say goodbye to this world , I knew it would be the result now (meaning I don't love him anymore), in short, it means death.Then I dragged my friend to ask his sister, and his sister said that again, I'm fine, I'm fine... It's like I'm pestering me endlessly, I'm really helpless, okay?I'm afraid that someone will die. Doesn't it mean that her brother is mentally ill... And if he is not ill, can he stop doing such things?Who did I provoke, and I was the villain in the end after being broken up?It's even as if I forced him to death... Wouldn't it be good to be a villain for a while?I hope not all men are like this, it's so speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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