Chapter 286 Eating
It was already 7 o'clock when I came back.

The two of them came to a Shaxian snack bar near their rental house and sat down.

I ordered two steamed dumplings, one noodles, dried tofu, chicken leg rice, etc., and of course the important bottled Coke.

During this period, Yin Ruosheng kept holding her mobile phone and sending messages to her classmates.

If such a big thing happened, it would be impossible to hide it from the students of Jiangnan University.

In groups, forums, etc., there are all different opinions.

Everyone was reporting safety to each other and telling various versions of what they had heard.

Yin Ruosheng was sending messages there, while Li Chenguang sat opposite and stared at Yin Ruosheng.

"You are robbing."

Yin Ruosheng said without raising her head, "If you say anything again, I will beat you to death."

"Every elementary school student knows that you should express your gratitude when someone helps you correct a mistake."

"Thank you."

"...That's all thank you. Isn't there something more sincere? For example..."

"If you keep talking nonsense, I'll beat you to death."

With the question "Do you think my IQ is like that of a primary school student? Hurry up and hand over your phone to me." Yin Ruosheng pushed Li Chenguang down on the chair, conducted a full body search, and snatched the phone away after a "forceful robbery" , causing Li Chenguang's plan to cheat on her to kiss again failed.

"You are just greedy and want to push your limits... The students seem to regard it as making a movie or acting to prevent terrorism, and then try to post it on Weibo, Douyin, and Kuaishou. They say it is either restricted or blocked. It’s locked and can’t be seen.”

"Maybe the network department they said has started taking action."

"It's amazing, all social platforms are locked."

As he spoke, Yin Ruosheng raised his gaze and glanced at Li Chenguang, then said angrily, "You, drinking Coke every day is not good for your health."

"Principal Qinglian told us that if there is wine today, we will be drunk today."

"But layman Qinglian asked us to drink wine, not coke."

"Is there any difference between the two?"

Yin Ruosheng insisted, "Coke is not good."

Li Chenguang was puzzled, "What's wrong with that?"

Yin Ruosheng said angrily, "It's just not good, you might as well drink."

"I can not drink."

There are still people who expect people to drink.

"Drinking will make things worse. Coke is no better than wine."

Yin Ruosheng shook his head, "Not good."

Li Chenguang couldn't understand, "Why?"

Yin Ruosheng stared at him for three seconds, holding chopsticks in one hand to stir the noodles, then lowered her head and continued looking at her phone.

Li Chenguang was stunned for a moment, and suddenly thought of a folk legend, "Coke kills sperm?"

Then Yin Ruosheng blushed.

With shy eyes and uneasy eyelashes trembling twice, he neither answered nor denied, but buried his face lower.

Li Chenguang thought about it for a moment, "It seems that what was posted on the Internet did not mean what you thought, but after one explanation, it turns out that you have such long-term thinking."

As soon as Li Chenguang finished speaking, he was hit hard under the table and kicked directly on his thigh.

Yin Ruosheng lowered her face and said fiercely, "I didn't think about it."

"Okay, okay, don't think about it. I'll drink less in the future. Anyway, I quit my job and I won't be able to drink free Coke."

Li Chenguang still felt pity when he thought about it. What a great job. He wanted to eat fried chicken and drink Coke.

Yin Ruosheng said with a straight face, "The ingredients are very unhealthy and not good for the body."

"Good good."

"You are so weak now."

"Yes Yes Yes."


Shaxian snacks are one of the three famous snacks in the country. Even at 7 o'clock, there are many people sitting here.

Li Chenguang pricked up his ears and could hear clearly that people at the next tables were also talking.

"Have you heard? Jiangnan seems to have created some kind of monster."

"I heard from my daughter that their chemistry laboratory exploded and some biochemical virus was leaked."

"What? My friend said they were secretly developing new weapons and accidentally killed many people."


In this information age, news spreads faster than the flu.

Fortunately, everyone seems to have their own understanding. When there are different opinions, it should be the easiest to suppress them. After all, no one believes anyone...

Li Chenguang was eating and chatting with Yin Ruosheng.

Suddenly, I looked up inadvertently and saw a slim, familiar figure wearing a peaked cap and sunglasses at the door of the store.

The other party also looked at him, and the two looked at each other through their sunglasses.

Yin Ruosheng was still talking on the phone while looking at the phone opposite, "It's not that I don't let you drink. Just look at how much you drink. Drink it every day. Drink it every day. It's not good for bones, calcium absorption, etc. …”

Yin Ruosheng said as she raised her gaze to look at Li Chenguang, only to find that he was just looking behind her, "Are you listening?"

Confused, I wanted to turn around and look.

Li Chenguang quickly screamed, "Ruosheng."

This time also startled Yin Ruosheng, "What are you doing?"

"I suddenly remembered that the work handover was not completed, and the boss asked me to come over quickly."

"Huh? That's it. Then, it's time to go."

"Well, I'll rush there first."

Li Chenguang took a sip of the Coca-Cola through the straw, then immersed himself in the food a few times, then hurriedly stood up, scanned the QR code with his mobile phone to pay, "I'm leaving first, you eat first, and go home early after eating." Ah, the boss called me."


While watching Li Chenguang walk out of Shaxian Snacks, Yin Ruosheng reminded him, "Pay attention to safety."

"I know, so do you. If you need anything, call me."


After Yin Ruosheng agreed, she lowered her head and continued eating noodles and playing with her mobile phone.

After playing with it for a few times, I felt something was wrong. He was the one making grilled chicken burgers. Does he need to have something to communicate with the people behind him? Can he take over?
Li Chenguang pulled the other party to the dark alley next to him and said nervously, "Why did you come out? Didn't I ask you to wait at home first? Are you hungry? Do you know how to order takeout? Or can't you?" Turn on the tap?”

"It's not that, it's the master. I, a little, feel a little uncomfortable."

Bai Lan frowned and wanted to take off her glasses.

Li Chenguang stopped her and took her back to the opposite community first.

I took the elevator back to the rental house and walked into the room, feeling relieved.

He asked Bai Lan to dress like that outside because he was worried about being discovered by the Yin family.

I didn't realize it until I walked into the room.

"By the way, have you had dinner?"

"not yet."

"You haven't eaten dinner, so you're not hungry."

"is a bit."

"Let me order takeout for you first."

Li Chenguang took out his mobile phone and stared at the dazzling array of takeaway shops, and then he discovered something.

The expense was greater than he imagined.

Now he has to raise Yin Ruosheng, and at the same time, he has to hide in the golden house to raise Bai Lan.

Forget about everything else, just eating would cost a lot of money, which he really couldn't afford.

It was all supported by the remaining 2 yuan borrowed by Bai Lan. She sighed in her heart and didn't know how long this could last.

It is true that most of the problems that can be solved with money cannot be solved by myself.

"It's so late, why haven't you eaten yet? I'll order you a Wallace meal for two. There will be two Cokes here, one for each of us."


Seeing Li Chenguang sitting down on the sofa, Bai Lan also took off his peaked cap and sunglasses, revealing a delicate and delicate face, and sat next to Li Chenguang, holding his arm with affectionate hands.

"Hehe" smiled, like a child who finally saw his parents not long after leaving his parents, showing a cheerful and reassuring smile.

"Didn't I tell you to have a good rest, take a nap, and watch TV? What are you doing?"

"They are all looking at the other side, hoping that the master will come back soon. I am so happy to see the master coming back." "..."

Emotional guy has been staring at the garden community opposite, otherwise he wouldn't have known that he was eating Shaxian snacks at the door as soon as he came back.

It passed in a hurry.

Bai Lan smiled and leaned her face on Li Chenguang's shoulder.

Li Chenguang pushed her and said, "Don't be such a spoiled brat. I told you to have a good rest during the day and help me work at night."

Li Chenguang was still worried about Yin Ruosheng, not knowing when something would happen to her.

Even if we encounter such great danger during the day, who knows what we might encounter at night.

So Bai Lan needs to follow and protect her at night.

Bai Lan is good at this, and it's convenient for them both to be girls. Yin Ruosheng doesn't know her.

Speaking of this, Bai Lan frowned and said distressedly, "I, I can't sleep, I feel a little uncomfortable."

"what happened?"

"Stomach pain."



Bai Lan said, as if to prove it, she started to take off her clothes.

Li Chenguang stood up in shock, "What are you doing?"

"My stomach feels weird."

Bai Lan first took off her windproof jacket, then lifted up her youthful white sweater and passed it over her head, letting her long hair fall freely, and finally the white shirt inside.

Li Chenguang didn't want to look at it at first, but a casual glance frightened him.

On the white and white skin, there is no trace of fat, and on the smooth and sexy belly, with the belly button as the center, it spreads out like black branches and meridians, and spreads out in an intricate way a large piece of strange black context.

"what is this?"

When Li Chenguang looked at Bai Lan's body before, it was clear that there was not so much black.

This looks not only weird, but also a bit scary.

"I do not know."

Bai Lan also looked confused, blinking her beautiful eyes and looking down at her belly.

"Is it because I ate something bad that a big tree will grow in my belly?"

"...Are you an idiot? How can a tree grow in your belly?"

Li Chenguang came and sat down next to Bai Lan, stretched out his hand and gently poked her belly.

Bai Lan frowned and took a deep breath.

"How do you feel?"


Li Chenguang tried pressing her belly several times. Any place where the black veins extended would hurt with just a touch.

Especially her belly button, Bai Lan's face turned pale and she broke out in a cold sweat when she pressed it with just a little force.

A very uncomfortable look.

"Master, I'm in so much pain..."

Li Chenguang was also confused. How could he know what this was?
"It can't be that you haven't eaten all day, which is why you have these dark lines. Otherwise, try eating something first."


While talking, the takeaway was also delivered.

The other party rang the doorbell, and Li Chenguang motioned to Bai Lan to sit down. He came to the door and said behind the door, "Just put it on the floor."

The delivery man put down the express delivery and took the elevator to leave.

Li Chenguang then reached for the express delivery and sat down next to the sofa.

Putting the express delivery on the coffee table, "Let's have something to eat first."


Bai Lan had no intention of getting dressed, so she just wore a bra and trousers, and went to untie the takeout bag as happily as a child.

Li Chenguang came to the single sofa next to him and sat down, took a cup of Coke inside, and glanced at the dark veins on Bai Lan's stomach, "Is there anything else that feels uncomfortable?"

Bai Lan thought for a moment and shook her head, "No, I just feel a little uncomfortable."

But I can’t tell where the discomfort lies, it just feels uncomfortable.

Li Chenguang could only sigh, "Let's eat first and see if it feels better."


Bai Lan stretched out her long and slender arms like lotus roots, took out the burger, sprinkled it with ketchup, and ate it happily.

After taking two bites, he handed it to Li Chenguang as if he were offering it as a treasure, "Master, you can eat too."

"I just ate, you can eat."


Before taking two bites, he looked at Li Chenguang again, "Master, it's a bit cold."

"If it's cold, just put on your clothes."

Bai Lan stood up, took small steps and leaned against the single sofa beside Li Chenguang, then sat sideways on Li Chenguang's lap, then pulled his arms around her body, and said with a "hehe" smile, "Master holds me and I won't feel cold anymore."

Li Chenguang stretched out his hand and pressed her belly, and Bai Lan screamed "Ah", and the burger in her little hand couldn't be held anymore, and it fell to the ground.

Li Chenguang reached out and took the burger and handed it back to her hand.

"Do you know it hurts? If you know it, just sit back and put on your clothes."


Bai Lan glanced at Li Chenguang dissatisfied, then obediently got up and sat on the sofa next to him.

But he still didn't get dressed.

He puffed out his small mouth and said angrily, "I'll forget it if it's cold to death."

"Are you a child?"

Li Chenguang was really speechless.

Glancing at the floor-to-ceiling window behind her, which was still open, he stood up to close the floor-to-ceiling window, then took the air conditioner remote control and turned the room to heating.

Sitting nearby and watching Bai Lan eat quietly.

Then, he also keenly discovered that this black vein-like thing had expanded.

The speed visible to the naked eye is expanding.

"You yourself have no impression of this thing at all?"

Because in the days Li Chenguang spent time with her, he never saw her suffer any injuries. Could it be the blow from the female assassin last time?

Either it was caused by this stabbing, or it was a pre-existing problem with her body.

Bai Lan tilted her head, frowned, and thought about it seriously.

Didn't figure it out.

Take another bite of the burger.

Still can't figure it out.

Keep eating burgers.

After eating, I finally came up with something.

"It seems, someone told me this."

"say what?"

Bai Lan frowned and thought over and over again, "It's a bit difficult. It seems to be something very important. I can't remember it for the moment. It's too difficult."

"Keep thinking."

"I can't think of it...if Master can hold me, maybe I can think of it."

"...You guys are really not afraid of death. Do you know whose body this is?"

Li Chenguang was helpless and stretched out his hands.

Without saying anything, Bai Lan pounced up and threw herself into his arms, just like a swallow returning to its nest.

"Hey hey hey."

"Think about it for me."

Bai Lan closed her eyes and searched her simple brain seriously.

But he finally found something, and said in a formulaic tone, "Sister seems to have said that you must take medicine on time, otherwise you will definitely die if the black meridians spread all over your body!"

(End of this chapter)

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