Chapter 274 Questions
Many times, what we see may not necessarily be true.

Like this time.

Yin Ruosheng pointed to the redundant red lip marks on the side of Li Chenguang's bowl.

Li Chenguang also stared blankly at his bowl.

There was a moment of silence in the room.

Li Chenguang's brain was running again at high speed, how should he explain the current predicament.

Yin Ruosheng was thinking about why Li Chenguang had such pink lipstick marks on his rice bowl.

She really couldn't imagine a perfect answer to explain the current situation.

Like a woman walks into her house, sits there, eats that bowl of rice, and then quietly leaves without doing anything else.

This is too illogical.

The two stared at each other, after a long silence.

Li Chenguang could only say solemnly, "Okay, I admit it."

"You admit it."

"I secretly kissed you while you were asleep."


"Maybe there was a little lip mark on it, because there wasn't much stain on it. Maybe I didn't know how it happened to leave such a mark."

Li Chenguang didn't know this possible explanation, whether it was possible to fool him, and he even took the blame for something he didn't do.

Alas, if I knew I had kissed just now, I feel at ease now that I have to take the blame.

To be honest, I feel that this reason is a bit ridiculous and messy, and he doesn't believe it himself...

But Li Chenguang couldn't say that just now, a girl came out of my room and sat here, had a meal and then went back.

Yin Ruosheng slightly raised his eyes and stared at Li Chenguang for a while, then lowered his eyes slightly, "That's all?"


"It was just a kiss and nothing else weird."

"of course not."

"Then... barely forgive you, there will be no next time."


"Let's eat cake."

Surprisingly, it was accepted.

Does this work too?

Yin Ruosheng lowered her face, took the cake knife from the side, and was about to start dividing the cake.

She didn't delve into this issue because she suddenly remembered that she had secretly kissed her before, and she was afraid that it would be too embarrassing if she delved deeper into it and would be easily exposed.

It's even.

Yin Ruosheng is extremely eager to have a small family of her own. This desire stems from the indifference of the family she felt when she was a child, which led to her yearning for the future, and the feeling of dissatisfaction she felt when she walked out of the family that lacked love. The ultimate longing for love.

Therefore, she will be excited and prepared for a long time for a new house and for this housewarming.

But he fell asleep.

She suspected in her heart that she was too tired and fainted due to long-term low blood pressure.

Because of my own fault, I felt quite guilty for making Li Chenguang wait for so long, and for letting down such a night.

I don't know...

Li Chenguang was also terrified, while chatting with Yin Ruosheng, he desperately searched in his mind, besides the smell and lip marks, what traces did Leng Huixi leave in the room.

The two of them didn't say anything special, they just talked about the present, the past, and the future.

Sitting in front of the warm dining table, Li Chenguang ate cake and Yin Ruosheng ate rice. From time to time, they talked about interesting things in life and what happened in school.

The bright light shone on Yin Ruosheng's beautiful and clean little face. At first glance, that little face seemed to have a faint luster, which was extraordinarily bright and vivid, full of the hazy and intimate atmosphere of life.

What the slender hand-held chopsticks stir is food, life, and the warmth of home.

Li Chenguang found that Yin Ruosheng enjoyed this state very much.

After working hard, tired, and dealing with classmates, colleagues, work, and superiors outside, and then returning to the warm home, let go of all guards, showing a relaxed and comfortable smile without the slightest pretense.

That unpretentious smile is beautiful and dreamy.

A family like a dream, a scene like a painting.

Probably this is what Li Chenguang wanted to get after fighting for it all his life.

An ordinary and warm home, a woman who loves herself and cares about herself.

And above this wish, Yin Ruosheng is undoubtedly the highest form of wish.

He should have been satisfied, yes, Li Chenguang should have felt very happy.

But don't know why.

He always felt that what Yin Ruosheng wanted was only the other half of the family, and he was sitting here because that person happened to be him, but it could also be someone else.

He didn't know why he thought this way, but he watched Yin Ruosheng talking about the school affairs with a sweet smile, talking about the small renovations he planned to make in the future with longing eyes, and talking about how to work hard in the future with bright eyes. He inexplicably has such a feeling about making money to support his family.

Perhaps, even if it is not me, the people in this family will not have any influence.

He didn't quite understand why he had such a strange idea.

Aren't you just sitting here? If there is no accident, as long as you proceed step by step, steadily and steadily, and don't make any fuss, you can basically be sure that you will definitely get Yin Ruosheng in the future, and the two of you will sleep on the same bed and be intimate.

This is the future he can see.

But, I just feel awkward.

Very awkward.

Obviously Yin Ruosheng was the only heartbeat in his previous life.

Yin Ruosheng is that useless, inferior and obese Li Chenguang who secretly discovered a treasure at the age when he was in love. Although he did not do much, he used all his courage to confess. Unfortunately, he failed to become the treasure after all. The one who hid the treasure.

From then on, he hesitated until the treasure was lost, and he didn't react, desperately looking for it, and then he was bruised all over by the ruthless lessons of society.

But this time, he touched the treasure with his own hands.

Obviously, it should be very happy and full of expectations.

It is obviously the future that can be seen at a glance. This will be a treasure that is unique to you.

But why...

The more he got to know, the more he found that Yin Ruosheng was the one who longed for home the most among all the girls he had ever met.

She is eager to bear the heavy mortgage loan, to own a house of her own, and to embellish every beauty in the home. She will also try her best to contribute to the family, make money, and do her best at her job. , play your role well.

And anyone who has ever played house knows it.

A home requires three roles.

Mom, dad and kids.

Does she need herself because she needs the role of father, or is it because she is herself that she can play the role of the other half?

The answer to this question made Li Chenguang very concerned.

very concerned.

Did she choose herself because she longed to have a family, or was it because she was herself that she planned to have a family?

In fact, the problem is just a process, and the answer will not change.

But he just couldn't ignore it. No matter how Li Chenguang convinced himself in his heart that he was finally able to protect his treasure in this life, he still couldn't get around this seemingly insignificant hurdle.

During the period, Yin Ruosheng answered a call asking her to go to the TV station.

But after thinking about it, she looked at Li Chenguang and decided to refuse.

Li Chenguang had been hanging out for so long just now, and the two also agreed to find a horror movie to watch together tonight.

What hasn't been said yet is naturally that she is leaning in his arms, and he hugs her to let her not be afraid.

It can almost be foreseen that the two will cuddle up to each other, talk to each other, and then tease and laugh, and maybe even sneak up on each other a few times to scare each other.

Now a ruthless capitalist wants to get involved.

Li Chenguang knew that she wanted to refuse, and felt very sweet in his heart, but immediately another question came to his mind, did she refuse for herself, or for the family life she was looking forward to?

After thinking for a while, Li Chenguang said, "It's okay, you can go ahead."

Yin Ruosheng blocked the phone with one hand and said sheepishly, "Oh no, didn't we just say we would watch a movie together in the evening?"

"It's okay, don't we have plenty of time? If you reject someone two or three times, they won't look for you in the future. Didn't you say that we have a lot of time to enjoy?"

"OK then."

Yin Ruosheng agreed when he thought that the rest of their lives was still long.

Making money is the foundation of maintaining a home.

The two of them finished the meal, and Yin Ruosheng wanted to clear the table and dishes, but Li Chenguang asked her to go first and clean up by himself. She was running out of time.

"It's taking turns anyway, you can make up for it later."

"OK then."

After thinking about it, Yin Ruosheng glanced at Li Chen with joy, and agreed again.

I hurried back to my room to put on makeup.

Coming out with heavy makeup on, he came to Li Chenguang's side and hugged him, "Come on, I'm so considerate today, I'll give you a reward."

Then he leaned over the bright red mouth, took a sip on Li Chenguang's face, then backed away, giggled coquettishly, admiring his masterpiece, and then happily went out with a smile of a successful prank up.

Li Chenguang came to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. There was a big flaming red lip mark on his face, and there was still a lot of pink. He could only look in the mirror and shake his head helplessly.

Li Chenguang turned on the faucet, looked at himself in the mirror, and thought a lot.

He thought that if he could get a lot of money so that she could stay with him all the time without having to work, Bai Lan could borrow a few million first.

But then again, that's not the crux of the problem.

Because in his mind, Yin Ruosheng should be so independent, there is a high probability that she will not accept money if you give her.

When I go out, I basically treat her with her. If I invite her once, she must invite her back.

Don’t allow yourself to spend money indiscriminately.

"It's really inexplicable..."

Li Chenguang sighed again. He didn't understand what he was upset about. He didn't have a rival in love, and he didn't break up. How could it be like this...

Is it too greedy?

No wonder Mr. Lu Xun said that when you are a human being, you want to become an immortal, and when you are born on earth, you want to go to heaven. Human beings are greedy.

Li Chenguang packed the table, bowls and chopsticks, went downstairs for a run as usual, and found a small open-air fitness park behind the community, he exercised there, and after a while, he sent a few text messages to Yin Ruosheng to ask for safety, Just came back to sleep.

the next day.

The weather was cloudy, and there was a little snow in the morning, but it stopped at noon.

After the morning class, when there is no snow, Li Chenguang will run on the playground with Zhi Ziwei as usual.

Zhi Ziwei's body is very weak, walking and running, two laps is the limit.

Li Chenguang is already helping her cultivate and exercise, absorbing the energy of the world, but in the short term, it has no effect.

Zhi Ziwei sat on the grass in the middle of the playground, watching everyone running there.

There are many people who run after class in college, but there is no doubt that Li Chenguang is the fastest and most stable one.

She can find it at a glance.

Zhi Ziwei bent her legs and watched Li Chenguang run around and around, until finally he came to lie down next to her weakly.

As soon as Li Chenguang lay down, he felt something was wrong.

"This grass is too wet."

Zhi Ziwei showed a mischievous smile, and proudly pointed to the plastic bag under her ass, "I don't know who sat in it before, so I sat down."

"Well, you're smart..."

"Because Aguang is an idiot."


Li Chenguang raised his weak hand and placed it on Zhi Ziwei's shoulder.

Feel it carefully.

"The method of cultivating energy that I taught you before, have you gone back and practiced it?"


"I'll inject some energy into you a little bit, you feel it, let your body adapt to its existence as much as possible, and it will be convenient for me to enlighten you in the future."

Li Chenguang felt that he might have a big battle tomorrow, so he didn't have the energy to force Zhi Ziwei to open up.

He hoped that Zhi Ziwei would be stronger, at least, have the ability to protect herself.

"You must practice every day, try to feel the existence of energy, and don't be lazy."

"Don't worry. Since I promised Aguang to do it, I do it every day. When I get up in the morning, and before going to bed at night, I meditate to feel it."

It just didn't work out.

"It's okay, it was like this from the beginning, even if it doesn't work, you must persist."

The most important thing is the first drop of water. After the first drop, everything will come to fruition.

Zhi Ziwei still had a calm smile, and said in the same calm tone as usual, "I know, I know, I promised to stay with Ah Guang in this world, and I will definitely be with you You, I don't want to die so soon."


This is a sad topic, and Li Chenguang doesn't want to talk about it.

He turned his gaze to look at the dark sky, and after looking at it for a while, he asked, "By the way, Zhizi, do you want a home of your own? Do girls especially want a home of their own?"

Gardenia hugged her bent legs and looked at Li Chenguang lying next to her with confusion, "Why do you ask? Who doesn't want a home of their own?"

"That is, will you put this first? Above all? Feeling particularly persistent?"

"What's wrong? It has something to do with your girlfriend."

"It's just that, you know, I always feel that she regards house and family as very important, but it's not that material thing that's important. She's not such a material woman, but..."

Li Chenguang couldn't tell what kind of importance it was.

Zhi Ziwei smiled lightly, "It's more important than you, right?"

"Um... maybe, I can't say, but the more we get along, the more I feel that she is a bit paranoid and abnormal in this respect. It feels weird. I don't want to bear the mortgage for the rest of my life, right? "

The smile on Zhi Ziwei's beautiful face became more obvious, and the eyes that looked at Li Chenguang were full of tolerance and tenderness, "Ah Guang is like the one who hugged his mother and said coquettishly, Mom, after all, work is the most important thing. Still my important little child."

Li Chenguang was speechless, "Please, it's completely different."

"What's the difference?"

"I can make money myself. If it's a house problem, I feel that in this era, I have the ability to get a house...even a villa, but I feel that the problem is not here."

"Oh, you think she likes the house more than you?"

"It's not a house. I think she wants to have a family more. The people in this family can be me or... someone else."

When Li Chenguang said this, he let out a long sigh in frustration.

Zhi Ziwei glanced at him, wanting to say, does she make you feel so worried about gains and losses, do you feel insecure?

what about me?
However, the spoken word is.

"I understand, then Ah Guang, let's put it another way. If she puts you first in her heart, she will always be the first to think of you, think of you, and rely on you for the rest of her life, but she will never be in this life. There will be a home you want, would you like it?"

"Of course not. Isn't that what she always wanted? You don't know how excited she was when she entered the new rented house. She didn't stop smiling all day, as if she regarded it as her home for the rest of her life."

Zhi Ziwei just smiled and continued, "Then on the other hand, if she can now have a family that she longs for, she can be happy for the rest of her life, but... this family is without you, would you like it?"

Li Chenguang's expression was suffocated, his pupils shrank sharply, and he looked into Zhi Ziwei's eyes.

He suddenly found that Zhi Ziwei's always calm little face, with a warm smile like a spring breeze, seemed a little too deep.

Is it the same with Gardenia's usual smile?
This question really struck a chord deep in his heart.

"I probably..."

(End of this chapter)

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