Chapter 227
"Hey, don't go."

Li Chenguang had no choice but to catch up, trying to pull Zhi Ziwei's little hand, but Zhi Ziwei threw it away immediately.

"Gardenia, gardenia."

Zhi Ziwei walked quickly in front, and Li Chenguang hurriedly chased behind.

"...I'll explain to him next time if it's okay."

"I don't want to lose face."

"I was just humiliated by someone."

After Li Chenguang said a few words, Zhi Ziwei finally turned her small face to stare at Li Chenguang and said, "There is no humiliation. If you confess your confession, it is humiliating if you are rejected. There will be no one in the world who confesses. Someone always promises and someone refuses. How can you slander others behind their backs?"


Li Chenguang was puzzled at first, how did she know that the confession was rejected, and then remembered that the two of them didn't confess at all, so it should be a guess.

He himself didn't even know what that was.

The two of them seem to have kissed, but they don't seem to have kissed.

The atmosphere was great.

He also felt Yin Ruosheng holding the back of his hand, slightly trembling fingers.

He didn't look up, but through the reflection of the computer screen, he could vaguely see his own cheeks, as well as her blushing and smiling cheeks.

The slightly ambiguous atmosphere lasted for a total of 3 minutes, and then...

"Okay, okay, I get it, you're always serious about special things."

"Of course, this kind of thing should be taken seriously, whether it's for you or for the other party."

"Then you wait."

Then Li Chenguang walked out of the glass door of the hall, came to Leng Guansheng who was chatting with acquaintances, and pulled him aside.

"Why?" Leng Guansheng was puzzled.

"Actually so."

Li Chenguang explained with some embarrassment, "It was just nonsense."


Li Chenguang thought about it, and felt that it would be too troublesome to explain, "Actually, she dumped me."

Leng Guansheng showed a slightly wretched smile of someone who came here, "I knew it, in fact, I would have guessed it even if you didn't tell me, you were discovered by stepping on a few boats."

Leng Guansheng is too experienced in this kind of thing.


Li Chenguang nodded heavily, "It's exactly what you said."

"This kind of thing is very skillful. Like a hunter crouching down on his prey, he has to camouflage for a long time and patiently."


Li Chenguang didn't have time to share these experiences with him, "You understand the situation, I was dumped, understand."

"...I understand, I understand."

But why come back to say these things.

Leng Guansheng watched Li Chenguang go back in a daze, and walked into the hall side by side with Zhi Ziwei.

"That's all right."

This time, I didn't tarnish other people's reputation, but only tarnished my own reputation.

A happy smile appeared on Zhi Ziwei's small face, "I knew Ah Guang was a good person who corrected when he knew his mistakes."

"I don't need that kind of praise at all."

The building looks magnificent and full of artistic atmosphere from the outside. When you walk into the hall, you can see various art paintings along the way, as well as various awards from the student union.

Exquisite paintings and sculptures carve out a beautiful artistic atmosphere on both sides of the aisle.

There are many people along the way.

Men, women, or boys and girls talked and laughed along the shiny reflective marble floor, all the way to the performance hall where several student union members were stationed.

You still need to check in here.

Generally, students go in after showing their tickets.

But after the other party saw the golden ticket Li Chenguang handed over, a member of the student union next to him said, "Follow me," and led the two of them to the side door next to them.

Entering from the hall entrance is at the end of the hall, and the road is crowded with people, so it is not easy to walk.

Entering through their special side door passage, it is directly on the edge of the stage.

Li Chenguang raised his eyes and saw that the huge, dark fan-shaped venue was already full of people, and there were crowds of people everywhere, including the noisy Wakasa Market.

Basically, most of the communication is based on girls' twitter.

At a glance, in addition to the first floor, there are also seats on the second floor.

Most of the people on the second floor are standing.

The size of the venue is roughly estimated to accommodate thousands of people.

Indeed, as Leng Guansheng said, the crowd is so full that we can only stand.

However, the first three rows of seats are actually quite empty.

You can tell at a glance that the first row is reserved for teachers and leaders.

The second and third rows are reserved for related households.

The best viewing seats in the middle were already full, and the member of the student union took a look and said that there were still two empty seats in the second row and ten rows from the right in the middle.

Although it is not in the middle, it is considered a good position.

He pointed to Li Chenguang, "Do you want to sit there?"

Li Chenguang said "anything is fine".

He put Zhi Ziwei in front, and the two came to the second row, slightly bypassing the student sitting on the outside, and went inside as much as possible.

Only then did I realize that there were students in the back row bringing in some food, such as popcorn, Coca-Cola chips.

He asked in a low voice, "Shall we also buy some potato chips and milk tea?"

"No need."

Li Chenguang also felt that it was useless, it was too much of a waste of money, filling his stomach for nothing, and he would lose a buffet later, and he was already struggling.

There's no way, man, at a time like this, you have to slap your face and pretend to be fat if you don't have money, at least you have to ask.

Fortunately, Zhi Ziwei said no, otherwise, he would have to continue to pay for his meals for a few days.

By the way, can Huabei still be borrowed?

Do you want to open a Jingdong Baitiao again?

Li Chenguang was just asking casually, but when he thought of this, he suddenly remembered Yin Ruosheng's words, "If you have feelings, you can't drink enough water, and I am... a material woman."

Obviously, I tried not to think about it as much as possible, but now when I think about it, I feel a little uncomfortable again.

Is money really that important?

Zhi Ziwei interrupted Li Chenguang's thoughts in a low voice, "Two hours, I wish I had brought a bottle of mineral water in."

"You're thirsty, it's okay, I'll go buy it."

Just as Li Chenguang was about to get up, a teacher in front turned around and said with a smile, "I'll give you my drinks."

The first row is the seats for teachers and leaders, and there is a long table in front of the seats. On the table, a bottle of mineral water, a bottle of fruit oranges, and biscuits are prepared for each teacher and leader.

As she spoke, she handed over the mineral water and oranges on her table.

Zhi Ziwei was taken aback, and waved her hands again and again, "Ah, no need, thank you teacher, we are not thirsty."

The teacher took the mineral water bottle and pointed to the silver thermos cup on the table that he brought, "I only drink the tea I brought, it's a pity to waste it in vain."

The other party smiled and handed the mineral water and fruit oranges to Li Chenguang.

Li Chenguang thought about saving water and wasting it shamefully, so he reached out and took it.

"Thank you, teacher."

He subconsciously replied, and then raised his head to look at the other person's cheek, only to realize that the teacher looked very young, probably under 30.

Long-haired shawl, wearing a black work attire, wrapping her graceful and graceful figure, a pair of affectionate eyes that seem to be smiling but not smiling, with a charming beauty mole on the eyebrows, a little powder on the small face, light makeup, it looks extraordinarily fragrant and smooth, the gorgeous red lips are burning like fire, and the figure is even more impressive. It also reveals a bit of seductive charm.

This is the charm of real mature women, not comparable to those female college students.

This also caused several old Mediterranean leaders next to her to glance at her with attention from time to time.

Li Chenguang sighed in his heart, what a beautiful teacher, he glanced at the badge on the seat in front of her, "Peng Surui."

When Peng Surui saw Li Chenguang took it, she smiled, showing the upper half of her white teeth, "You don't seem to be students of our school, do you?"

Li Chenguang replied lightly, "Well, we are from the University of Science and Technology next door."

Zhi Ziwei was still a little nervous, she subconsciously put her legs together and sat up straight, as if she was a well-behaved student waiting to be trained by her teacher.

But the other party just smiled, "Welcome to Jiangnan University, are you a couple?"

Zhi Ziwei waved her hands nervously, "No, I'm just a classmate."

Those who didn't know thought she was caught having a puppy love.

"That's it."

After the other party finished speaking, he turned around, but at the moment of turning around, a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Li Chenguang thought, what luck, I also met a good teacher who gave me two bottles of water.

Take one less trip and save some money.

It's not that he's stingy, it's that the family can't get rid of the pot, so let's save it if we can.

Zhi Ziwei leaned closer to Li Chenguang, and whispered in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "What a beautiful teacher."

Li Chenguang replied without hesitation, "Not as beautiful as you."

Zhi Ziwei bumped him with her elbow, and whispered, "Nonsense, I'm far behind."

Li Chenguang replied righteously, "You don't have to believe in yourself, but you can't insult my aesthetics."

Zhi Ziwei pursed the corners of her lips lightly, and gave him a white look with a smile.

"It will be nonsense."

Then stop talking to him.

Li Chenguang glanced at the red subtitles hanging on the stage that read.

"Jiangnan Grand Festival, New Sound of Bells and Drums, 2023 Freshman Art Performance".

After a while, the performance officially began.

As the lights in the venue dimmed, the huge LCD screen on the stage lit up, and the words "10, 9, 8, 7" counted down, making everyone consciously stop talking and cast their eyes on the stage.

The exciting countdown echoed in the loudspeakers in the hall, and Li Chenguang thought that something exciting was about to be staged. After the 0 seconds ended, the spotlights on the stage were turned on, and a few girls in the choir, who looked like white, stood on the stage and recited a poem for everyone, "I love my motherland."

After the poem was recited, there was another mighty song sung by several burly boys, "Big Xia Heshan."

Li Chenguang thought to himself, this is too zz correct, and he was already drowsy after hearing it.

The third program was a sketch, and it was a place where a few people praised the campus scenery in the south of the Yangtze River, praised the high moral character of the leaders, and cultivated talents for the south of the Yangtze River and the country.

Li Chenguang looked blankly at the boy's high-pitched and impassioned speech, took out his cell phone, and sent a text message, "What's the earliest time we can start eating the buffet, this is what you call a cultural performance that surpasses previous ones? It's for the school leaders, right?"

After singing the praises of the motherland, singing the praises of the rivers and mountains, singing the praises of the rivers and mountains, singing the praises of the school.

Leng Guansheng replied, "Don't worry, the first three programs are requested by the leader, don't forget the face project."

Li Chenguang put away his phone and didn't look at it.

After a while, Zhi Ziwei who was next to him pushed him, "Ah Guang, don't sleep."

Li Chenguang lazily leaned on the chair and closed his eyes and replied, "I haven't slept yet. I can actually watch the show with my eyes closed. Call me when dinner is over, Gardenia."

"...Nonsense, since we're here, let's take a good look at it. I think it's pretty good. After all, they practiced for a long time before they came on stage to perform for us."

"...Gardenia, you are so kind, you always consider others and think of others."

But it wasn't just Li Chenguang, some students behind him had already stood up and were about to leave.

Everyone comes to watch the show for entertainment, relaxation and happiness, not to educate you.

You make a few poems and sketches, all for the purpose of educating everyone, what are you doing with so many meanings, the students just watch it in their spare time to have fun, if they have time to listen to these, I might as well go back and play games.

After the third skit was performed, the audience went dark again.

The LCD screen began to display hazy and ambiguous colors, the pink heart shape was beating, and the seductive and deep singing voice resounded throughout the audience.

After being extremely depressed, a sudden burst of deafening singing and dancing resounded through the audience.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere was brought up.

Li Chenguang raised his eyes, and found that standing under the spotlight was a row of girls with white short sleeves and miniskirts, each with their arms, thighs, and belly buttons exposed. They looked so coquettish and sexy, dancing to the explosive Korean wave songs, shaking their waists and twisting their buttocks.

At that time, Li Chenguang was no longer sleepy.

He was sitting in the second row, those beautiful female college students in pure white pleated skirts, while dancing, he could see their belly buttons clearly, it was a unique scenery.

Moreover, the dances of the Korean wave are particularly seductive, sexy, with long legs, clothes that are short enough to expose the belly button, and tongue licking movements, which are completely seductive.

At that time, the audience exploded, and the boys booed from time to time.

After this exciting Hallyu wind, the next one is European and American songs. Li Chenguang has never heard of them, but they are very hot. Moreover, the girls who sing are very beautiful, and the girls who dance with each other are also shirts and short skirts, which are very hot.

Then there was another big summer song, "new, boy" sung by three girls. Although I don't know why, it was also a black short shirt, paired with a white miniskirt, and the lyrics. your old pocket watch still running?

can you still wear your old leather shoes

here is a future cigarette
don't you want to try
…18 is heaven
our life is sweet as sugar

Wear new clothes, get a new hairstyle...

The lyrics are also very suitable for the occasion, in line with the theme of the 2023 Freshman Gala tonight, which makes people feel very emotional when they hear it.

The most important thing is that it is indeed the best university in Jiangnan, and it is also the university with the most beautiful women.

The dresses of the three girls have their own characteristics, one is pure, one is charming, and the other is lively. The chorus has a special charm, especially, each wears short skirts, showing thighs, and a youthful posture.

Leng Guansheng really understands men.

Li Chenguang was watching enthusiastically, when a faint sentence came from the side, "Ah Guang, stop drooling."

Li Chenguang quickly reached out and wiped the corner of his mouth, "No."

After I finished speaking, I felt something was wrong, and when I turned my head, even though the lights under the stage were dim, I could still see Zhi Ziwei staring at her displeased expressionlessly.

Li Chenguang hurriedly looked at his nose and nose, and said seriously, "I think what you said is right. Since you are here, you should appreciate it. After all, they practiced for a long time before they came on stage to perform for us. We should respect the fruits of their labor."

Zhi Ziwei was awkward and turned away from looking at him.

However, she could vaguely hear her muttering in a low voice, "Ah Guang, I like to see long legs."

She lowered her head slightly and glanced at her short legs, they couldn't even touch the ground when she sat down...

Li Chenguang felt that the atmosphere and dancing tonight were excellent, and he was very satisfied, especially the Korean singing and dancing, which was too provocative.

He thought it was the pinnacle.

Until this next tune.

As the melodious piano sound resounded throughout the audience, it drove everyone to quiet down. The amazing dancing posture, like a princess in a fairy tale, dancing gracefully surrounded by a group of maids, instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the audience.

Almost as soon as he appeared on the stage, he explained what is amazing and what is peak.

Li Chenguang was also attracted at once, but after taking a second look, he recognized the dancing pose in the snow-white princess dress, surrounded by stars and shining brightly.

Even the other party's face was turned away, Li Chen recognized it just by looking at a pair of stunning long legs...

It can only be said that it is worthy of being the school flower of Jiangnan.

Yin Ruosheng!
(End of this chapter)

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