Use foreign lands to conquer the whole of Europe

Chapter 132 131: [Forgotten Garden] Forest Mutation

Chapter 132 131: [Forgotten Garden] Forest Mutation

Angie ran fast in the forest with an ax in hand.

Even the body of a 12-year-old girl is healthy enough to allow Angie to swing the ax vigorously and "reason" with some strange things.

But at the same time, she also heard that distant urgent bell, and her uneasiness grew.

After running for a certain distance, Angie stopped slowly and looked around.

The burst of maniacal laughter should have come from nearby, but she didn't see any figure.

This is just the edge of the forest.Tall trees block most of the sunlight, and the ground is fairly flat. You can even see paths formed by weeds and fallen leaves that have been trampled all year round. People should often come here.

Did she not catch up?

Angie walked cautiously in the forest, and before he took a few steps in, he heard a rustling sound of running on leaves and weeds not far away.

She turned her head to look, and after a while, a familiar figure appeared faintly behind those thick trees——

It was Gerald, the blond young boy, aka Sean.It's just that he was flustered and out of breath, but he was still running desperately, as if something was chasing him.

But Angie didn't see anything behind him.

"Sean? What's going on—"


Sean yelled at her, and that's when Angie finally saw something coming towards them on the ground behind him—

It was a thick black liquid she was familiar with: the curse.

But now, these liquids were chasing him at almost the same speed as the running Sean, and suddenly split into two halves, one half continued to chase Sean, and the other half rushed towards Angie at high speed.

Angie was quite shocked when he saw this, and immediately took steps, and ran out of the forest with Sean at full speed.

Although she had never seen a curse that could move so fast, nor a curse that was so smart that it would split up, it would be right to run to the village for help!

However, before running for a long time, Angie and Sean saw Alma running in from outside the forest.

In desperation, Angie yelled at her while running at full speed:
"Mom, run! Something strange is chasing us!"

Alma's feet stopped suddenly, and she looked in shock at her daughter who was running towards her with an axe, and the blond boy who was running beside her.

She remembered that this man was called Gerald, and she also knew that he was a fool... But at this moment, his agile figure and serious expression while running did not look like a fool!
And why is her daughter holding an ax for no reason? !

But under the aura of these two people fleeing desperately, Alma, who didn't know the situation, ran with them, and asked out of breath on the way:
"what happened?"

"The strange black water... is chasing it..."

After running for two consecutive distances, Anji was really exhausted.She spoke out of breath, and took the time to look behind her, only to be shocked to find——

Curse, gone? !
Angie's footsteps stopped suddenly, and Alma and Sean, who were running wildly, immediately noticed her abnormality, and asked one after another while stopping:

"what happened?"

Gerald's question immediately aroused Alma's vigilance.She glanced at him in shock, and protected Susanna behind her the next second.

There is obviously something wrong with this not-so-stupid Gerald. Could it be that he is possessed by a witch? !

Seeing Alma's appearance, Susanna immediately reacted, and said in a relaxed tone:
"...Huh? What's going on? It seems that there is nothing chasing us?"

Saying this, she winked wildly at Gerald, implying that he should act to smooth things over—anyway, Alma, whose back was turned to her, couldn't see her expression.

Gerald's eyes froze in an instant, his mouth opened wide, and he yelled "Ahhh" a few times, while spinning around in circles, he was even more stupid than a real idiot, and almost made Angie laugh out loud. .

Alma looked at Gerald's dazed appearance with a complicated expression, and after a while, she turned to look at her daughter and asked:
"Susanna, what just happened?"

Susanna smiled and scratched her head in embarrassment: "Well... it seems that I made a mistake. I saw this brother running out of the forest and screaming 'black water' strangely, so I thought something was chasing him ...Because he really looks like he is running for his life."

Listening to her daughter's explanation, Alma's expression finally returned to normal, and then said helplessly: "But you can't just run into the forest. Although there are no wild animals in this forest, it's easy to fall—"


Gerald's shout suddenly interrupted Alma's speech, and at the same time, Alma saw Susannah in front of her suddenly push herself aside, and swung the iron ax with her right hand to her left face.

This extremely decisive and fierce attack left Alma with no time to react.She just widened her eyes in horror, watching the floodlighted sharp ax come directly to her left face, then suddenly changed direction and swung it outward.

With a strange cracking sound, something was hit by the ax and flew to a tree not far away, and at this moment, a strange hissing sound came from beside my ears.

Before Alma could catch a glimpse, Suzanne hurled the ax far away.

Alma glanced blankly at the tree trunk covered in pitch-black liquid, then at the pitted ax thrown to the ground in the distance, and then looked at Susanna in front of her again.

Susanna didn't look at her, but glanced at Alma and Gerald behind her, then stopped on the tree trunk with black water, and explained:

"The ball of black water hung down from the tree just now and wanted to attack you. I don't have time to explain. I can only use the axe to protect your face before knocking it away. Sorry."

Susanna's expression was very calm, and so was her tone.

But Alma couldn't calm down.

The horrific scene just now made her brain a little bit overwhelmed.She looked at her daughter in a daze, and then touched her left cheek in a daze, only then was she sure that she didn't get hurt just now.

It turned out that Susanna pushed her aside just to let her avoid this "attack".

And the experienced performance of the other party also made Alma realize thoroughly: the girl in front of her is definitely not her daughter.

She looked at this familiar but unfamiliar girl in disbelief, and before she had time to ask anything, she saw the other person's face suddenly darken:
"It's not over yet—run!"

While speaking, Suzanne grabbed Alma's hand and ran out violently with her.

Alma staggered and followed Susanna for a few steps, and quickly followed her pace, and then heard a loud creaking sound from behind.

She turned her head and found in horror: the huge tree wrapped in black water moved and was approaching them!
The nearby ground was shaking slightly. Amidst those scalp-numbing rattling and creaking sounds, the ancient tree kept twisting its branches and trunk, which had become extremely soft. The ground nearby churned out.

These roots and branches, which should be stiff and easy to break, are like whips at this moment, frantically whipping all the surrounding objects, not only kicking up countless soil and dead branches and rotten leaves, but even tearing the normal trees to pieces, crumbling.

The incomprehensible scene in front of her made Alma feel unprecedented panic, and at this moment, Susanna let go of her hand.

Only then did Alma come to her senses, and tried to focus on escaping, but her eyes couldn't help but look at the girl running wildly beside her, and the complex emotions in her heart became more and more intense.

This girl is not Susanna, why does she have exactly the same appearance as her?

Where did her daughter go?

While Angela was running with Alma, Sean had already come to the other side of her.He slowed down his pace a little, and followed Anji to protect her, but the worry on his face was beyond words.

Sean regretted it very much at this moment.Although he knew that Angie had seen the black water that was trying to attack Alma even if he didn't remind him, he did accidentally call out Angie's name... Coupled with Angie's obviously abnormal behavior , I'm afraid they won't be able to hide this adult woman named Alma.

Chased by ancient trees covered in black water, they were finally about to run out of the forest, but at this moment, they saw another group of people coming to the forest.

The leader was none other than Cesar.He led more than [-] night watchmen and rushed to this forest, holding a holy lamp in his hand.

It's just that this sacred lamp is more delicate than the one Angie has seen, and the candle covered by glass looks like silver.It has a blue curved flame at the top, and the tip of the flame is still firmly pointed in the direction of Angie and the others, as if pointing the way.

(End of this chapter)

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