"The money in my pocket is getting less and less, and the once bustling house is becoming more and more deserted."

"Seeing that there are only ten places left in the end, I feel happy..."

"But how did I know this at that time? I was so stupid that I only secretly enjoyed myself and thought to myself, finally, finally it's my turn for good things to happen!"

"Most of the ten people in the last group are older. Among them, Maoerhuzi and I were the ones who pulled them into the abyss..."

Gou Twenty-nine clenched his fists, tears welled up in his eyes, and his voice seemed to be full of wantonness.

"For some reason, we all lost consciousness, but when I opened my eyes again, I found that I was already in a valley filled with birds singing and flowers fragrant."

"There is no sun in the sky, but there is a shining stone. Apart from that, I broke free from the silk threads wrapped around my body and looked around. Until then, I didn't know what hell was..."

"The missing people are all there, Yang Dan'er, Tangdou'er, Le Zaizi... they are all here."

"But no one's body is complete. Some are missing an arm, some have both legs severed by sharp knives, some have only half of their head left, and the other half is sewn to the chest, and even more There are several children, half male and female, androgynous..."

"Those people, whether I am familiar with them or not, do not have complete human forms at this time. They are all spliced ​​together in various shapes."

"If they are dead, but they are all still alive! Their eyes are numb and cold, but the whites of their eyes are gradually occupied by blood. They discovered me——"

Gou Twenty-nine squatted on the ground with his head in his hands, trembling and choking, and asked softly: "They came to kill me first. I can't wait to die. I am not wrong. I am not wrong, right?"

Without waiting for Nan Xiao and Nian Ranran's reply, Gou Twenty-nine raised his head slightly, revealing his left eye, which was not only bloodshot but also full of tears.

He grimaced, showing his sharp fangs, and choked out: "They are not human beings anymore. I am helping them to escape. I am not wrong, right?"

Nan Xiao and Nian Ranran were silent again.

"There were too many of them and I couldn't beat them, but I didn't want to wait to die, so I tried my best. I scratched, beat, scratched, kicked, kicked, and even used my teeth like crazy, and finally managed to survive. .”

"But there were too many of them. Even though I was relatively young, my physical strength could no longer hold on, and I eventually fainted."

"When I opened my eyes again, I found myself standing naked in the valley. I was lying with a group of people who could no longer be considered human beings..."

"I'm desperate. They are no longer human beings. What about me?"

"Then what am I?"

"Why is my consciousness still sober and I haven't fallen into chaos like those people?"

"At that time, I would rather become a human or a ghost like them, than live alone. I was desperate."

"I don't know, is there something extra in my body? Or is it missing something?"

"I was so frightened that my whole body trembled and I hurriedly checked myself, but I didn't find anything strange."

"It's very bright in the valley, but my heart feels cold. Apart from me, there seems to be no other person here who has a human mind."

"I'm almost desperate. All I can do is numbly dig through the mountains of flesh that have all fallen asleep for some reason, trying to find the cats and tigers."

"I don't know how long it took, but when I finally found the mutated cats from the meat mountain, I regained my sanity."

"After I tore off the extra organs wrapped around the cats and forcefully awakened them, I began to feel the changes in myself and tried to find a way out of this valley-"

"Slowly, I finally discovered the changes in me."

"My right eye is not the same one as before. But I am very lucky that through this new eye, I can clearly see the path of the wind, see the breathing of cats and theirs, and see the flow into the valley from outside the world. "I can even vaguely see the fate of myself and others."

"To a certain extent, I can predict the future."

Most of the tears were gone, and the corners of Gou Twenty-Nine's mouth rose again, and the smart tiger fangs flashed.

He took off the black cloth that he had been covering, revealing his right eye.

Probably because he hadn't seen light for a long time, Gou Twenty-Nine's right eye felt hesitant and confused the moment he opened it.

Under the slender white eyelashes, there is an indescribable eyeball.

There is no obvious iris, and the pupils are no longer pure black, but densely packed with various colors.

Every color is like a brand new pupil.

Countless pupils are located in one place, opening and closing at different frequencies, and the colors are even different.

Therefore, if you look closely at Gou Twenty-Nine's eyes, you will find that his right eye always has a new color combination.

Although these colors are magnificent, they are also eerie.

It was like being stared at by an evil spirit.

"Harmful, little girl, I'm not lying to you, even if I don't use "Tao Jing" and "Zhi Feng Xi Yue", just relying on a pair of eyes, I will torture you without any discussion!"

Nian Ranran was looked at by Gou Twenty-nine who had taken off his blindfold. He felt uncomfortable all over and had goosebumps all over the floor.

In that eye, Nian Ranran could actually detect countless struggling hands, scrambling to reach out.

If you look carefully, if you don't pay attention, you may drown in that eye.

"You can see the future, why are you still drawing with us?"

Nan Xiao spoke at the right time, her voice echoing the Qing Ling Xuan Sutra, helping Nian Ranran wake up from the abyss.

"Harm—that was my intention. Besides, the future can be changed. What I see is only a possible evolution, but it is not absolute."

Gou Twenty-Nine carefully corrected Nan Xiao's question, and then said: "Nan Xiao, just during this short period of our conversation, I made another discovery——"

Dog Twenty-Nine raised the corners of his mouth, and the previous bitterness disappeared. At this time, his right eye full of pupils was filled with moonlight.

Bloody moonlight flowed out from the deep-set eyes. I don’t know what Gou Twenty-Nine saw, but the backlash this time was extremely heavy.

He sat on the ground very tiredly, with cold sweat streaming down his forehead, and blood and tears gushing out, dyeing his clothes red.

Dog Twenty-Nine lay silently on the ground, gritting his teeth and waiting for the backlash to end.

Nan Xiao sighed and handed over a bottle of elixir to stop bleeding.

Water rippled on Dog Twenty-Nine's body, the blood was wiped away, and the boy was as gentle as jade again.

He grinned and said to Nan Xiao: "I can't see through you anymore. In other words, your existence itself no longer belongs to you now."

These words were very vague, and even Nan Xiao was confused.

She didn't understand what Gou Twenty-nine's words meant.

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