Chapter 404
"don't want--"

How could Qing Hui still not understand the so-called destiny and destination at this time?

However, if someone must come out to prevent this disaster, it can only be Lian Xueyin. If someone must sacrifice, it can only be him.

She didn't know who was behind all this. She only knew that he was leaving her...

Before she had time to love him, when she was still thinking about what kind of destiny she could find a solution to in the coming days, he was about to leave her, without giving her the slightest chance to prepare or accept.

"No, you can't do this to me. You promised to accompany me. What about destiny? Destiny can decide. Do you have to bear all this? The battle on the Changyuan battlefield was not your fault. Obviously You are the one who fights to the end..."

"Obviously, you were the one who turned the tide until death, so why do you have to bear the consequences?"

"Isn't 3 years of punishment enough? What else is needed?"

Qing Hui didn't understand the scene she glimpsed in the illusion. It was clear that Lord Xuan Shuang was guarding everything behind him until his death. It was clear that he had tried his best and sacrificed his life. Why was he the one who was punished in the end? After entering reincarnation for 3 years, he returns as a tyrant and never ends well.

What kind of bullshit destiny is this?Who created the destiny?

Why should we abide by such a destiny!

Why not beat him to a pulp!

She couldn't relate to Qing Luo's madness just now, but she seemed to suddenly feel how painful it was when the knife stabbed her body!Qingluo was trapped in the ghost ruins for 3 years and it was hard, but what about the Snow Seal?

The pain of 3 years of reincarnation, the moment he remembered everything, these 3 years of memories without a happy ending, how painful must it be for the fate of the dynasty that he has shouldered and carried?

She recalled that when she met him at Qiyueguan, he was like a dummy. No matter how she teased him, he remained indifferent.

The eyes are dead.

It was as if he was just an invisible speck of dust, leaving only an ethereal void.

At that time, she couldn't figure out why a person could have such empty eyes, which were even duller and colorless than those of a blind person.So that's it.

It turned out that under such a fate, every part of his body and soul was shattered.

But even so, he still chose to protect everything behind him after the silence.

This is the His Majesty she knew.

He may seem cruel and ruthless, but from beginning to end, he has used his own methods to maximize the stability of the people under his rule, so that they can avoid the pain of war and displacement, and avoid the suffering of corrupt officials.

His heart is softer than anyone else.

Such a person, such a person... Why, why must he bear this bullshit destiny!

"There are other ways, right? There will be a way, there will be one!" Qing Hui doesn't believe it. She doesn't believe that this is the only way to go. She doesn't believe that if he doesn't die, the world will be destroyed.

There must be another way!

Lian Xueyin looked down at her, then turned to look at Qi Mingyue, who was huddled in the corner and was about to faint.

He raised his hand, and Qi Mingyue's body flew to him.

He stretched out his hand, and a heart flew out of Qi Mingyue's body.

It fell on his palm.

That's not a bloody heart.

Instead, it is a green, goose egg-sized, crystal clear crystal.

(End of this chapter)

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