The years I was a pirate in Interstellar

Chapter 215 Kailan's confusion

Chapter 215 Kailan's confusion

Kailan has her own experimental laboratory on the third floor of the Silver Fox, which is filled with extraordinary materials and purification instruments that she scavenged from the academy star trading center, all of which are the best kind, for a founder , a well-equipped laboratory can save a considerable amount of effort, and this part of money cannot be saved.

If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools. This sentence is a wise saying both inside and outside the ages.

Although the Flawless Diamond of Life was robbed, you have a good plan, and I have a wall ladder, so Kailan is going to exchange [Soul Gold Bead] to Michelle.

Don't you want the old emperor of the Golden Eagle Empire to die of old age? Hey, I won't let you do what you want.

Kailan is going to give the old emperor ten [Soul Golden Beads] in one go, first to make up for 30 years of life, and when her and Michelle's plan to jointly develop Junk Stars has progressed, there will be a steady stream of them at that time. The secondary life treasure drilled into the account is equivalent to having a steady stream of [soul gold beads].

At that time, no matter who you are, the First Prince of the Empire or the Second Prince of the Empire, you are all waiting to be consumed to death by your father, hum!
Obviously the throne is just around the corner, but after waiting for a lifetime, it won't be his turn to sit there. This is Kailan's well-prepared revenge.

Compared with the simple and rough work of killing people, Kailan was surprised to find that she was also rich in Gongdou skills. Sure enough, those TV dramas back then were not for nothing. Now that I think about it, it’s a bit of a loss not to be that princess. Otherwise, let’s not talk about the two princesses of Byzantine. Now whether the Petrit Kingdom’s surname is Fuduoluo or Kailan, that’s another matter.

What Kailan is currently making in the laboratory is the outer shell of the [Soul Gold Bead]. As for the internal [Source Quality] part, her spaceship does not have a large amount of newborn souls, so she needs to go to some large commercial stars or go to Star Online to order , and then delivered by Singularity Express.

But that's all for later.

Carefully take out from the liquid nitrogen the secondary life diamond that has been cryogenically frozen for three reference star hours. If you want to melt this strange substance that is said to be a mineral, it is actually a solid life force. It cannot be melted by heating, but needs to be melted. Ultra-low temperature freeze-thaw.

Soaking in liquid nitrogen is just a preparatory step, so that the secondary life diamonds have a gentle adaptation step to the low temperature, and avoid being directly placed in an ultra-low temperature environment, which will be directly frozen and cracked. After all, once the life diamonds with some mineral characteristics are frozen If there are cracks, not to mention that its value is greatly reduced, and it can no longer be used to prepare the shell of [Soul Gold Bead], so the next work is the focus.

Hang the frozen Diamond of Life vertically in a sealed negative pressure cabin, and there is a beaker filled with transparent liquid below the Diamond of Life, which contains the protective agent prepared by Kailan, waiting for life After the gemstone melted, the shells of the formed soul gold beads would fall here one by one. Because the shells of the newly formed soul gold beads were still molten and very fragile, it was necessary to prepare a protective agent.

Kailan evenly sprinkled some blue sand grains on the surface of the Life Diamond. This is a supernatural material called Ice Eternal Stone, which is sprinkled in as a melting aid. All preparations have been made, Kailan Then I carefully recalled whether there were any omissions or errors in the steps, and then I started the negative pressure chamber with confidence.

The absolute vacuum negative pressure chamber is the name of this instrument, also known as the void negative pressure chamber. The temperature can be adjusted between absolute zero and [-] degrees. The interior is no longer a general negative pressure, but a state of near void. And its function is not limited to this point, more importantly, a star power circuit is engraved on the outside of the negative pressure chamber, which can dissipate the free ether energy inside the device.

Because of the star power circuit, this expensive device needs to use ether crystals as energy to start this expensive device.Of course, the current Kailan does not lack this one or two pieces of ether.

Using a melting agent to melt the Life Diamond, which will not change even in the state of absolute zero, and then accelerate the melting into the perfect state of gold beads required by Kailan in the state of void, and the isolated free ether can avoid it. Gold beads are contaminated with impurities, which even reduces the possibility of finished products.

It sounds perfect, of course, Kailan, who is already considered a qualified creator, is also perfect in doing it.

The only fly in the ointment is, who can tell her why this thing melts so slowly?

Have you ever seen asphalt dripping down, probably in this state, Kailan's eyes were dazed, and he didn't see any changes.

"It was agreed that it will melt faster in the void state, but what is going on now, Schrödinger's diamond? It seems to melt a little, but it doesn't seem to melt at all?"

"Ah~~, what is the problem?"

Kailan scratched her hair in pain. This kind of irritable feeling full of evil fire and nowhere to spread, really happened a hundred times, and she couldn't apply it a hundred times.

Obviously she followed the handbook step by step, but something went wrong, and she couldn't find the reason. It was as maddening and puzzling as if the standard answer was wrong.

No, to be precise, it was the result of copying the standard answers, but I was puzzled that I didn't get full marks.

Not to mention finding out where the root of the problem is, but now she doesn't even dare to judge whether the standard answer is right or wrong.

After all, it is only the students who write the results, but the teachers who give the standard answers are not at the same level at all.

Naturally, Kailan cannot be compared with the second apostle who is known as the "Billion Star of Life". Delgado is not a guy who just makes up numbers. A great creator who inherits and develops people, rather than suspecting that such a person's handwriting is wrong, it is more reasonable to reflect on whether there is something that he has not done well.

And Kailan did exactly that.

"There is no problem with the steps at all. Could it be that the amount of ice-permanent stone used as a melting aid is not enough, but I added it according to the amount written in the handbook, not even a milligram is missing, or Delgado made a typo, is this possible? "

Just when Kai Lanwo was scratching his head and wondering what to do in the laboratory, the alarm of the Silver Fox suddenly sounded in the laboratory.

"Didi, alert, found unregistered stowaways..."

"Didi, alert, found unregistered stowaways..."

"Is there an enemy? Come again, it's endless!"

Kailan, whose thinking was interrupted by the siren, suddenly exploded, and the experiment was thrown aside. Anyway, according to the current melting speed, it may not be able to drip in ten or twenty years.Without further ado, he took out the Rose Spear that he had been wearing all along, and was about to trouble the unlucky guy who was hitting the muzzle of the gun.


(End of this chapter)

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