A letter of battle report was sent to the court, the Di tribe came to invade, General Yan led his troops to fight to the death, and won the victory after overcoming the attacks one after another.

The emperor was overjoyed, and immediately ordered people to prepare wine and food, and invited several ministers to drink together.

Only read half of the booklet and put it on the table, turning a blind eye to the number of casualties and various difficulties behind.

Maybe it's not that I don't know, but that I know it, and I didn't see it on purpose.

From Emperor Xuan's point of view, the several city gates on Yaoshan would go to war with foreigners every New Year's Eve, but they would easily win the battle every year.

Emperor Xuan has never been to the frontier so far, and he has never been blown by a sandstorm. The annual victory report made him think that winning a battle is a very simple matter.

It is like this every year, I am used to it, and I have no idea how terrible that bloody battlefield is.

The back of the book reports the number of casualties every time, but no matter how many lives are in the eyes of Emperor Xuan, these people write a number to him, and then they sell it miserably and ask for money.

The annual military expenditure is a huge expenditure, and the amount is so large that even an emperor would feel pain when looking at it.

Emperor Xuan felt that he had given enough military expenses, and it was impossible to give more. These people were just greedy. If he let go, they would dare to ask for more in the future and push forward.

At the end of every year, there is a dispute about military expenditure. In Emperor Xuan's opinion, this is a very common thing, and it is not enough to take it seriously, and he is even unwilling to read the military newspaper.

When the old Marquis of Xiguan came, Emperor Xuan and several courtiers were drinking vigorously. When they heard that Marquis of Xiguan was coming, the atmosphere suddenly became much colder.

The border is turbulent, and it is not difficult to guess the reason of the old Marquis Xiguan, he must be asking for money from his family.

Everyone looked upwards, waiting for Emperor Xuan's decision.

Emperor Xuan pondered for a moment, then waved his hand: "Tell the Marquis of Xiguan that the battle report for Mount Yao has arrived. I have made my own decision. The world is extremely cold. Let him go back."

"The slave obeys the order."

The eunuch bowed and went out to pass the message, and the banquet in the hall continued.

After a while, the eunuch came back again: "Your Majesty, the old Marquis knelt at the door, insisting on facing the saint in person, with a set of tattered armor and a broken weapon in his hand."

Emperor Xuan frowned, obviously annoyed.

The courtier next to him said flatteringly: "This Lord Hou is also stubborn, the emperor is rarely happy, he insists on making trouble."

Emperor Xuan was obviously more disturbed by the words, drank his wine and raised his hand: "Let him in."

He wanted to see what the Marquis of Xiguan was up to.

Old Marquis Xiguan's leg was seriously injured on the battlefield. Although he could still walk, he was disabled and walked with a limp.

The wound was painful in winter, especially uncomfortable, and every step was extremely difficult, but he still insisted on coming to the palace, and walked in step by step with things.

His hair is gray and his face is vicissitudes of life, but his iron body is still hard and unyielding, he is proud and unyielding.

Slowly knelt down: "The old minister kowtowed to the emperor."

Emperor Xuan waved his hand: "Get up."

The old Hou Ye knelt straight and did not get up immediately: "Your Majesty, I have something to say."

He put the things in his hand in front: "Please look, your majesty, this is the armor, cotton coat and weapons sent by the Ministry of War this year. They can't keep out the cold at all, and the weapons are shoddy and can be broken at will."

"Such equipment is equivalent to sending the flesh and blood of our soldiers to the tip of the enemy's sword. I beg Your Majesty to make decisions for the soldiers."

After the old Hou Ye finished speaking sadly, he grabbed the ground with his head, which was shocking.

Before Emperor Xuan could speak, Yan Hui, Minister of the Ministry of War who was at the banquet, spoke first: "Impossible, the supplies sent this year are the same as those in previous years. I checked the foundry more than once, and everything was made according to the process. It can’t be that bad.”

Yan Hui and the old Hou Ye are not from the same family, but he is a strict official, and he does everything without leaking. He will not deliberately target anyone, and will not make people wish for him.

"If the old Hou doesn't believe me, this junior can accompany you to the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Industry, and just let random checks be made."

The old Hou Ye was not excited by Yan Hui's denial, and said in a deep voice: "The old man didn't mean to question Lord Shangshu, and he was willing to believe that there is no problem with the supplies sent by the Ministry of War. No one knows if there is a problem, the reality is that the items received at the border are really inferior, and now because of these items, thousands of soldiers have died tragically for no reason, I implore the emperor to find out the truth, and don’t let the soldiers die in vain.”

Having said that, Yan Hui couldn't refute, but could only look at Emperor Xuan.

Emperor Xuan pondered, the old Hou Ye looked like this, it could not be nonsense, but there was something to it.

Yan Hui's words were calm and calm, and it didn't seem like he was lying.

Perhaps, as the old Hou Ye said, it is thousands of miles away from the capital of God to Mount Yao, and maybe something happened in the middle.

Could it be that there are still people who dare to change positions?

But what do you do with stolen armor and weapons?
A word suddenly popped up in Emperor Xuan's mind, rebellion! !

"Investigate! Yan Hui, if this is true, you have committed the crime of unfavorable supervision. I will entrust this matter to you, and you must find out the truth."

Yan Hui closed his eyes and stood up: "I obey!"

Sure enough, only by stabbing the sore spot can people wake up. The emperor doesn't care about the life and death of border soldiers, nor what they wear and eat, but he cares about his country and the throne.

Emperor Xuan stayed with the old Hou Ye for dinner, and the old Hou Ye shook his head: "The old minister thanked the emperor for his kindness, but the old minister's body is not up to par, he has to go back and lie down, and he can only let the emperor down."

When Emperor Xuan heard the words, it was not easy to force him to stay, so he asked people to send the old Hou Ye out in a sedan chair, and rewarded a lot of medicinal materials.

Seeing that Emperor Xuan treated the old officials so kindly, everyone praised him, and Emperor Xuan naturally benefited from it, but he didn't hate the old Marquis of Xiguan so much.

It's just that if the cheating is true, Emperor Xuan's face turned cold, and he wrote a secret decree and sent it out.

Maybe Yan Hui is innocent, but he can't completely trust him, there must be a definite truth about this matter.

Emperor Xuan was willing to find out the truth, but he was still suppressing the matter of replenishing supplies and military pay, and he always felt that he was not in a hurry.

"Master Yan" Zhang Tong, the left servant of the household department, caught up with Yan Hui: "Master Yan, do you have any idea about what the Marquis of Xiguan said?"

Yan Hui thought it was funny: "If I want to know about this, such a situation can still happen?"

Zhang Tong said indignantly: "I'm not fair for Mr. Yan. Who doesn't know that Mr. Yan is upright and upright. Today, this basin of dirty water is poured over. It is really a bully. Fortunately, the Holy One trusts you, otherwise it would be unimaginable."

It's not a day or two since Zhang Tong flattered and formed a faction with that right servant, Wang Xuan.

As soon as he opened his mouth, Yan Hui knew his intentions, and wanted to win him over to help the next replacement of the servant of the household department.

He sneered indifferently: "Then I really appreciate Mr. Zhang's kindness. I'm going to be busy, so I'll leave."

Watching Yan Hui leave, Zhang Tong immediately changed his face, full of disdain and contempt: "Bah! What the hell, do you think you can still be arrogant for a few days?"

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