Saying XX lines makes me rich

Chapter 317 The potted plants are about to bloom

No matter how those foreign bosses changed their minds when talking about Yushi, not long after Chu Qingyu returned to school, the school welcomed a group of exchange students majoring in international medicine.

Chu Qingyu immediately couldn't help but cast his eyes on the group of vigorously growing vegetable seedlings waiting to be harvested.

It also opened up new horizons.

After lunch that day, Chu Qingyu took the time to make a cross-ocean call to Meiyue and the others on the other side of the ocean.

"Secretary Mei, our Yushi is undoubtedly a new enterprise. While we need a large number of mature talents, we cannot ignore the cultivation of growing talents."

When Secretary Mei heard this, she understood what the big boss meant.

Turning around, the Dream Angel Investment Foundation began to reach out to major international universities and frequently contacted certain young students with personal talents.

Sure enough, when it comes to stealing people's jobs, you still have to start from a young age.

Young people are great, they are passionate, motivated, have dreams, ambitions, dare to think and act. Looking back, they may be able to bring their families to join Xia Guo International and completely become their compatriots.

As soon as April is over, summer is like stepping on a hot wheel, coming with a rush.

The sun has come out and summer is here. The kind that once the sun goes on vacation, it goes away again in summer.

Therefore, during this time period, the number of people with colds increased rapidly.

Fortunately, Chu Qingyu jumped on the bandwagon.

Chu Qingyu sniffed, took out two pieces of paper to wipe his nose, and continued to talk to the system: [I can actually catch a cold? This unscientific! 】

who is she? She has a mysterious origin, unpredictable abilities, is proficient in multiple languages, is good at deceiving and abducting, has no rules at the top, and no morals at the bottom. She can compete on the international stage and beat the kid next door.

How could someone like her, the leading heroine of a fantasy urban entertainment channel, catch a cold? The readers and angels all cried out that it was unreasonable!

Since waking up this morning and starting to sneeze and have a runny nose, Chu Qingyu has been talking to the system, making the system, which is often autistic, even more autistic.

Chu Qingyu didn't feel disappointed if she didn't get a response from the system. After all, all she needed to know was that she was annoying the system, and what she was after was an output.

Due to the sudden attack of influenza, countless students in the school were infected.

During the class, the acupuncture teacher once again warned: "It's been a cold spring recently, and more students have caught colds. You are all senior students. If you need it, go to the infirmary or the affiliated hospital next door to see a doctor and get medicine. Don't give yourself acupuncture." .”

When the next class came, the pharmacology teacher gave similar instructions again, but the last sentence changed to "Never try to prescribe medicine for yourself."

The reason why the teachers are nagging each other so hard is equivalent to the mushroom eating guide that Yun Province sends text messages and advertises every year. However, just after the afternoon class, Chu Qingyu and Zhaoran Hongyan were queuing up in the cafeteria to get food, when they heard other students lining up saying that so-and-so from a certain class in a certain major had given himself a few injections because of a cold. He successfully treated himself to hemiplegia, and was surrounded by several teachers for a long time before he recovered.

Zhaoran feels that this is actually a confusing behavior of human beings: "So we have just learned the basic theoretical knowledge, why do so many brave people dare to conduct clinical trials on themselves?"

Hongyan nodded in agreement.

Before going to bed at night, Hongyan, who was sleeping opposite Chu Qingyu's bed, accidentally saw two slender antennas growing on Chu Qingyu's head, who was sitting on the bed and playing games with his hands covered with quilts.

Puzzled, she opened the bed curtain and took a look, only to find out what kind of antenna was there. They were clearly two 23-gauge silver needles!

Hongyan took a breath of air. Because the brainstorming was so intense, his thinking and language systems were suddenly disconnected. He was choked for a long time without thinking about what he wanted to say.

When she recovered, she saw Chu Qingyu raising her hand to pull out the needle.

The language that Hongyan had just organized suddenly ran out of appropriate scenes to use.

After sniffing and feeling that the clogged nose was clearing up, Chu Qingyu put away the silver needle and turned around to face the stupid looking Hongyan.

"Huh?" Chu Qingyu was confused, "Mr. Yan, what are you doing?"

Hongyan came back to his senses, thought about it, and shook his head: "It's nothing."

Forget it, the pricking was done anyway and nothing happened to anyone, so I was too lazy to reorganize the language.

Experts say that thinking too much before going to bed is not conducive to falling asleep quickly.

I don't know if it was because he gave himself two injections before going to bed, but Chu Qingyu slept very soundly that night, and he could see the fragrance of blooming flowers in his dream.

Then in the middle of the night, Chu Qingyu was woken up by the incense.

When I open my eyes, it's dark, and when I look at the time, it's one-thirty in the morning.

Chu Qingyu: "." Confirming that the floral fragrance did not originate from the real dormitory, Chu Qingyu decisively looked inside the system panel. The potted plant that looked like a plastic fake plant in the lower right corner seemed to have drank fake wine, and a flower bud the size of a thumb suddenly appeared.

You must know that under her crazy krypton gold before, this thing could not move at all. Thousands of billions were thrown at it, and it only took it from sprouting to growing two young leaves like the tips of peas.

And what the Ergou subsystem once said when perfunctory her, that when it sprouts, she will know everything she wants to know, it did not happen.

Hiss, why are they blooming all of a sudden?

Chu Qingyu hurriedly went to the mall next door to buy a memory star, and chewed on a standard memory clip of her killing everyone in the wasteland world to calm herself down.

Chu Qingyu: [Gouzi, get out quickly and see what’s going on! 】

The system was clogged and I didn’t know what the cyber earplugs were doing when I was diving, so I didn’t hear her call at all.

Chu Qingyu was not embarrassed and went to the Wishing Pond to buy a substitute, and the system was completely beaten.

System: [What are you doing? What are you doing! If you don't sleep in the middle of the night, why are you still trying to log in to the system? 】

Chu Qingyu asked him to look at the potted plants. Originally, I wanted to ask the dog system what happened to the potted plant, but as soon as the dog system looked at the potted plant, it immediately let out a "ouch" and turned into a screaming chicken as if the sky was falling: [What a fat thing! Why are you so fat? ! Why is it blooming suddenly? ! ! 】

Chu Qingyu felt his head start to buzz, and his vision blurred. A translucent object that looked like a blue water ball jumped out and bounced around the potted plant. It looked like it wanted to hit it head-on and die. On the potted plant, the flower bud that popped out will shrink back.

This made Chu Qingyu suspicious.

He tried to poke the translucent blue water dumpling with his consciousness, but it really bounced. Chu Qingyu was surprised: [Gouzi, is this you? 】

This is the first time she has seen the system!

I had always thought that the system was just like an intelligent system butler. Although it could speak and had simple independent thinking capabilities, it should probably look like a string of codes.

If it's more concrete, it's just one chip at most.

It’s been almost two years and it just popped up now. Chu Qingyu was surprised that this seemingly stupid and out-of-the-box system could hide for so long, and he also vaguely knew that the flowering of potted plants was no small matter.

Chu Qingyu let the system go crazy for a while, and when Shui Duanzi nestled listlessly on the edge of the potted plant, suspected of being autistic, Chu Qingyu tentatively asked: "So, is this flowering good or bad?" 】

Shuiduanzi raised his "head" and "looked" in the direction of Chu Qingyu, then twisted his round and elastic body. At a glance, he could tell that he was worried about something and hesitant.

With this gesture, one can tell at a glance that there is an opportunity to take advantage of.

But it's strange.

If it was just the beginning, Chu Qingyu would definitely have taken the opportunity to break through the system's psychological defenses and get the answer he wanted without hesitation.

Now, Chu Qingyu suddenly had an inexplicable intuition, which made her suddenly lose the desire to break the casserole and ask the truth.

In the end, Chu Qingyu just asked the system: [Is this potted plant related to my lost memory? 】

It seems that there is no need to worry about this issue. The system definitely said: [Yes! 】

Chu Qingyu nodded thoughtfully, "Okay, get me a glass cover to cover the potted plant so it doesn't affect my sleep." 】


I didn't expect to let this issue go so easily. Are you really not going to pursue it?

Why is it so unreal!

The system tentatively said: [Host, don’t you want to know something? 】

The one who responded to it was that its dear host spent a lot of money to find the girl from the pool next door and gave it a meal on its behalf.

The system that turned from the translucent blue water mass into purple-red strips cried silently.

This agency business was somewhat related to the personal grudge between Chi and Tong.

It was obviously the host who beat it back then, and it was at most a cheerleader, so how could it hold the grudge of being detained on its head? Sure enough, weak chickens can only pinch weak persimmons, contempt!

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