After being forced to study, I am super god

Chapter 114 After so many years, the Zhang family is finally here!

Chapter 114 After all these years, I’m finally going home!
Lu Lu was stunned and didn't hear what Mrs. Qiao said next. After hanging up the phone, she was both excited and at a loss.

Although Mingyu had unswervingly chosen herself at the beginning, as a child, how could she not look forward to returning home and being reunited, so over the years, she felt very guilty in her heart.

After Qiao Mingyu returned home, she immediately told him the good news.

Qiao Mingyu was stunned on the spot.

He thought he had heard wrong!

Qiao Mingyu looked at Lu Lu intently. Apart from being surprised, he was not happy. After coming back to his senses, he confirmed again: "Is what you said true?"

Seeing Lu Lu's words, Qiao Mingyu even felt a little ridiculous. He said calmly: "My mother had a quarrel with me because of Yue Yue's filming. How can we be allowed to go home for the New Year now?"

That dispute broke his heart.

Lu Lu understood his state very well, and she said hesitantly: "You don't seem happy at all."

If it had been before, Mingyu would have been so excited that he couldn't sleep if he knew he could go back to celebrate the New Year.

But this time, his expression was calm.

Not right.

Qiao Mingyu said in a normal tone: "What can I be happy about?"

"Years of hope have come true, you should be happy." Lu Lu comforted him softly.

Qiao Mingyu has always been a filial person, but now he is just losing his temper.

Lu Lu: "They are older, and it is normal for them to have paranoid ideas. It is difficult to make up for the difference in one's thinking and cognition. What's more, the old man is still stubborn."

Qiao Mingyu remained unmoved, the sneer in his eyes fleeting, "They can scold me however they want, but they shouldn't say that about Yue Yue."

"You do not understand."

That sentence about how Qiao Yue could compare to Ran Ran deeply hurt his heart. For the first time, he felt the difference between closeness and distance.

Qiao Mingyu is now nearly forty, but when he talks about his parents, he still acts like a child who is angry with adults.

Lu Lu, a bystander, could see it more clearly than him, and her eyes gradually turned red.

"Why don't I understand? Don't I have a confusing relationship with my father? He has never supported my entry into the entertainment industry from the beginning to the end."

"Is it possible that I can film well now because Yue Yue is sweet and good at talking? I figured it out at that time. It's not a problem to be stubborn. It would be better to change the way to deal with the problem." She paused for a moment and then He said seriously: "What's more, Mom also took the initiative to give me the steps, so let's just go down. There is no need to continue the stalemate because of temporary grievances."

"My parents are already old, and when they grow old, we are not around, so it will always be a pity in my heart!"

"I don't want you to regret it like me later."

Lu Lu's words made Qiao Mingyu startled. His anger and sadness disappeared instantly, and then he fell into a long silence.

"Dad! I heard everything you just said."

Just when Qiao Mingyu and Lu Lu were excited, Qiao Yue suddenly knocked on the door.

Lu Lu took a deep breath and pretended as if nothing had happened.

Qiao Mingyu also immediately adjusted his emotions.

They are fine no matter what, and they cannot let their daughter misunderstand them.

Qiao Yue ignored their embarrassment. She walked straight to Qiao Mingyu, took his arm affectionately, and shook it coquettishly.

"Dad, I know you feel sorry for me, but I also feel sorry for you."

"Besides, I also want to see my grandparents! Wouldn't it be nice to go home for the Chinese New Year and have the whole family get together?"

Qiao Mingyu trembled and looked at Qiao Yue complicatedly. Finally, he hesitantly spoke: "Since you have heard it, you should know that your grandparents are also prejudiced against you. If you go back, they will show you... …”

Qiao Yue pursed her lips and chuckled.

Thinking to herself, her dad doesn’t know that grandma is now Ms. Lu and her biggest fan, right?
Still thinking about prejudice!
"I don't care!" Qiao Yue smiled and said: "If they compare others with me, just ask the children of your generation who is the first in the country in the Mathematical Olympiad, the member of the national team, and who is always the first in the grade in all exams. One, who else has already received the recommended quota for Beiqing!"

Qiao Mingyu: "..."

Lu Lu: "..."

Just thinking about that scene, Lu Lu's heart became extremely hot.

Indeed, it is completely unnecessary for Mingyu to complain on behalf of Yueyue!
Who makes Yueyue so good that she is so good that she is so picky and partial?To put it bluntly, what kind of thorns can be found?Who cares about favoritism?

"So, dad, let's go back to our hometown together during the Chinese New Year!"

Qiao Yue's words made Qiao Mingyu change his mind.

He silently glanced at his daughter, who was holding the tablet and starting to study again, and no longer hesitated.

Go home, finally go home, he looked a little dazed.
The results of the final exam have already come out. As for the transcripts, prizes, and certificates, Qiao Yue didn't go back to school to pick them up because she was filming, so she asked Zhang Heng to get them for her.Unexpectedly, she got perfect score No. 1 again.

Qiao Yue didn't even look at her results.

Zhang Heng helped her receive her transcripts, certificates, etc., and did not forget to leave a message for Qiao Yue on WeChat.

"You hurt me."

Qiao Yue:?
"Thanks to you, my dad gave me another scolding."

"You ask me to compete with you every day, damn it! Are you a human being? He is such a big man, and he still can't see the truth clearly."

Qiao Yue replied with an ellipsis, indicating that she was speechless.

Zhang Heng snorted coldly, and immediately took another photo and sent it.

Qiao Yue clicked on the picture and found several pairs of trendy brand sneakers, and almost laughed out loud.


Zhang Heng remembered Qiao Yue's "kindness".

If Qiao Yue hadn't been willing to help him with his studies, he wouldn't have been able to make such rapid progress.

His father was shocked by the good results of even [-]th place.

Call out the smoke coming out of the ancestral graves!
Oh fart!

It was clearly all the result of Qiao Yue and himself.

As for the matter of going abroad, his father didn't even mention it. Zhang Heng was completely relieved.

After Qiao Yue finished chatting with Zhang Heng, she entered the system and continued studying.

During this period of time, she completed all the physics experiments very well.

It's just that there is really a lot of extended content, and she needs to keep adding it.

The more a person learns, the more humble he becomes, and the more he knows, the more he can appreciate his own shortcomings and insignificance.

Qiao Yue felt very sad sometimes. Although he was learning every day and never stopped, the little he learned was just a drop in the bucket compared to the vast knowledge system.

[This is how it is, the ocean of learning is boundless and vast.You still have much to learn! 】

After Qiao Yue finished sighing, she once again devoted herself wholeheartedly.


Time flies.

A second ago, Qiao Yue felt that she had just taken her winter vacation and it was still early.

But after finishing filming Director Lin's "Fatal", I came back to study for a few days, and the Spring Festival arrived quietly.

Qiao Yue looked at the calendar and saw that it was already the [-]th day of the lunar calendar.

Traffic is congested during the holidays, so when Qiao Mingyu's company has a holiday the day after tomorrow, they will pack up their things and drive to the Qiao family's old house.

The old house is located on the mountain of my hometown. It is a villa that Mr. Qiao spent a lot of money to renovate.

Since Qiao Mingyu untied his knot that night, his expectations for returning home have become much higher.

Lu Lu has been busy with Spring Festival shopping during this period, preparing Spring Festival couplets, stickers, firecrackers, fireworks, etc.

It is forbidden to set off fireworks and firecrackers in urban areas, but they all know that they are returning to their old homes, where there are few people and these customs are still retained, so there is no complete ban on setting off fireworks.

The closer to the Spring Festival, the stronger the flavor of the new year becomes.

The roads are decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, and the advertisements on TV programs are also beginning to move closer to this festival where everyone is carnival.

Qiao Yue stood in front of the floor-length mirror in the room, looking at herself with a rather subtle mood.

In the past, she was always busy and in a hurry for fame and fortune. During the New Year, she also visited the New Year parties of major TV stations.

But after experiencing a new life, something seems to be different.

Everything slowed down, and she gained peace beyond fame and fortune.

She loves it.

Soon, Qiao Mingyu's company had a holiday, and it was time for the whole family to return to the Qiao family's old home.

Qiao Mingyu drove the car, and the closer he got to the destination, the more excited he became. Although he didn't say anything, Lu Lu could feel the same.

After all these years, I’m finally going home!
(End of this chapter)

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