Chapter 310

Jiang Zhinuan couldn't get these little chickens back alone, and the sister-in-law who bought the chickens was also very good at it, and immediately offered to help deliver them home.

There is no need to send it home, after all, it is not convenient to travel to and from the reed marshes by boat, so it is enough if you can help to send it to Houhe.

"Sister-in-law, it's hard work for you to catch these little chickens into the cage first, I still have some things to do, and you can help me send them to the riverside later."

The sister-in-law who bought the chicken cubs quickly nodded and agreed: "Sure, then I'll wait for you."

Jiang Zhinuan had to go to Aunt Su's house first, A-Lian was still waiting for her there, and she wasn't sure if A-Lian would go back to the reeds with her after what happened yesterday.

But what happened yesterday, Jiang Zhinuan told everyone not to mention it again, if she wants to go back, let her wait until the dam is repaired, if she doesn't want to go back, Jiang Zhinuan will not force her.

I have already given her enough face, how to choose is her business.

It was getting late, Jiang Zhinuan walked quickly to Aunt Su's house, but unexpectedly, Alian was not there.

"Ms. Su, isn't A-Lian here?"

Aunt Su pointed to the half-basket of small white strips in the yard: "It's here, this is not the small white strips you asked her to send."

"What about her?"

"After a short rest, I said that I went to the street to find you, didn't you two meet?"

Aunt Su's words made Jiang Zhinuan laugh awkwardly: "This is about to happen, why should I come here to find her?"

"That's right, why don't you sit at home and I'll go look for her outside."

Jiang Zhinuan quickly waved his hand: "No, no, no, I'm running out of time, why don't I go back first, A-Lian can stay with you for a few days, I'll come tomorrow."

Aunt Su didn't have any objections. She also knew that Lu Weidang was busy recently, so she didn't stay with Jiang Zhinuan for lunch. The two walked towards the door while talking. It happened that just as Jiang Zhinuan was about to leave, Alian came back.

"Sister Jiang!"

"Where did you go?"

A-Lian raised her hand and pointed to the market: "I went looking for you, and I went to the market by the way." After that, she took out two puzzles like Jiulianhuan in her arms: "See this The little thing is pretty good, so I thought about taking it back for An Bao and Ning Bao to play with."

Aunt Su had a smile on her face: "This child has a heart, it's done, it's all back, you two should go back quickly, and the reeds are busy right now, so I won't keep you two."

Jiang Zhinuan looked at A-Lian: "Are you going back?"

A-Lian froze for a moment before lowering her head and slowly nodding.

"Okay, let's go."

Jiang Zhinuan turned around to say goodbye to Aunt Su, and took Alian back to the house of the sister-in-law who sold chickens.

The more than 100 little chickens were packed into straw-woven cages, and seven or eight cages were fully installed. The sister-in-law who bought the chickens rolled out a row cart, and the cages were neatly installed.

After Jiang Zhinuan settled the money, just as he was about to leave, a few hens jumped out and flew towards the row of cars.

The sister-in-law who bought the chickens was very quick, and she caught one and threw it back.

"If you are disobedient, I will kill you tomorrow."

Jiang Zhinuan glanced back: "Sister-in-law, doesn't this chicken lay eggs? Why is it going to be slaughtered?"

"This is for slaughter. Those restaurants collect it regularly, not laying hens."

Chickens for slaughter!
Why didn't Jiang Zhinuan think of this? She was planning to serve roast chicken, and she was waiting to say that after the chickens grow up, the ones that lay eggs will be kept, and the ones that don't lay eggs will be used to make roast chickens. But with such a growing time, at least you have to Wait two months, even the earliest batch will have another month or so.

This sister-in-law has chickens for sale here, isn't that just right!

"Sister-in-law, can you sell me some of this slaughtered chicken?"

"How much do you want?"

Jiang Zhinuan was stunned for a moment and thought about it carefully, if the shop opened, how many roast chickens should be sold a day, right?

However, if you want to buy chickens for slaughter, you have to pay a cost, and the price of roast chickens must be more expensive than the roast ducks made from those free wild ducks in the reeds.

If the two are sold together, Jiang Zhinuan can't predict the sales of roast chicken, so he can't ask for more chickens.

"Can ten of them make it?"

"of course can."

The sister-in-law was also very nimble, and took a chicken coop made of grass and wood, and grabbed ten struggling chickens in two or three times: "This is five yuan a piece."

Chicken cubs cost a penny each, and the price of this slaughtered chicken is fair.

The little chick was offered cheap by the sister-in-law, so Jiang Zhinuan didn't have the nerve to bargain any more, so he just paid for it and asked the sister-in-law to put the chicken coop for the chicken into the cart.

The sister-in-law is a real person, so she asked Jiang Zhinuan and Alian to get in the car, Jiang Zhinuan waved her hand quickly: "No need, we can help push it from behind."

When we arrived at Houhe, it was already noon.

Jiang Zhinuan hurriedly loaded the chicken coop onto the boat, and hurried back to the reed marsh, but when he hurried home, Di Qing was already making lunch.

"Sister Jiang, I'll go to the kitchen and replace Brother Di."

"Success, you go."

Jiang Zhinuan called his second cousin to help move the chicken coop together. After Alian went to the kitchen, Di Qing also went to the river.

Seeing that Jiang Zhinuan bought back so many chicks, she knew that her business of going to the wine shop was over.

Sure enough, Jiang Zhinuan took out the money bag and handed it to Di Qing: "Two wine recipes, 20 taels of silver, you keep it."

Di Qing didn't answer and let her carry it by herself.

"No, you better take it. I'll just bring some change when I go out in the future, so as not to be stolen again, and I have to chase several streets to get it back."

"Have you met a thief?"

Jiang Zhi warmed up his mouth too quickly. He didn't intend to say it at first, but he has already gone out bald, so he can only admit: "It's a child who stole money to treat his younger brother. I have already recovered it and gave him a little bit of money."

Di Qing frowned slightly, and said: "Be more careful when going out in the future, this time it is a child, there is no guarantee that it will not be an adult next time, what if it hurts you?"

Jiang Zhinuan nodded again and again: "I know, so I don't carry so much money on me, even if it is stolen, I won't chase after any bits and pieces."

"Next time, I'll accompany you."

Although Di Qing's legs are inconvenient, he has kung fu in his hands. As long as he picks up a few stones in his hands, most people will not be his opponents.

Jiang Zhinuan briefly talked to him, and then followed his second cousin to move the chicken coop into the reed marsh.

The chicks are only the size of a palm, so they are easily trampled to death by wild ducks if they are scattered in the reeds like this. The first batch of chickens bought back were first raised in the low wooden house by the river for a few days.

Jiang Zhinuan temporarily decided to put some fences in the position of the chicken coop. It doesn't need to be very high, as long as it stops the chicks from getting out.

The second cousin is very capable, and said that before eating, he did this little work. Jiang Zhinuan and Di Qing helped. After a while, a fence of more than ten square meters and more than 20 centimeters was formed in the chicken coop.

More than 100 chicks were poured in and crowded together tightly.

"These chicks are too small, they need to be fed some millet."

Rice has it at home, but Xiaomi really doesn’t.

Jiang Zhinuan thought for a while, and said directly to his second cousin, "You can go to town with me in the afternoon. I ordered some bran and old grain from the grain station before. Let's go get it back."

"to make."

When the second cousin was about to release the chickens in another coop, Jiang Zhinuan stopped him.

The shop is about to open soon, and these chickens have to be slaughtered for roasting and put into the reeds. It will be difficult to catch them next time, so let them suffer for a few days in the cage.

(End of this chapter)

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