Chapter 152
After simply eating some breakfast, Jiang Zhinuan couldn't wait to take her uncle and Uncle Zhang to inspect the hillside and flat ground that she visited in the morning.

She really didn't understand about farming, so she had to ask her uncle and Uncle Zhang for advice.

The two followed Jiang Zhinuan to look over the past. These flat lands are not big, like terraced fields, narrow but long, and they can grow food after tidying them up.

Right now, her condition is like this, unlike living in a town where there is a large plain to farm, and to open up wasteland in the mountains, it is already very good to have such a place.

Hearing that it can be reclaimed for farming, Jiang Zhinuan was relieved.

"Uncle, I would like to ask you to help dig the land in the past two days. I bought the seeds, and when the land is reclaimed, I can plant it."

Zhang Abo hurriedly said: "Let Erzhu help. He has nothing to do right now, and he can only fight with the masters. He is very good at cultivating the fields."

"Then it's hard work, Brother Er Zhu."

After making arrangements here, Jiang Zhinuan has something else to tell Zhang Abo.

"Uncle Zhang, do you know where there is a place that sells puppies?"

"Puppy? What puppy?" Uncle Zhang was taken aback, wondering why Jiang Zhinuan would ask this.

"It's like this. After all, our home is in the mountains. There may be some kind of wild beasts in this forest. Last night when I was sleeping, the two children always said that there was movement outside. Didn't I just think about buying two dogs and bringing them back to raise them?" , Look after the nursing home, you can know if there is any movement."

To be honest, this stumped Uncle Zhang.

Cathay Pacific is peaceful, and almost every household is close at night. No one has a dog to guard the house.

When it comes to keeping dogs, they are all kept as pets, or some people like to eat dog meat.

Jiang Zhinuan and his family live in the mountains by themselves, so they should guard against wild beasts on the mountain. Uncle Zhang thought about it and decided to take Jiang Zhinuan to the dog meat market, but there is none in their town, so they have to go to the nearby town. , It will take a day to go back and forth.

Jiang Zhinuan frowned slightly when he heard this: "Then I have to make lunch for the masters first."

"Okay, then go ahead and do it. I'll help out first. When it's done, I'll take you there."

If you want to cook in advance, you have to make something more convenient. Jiang Zhinuan originally wanted to make dumplings, but at noon, she asked Di Qing to cook them for everyone, but she didn't buy pork at the moment, and there was only a little pork belly left at home. Meat dumplings, vegetarian ones are too bland and it takes two hours to make dumplings, after all, there are too many people.

Jiang Zhinuan thought about it, and decided to marinate the noodles first, and then roll the noodles by hand.

She first cooked the stew with the remaining pork belly and served it with vegetables, then rolled out a lot of noodles by hand, spread them out to dry, and told Di Qing to reheat the stew at noon, and the noodles were ready to eat.

She and Uncle Zhang went to the next town to buy a dog. According to Uncle Zhang's budget, it would be dark when they came back.

Jiang Zhinuan simply baked a few more cakes, brought a pot of water, and explained to Di Qing that he and Uncle Zhang left the reed marsh.

They left on the bamboo raft, and before they came back, the masters couldn't leave. Jiang Zhinuan was afraid of delaying the time, so he asked Uncle Zhang to go to his house to pull a cart.

"Uncle Zhang, please sit still and support me. I can run fast, so don't let you fall down again."

"You don't have to hurry, you can come back before dark."

However, Jiang Zhinuan said that hurrying early rather than late, Zhang Abo is getting old, his physical strength is not as good as her, and the journey is also slow, so it is better to let Zhang Abo sit in the row car and just guide her.

She ran back and forth for dozens of kilometers, which she regarded as weight loss training.

Uncle Zhang couldn't resist Jiang Zhinuan and could only follow suit. Before noon, the two entered the border of the next town.

"Uncle Zhang, where is the dog meat market?"

"Go through the market in front of you, turn left and you will be able to see it one mile ahead."

Jiang Zhinuan took a few sips of water by himself and handed the water bottle to Uncle Zhang. Seeing that Uncle Zhang had finished drinking, he pulled up the cart and started running again.

Uncle Zhang quickly put his hands together: "Don't run away, there are many people ahead, pay attention to safety, it's here, it's still early."

"to make!"

Jiang Zhinuan slowed down, and soon, she saw the big characters in front: "Dog Meat Market."

The air was filled with the smell of blood and boiled meat, and the sound of barking made Jiang Zhinuan tightly frowned.

She never ate dog meat. Before crossing over, she liked dogs very much and always wanted to find a chance to raise one. But at that time, she was too busy with work, and she was afraid that she could not take good care of fur children, so she gave up.

Dogs are man's most loyal friends, and she has always felt that eating dog meat is cruel.

Now at the dog meat market, listening to the frightened and shrill barking of the dogs, she felt sad for a while.

"We're here, let's go in. The dogs here are all slaughtered for meat. Let's go in and have a look, maybe we can buy some that haven't been slaughtered yet."

Jiang Zhinuan took a few deep breaths. Suppressing the discomfort in his heart, he put the car outside and followed Abo Zhang into it.

As soon as I entered, there was a half-planed dog hanging on the left hand side. When the boss saw someone passing by, he yelled: "Fresh dog meat, the price is affordable!"

Jiang Zhinuan's eyes turned red for a moment, and he lowered his head not to look there, smelling the bloody smell and even feeling sick.

Uncle Zhang even inquired about the price, and asked Jiang Zhinuanxi if he liked dog meat. Jiang Zhinuan shook his head like a rattle: "I never eat dog meat."

"Sure, let's go ahead and see if there are puppies or half-grown dogs. If you want to raise them, you should raise them from a young age. This is more obedient."

Jiang Zhinuan nodded, and only followed Zhang Abo's footsteps to move forward.

The fur children locked in the iron cage on both sides looked at her with wet eyes, and she didn't dare to look again after only one glance.

This is not the 21st century, and there are no dog lovers to rescue these furry children. Although she really wants to let them go, she has neither the ability nor the right.

A society of the jungle.

Eating dog meat does not violate any national laws and regulations.

For them, eating dog meat was no different from eating pork. She knew very well in her heart that chickens and ducks were life, as were fish, but she still wanted to kill wild ducks and make them into ducks to sell for money.

In a sense, life is equal.

But this world has never been fair. If you stand at the end of the food chain, you cannot escape the fate of not being eaten.

Dogs are here, but at the end of the food chain.

Jiang Zhinuan felt uncomfortable, but there was nothing he could do.

She can only do her best to buy two fur cubs and bring them back, so that they can be raised well, and they won't be slaughtered, and they won't be frightened anymore.

"Fat girl, come take a look, how about this one?" Uncle Zhang pointed to a half-grown puppy, which was lying on the ground limply and ignoring anyone, but Jiang Zhinuan was caught in the cage next to it with a big belly The bitch catches the eye.

It is an ordinary khaki Chinese pastoral dog. The only thing that is not ordinary is its bulging belly and teary eyes.

The moment Jiang Zhinuan saw it, she decided that she wanted this one.

Just as she stretched out her hand, another dog jumped out of the cage, barked at her, and tightly guarded the pregnant female dog behind her. Jiang Zhinuan was stunned for a moment, and probably guessed that this male dog should be the female dog's cub. father.

It is protecting its bitch and cubs!

(End of this chapter)

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