Chapter 126

Zhang Abo has his own home, although Jiang Zhinuan said before that he would repay him, he joked that he would eat Jiang Zhinuan’s food every day, Jiang Zhinuan said that he would build a house here for him to come and live with him.

He also agreed jokingly, and didn't really want to live here with Jiang Zhinuan.

It's not relative, it's not a relationship, although there are already some friendships that are better than relatives, but Uncle Zhang has his own home, how could he think of staying with Jiang Zhinuan for a long time?
Instead, he thought of coming over for a few meals when he was hungry, and occasionally staying for two days in such an environment with green mountains and green waters.

So he didn't care about what Jiang Zhinuan said.

There is also his son, who is also a man with a family. After the apiary is opened, he will still spend most of his time in the apiary. If he can leave, he will naturally go home.

The house was built as a backup, and if they came occasionally, they would have a place to live.

Jiang Zhinuan is naturally not someone who would wrong them, he will tidy up both sides, although the uncle's room will be smaller, but it must be enough to live in, and it will make uncle live comfortably.

After such an agreement, Jiang Zhinuan simply handed over the modified drawings here to Zhang Abo, and asked Zhang Abo to help communicate with the mechanical masters.

She was also anxious to go to town.

Before leaving, Di Qing said: "Buy some brown sugar when you come back, and I will boil brown sugar water for you."

She was still thinking about making brown sugar water for her. Jiang Zhinuan's heart was sweeter than swallowing a mouthful of brown sugar. She felt that she had really found a treasure. Although Di Qing's legs were inconvenient, he was handsome and thoughtful. , will take care of people!
Fortunately, she was frightened by the conditions of this family and decided to stay after time travelling, otherwise it would be difficult to find such a good man with a lantern.

When Jiang Zhinuan arrived in town, he was not in a hurry to buy wine.

First, I went to Aunt Su's house.

As soon as he entered the door, Jiang Zhinuan yelled: "Madam Su, help the Jianghu, help the Jianghu!"

Aunt Su was making her protective clothing in the house. When she heard Jiang Zhinuan yelling, she quickly put down her needlework and came out with a little worry on her face: "Oh, what's the matter? Don't worry, fast forward Sit down and talk slowly."

Jiang Zhinuan can't sit still now.

She felt that if she moved, she would burst into blood, and the cotton cloth didn't work at all.

"Ms. Su, I won't do it. I came here to ask, what do we use when we girls have menstruation?"

There is no aunt's towel here, she really doesn't know.

Searching the original owner's memory, the original owner seemed to lie in bed for a few days every time she had a menstrual event, and the blood stains looked like the scene of the crime.

Aunt Su was taken aback when she heard her asking this: "You have two children, why are you asking this now?"

"Oh, Aunt Su, you know, I used to be generous, and I didn't pay much attention to this matter..."

With an understanding expression, Aunt Su went to her closet and found the menstrual pants she used when she was young, saying that the pants are actually the same as modern underpants.

The kind of bikini swimming, with straps on both sides, very sexy.

Jiang Zhinuan didn't have the nerve to touch it, so she asked Mrs. Su to pick it up and observe it by herself. It's just a piece of cotton cloth underneath, so it's not enough to change a dozen a day, right?
"Ma'am, isn't this okay?"

"Why not? You put a menstrual pad on it."

Menstrual pads?And this thing?
Aunt Su is getting old and doesn't need that thing for a long time, so she doesn't have one at home, so she had to show Jiang Zhinuan, it's almost like our aunt's towel now.

It's just that the material inside is different.

First sew the cover with soft cotton cloth, stuff it with cotton, it can be washed, dried and reused.

Jiang Zhinuan felt that women really suffer after hearing this, and she really didn't think it was easy to use, but there was no way to do it right now, it was better than just using a piece of cotton cloth.

Aunt Su saw that she didn't have such things, so she found a few pieces of unused soft cotton cloth at home, and pulled a large handful of cotton at home to put on for her: "It's done, just go back and make one yourself, I'll return it to you." I have to hurry up and make you this linoleum cloth to protect you, this personal thing, you go home and make it yourself."

Jiang Zhinuan could only nod his head: "Okay, I'll go first, Aunt Su."

Today, she was not in the mood to go shopping, so she went straight to the winery after leaving Aunt Su's house, first made a jar of high-grade liquor, then turned around and went to the place where she bought seeds, and bought a bucket of wheat.

In the morning, she promised to make candy for the children. When she was in the orphanage, the dean's mother couldn't afford candy, so she took them to make maltose herself.

It’s just that she was so anxious in the morning that she ignored that it would take a period of time to make maltose. Since she promised her children, she went to the market to buy some preserved fruits and took them home to satisfy the children’s appetite.

Yesterday, I also promised to make hot pot for the masters at noon.

Jiang Zhinuan touched his pocket and sighed, it seems that this beef and mutton cannot be eaten temporarily.

Fortunately, there are ready-made chickens and ducks in the reeds. She can buy some simple vegetables and ask her uncle to go up the mountain to help pick some mushrooms.

Although there are fewer types of shabu-shabu dishes, fortunately, the chefs like to eat meat, and it is okay to kill two more ducks.

After finishing all this work, Jiang Zhinuan didn't stop for a moment, and quickly returned to Houhe to support the bamboo raft and return to the reeds.

When Di Qing asked her for brown sugar, she realized that she had completely forgotten about it.

"Well, I forgot..."

Seeing that Di Qing's face darkened, Jiang Zhinuan hurriedly said, "I'll go buy it again!"

"No, don't run away, go back to the house and lie down, it's still early today, I'll come down later to make lunch."

Jiang Zhinuan originally wanted to come back early and pickle the salted duck eggs first, but now Di Qing forgot to do what Di Qing told her, and she was afraid that Di Qing would get angry, so she obediently listened to Di Qing and went back to the house.

She took out the cotton cotton that Aunt Su had given her, and was going to sew an ancient aunt's towel for herself first.

However, this thing looks simple, but it is a bit tricky to make. After all, she has a big body. If she wants to make it, she must be in a large size. Just the body tied around the waist has to be rolled up with cotton cloth to get the thread. Fixing is a small project, not troublesome but time-consuming.

After a while, I was going to rush to make hot pot for everyone. Jiang Zhinuan didn't care about taking a break, so he found scissors and cut out the fabric he needed, half-kneeling on his bedding and began to sew in a hurry.

Di Qing boiled a pot of hot water, put a rag on his lap, and brought in a bowl to shake the wheelchair.

"Drink some hot water."

"Ah?" Jiang Zhinuan was busy, vaguely heard Di Qing talking, subconsciously pulled the embarrassing thing behind him and hid it, and even poked his finger with the thin needle in his hand in a panic.

She frowned slightly before Di Qing pulled her hand over.

Beads of blood came out from the fingertips, and just as Jiang Zhinuan wanted to say it was okay, he felt a burst of warmth at the fingertips.

Di Qing actually put her finger into his mouth, wrapped her warm tongue around her finger to suck the blood that came out, and then lightly licked her needle port.

It took a while to raise his head and ask her, "Does it still hurt?"

(End of this chapter)

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